Wednesday, June 29, 2011

'Trust but Verify," or forget about it when it's our friends?

"Alderman Duncan: Gives a speech about how she won't govern through the press. She quotes whom she says is former U.S. President Ronald Reagan: "Trust but verify."

(The Patch.)

And with that bit of wisdom from Alderman Duncan we move forward to last nights Board Of Alderman meeting where the exact opposite was recommended by Duncan, Beezley and Foote!

If you remember correctly these bastions of leadership ALL told us that we must listen to the experts, and I agree whole heartedly with them (for once.) HOWEVER at last nights meeting (transcript available on the Patch site) as "an expert" remarked that we had best do an in house audit of the Sappington House account, our three "experts" said that wasn't necessary!

Worse than that we had the City Administrator, these three, and City Attorney asking for a vote for an ordnance to possibly audit when our Finance manager stated that it was already in the works (the audit.) It seems that said ordnance has been in effect for some time now and no one (of those four) but the Finance manager knew it (thank goodness that department is up to speed!)

So all in all we have another fiasco lead by the three Alderman who would run Crestwood. Where was Alderman Pickel you say? Well he was saved by his absence this time, but the other three more than made up for his not being there.

These three reminded me of the Three Stooges skit when they were clock repair men. A customer came into their shop with a clock to be repaired and asked them if the job would be in competent hands. Curly replied, "certainly were the most incompetent people in town!"

Tom Ford

NO. 907


Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Alderman Mimi Duncan outdoes even herself in a sanctimonious and self serving letter to the editor of the South County Times.

Great time line, all be it slightly flawed and omitting part of the facts Ms. Duncan! In the very near future I shall take this up as a main thread.

Tom Ford

1:30 PM, July 01, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will join you in commenting on Alderman Duncan's letter to the Times (once you post it on a separate thread).

Martha Duchild

3:13 PM, July 01, 2011  

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