Ward Two meeting and the BOA meeting of 6/14/11.
The Ward Two meeting was a success with 27 residents signing in, and at least 6 who did not sign the attendance sheet. We spent a very enjoyable 50 minutes discussing events that concern Ward Two and meeting the two candidates for Alderman.
In fact both Jackie Stock and I will be hosting a Ward Two meeting (one to two hours long) every quarter starting in September, 2011. As in last night Jackie and I will chair the meeting and BOTH Ward Two Alderman will be invited to attend the discussion to share ideas for the good of the entire ward.
Jackie and I wish to thank everyone who attended and say that we learned from your comments, and we really appreciate having the chance to meet you.
Now for the BOA meeting: Well by now most all of you have heard the outcome of the Ward Two Alderman vote. As I have stated in the past I know Steve Knarr and in no way shape or form wish him anything but success. That said have some "issues" with four of the Alderman on that Dias that can't be left unsaid.
I believe that by now I have some idea of the way of the world and the political animal that inhabits it. At least I thought I did, but last night I witnessed a sham of a mockery of the Crestwood system of epic proportions, one to rival Cecil B. De mill in his hay day!
When time came for the "Vetting" of the two candidates hardly a question was asked from the Dias. Mr. Knarr had no questions from the Dias at all, amazing as I would have thought at least Ms. Beesley and Ms. Duncan would have wanted to know the recipe for his Mothers apple pie!
And thus in spite of numerous comments from the floor the vote was taken! Four (Duncan, Beesley, Pickel, and Foote) for Mr. Knarr thus insuring his election. In case you think you have heard those names before they are the same ward healers who voted down Mr. Mosby two weeks earlier!
Once getting their COLLECTIVE way the four felt free to comment on themselves. Mr. Foote hauled a brief case up in front of himself and pulled out a copy of a letter to the editor that he, himself had written! Mr. Pickel did a really great impression of President Richard Nixon by attempting to insure us that everything was above board during the selection process. Ms. Beesley, if she said anything I couldn't hear it as she seemed to be in seclusion behind Mr. Foote and his brief case. In fact she pretty much stayed out of sight for all of the meeting that I saw.
Now we come to our Board president, Ms, Duncan. In a word, WOW! How does one rise to the office of Board president when they have to ask for a clarification from Mr. Golterman of what the political sub-divisions such as TDD, CID, TIF are and who is on the boards so she can vote for it? I always thought there was ample time for homework prior to the meeting, guess I was wrong.
Not to be outdone by that question she launched into a lack luster rebuke of (pick someone) when she said she would never Govern in the media! With that statement I am prepared to fully agree as to do that would require a full and complete knowledge of the subject a hand.
So thus endeth the Tuesday night at the forum for another two weeks. Do yourself a favor and come to the next meeting, trust me it's well worth you time, and unlike a De Mill flick, it's free!
Tom Ford
NO. 896
In fact both Jackie Stock and I will be hosting a Ward Two meeting (one to two hours long) every quarter starting in September, 2011. As in last night Jackie and I will chair the meeting and BOTH Ward Two Alderman will be invited to attend the discussion to share ideas for the good of the entire ward.
Jackie and I wish to thank everyone who attended and say that we learned from your comments, and we really appreciate having the chance to meet you.
Now for the BOA meeting: Well by now most all of you have heard the outcome of the Ward Two Alderman vote. As I have stated in the past I know Steve Knarr and in no way shape or form wish him anything but success. That said have some "issues" with four of the Alderman on that Dias that can't be left unsaid.
I believe that by now I have some idea of the way of the world and the political animal that inhabits it. At least I thought I did, but last night I witnessed a sham of a mockery of the Crestwood system of epic proportions, one to rival Cecil B. De mill in his hay day!
When time came for the "Vetting" of the two candidates hardly a question was asked from the Dias. Mr. Knarr had no questions from the Dias at all, amazing as I would have thought at least Ms. Beesley and Ms. Duncan would have wanted to know the recipe for his Mothers apple pie!
And thus in spite of numerous comments from the floor the vote was taken! Four (Duncan, Beesley, Pickel, and Foote) for Mr. Knarr thus insuring his election. In case you think you have heard those names before they are the same ward healers who voted down Mr. Mosby two weeks earlier!
Once getting their COLLECTIVE way the four felt free to comment on themselves. Mr. Foote hauled a brief case up in front of himself and pulled out a copy of a letter to the editor that he, himself had written! Mr. Pickel did a really great impression of President Richard Nixon by attempting to insure us that everything was above board during the selection process. Ms. Beesley, if she said anything I couldn't hear it as she seemed to be in seclusion behind Mr. Foote and his brief case. In fact she pretty much stayed out of sight for all of the meeting that I saw.
Now we come to our Board president, Ms, Duncan. In a word, WOW! How does one rise to the office of Board president when they have to ask for a clarification from Mr. Golterman of what the political sub-divisions such as TDD, CID, TIF are and who is on the boards so she can vote for it? I always thought there was ample time for homework prior to the meeting, guess I was wrong.
Not to be outdone by that question she launched into a lack luster rebuke of (pick someone) when she said she would never Govern in the media! With that statement I am prepared to fully agree as to do that would require a full and complete knowledge of the subject a hand.
So thus endeth the Tuesday night at the forum for another two weeks. Do yourself a favor and come to the next meeting, trust me it's well worth you time, and unlike a De Mill flick, it's free!
Tom Ford
NO. 896
It seemed to me that some of our current aldermen are not very informed in a number of areas. Those who spoke at the meeting did an excellent job, sticking to facts and asking pertinent questions. The sticking point seemed to be Mr. Mosby's rejection on May 24th. When asked why he was rejected there were a lot of words said, reminding me of the Shakespear saying, much noise, signifying nothing.
I think I am confused. If you know Mr. Knarr and think highly of him, and you hope he is successful, then why do you seem upset that he's an alderman? I would think you would be pleased if you know and respect him as a person.
I am going to suggest you ask Mayor Schlink or Alderman Miguel about their conversation with Alderman Knarr after Tuesday's BOA meeting.
Keep in mind that at the Ward Two meeting of 6:00 p.m., Mr. Knarr was asked what was his position on the CID for Sappington Square. To paraphrase his answer he said he had not read all the information on the issue and therefore had no position at this time.
With this as background, I would urge you ask the Mayor and or Alderman Miguel what Mr. Knarr said about the CID AFTER he was sworn in and after the BOA meeting!!
Why don't you just tell us Mr. Trueblood since you seem to feel it is of great importance. Inquring minds want to know.
11:46 PM Blogger: My fault for not explaining it properly, sorry.
What I meant is I am leaving Steve Knarr out of the scenario completely. For my purposes it wouldn't matter if it was Ronald Wilson Regan instead of Mr. Knarr.
My major problem with the appointment was and is the way and the method by which it was done!
The four knew WHAT they wanted, and needed in the first place and when Mr. Mosby came up it was a no go from the start!
The wanted and needed a person who would be in favor of "eminent domain," and the CID for Pulaski bank (Mr. Knarr said he was for that at the Ward Two meeting,) and that was not Mr. Mosby, so of course he had to go!
Alderman Pickel recruited Mr. Knarr (he said so) and then somehow the other three thought of it at the same time, or so it would appear. (Ya right!)
Two Alderman (Pickel and Duncan) visited with the Mayor and put forth Mr. Knarr as the "choice" for Ward Two! Within two hours Alderman Foote had an Epiphany and called the Mayor with the exact same name!
At this point the FIX is in no doubt about it. Now as to why I am mad about it let's ask ourselves where were the Citizens of Ward two in this process? Left out, that's where!
As I said at the meeting, I want a complete vetting of ALL the candidates, and that never happened thanks to Alderman from other Wards choosing for us. Was our Alderman a part of it, you bet he was, in a word Pathetic!
So as you can see Mr. Knarr has nothing to do with what was done. I believe he was recruited by the cabal to insure their lame agenda, and in a sad way has been used by them.
I can't wait until next April as I for one am going to work extremely hard to insure Mr. Pickle's next job in Crestwood will be to ask "you want fries with that?"
Tom Ford
9:11 PM Blogger: I do not know what was said at that meeting but I do know that Mr. Knarr said at my meeting he was was inclined to vote for the CID.
Tom Ford
Anonymous said...
Why don't you just tell us Mr. Trueblood since you seem to feel it is of great importance. Inquring minds want to know.
9:11 AM, June 16, 2011
Sorry. I don't engage with people who cant give their names, strikes me as a lack of moral fiber, as well as missing the spine needed to stand up and be recognized.
If you really want to know first hand ask any one of the 3 men named.
p.s. It's spelled INQUIRING.
Well, Mr. Trueblood is reminding me of the Church Lady..."just a little bit superior"....
Mr. Trueblood - you are such a pompus "so and so". Plus you may know how to spell, but if I were you I wouldn't be so eager to write my name on anything. After the way you acted on the dais when you were alderman, with slamming things and loosing your temper and walking off in a "huff". You were the poorest excuse for an alderman I ever saw. But still you walk around acting like you are "oh so much better" than me because you sign your name?????
I asked you a simple question, if you didn't want anyone to know what the answer was, why even put the question out there?
You sir turn on people and think people don't notice. Now why don't you just be a good little boy and go stand in the corner because that's where you belong.
I asked you one question - and you go into a tyraid about me signing my name. Me thinks the man loveth to play games.
I agree with the previous comment. You supported Greer in whatever he wanted or did. And Fagan allowed you to act like a clown on the dais. I was there and I saw what was going on.
It was like Greer was king and you were his subject. It made me sick to see this "Greergate" going on and you were part of it. If Greer said to squat, it was like you were humbled to do it. And "L" hit it right on too.
You and others were in lock step with whatever Greer said. But you never asked how much money he was spending and Leichliter was OKing; because you were not smart enough to see what was going on in front of your nose.
Anonymous said...nothing worth repeating
Anonymous said... nothing worth repeating
Tim Trueblood said:
For such a strong memory as both you seem to have about me, I am surprised that you have forgotten that rule of mine.
It has always been my rule to not answer questions from those who lack the guts to sign their names to them. As for my support of former Mayor Fagan, ask some of former Mayor Robinson's former supporters if they were wrong in their support of Roy?
At least that way we will know your name and face, as you do mine.
"Well, Mr. Trueblood is reminding me of the Church Lady..."just a little bit superior"...."L
L, some people can only dish it out but can't take it. Both Anony's seem to have that problem.
Speaking of superior, how did you take Anony's question to me "Why don't you just tell us Mr. Trueblood since you seem to feel it is of great importance"?
Seem to feel it is of great importance? It is of great importance!
The reason I didn't quote what was said is I want those who are interested to find out on their own, instead of relying on hear say. That in it's self is also of great importance.
Trueblood - you, sir, are full of that stuff that makes the grass grow; you have nerve to talk about what myself, or others say and do or not do, in the case of remaining anony. Tom Ford has not told me I need to sign my name and this is not your blog.
I saw you in action, sir at the board of aldermen meeting and you have a big temper problem. Funny you didn't address that issue did you. Attacking me is just your way of getting out of answering anyone who doesn't agree with you.
So, if it is still around, why don't you stick to your blog and not someone else's.
You made a spectical of yourself at that meeting and that is all I had to see. You and Greer were two peas in a pod. You undermine people, and throw people under the bus when you turn on them, and rant and rave and do some kind of Indian War Dance on the Dais. And then you want respect? You embarrassed yourself Mr. Trueblood and you were wrong doing it.
So let's just say -
Tim Trueblood said: nothing of any importance.
And your sir,(Anonymous 5:12) are the body part from which the "stuff that makes the grass grow" comes from.
Sandy, your back!
Happy Father's Day Mr. Trueblood.
5:36 PM HUH?
I didn't always agree with Tim, but he served our city well. And yes, he signs his name to his posts. But what the heck, let's bash him.
Same thing with the late Mr. Greer. I didn't always agree with him either. And I think he should have had only one job - either police chief or city administrator. That said, this man is no longer with us and unable to defend himself. Please, let him rest in peace.
Tim has a point. If I could go back to 2005, I would have not supported Roy Robinson. I would not have actively worked for Tom Fagan either, but I would have voted for him. As a former supporter of Roy, I was appalled at what he did to this city and how he ran things on the dais.
It is not easy to be in politics and it is not easy to be a public servant. But the Roy handled himself and others on the dais was terrible. Instead of a grandiose proclamation, he should have apologized to the citizens of Crestwood and those he ran roughshod over.
11:46 PM Blogger: Now this is as very well thought out comment regarding Crestwood Politics if ever I have seen one!
In the over 40 years that I have lived here I have seen the good, the bad, and the ugly on the Dias. It occurs to me that we, the voters have made some extremely bad choices, and some really excellent ones as well.
The funny thing about most politicians is that they will tell you exactly what you want to hear until elected, and then pull whatever stunt they want to! (we saw that last Tuesday night.)
In Crestwood we have been very lucky to have had the pleasure of watching good people such as Mr. Jerry Miguel, Mr. Darrell Wallach, Mr. Paul Duchild and yes, Mr. Tim Trueblood doing the peoples business.
Tim Trueblood and I have 'crossed swords" in the past over some things, but all in all his passion for the community and his willingness to say so have exceeded my exportations.
We are now faced with a "cabal" led by Chriss Pickel and including Ms. Duncan. Ms. Beesley, and Mr. Foote (the jury is still out on Mr. Knarr) who have but one agenda in mind, raise our tax rate and spend us out of existence!
One of the more stellar (read ridiculous) ideas that come to mind is the "bridge to nowhere.)and the list goes on.
The American way is to defeat them at the ballot box, and do that we will starting next April! But until then please come to the BOA meetings and hold these "legends in their own minds" accountable for ALL their mis-ques, tax and spend votes, and self serving agendas!
Please remember the phrase is "We the people," not "We the Cabal," please don't forget it!
Tom Ford
11:46 PM June 17th
I do agree about Mayor Robinson and how bad he treated people.
But you are OK with Greer? And the new police facility that was created by Greer and sanctioned by the mayor and board at that time? You remember, the one that cost us a fortune in archtectural renderings! Oh Yes, it is much easier to blame the archtect who could not have produced them without the same approval from the mayor and board. Well let me see - who were the people on that board and who was the mayor????
And - Well good for you or anyone that you think it would be fine to either have Greer being a CA or police chief but not both. That's your opinion and you are entitled to it but I don't agree. You are talking about a power monger.
You don't seem to find a problem with him controlling the city and its mayor and board to build this grandeous facility but you and others do have a problem with Knarr because he did the abstracts ?
Yes, Greer is no longer with us - well neither is Hitler and Joseph Mengala. Greer caused that heavy expenditure to be incurred and that is just the tip of the iceberg to the things he got for his department while all other departments had to watch their budget.
Funny how some logic just doesn't add up for me.
12:20 PM Blogger; I don't know but I took it a different way.
I saw it as not approving of Greer but rather saying the man is dead and gone (he can't defend himself,) and there is no need to belabor his actions all these years later.
Tom Ford
"Funny how some logic just doesn't add up for me."
It has been over 6 years ago since the events in Anonymous 11:46 PM June 17th post took place. It is a pretty safe bet the the events that took place over 6 years ago will not be allowed to take place again.
Stating that does not mean a poster wants to return to that situation again.
The logic of believing that the late Mr. Greer will rise from the grave like a vampire or boogie man and wreak havoc, is pure pretzel logic.
To continue to make the dead the focal point of your life, is wasting your life. It is to use your own words "logic just doesn't add up for me"
Tim Trueblood: "Make the dead a focal point"?
People who want to forget the things of the past that were detrimental to the city, should remember them or they may be repeated.
Maybe you would like to forget the dead since you were OK with anything Don Greer wanted, and thought Don Greer walked on water. You and others on the board would sanction a Don Greer mansion paid for by the city of crestwood, had Greer asked for your approval.
And NO I am not signing my name so just forget it. That's just one way to get out of answering my comment - hide behind it!
You may want to forget the dead but a big chunck of city money has also gone down the drain should we forget that too?
If you want to look at the core of the loss of money for a police facility we need look no further than our city fathers who gave the OK to get it started. This is a real good example of looking back at mistakes.
Remember these renderings had to be OK'd first by the mayor and board. Where were you when these things were to be approved. Is that the reason you want us to forget them? Maybe it was one of the "other" boards that approved them. Well, if so, birds of a feather flock together.
Write back and give us another taste of your truck driver mentality please. I just loved that one rebuttal. I love it when you show your true colors.
The person (Greer) who came up with this idea in the first place, and those on the board at that time (you or others) giving their OK would fault Steve Knarr as the scoundrel.
Those persons should admit that had it not been for their OK in the first place, the concept of a new police facility would have been cut at the core.
That's just one thing among other issues that should not cloud your memory when wanting the city to go forward with any plan.
I am just saying....
Tom, I was just wondering how you can put a label on Steve Knarr and others so quickly as to call them "tax and spend" people.
Is it just because of this CID thing? I mean I would like to know what you and others base your theory on. Are they (the 4) always going to be for tax and spend when they haven't been in this arena very long? I mean you put them in this category so fast in my view.
I just can't understand that line of thinking. These people are now putting their credentials on this blog and so far it sounds like it is just getting people angry.
How can you predict what the "four (blank) of the ridiculous (as you call them) won't make good decisions down the line?
Plus, I have never heard any bad things said about Mr. Pickel until this Mosby issue came about. Now that he has chosen to say no to Mosby, he is no good? I so, how come he has sat on the board for so long then? I would like to know!
Are we going to have another blog splurge next April about him? Your blog was saturated with the Mosby deal? I have never heard so much chaos in all my life.
It is like you are putting people on trial without the benefit of having an attorney present!
If the (four) wanted Mosby out because of the CID; and you all wanted him in because he was against it - isn't that the reverse? You can't base who is bad just because they disagree with you! You criticize them for voting him out; they criticize you for wanting him in. Even Steven - Yes/No????
You got me going crazy trying to figure this out. Yes, I know - short trip but please indulge me OK?I am just trying to be fair in my assumptions.
never will you find any place on earth, including Washington DC, more partisan than this blog. There is your answer. Republican=good, everyone else=bad. It really is that simple.
5:25 PM Blogger: Well your close but you missed the point!
"Conservative Good. Progressive/Liberal BAD!"
Got it?
Tom Ford
4:52 PM Blogger: let me boil it all down to the Charter!
Mr. Mosby met and exceeded ALL the requirements of the Charter, Pro CID, or Anti CID, period, nothing more, nothing less.
Mr. Mosby was rejected for reasons that are blatantly ridiculous as the same apply to ms. Beezley, and possibly Ms. Duncan (see remarks under their Bio.)
Pulaski bank or no Pulaski bank the treatment of Mr. Mosby was a travesty of a mockery of proper conduct, and the "four" know it!
I am disgusted with the childish behaver of the "Four" who continue to act as though all the red was licked off their candy when their Mayor lost.
it's time they shape up or ship out if you ask me. And to that end I remind you of the quote by Charles De Gaulle, "The graveyards are full of indispensable people," so please don't think we will miss them!
Tom Ford
Are you telling me Tom that you think these 4 are trying to get back at others on the board because they wanted Roy to win and since he didn't, they were willing to sabotage Mosby? How do you know this for sure because this is taking things to a level over the top!!!!! I wish that someone could answer this because it gets awful confusing to hear just one side and not the other.
That is a real strong statement Tom. Are you sure about this? Cause it is hard to believe. The vote of the people told everyone that it was time for a change.
I liked Roy too; am I a bad person? But I also like the new mayor. Don't you think that this issue should be clarified and don't you think that we have had enough with getting back at people for Roy's defeat?
I am getting very depressed because when you look at these bios. some of these alder-people are exemplary in their education and how far they have come in their lives. I am not willing to give up on them and so far, I am not ready to put them in categories.
Tom, I would love it if they would respond to these remarks. Like the song says, "you can't always get what you want". Surely, people with their intelligence have to know that it is time to move on if that is the will of the people. This getting back at people just stomps right on the words of their oath of office.
"Tom, I was just wondering how you can put a label on Steve Knarr and others so quickly as to call them "tax and spend" people."
As I recall, Knarr was in favor of Prop 1 in 2008. In fact, these are his words from a letter to the editor of the SunCrest Call:
"I don't think it's fair to us to watch the city be run into the ground by people who took advantage of Crestwood in its glory days and now choose to deny it for the rest of us.
Now the rest of us are supposed to give up all these amenities because some think it's unfair that the government asks us to keep the city afloat until the mall is profitable again.
I'm not buying it. It's time for citizens who want to keep Crestwood the special place that drew us here to step up. The tax increase has a sunset. If the mall is successful, the Board of Alderman can end the tax sooner. I, for one, don't think that's too much to ask."
Tax, tax, tax!
"Tom, I was just wondering how you can put a label on Steve Knarr and others so quickly as to call them "tax and spend" people."
Have you ever listened to John Foote...seriously? The record is broken and the needle is dragging but he still is singing the same old tune.
"Tom, I was just wondering how you can put a label on Steve Knarr and others so quickly as to call them "tax and spend" people."
The four just voted for some more police cars...yes more police cars. Go up to city hall and count what is on the lot. Yes, we need more police cars like we need more cicadas. And according to Pickel and Duncan, we are not supposed to question the experts. Then what the heck do we have a Board of Alderman for? Why not some elected purchasing managers?
This is 2011. You pay more for everything even a loaf of bread. Everything costs more. We live in the Lindbergh School District and just like everything else, in case you are not looking that school district, also gets more of our money. And we better keep it going because that is one thing we need in Crestwood is that school district.
Why then can you not see that Crestwood needs more money to survive? Our neighboring communities all pay more in taxes but OH NO we just want to keep trying to live on nothing compared to them. And soon we will have nothing!
We pay more at the pump, we are paying more every time we shop but all the people in Crestwood do is refuse to pay a little more to keep what we have. When you consider everything around us where we pay more, you want to deny Crestwood, where you live, the same consideration. All you want to do after you have had it so good for the past 50 plus years is bitch, bitch, bitch.
I am sorry but if you don't know by now that you bite the hand that feeds you, we in Crestwood are in real trouble. You could have Superman as mayor, but the Mall will never be what it was and slowly all the perks you have had for years with a low tax rate will be gone also.
I, for one, would gladly pay a little more to keep our city viable.
I agree. Wait until everything totally breaks down in Crestwood like our trucks and we can't do snow removal anymore because they are are old and broke and because we have laid off so many people we have no manpower.
Wait until an officer of the law is in pursuit of someone and his car breaks down - and they will break down - because of just basic wear and tear; we have not seen it yet but keep voting against things and you will get a real eye opener.
If it were for Ald. Miquel, we would only have two people in each department on staff, and cars and trucks that are old and paid for but require 100% maintenance 24/7.
Plus how do expect an ald. rep. to the police board to not vote for new police cars when she has been at the meetings and understands the need. Let's face it, you and others including Miquel really have to see Crestwood hit rock bottom and then we will all suffer.
I am so sick of people in this town screaming about taxes - they have been bitching forever. But they don't even try to make comparisons to what other cities charge.
Rather than deny Crestwood over and over again a better tax rate, I hope we do go to the County, at least the bitches can bitch to others rather than to us.
I am sick of Miquel questioning every, little thing and never wanting this city to move forward. He never feels the need to upgrade anything. Our police and fire personnel are part of our pride. Without them, you can kiss this city goodbye.
You say that you see police cars not being used NOW, but unfortunately for you, you never seen them when Greer was around did you. HA! That's pitiful!
11:48 AM Blogger: What is a "little more?" How about another .20 cents per hundred from now till doomsday?
In case you don't know it, if we added that twenty cents per hundred to our tax rate we would only pull in $500,000.00 per year, hardly enough to warrant the change, no?
Let's start with cutting (no real honest to goodness cutting this time,) of some of the inflated salaries, and extra personnel as well as non needed expenditures such as a "bridge to no-where" before we howl tax increase!
Ton Ford
12:04 PM Blogger: Your sick of Alderman Miguel? Well he is one of the few stabilizing voices left on that Dias my friend!
By the way, please enlighten us as to when you served on the Board (any board,) the ways and means committee, or in any capacity that has saved Crestwood any money.
It's easy to criticize from the "cheep seats" and most seem to do just that, what have YOU done to "save Crestwood?
Tom Ford
Well OK Tom, I will give you this one. It just seems that he would vote no for a bar of soap. But, then again, had everyone on the board done that for the last 30 years, we would probably be in good shape today. Yes?
"I am sick of Miquel questioning every, little thing and never wanting this city to move forward."
I, for one, am damn glad we have an alderman that questions what is put before him. Rubber- stamping gets us in a lot of trouble. And if we are not supposed to have aldermen that research and question spending and budgets, why do we have aldermen? Why not get rid of the board and replace it with spending managers?
Yes, that is true. I know what you mean, really I do; but not every small detail has to be questioned. If they all did that our board of aldermen meetings would last way past midnight.
But your point is duly noted and you are right in what you say. I just feel he goes overboard sometimes but I guess it is better than never questioning anything.
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