Thursday, July 07, 2011

An open letter to the Board of Alderman reference the "Sappington Square CID" request by Pulaski Bank.

Subject: The Pulaski bank CID request.
Date: Jul 7, 2011 1:48 PM

As you are aware the City of Crestwood is being asked to grant a CID District for the area known as "Sappington Square" at Watson and Old Sappington Road. The CID (if granted) would keep the tax rate at 9.42% for the entire center, a move which I firmly believe will be detrimental to ALL the retailers now there.

I was on the Pulaski Bank web site to see how they were weathering the current economic storm, and found that they are paying dividends on a regular basis. Now to me that says that there s really no need what so ever for the City of Crestwood to grant them a CID to help with their failed loan to the previous developer.

I think we can all agree that a bank the size and strength of Pulaski has far more opportunities to correct this anomaly in their judgment than we the citizens of Crestwood do. Our tax base is drying up and placing higher taxes on certain shopping outlets will further cause undo strain on the businesses we now have and cause new growth to slow to a stop.

I am well aware of the comments to all of you by Mr. Kevin King reference what he and the bank may do if we fail to grant the request to his client, but that said I am reminded of the saying "Millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute!" So as for me, I say let him do what he wants to, show him we are not here to grant reparations to failed projects.

In closing please allow me to request an answer from each of you as to how you currently see this CID (and any value to Crestwood,) knowing that there will be NO RETAIL on that space and no "cut through" but rather another Bank.

Your kind and attentive responses are greatly appreciated.


Thomas C. Ford
Crestwood, Missouri

I am in hopes that the the Alderman will respond to ALL of us via this forum (or via email to me which I shall print here) as this is an extremely important topic for the future of our community. Consumers are going elsewhere to shop now, if another 1% is allowed to stand that will increase the flight to other areas with lower taxes!

Tom Ford

NO. 911


Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Addendum: I did send this to ALL the Alderman via their City web mail address.

Also I will be off the site for a a couple of days, and Martha Duchild will assume the Blog master roll, so no funny business if you please.

Tom Ford

4:31 PM, July 07, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you really expect an answer from those you continually disrespect as "the gang of four"? Were I Alderman Duncun, whom you brutally lambasted six days ago, I wouldn't give you the time of day, much less respond to your request.

5:48 PM, July 07, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:48 PM Blogger: Why yes I do and so should you! It's our farm keys these people are giving away, so why don't you want an answer?

'Brutally lambasted!" Well she signed on to do this, so she should answer ANY AND ALL of us. Also she reaps what she sows, especially when she places "sound bites" in the local papers (something she said she would never do.)

And by the way, I really don't need the "time of day" from you, or her, just answers from her and our elected officials on how they plan to spend OUR money!

Tom Ford

6:02 PM, July 07, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pulasky Bank also received bailout funds from the federal government(we the taxpayers).

Do we need to continue susidies to this business?

Pulaski took the risk (failed due diligence) and failed.

Why reward failure?

6:54 PM, July 07, 2011  
Anonymous John said...

"Do you really expect an answer from those you continually disrespect as "the gang of four"?"

You do know that the eight aldermen are elected by the approximately eleven thousand people who live in Crestwood to represent them in the way that the majority want the city to be run.
And that any group that large will never have everyone agree on anything. Of course that is why a simple majority is enough to elect an alderman. BUT, the aldermen are supposed to represent ALL the people in their ward, INCLUDING THE ONES WHO DON'T LIKE THEM, OR THAT THEY DON'T LIKE. All of the Citizens should be able to contact, and get a response from their alderman. That is their job! They represent the Citizens in their ward, not just themselves.

6:55 PM, July 07, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pulaski received $32.5 million dollars from tarp bailout funds.

I cannot find any evidence that Pulaski has repayed the the loan.

If you watch the reports another notable action is noticed.

Fifth Third bank, a possible tenant on the Sappington Square Property owned by Pulaski, also received a significant sum of TARP funds but has not repayed them.

Enough with the bailouts and subsidies for poor risk assessment.

Crestwood Aldermen vote no on the Sappington Square tax subsidy.
Steve Nieder

7:20 PM, July 07, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Our first Alderman to respond. Thank you Alderman Duchild!

"Thank you for your concern of the Sappington Square CID issue. As you may know, I voted no on both proposals to date and believe the CID should be dissolved."

Paul Duchild
Crestwood Alderman, Ward 3

Tom Ford

8:33 PM, July 07, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"brutally lambasted" Alderman Duncan, best I can see is she has just been asked to explain her actions. That's what you call brutal?

She can always address these brutally questions any time at a BOA meeting, a post here, in a letter to a newspaper. Or she can take cuffs off her husband and let him do her talking.

10:12 PM, July 07, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:12 pm If you would read all the comments on the blog regarding Duncan and the others, you may not call them brutal but you will call them hurtful and unnecessary; just as yours does putting her husband in the mix. If bloggers put those same comments on this blog regarding your significant other, I am it would not set well with you either.

9:09 AM, July 08, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this blog allows and has always allowed nasty name calling. all you have to do is sign your name and you can call anyone anything you want! You can belittle, be rude and ugly, anything! Just sign your name and you're good to go. Tom has said it himself amny times.

1:06 PM, July 08, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Duncan was the first to bring her husband into the mix with her comments about keeping him from jumping in to defend her.

3:20 PM, July 08, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:20... to continue where you left off, so you and others took Duncan's words and decided to take them to a whole new low level!!

Her statement regarding her husband was not in any way damaging; but those who love to create chaos took them and ran with them, just like a rag newspaper reporter, degraded them and made them into something else. Just for laughs!

Further, there have been many comments and hurtful insinuations made regarding Duncan and others that remained anonymous.

Once some of these bloggers know who you are, smug remarks and inunendos come out faster than you can snap your fingers. They hurt, they don't prove anything except the bloggers are having so much fun that can't contain themselves.

It is wrong,it is hurtful and unnecessary because it has nothing to do with the subject; it has everything to do with the court of public opinion.

4:45 PM, July 08, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You realize Anonymous 4:45 PM, July 08, 2011, it was you who first brought Alderman Duncan in your post of 5:48 PM, July 07, 2011 on this string.
This string was about an open letter to the BOA about Sappington Square. You are the one who shifted the attention on the Alderwomen from Ward One.
Maybe if you had kept your mouth shut she wouldn't have been "brutally lambasted"?
Think about it.

7:53 PM, July 08, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HA! I didn't even start blogging on this thread until 9:09 A.M. July 8th. You are a pain where pills don't reach sir or madame.

So you believe that every anonymous blogger that comments about Duncan and feels she has been unfairly taken to task is mine? And I started it? You are a real fool!!!.

HA! Well, if that don't beat all. You think that I am the only one who feels a little sympatico for her?

Go fly a kite or take a long walk off of a short bridge. You are a real rebel rouser and it's a pity you feel like you can play the blame game with me.

You better go back to grade school and play with your crayons because apparently your Sherlock Holmes theory is baloney. I am not the only one on this blog that feels the same way I do. Get use to it; everybody doesn't have to feel the way you do.

9:52 PM, July 08, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Get use to it; everybody doesn't have to feel the way you do"
I am used to it, just wonder when the Alderlady will get used to it?

10:14 PM, July 08, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The punishment you give her and the other 3 doesn't fit the crime. Even the mayor doesn't judge them as harshly as you and others on this blog.

However, knowing your propensity for bad judgement and dart throwing, I venture to say that there are only a handful of bloggers - maybe just 2 or 3 like you - who purposely set the harsh tone and temperment under their comments. The same ones over and over who coerce to make us think that there are hundreds of bloggers.

I do not blame the so-called gang of four for ignoring you and not answering anything.

10:25 AM, July 09, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Get use to it; everybody doesn't have to feel the way you do"
guess we will find out next April election.

1:39 PM, July 09, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just read the bio's on Aldermen Duchild and Mayor Schlink. Both say they work for Edward Jones. Does anyone know if they are working in the same office or anything like that? That would be a little scary if they worked that close together. I bet they don't with it being a huge company but still I thiink it's worth looking into.

4:18 PM, July 09, 2011  
Anonymous Tim Trueblood said...

4:18 PM, July 09, 2011

Yes it bothers me, about as much as it does having two members of the Broad who are retired. Or having two members of the Board who are female. IE: not a bit.

5:42 PM, July 09, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It doesn't bother me either as long as its not a boss/subordinate type situation. Like I said, very big company so the chances of that are pretty slim I bet.

9:01 PM, July 09, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heep bringing up the non issue maybe if you're lucky, you can get it to become an issue.

12:48 AM, July 10, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:42 7/9 However, Mr. Trueblood if Ald. Duchild and the Mayor did not work for the same company BUT Duncan and one of her gang of 4 worked for the same company, you would have a field day with that information. Putting negative articles in your favorite newspaper and the editor himself would gladly take that bit of information and run with it in his usual biased narrative.

It would be "shame on them", the idea of them working for the same company "well it's ridiculous" etc. It would then be a huge negative; it would be all over this blog and you, Mr. Trueblood would be agast about it, slamming it as far as you could take it.

Reason being you are as political as they come. You take sides and you are so grateful and so helpful to those who agree with your side. Those who do not take your side are the ones who will always be criticized no matter what they do.

That's what really shows how much your opinion is worth. It is biased and always has been. It is worthless and has no value.

But mark my word, sooner or later you will roll over the same people you welcome and they will become your enemies. They don't know it yet but it will happen. It just takes time, but it will come to pass.

3:05 PM, July 10, 2011  
Anonymous John said...

"The same ones over and over who coerce to make us think that there are hundreds of bloggers."

I'm not sure exactly what you are saying.
But, if everyone used A NAME unique to them (does not even have to be your real name), it would be easier to communicate.

5:39 PM, July 10, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

We have a response from Alderman Foote, Fourth Ward, on the Pulaski bank issue.

Alderman Foote has requested that his response not be published, and I shall respect both his decision and his wishes.

Suffice it to say that he will be voting in the affirmative for the CID.

(PS: I am back.)

Tom Ford

6:40 PM, July 10, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

I have been perusing the "he said, she said" Mini skirmish here and one thing struck me as being a "true-ism" no matter whose side you on.

When a person runs for, and wins a public office they take on the responsibility of ANSWERING ALL THE QUESTIONS POSED TO THEM. Be they from friend or opponent!

I firmly believe that we ALL have the right to expect an honest and forthright answer to any and all of our questions.

So that said, if your a friend of Alderman Duncan, or dislike her, DO require her and all the others to answer for their votes, after all they represent YOU!

Tom Ford

7:26 PM, July 10, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well if you're back, then would you care to comment on the Mayor and Aldermen Duchild working for the same company? What are your thoughts? My opinion is that it is fine so long as they don't work maybe in the same office or whathaveyou....Mr. Trueblood appears fine with it. I think its open for healthy discussion just in case we have future elected officials that this would be a problem with. Hope you enjoyed your time away....GO STEELERS!!!! Hopefully they all play this season...

7:32 PM, July 10, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you are back also, Tom; and I also wish the best for the upcoming football season. Always did like the Steelers and have for a long, long time.

7:59 PM, July 10, 2011  
Anonymous Tim (as political as they come) Trueblood said...

Anonymous 3:05 PM, July 10, 2011
Let me see if I can restate what you are getting at.
1. You don't like me
2. You don't like a local newspaper
3. You believe I have run negative articles.
4. You SUDDENLY, have a problem with the Mayor and one other Alderman being employed by the same company, but when they were both Alderman it didn't bother you. It's only after the former Mayor was defeated that this is a concern for you.
5. You assume I would be slamming someone if they, etc, etc, but have no proof.
6. You call me political which I guess is supposed to be an insult. So I guess you don't like political people, like the former Mayor.
7. You are ok with two retired people being on the Board @ the same time.
8. You are ok with two women being on the Board @ the sametime.
9. You really support Alderwoman Duncan.
10. You are afraid to use your real name.

8:28 PM, July 10, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tim, Im not the same person in the other post that seem to be at odds with you...I'm the one asking a simple question about two co-workers being on the BOA together. Or better yet, the Mayor and an aldermen being co-workers. At no point did I attack you. I would like your opinion, but I realize your policy of not answering questions without a name. I respect that too.

8:58 PM, July 10, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:28 PM 7/10
Tom, I wish to answer Mr. Trueblood.

Mr. Trueblood, you messed up again. You are wrong about #4under your comment at 8:28 PM 7/10

I like this new mayor very much and I have told him so privately. The people made their decision at the polls and said that is who they want as mayor and I will support him 100%. Period!!!


That said - you see what would happen if I sign my name; you would be telling everyone including the mayor and everyone else you can think of a big lie - that I dislike him and that is so very wrong.

Mr. Trueblood - I like to give everyone a chance before I form opinions. I have seen you in action years ago; I have seen how you acted on the dais. You were allowed to perform your antics along with another alderman and Mayor Fagan allowed it to go on. Jeff would never stand for it. He is in control; but you sir WERE out of control.

The other aldermen including Duncan, I don't even know who they are. Therefore I will reserve my judgement on them until I see what they can do for our city. Unlike you!

And also regarding #4 - YOU SIR ARE THE ONE WHO HAS TO KEEP BRINGING UP THE PREVIOUS MAYOR NOT ME. He is gone bye bye BUT that is what you base everything on isn't it. You have this fixation about him and you cannot get over it, and base all your opinions in that vein.

#9 - As previous stated, I don't even know Duncan but it upsets me that she is constantly persecuted by people like you and others who base everything on (guess what); the previous mayor? I heard she got along with Robinson and so did the other 3. Bet that's where your opinions come from. Not right to do that and I hate that about politicians. And you will continue to slam Duncan and the other three for your contempt of the previous mayor. That's my opinion and that's my final answer.

No need for a rebuttal Mr. Trueblood, I will pursue this no further.

If the CID passes, you will hold those aldermen in contempt and you and your favorite newspaper will have a field day as well as this blog.
And so it goes......

11:18 AM, July 11, 2011  
Anonymous Tim Trueblood said...

Gee Anonymous, can you fault a guy for not know who Anonymous is?

To one of the two of you,(I'll let your sort it out) how can you defend Duncan when by your own words you said "The other aldermen including Duncan, I don't even know who they are."

3:05 PM, July 11, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:32 PM Blogger: I did comment reference two Alderman working for the same company on the original "Duncan" thread (see below.)

"Crestwood Independent said...
10:29 PM Blogger: Sooner or later we will have two Alderman who work for the same company, (it's happened already as John said.)

That said IF they were to vote on a project that could or would benefit their personal, or professional relationship with any group, organization or firm I might have a problem.

You see it's not who they work for at all, it's what relationship they, or their firm they work for have to a vote before them. In the case where we had two at the same time they did not vote on any project that would have come close to being questionable, nor do I believe they would have.

That is why the refusal to seat Mr. Mosby was such a travesty, and why the four that did it are catching all this flack. Please remember that President Nixon's cover up was his undoing, not the actual Watergate burglary."

Tom Ford

6:40 AM, July 07, 2011

4:04 PM, July 11, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom, what if one of the elected officials was the boss or supervisor of the other elected official? To me that could get to be a very ugly situation. What if the one official didn't vote the way the other official, who happened to be the other ones boss, wanted him to? That would have the makings for alot of trouble at their workplace and the BOA chambers. Was there ever a situation in the past where we had two elected officials who were boss and subordinate?

4:29 PM, July 11, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:29 PM Blogger: If a frog had wings it wouldn't bump it's tail right?

I fear your barking up a tree that has no quarry in it.We might as well say how would you feel if we had a sitting Alderman on the Dias with a husband in the audience with his head in his hands when certain Alderman spoke, but was attentive when others spoke.

Tom Ford

5:48 PM, July 11, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! I agree with you Tom. What if this or that....what if the sky should fall!!! There are a myriad of questions that we can exploit but they are all so ridiculous to pursue now because no one is running for office.

I say these questions are weighing us down. This is about the CID request. This is only one issue whereas there will be more to come. Can't we just see what happens further down the line?

Besides, the issue of whose boss is on the board, what board members are related to others is speculation for the future when a person or persons are seeking election.

2:12 PM, July 12, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you're telling me that you would have no problem if two of the four (Duncan, Beesley, Foote, Pickel) were co-workers or even if one was the others boss? I seriously doubt you would be ok with that.

2:29 PM, July 12, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

2:29 PM Blogger: If your addressing me the point is moot.

We already have a "Boss" of the "FOUR" that being Alderman Chris Pickel. Doubt me? Just watch the puppet master pull the strings on Duncan, Beezley, and Foote.

He talks, they follow, simple as that. I have observed the three watching very attentively when he speaks (something that NEVER happens when the others speak) and then following the lead of Mr. Chris. Amazing but true!

Tom Ford

3:35 PM, July 12, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:29 - Listen - that is not the case at the present time; they are not co-workers! We can go to hell and back making suppositions. We do not have that problem so why bring it up. If and when that problem arises, we would have the option of not voting for any of them if and when they run for election.

3:36 PM, July 12, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:35 Hey Tom, 2:29 is talking about a person (a boss) on the board of aldermen who has workers also on the board of aldermen, and/or co-workers who have the same job who are aldermen members simultaneously. At least that is what I think! If you re-read it, I think that is what the blogger meant.

3:46 PM, July 12, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

3:36 PM Blogger: Why bring it up? Simple my friend the Blogger is trying to lay a smoke screen for the "Four," and help them wiggle out of their travesty by trying to blame others.

It's an old liberal trick from the play book that says if you have no cover left, attempt to shift the blame!

We know who did what to whom, and we know what their friends are trying to do to cover it, but it isn't going to work here!

Tom Ford

3:53 PM, July 12, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

3:46 PM Blogger: I know, you couldn't be more correct.

I was pointing out that while they tilt at that "windmill," we already have the issue going on now!

Tom Ford

4:03 PM, July 12, 2011  

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