What should a reasonable and prudent citizen expect in the way of answers from their elected Representatives?

I posed a simple question to the entire Board of Alderman (via their email) a week ago reference the CID for the failed Pulaski Bank project at Sappington Square. This question was also posted right here on this Blog and for those of you that read it I believe you will agree it didn't take the Supreme Court to answer it!
To date I have received answers (some printed here, some not) from Alderman Foote, Miguel, Wallach, Duchild, and the Mayor. Extremely conspicuous by their absence are Alderman Pickel, Duncan, Beezley, and Knarr!
Two of these people "represent" Ward Two, and as such owe the citizens of the Ward the pleasure of an answer. The others were elected in their Wards and I believe owe their answers to their constituents as well as the rest of us.
You see when a person runs for office they should realize that they are responsible to ALL the citizens of their community, not just to their friends! I for one am sick and tired of the "ruling class mentality" put forth by these persons who believe they are above the great UN-washed and thus not responsible for their actions or to answer for them!
I believe the next BOA meeting will be the correct place to put them on "front street" and let them tell us why they do not believe we should be answered. Perhaps the papers will have the same question with a few more tossed in for good measure!
Tom Ford
NO. 913
Gee I guess you are all happy with the non responsive people you managed to elect?
I'm not!
Tom Ford
your letter appeared in the Times. Perhaps many are sick to death of this issue.
9:58 PM Blogger: Perhaps not my friend, we shall see on the 26th who is and who isn't!
Tom Ford
Excellent letter Tom! But I'm sure your have raised the ire of Mr. Duncan!!!
9:35 PM Blogger: Unfortunate to say he least.
It is what it is. I have said it before and I'll say it again, politics is not for thin skinned people.
Tom Ford
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