Please click on the header for the grim story folks! In case you don't know what that means, WERE BROKE! The politicians on both sides of the aisle have as of today managed to spend more that we make if you will.
Now just watch the markets and the price of gold. Experts are predicting $2000.00 per ounce for gold by years end, and IF the Chinese call in the debt we owe them, were in more than just serious trouble.
What happens next? I wish I knew but one thing is for certain, both sides will blame the other for "their failure!" The only problem is that they are not the only ones at fault for this mess, WE ARE AS WELL! WE elected these fools and WE became too complacent and allowed them to give away the farm keys!
WE will ALL suffer because of this, and I ask you are you going to allow these people back in office, or do we do the right thing and vote out every one of them, no matter who they are Democrat or Republican?
Tom Ford
NO. 920
Stock market closes DOWN 513 points! Boy the leadership is doing so well, I am positive they are on the road to a complete socialist / communist form of Government!
Time for the class warfare to kick in barrack (after your many birthday parties and golf games of course.)
Tom Ford
“Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress.
But then I repeat myself.”
mark Twain
Tom Ford
right, and the Republicans had NOTHING to do with all this...right.
9:49 PM Blogger: "WE will ALL suffer because of this, and I ask you are you going to allow these people back in office, or do we do the right thing and vote out every one of them, no matter who they are Democrat or Republican?"
Your Evelyn Wood speed reading course didn't work for you did it.
READ first, reread and then toss in your comment, or in other words make sure your brain is engaged before you put you fingers in gear.
Tom Ford
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