Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Cartoons are getting a bit testy these days, no?

I am an equal opportunity annoyer so if you have a Republican one you want posted please email it to me and will add it.

Tom Ford

NO. 926


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see no one has commented on these cartoons, but I will say the one where Rosa Parks' likeness was used is tasteless and crude. Mr. Ford, try to have at least SOME respect.

12:29 PM, August 19, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

12:29 PM Blogger; i guess you don't understand the nature of political cartoons. There is nothing and no one who is above being lampooned by them.

Notice I said in the header "cartoons are getting a bit testy?" I didn't draw it, and I see not reason for me to no include it with the rest.

If your trying to inject race into this, forget it as that is so ridiculous that no one in their right mind would by it! You see Rosa parks is famous for not giving up her seat at a time when African Americans were relegated to the back of the bus.

The cartoon depicts Obama, and Ms. Parks with a "balloon" that implies she is American Business, and Obama is moving her to the back of the bus! Think about it.

You speak of respect, well before you condemn the cartoonist you need to understand that whether you or I agree with it, WE must respect his or her right to do it. If we don't then how can WE expect anyone to listen to us?

Tom Ford

4:46 PM, August 19, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rosa Parks is over and done. Where was the disrespect? Get a life.

8:17 PM, August 19, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I merely meant that there should be a certain amount of respect given to her, in light of what she accomplished. She is not over and done....have some respect for those who came before you and paved the road. Your disregard for people of that era who changed the world is astonishing and sad.

Mr. Ford, I think that cartoon is tasteless. Race was nowhere in my statement or thoughts. I completely agree with the artist's right to draw it. I personally feel that things in poor taste don't necessarily need to be promoted. But I agree with your staement otherwise.

10:22 PM, August 19, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:22 PM Blogger: Thank you, you should see some of the so called "political cartoons" I have been sent to list here.

To be effective a political cartoon, like a joke must have some basis in fact. This one clearly did, was not demeaning to Ms. Parks (quite the opposite, it celebrated her stand,) so I included it.

Tom Ford

5:53 AM, August 20, 2011  
Anonymous Sandy Grave' said...

I agree Tom. Rosa Parks needs to be remembered and her plight should not be forgotten.

When I was little, my mom and I went downtown shopping. Naturally there was a big parade in the downtown streets. This was about 1943 or 44. People much taller than I were jammed on the street corners and all I could see were the backs of grown-ups and their shoes. I was only about 3 or 4 years old.

My mother carrying lots of packages, could not carry me as she had her two arms full of things. I was driving my mom crazy, crying to pick me up cause I wanted to see what was going on. Crying and begging I wouldn't stop wanting to see the parade.

Then out of the blue, a very tall, well dressed "black man", standing next to us picked me up. My mother was shocked and he looked at her and said "I hope you don't take offense but I just didn't want your girl to keep crying". My mom smiled and as the parade ended, three people came up to my mother and berated her for allowing it.

OMG, I will never forget the evil looks upon the faces of these people.

My mom held her head up high, took me by the arm and said to them, "well, he was kind and not a bit disrespectful as you seem to be". We then boarded the bus that took us home.

This is a true story and I will never forget it. Every time someone mentions Rosa Parks, I think about that kind black gentleman. And sometimes when I think about him in church, I also pray for the repose of his soul.

My view is there are good and bad people in the world and their colors vary. People are human beings and if they give respect, then they should also receive it.

1:46 PM, August 20, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hear, hear, Sandy! I could not agree more. People can and should be willing to at least try to work together. The political scene in this country is emabrrassing. The world watches while Americans fight, bicker, and filibuster our way into the hall of shame. I saw an interesting take on it on the internet, with some viewpoints I had never thought of before. Here is the link. Perhaps someone on here might like this different take on what at least part of the problem is.

4:01 PM, August 20, 2011  
Anonymous Sandy Grave' said...

4:01 Thank you, I am glad you agree. The older I get the more I always wonder what happened to that man! And I really feel bad because my mother and I use to talk about that when she was alive (going down memory lane). She passed away in 2000. She told me that there were also some people who made remarks to him after that incident, but she said she was so busy rushing me out of there, she never heard what they said. I am sure he was embarrassed.

But I remember that he was well dressed, over 6 foot, spoke with perfect diction and was very soft spoken. Funny thing is, who knows, he may have been more educated and twice as intelligent as all of us. Who'd a thunk it! But I passed this story on to my daughter and my grandson who is 14 and I hope they remember the lesson.

Thanks again and thanks Tom for mentioning Rosa Parks.

4:19 PM, August 20, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

1:46 PM Blogger; Thanks Sandy, I remember pulling up to the gas pumps at Weiss Airport in my Beach-craft B-35 a few years ago and having a similar (but different) experience.

An African American Gentlemen and his son were standing by the fence close to the pumps watching while my plane was being re-fueled. I asked if he would like to show his son the plane up close and they came inside the fence line.

One thing led to another and I asked if they would like to take a ride, Well we did and when airborne I asked if he had flown before, he said he had "A LITTLE TIME" in aircraft, so I said "take it" for a while.

That was 40 years ago and were still fast friends today even though he is over 90 and doesn't get out that much anymore. His son went on to graduate from Parks Air college, and later Divinity school, and is now my computer go to tech.

At the time I met them they were living in Crestwood where the Sam's Club now stands, so it was easy to visit each other. Times change and they live in Ballwin and North County, but we still see each other quite often.

Oh, I forgot to mention that the "LITTLE TIME IN AIRCRAFT" he spoke of was somewhat bogus as he was (and is) a Tuskegee Institute Airman, and as such is a hero to me still today!

Tom Ford

4:26 PM, August 20, 2011  
Anonymous Tim Trueblood said...

So Tom, did your guest fly well? I got to fly a small aircraft with a pilot who flew in Viet Nam, I didn't realize what "fly a bit" meant until he banked and dove the plane over Columbia, IL!
Scared the #$^! out of me, cause he KNEW how to fly a bit and then some.

7:54 AM, August 21, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom, his "little time" comment makes me think he must have been a very humble man.

8:37 AM, August 21, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:54 AM Blogger: Tim. as you may know ALL the Black pilots in WW2 were way above average in their skills.Suffice it to say he was no exception to that rule.

( Most were P-51 pilots in the Italian theater escorting bombers to Germany, very few bombers were lost to enemy action when they were flying top cover.)

His son went on to get his pilots certificate and is an excellent pilot as well. I flew for over 40 years before I lost the sight in my right eye, and I guarantee you I would fly with either one of them today.

8:37 AM Blogger: Yes, he and his wife raised two very fine children, put them through college, and never discussed his service ( WW2 and Korea,) unless a "fellow service person" asked (I did.)

I plan to honor his service by introducing him at the next Viet Nam Veterans meeting in September, and proposing that he be made an "honorary member," he deserves it.

Tom Ford

9:13 AM, August 21, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

A good video on the "Tuskegee Airman" and what they accomplished for our nation.

Tom Ford

6:16 PM, August 23, 2011  

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