Democrat pollster Pat Caddell says Americans are "pre revolutionary!" (click here for the story please.)

I really don't think that is true, but a lot of us who watched our 401K retirement portfolio's dwindle to nothing since Friday aren't very happy!
Let's face it folks BOTH sides of the aisle have done their very best to ruin this nation with their idiot party line posturing, and I do believe the people of this great land are sick and tired of it.
What to do? Well UN-fortunately we can do nothing about the downgrade or the stock market tanking, but we can and must do a whole lot when it comes to voting in ALL the next few months elections!
Our President was on TV today and from what I saw he did nothing to give us any hope at all. I guess the market felt the same way as while he was talking it went DOWN over 300 points!
Enough of the so called "plans," enough of Timmy Geithner (noted tax cheat) being in charge of anything, let's get these fools out before it's really too late!
Tom Ford
NO. 922
the tax code needs to be redone and re worked to stop protecting the wealthy.
"The subjects of every state ought to contribute the support of the government, as nearly as possible, in porportion to their respective abilities; that is, in porportion to the revenue which they respectively enjoy under the protection of the state".
The Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith, 1776.
Even people back then knew taxation needed to be more fairly collected. It's even more true now.
I agree, that every subject should contribute to the support of government.
Let's start with the close to 50% of Americans who pay NO federal income tax and go from there.
They also need to close all the loopholes that allow big corporations to pay little or nothing in taxes. It's absolutely insane. I realize that asking everyone to pay their fair share will get me called a socialist on here, but I still think they need to make all these people and companies ante up what they should be paying. There are tens of millions, maybe more, that are missing from the coffers are are supposed to be there.
I agree with you Tom and I agree with all three of the aforementioned comments. Now how do we pass on this important message to candidates for office, when the very wealthy keep giving enormous campaign conbtributions to their candidates so they can get a "shoe in" on keeping tax breaks going to the rich.
It's not about class warfare, its about every body paying income tax. Stop making it sound as if it was the rich against the rest of us.
BTW, define for me what rich is?
You realize if you took ever penny from every one in the USA who made over $250,000 a year we would till not have a balanced budget.
a penny?? That's your idea of paying a fair share? Okay, well, here's a perspective difference. I view wealthy as anyone who makes over $250,000 per year. They need to pay their fair share of income taxes, and many of them don't. That's all I'm saying. And it needs to be a touch more than a penny.
Just for kicks what say we tell Mr. Obama that the adviser he listens too and golfs with, is the head General Electric which paid ZERO taxes last year!
While were at it someone please tell john kerry that the one plus million in taxes on the yacht he tried to hide out state are due.
How about some of the Republicans who have "off shore" holdings that seem to disappear at tax time?
pick a side of the aisle, there both as guilty as sin, and because of that were going to need to fire ALL of them and start over, minus lobbyists, "advisor's," bundler's, and tax cheats.
If we come close to getting that done I bet the remainder come to Jesus rather quickly.
Tom Ford
Anonymous5:22 PM, August 09, 2011
Your kidding right?
Make it EVERY dollar of everyone making over $250,000 the budget would still not balanced. Understand that?
How much should those who do not pay income taxes now, pay?
I think what they should pay is what they owe according to the tax bracket they fall into, like everyone else does, that's what I think. I think hiding money and using loophole after loophole to get out of paying taxes is one of the problems we currently have. The government cannot run without taxes, and there are tens of millions being hidden and not paid every year, and that's just wrong. That's what I understand. What do you understand?
Mr. Ford, while I partially agree with your statement, I wonder how we could assure that we didn't vote in more of the same?
Amazing, some here want to increase taxes on the 52% of Americans who pay all the taxes and not make the 48% of Americans who pay no federal taxes, pay any at all.
To those who feel an income of $250,000 is rich, tell me the last time you were given a job that paid a living wage by a company whose owner made less than $250,000?
I agree with Tom - "pick a side" both sides are guilty as hell; thinking only of themselves and their cronies. Fire them all and start over.
And I believe we should help our fellow man but charity begins at home. Everytime there is a disaster somewhere, there we are giving our tax dollars to every country that holds out their hand.
So that needs to be looked into as well as illegal aliens.
Start mending our own fences and helping keep America strong should be first; then we can help others.
8:51 PM Blogger: The short answer is we really don't! However the fact is that we have to really question the candidates and find out what they stand for.
Had anyone listened to Barrack Obama they would have known where he was on the political spectrum as he told us all exactly what he was going to do!
I listened, and I voted for someone else, because I listened. The major thing is that these fools will not change no matter what they Say so vote them out and start over while there is still time.
I have heard the phrase, "If you voted for Obama to prove you went a raciest, vote him out to prove your a realist," and I concur.
Remember the EXON Valdez grounding? Well when the Coast Guard came aboard they didn't ask for the cook, the asked for the Capitan, and don't forget Obama is the Capitan.
Tom Ford
I agree with your assessment that when something isn't up to snuff, we look to the leader to ask why. I have looked at our leader, and I have looked at the Republican possibilities that want to replace him as our leader. I saw this article, and think it is pretty darned accurate, at least from what I've observed.(Yes, I have voted Republican many times, in case anyone wants to go there.) On here, everyone has no problem telling progressives what's wrong with them. I wonder who will have the courage to read this and really be honest and think it through as they read it, trying to control the knee-jerk response. I bet not one person. Current Republicans would be a disgrace to Lincoln, and no improvement in Washington at all. I challenge anyone to read the article and comment without ugliness and name calling.
This is the best break down to layman terms I have seen yet.
"If the US Government was a family, they would be making $58,000 a year, they spend $75,000 a year, & are $327,000 in credit card debt. They are currently proposing BIG spending cuts to reduce their spending to $72,000 a year. These are the actual proportions of the federal budget & debt, reduced to a level that we can understand."
Dave Ramsey
Now we can really tell just what the politicians in Washington have done to us and why THEY HAVE TO GO!
Tom Ford
That's all well and good, but I don't see one single person who has thrown their hat in that I would even consider voting for as president. Not one. It's easy to say "throw the bums out", but it's alot harder to find someone to put in.
9:24 AM Blogger: I am also non plussed by the current crop of challengers, however we must continue to look.
Yes it's easy to say "throw the bums out," but if we leave them in God help us!
Now I am sure that you know that the people who are pulling the strings that control Barrack Husein Obama (George Sorros ET AL) are ALL bent on a socialist nation. Leave hem in and were not going to recognize America.
Doubt me? Well take a really close look at Detroit, MI. and tell me your into that sort of living.
That's why we must find a replacement and the sooner the better!
Tom Ford
Some disturbing news from Detroit. The Huffington Post no less, so it must be true, right?
Tom Ford
Better them than the Koch brothers, who are controlling the GOp and the Tea party.
10:23 AM Blogger: Please show any of us where these guys are controlling anything (valid reports or news articles from real news agency's) but their own business!
Your statement holds no water, or for that matter validity, sorry.
Tom Ford
Well, Soros told investors that he felt that Obama was not a good bet any more and that he felt that another candidate would be a better bet.
The Koch brothers, on the other hand, have spent nearly 200 million dollars in 10 years, recently much of it on the Tea Party. Here's an article:
I have plenty of validity, and what I said very mcuh holds water. May I have a link to the articles or sources that you used to "Invalidate" what I said, or is this another instance where you will only dicuss it in a public, streamed debate?
3:32 PM Blogger: Well you couldn't get through a post without attempting to besmirch me could you!
At any rate to point out that your "Koch Brothers" are sought by ALL sides, here is your link!
You really should find another way of debating without going right to the liberal method of personal attacks, your becoming too obvious to all assembled here!
By the way, the debate offer extends to YOU as well, want to have a go at it?
Tom Ford
“Destroying America will be the culmination of my life’s work.”~ George Soros.
Can any one find a quote like this by the Koch brothers or for that matter, any conservative person or group?
Anonymous 3:32 PM, August 14, 2011, is this another example of your hiding behind the vale of anonymous because you are afraid to stand behind what you post? Seems rather spineless to take such a strong position in a post and then not attach your name to it.
I would guess it's because you lack the convection's of your beliefs. Right?
5:06 PM Blogger: Tim, please forgive them for they know not what they do!
They would destroy the very thing that gives them security in the name of God knows what, and were they successful they would then scream to high heaven!
"When you are one in twenty if your not a liberal you have no heart, but when your one in forty if your not a conservative, you have no mind."
Winston Churchill
Now it's up for grabs where our liberal friend stands age wise in Sir Winston's excellent quote, but I pray it's the "one and twenty" portion because if not what has happened to the America I, and a lot of others fought for?
Tom Ford
Wow, let's gang up on the poster from 3:32! Anyone have any rocks they can throw too? Pitchforks, anyone? Fun, fun, fun.
The poster said Soros advised people to NOT back Obama, which seems to me to take wind out of the sails that he "owns" Obama. The Koch brothers don't have public quotes, because they are behind the scenes. Anyone who reads about conservative causes, as I do, knows this. They donate millions and millions to conservative causes. I truly don't think they want to destroy America, they want to run it quietly without anyone really noticing.
Mr. Trueblood, your fixation on people's names is both inspiring and amusing. I do feel, however, that the choice to state a name on here has nothing to do with a person's "convection" one way or the other. I admire your pride in your name and how anxious you are to have everyone know it. Others do not feel that way, perhaps, and should not be penalized for not sharing your level of "convection."
I have a fun quote too. I don't even necessarily think like this often, but I thought it added an interesting point:
"The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness."
-- John Kenneth Galbraith
Mr. Trueblood, your fixation on people's names is both inspiring and amusing."
Glad your laughing, spineless.
thank you.
Don't feel bad about remaining anonymous. You are not breaking any rules and don't let anyone dupe you into it. As long as the guy who makes the rules, Mr. Ford, says it is OK, who cares what Mr. Trueblood or anyone else thinks.
Mr. Trueblood is showing symptoms of what Mr. Ford refers to as "Living rent free in your head." A nerve was apparently hit.
Sandy, is that you again? (8:57 PM, August 15, 2011)
Nope! Tim (Timmy) as I used to kiddingly refer to you - you think every time somebody makes reference to you not quite to your liking it's me? Just remember Tim, at one time, I thought the world of you. I thought you were a great friend, upstanding guy and for years you and others on the board had my supreme admiration. I told my friends and parents about how our Crestwood BOA (my BOA) was fair and honest and would never do wrong. You were a favorite along with maybe 2 or 3 others.
You now judge me differently as I do you - to my DEEPEST REGRET BELIEVE ME - but that doesn't mean I am the culprit that denounces you on this thread.
I just wish I had all those good days back again, but they are not. So I do what everybody does - I just do the best I can.
Thanks for your consideration in this comment.
Sorry Sandy, I posted in error.
I made a mistake.
Hope you are doing well.
Thanks Tim. I still remember the good times I had teasing you at city hall. I remember your darling daughter Michelle that I got to see a few times. She was so pretty. I am sure she has made you proud. I like to read this blog sometimes but sometimes it makes me a little upset. Anyhow, thanks again for your kind words.
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