Gallup poll results for my "spin Meister" friends. (click here for the results please.)

OK, here are some polling results from a telephone survey completed by a very well respected polling group, namely Gallop. It would appear that Mr. Obamas approval ratings are at a all time low as of yesterday.
It can't be the Hurricane Irene deal as that was pretty much of a NOAH hype job that never really came to anything much. Mr. Obama left his vacation (two separate planes, two separate entourages again) to take charge at the national Hurricane center only to watch it fizzle out like a cheap Chinese fire cracker.
I am not surprised by the low ratings as the man has accomplished nothing to improve the job picture or the economic malaise, only say he has "a plan."
I am betting that he comes out with the FDR approach (WPA, CCC programs) and spins it as a way to move people off welfare, the public dole and a back to work program for the entire nation. He will tell us that his program will reduce the deficit by putting these people to work, and cutting the costs of public assistance were paying now. He will tell us that the back to work program will generate new taxes to cut the deficit, and it will improve the infrastructure as well!
Pretty neat, no? Well the only problem with this is the money will still be spent as salaries for the "jobs," and there will be no new taxes as the pay checks will be too low to pay any (51% of people pay no taxes now, it will go up.) So when you see and hear the leader's speech on this latest smoke and mirror program just remember it didn't work in the 30's under FDR and it darn sure won't work under Mr. Obama who frankly couldn't make a lemonade stand a viable business.
Let the "progressive / Liberal" retort begin, and when you do, please if you want to have a meaningful debate, stick to the facts only. If a poster places touchy / feely, or personal attack post on here I will delete it as soon as I see it. Go to o George Sorrows paid for sites, get your facts in a row, and let the debate begin!
Tom Ford
NO. 931
Interesting that no one is taking up the challenge. Let's add this statistic to the mix and see what happens.
Tom Ford
wondering why, after shouting down any "liberal" replies before, you are spoiling for a fight now.
Wonder why liberals can't post using their real name if they are so sure their position is the correct one.
Tim, I think I know why. Tom calls people "thin-skinned" if they can't take the overpowering messages he gives out to the liberal opinions on this blog. Tom mostly refuses to even consider their views or "throw them a bone".
Tom (and I say this with due respect) doesn't realize the extent of his rath and his determined stance on any other views except those from the conservatives. If anyone dare express a liberal approach, he will smash them like a ripe banana.
I mean, he goes after these people as if with an AK 47. I guess I am too "thin skinned" like he says but I would have to take a shot of whiskey. He doesn't feel that a liberal is only expressing an opinion if it is opposite of his.
So, that said, can you imagine someone signing their comments? It would feel like going in front of a firing squad. I am sure that is the reason they decide to just stay away from commenting on this thread.
Tom and you can sometimes come up with really upsetting remarks on this blog. Most people don't want to face the day this way or go to bed upset.
So, therefore, if you try to explain your view, it is just easier to refrain of expressing it. It's easy for Tom to say then let them start their own blog.
However, if people start defending the liberal views like some have done, Tom condemns them expressing no regard for them and - OMG - Tom can be relentless.
I wouldn't try to deliver any harsh words to Tom on this blog if I were a liberal about this administration or the way it was run. However, I did enjoy Dick Chaney last night regarding his book and on George W. You see how everybody even the Vice President see things differently than his boss? Why can't we do that and let it go?
That's just my opinion Tim and maybe it isn't worth much but defending liberal views as well as what this President does and does not do, can get you to a place you don't want to be and to sign their names? It will never happen. You guys can make minced meat out of people.
My best friend works for a State Senator and she is definitely a conservative. She can't get enough of politics. I say good for her, but I had my fill on the local level. I will leave the politics to her and others.
Thank you Tom for your consideration and your blog
10:59 AM Blogger: Sandy, fear not i will buy you and Bill TWO SHOTS OF WHISKEY if that's what it takes!
I like having you as poster (and don't tell anyone, a friend) so as you know you have nothing to fear here!
I am passionate about my beliefs to a point of no return. I admit that, but what I can't understand is why the liberals can't seem to debate without personal attacks or credible facts, or staying in the shadows.
Let's all face it when a "person" attacks someone under the title "anonymous" what have they accomplished, other that to look like a cowardly fool?
yes I am passionate about this Nation, conservative ideals, the Flag, Motherhood and Apple pie. I was raised that way by parents who went through the great depression, and world war 2, and believed in America! I will not sit idly by and watch progressive / liberals tear it down to build the socialist / communist Nation they envision.
Tom Ford
Well Tom, you are one tough cookie and you don't crumble and you are not for the "faint of heart".
I can't answer for the people who are not willing to debate issues with you.
Also, my grandparents came here from Italy wishing for a better chance in life for their children than they had. They lived in Cope, Illinois with my dad. My father told me some stories about suffering and sacrifice. Sometimes, he didn't have a half way decent pair of shoes for the winter. One lady saw him walking barefoot in the snow and wanted to buy him a pair of shoes. He said he got so scared, he ran all the way home.
However, as poor as they were, my grandparents never got a dime of help from the government because as long as one person in a family had a job, they didn't even qualify for help.
Anyhow Tom I just don't think anybody wants to debate this subject with you because most of us feel it is a moot point to try and convince either side that they are wrong in what they believe.
I do have an example however of exactly how some people will compromise on their stance concerning political partys.
I have a friend who is, as you, a staunch conservative - but to the point where if you mention the name Obama she goes ballistic, even though I agree with her fundamentally. But that's all I ever hear about and it gets tiring.
Well she lost her job and since she made six figures, she had a house payment that was enormous and other bills as well. She therefore had to live on her unemployment checks. Then after they stopped coming, she was really stuck. Then Obama extended the unemployment funds.
I say she should have stood behind her principles and not taken advantage of the extention. But of course, after all that crap about OBama spending this and that, OMG did she ever take the money and run. Well, if she really feels that way about the President, she should have sold pencils on the sidewalk right? Do you get what I am saying?
I would have loved to have shoved that issue down her throat, but unfortunately, I don't like to hurt a person like that when they are down. She has two children to support and it's not worth making a point. But boy I was thinking about how different circumstances can cause people to pause and realize that nothing is set in stone.
Just a little info to share - that's all.
There is also a double standard on here that many are sick to death of. Name calling and personal attacks are fine for you and Mr. Trueblood, but for no one else. It is generally, in my observation, reserved for anyone who disagrees with conservative views, or even dares to question them at all. If no one questions, if a doctrine is blindly followed as it is on this blog, even if there are flaws and aspects that might even be damaging to the country, then whether someone signs their name is the least of the worries. There is no political doctrine or belief without flaw. But on here, conservative views are the only ones allowed, and I for one have no further interest in being told how ridiculous I am because I disagree or question certain beliefs. I question everything, from both sides of the aisle. I am very annoyed with some of the things Obama has done. I love other things he has done. I have been very angry at republicans of late, but not all of them, and not everything they've done. But here, there is an atmosphere of anger and nastyness if one dares to disagree. Not very inviting for posting on a blog. Now, normally, here is where the ugly comments start about name signing or liberal bias or socialist commie pinko pigs. But no discussion will have been had, because the only acceptable thing to say here is Bush was wonderful and Obama is bad.I wish things were really that simple. So, does that help answer your question?
Hey Tom. I do believe that some of what the Anonymous person just said is interesting. Because if the blog is suppose to be substance for debate, there is a difference between debating the issue of this administration versus past administrations, and turning debates into full fledged fights. One side fuels the other side, etc. etc.
I realize your beliefs are very, very strong and your love for your Country is what you treasure the most. But others love their Country too and would like to use the blog to express themselves even though it doesn't fit your opinions or standards. But it should be allowed, no?
People do enjoy a good debate as you do, but everyone involved has to maintain an open mind or it isn't fun anymore.
In my humble opinion, the issue of politics, as I have stated before, can be a very trecherous issue at best. Families have separated for years because one side refused to give an inch on their party's flaws, staunchly admitting their party had no flaws.
Your intelligence tells me you know that everything in life has flaws. You are a smart man and
you probably know more about American History than most of us bloggers. However, you also know that the U.S. Constitution tells us we are allowed the right to say what we feel even if it doesn't correspond to what others feel.
OK, anyhow - well, that's all I want to say and thank you again for your blog.
"Name calling and personal attacks are fine for you and Mr. Trueblood."
How can I be calling someone a name if they are anonymous?
7:27 PM Blogger: Nope no ugly comments about (gasp) liberals or name signing, only a small reminder if you please.
Starting a blog is not all that hard, not reading this blog is even easier. All you have to do is to decide if you want to continue here or leave, your choice.
Now is that concise, simple explanation clear enough for you, or shall I ask Mr. Trueblood to improve upon it?
PS: I will never ever give up my belief in the Almighty or my conservative principals, so if you want change, you make it!
Tom Ford
9:52 PM Blogger: Mr. Tim, come now, that's like asking the question "if a male says anything and there is no female around to hear him, is he still wrong?"
You bet your farm keys he is, ERGO, anonymous is sacracent don't ya know!
Tom Ford
I believe in what you believe in, Tom, I just go about it in a different way.
Further, I do believe that signing your name is a better way of commenting on this blog.
Throwing money away and spending money by our government, however, seems to be the earmark of more than just this administration. And I am beginning to think that there are no watch dogs in either party who are putting we, the people, first.
When I listen to some of our elected officials from both sides, I begin to wonder how these airdales got the credentials to run this government in the first place. Common sense does not seem to prevail. Whopps I called the politicians "airdales" -sorry. That was a name my father use to call some of our leaders.
Both sides, liberals and conservatives, should know that they will be put under a microscope regarding spending money now that even our S&P has gone down, and this Country is in a horrible crisis. They all better be watching the signs. The S&P was a real big one!
And further, we at the grassroots level are looking and grasping for ways to decrease our spending, cutting our budgets; and also watching our investments start to dry up, and our retirement funds deplete. Therefore, these politicians otherwise known as (airdales) better be doing the same thing - there are no exceptions as we are all in this together.
No more expensive trips for the President or his cabinet members or any of those who took an oath to protect this Country be given an exemption card to spend government money - when many struggle to pay their mortgages, walk the pavement to find a job and wonder how they are going to pay for their children's education.
3 surgeons are discussing who makes the best patients to operate on.
The 1st surgeon said, "Electricians are the best, everything inside is color coded."
The 2nd surgeon says, "No, I think librarians are, everything inside them is in alphabetical order"
The 3rd surgeon shuts them all up when he says :"You're all wrong. Politicians are the easiest to operate on. They have no guts, no heart, no brains, and no spine. Plus, the head and the ass are interchangeable.
5:45 AM Blogger: Good point, now how do we get them to the OR?
As the man once said, our oil crisis is simply due to the oil being in Arab Nations, and the dip sticks are all in Washington!
Tom Ford
Were in for a rough ride folks, batten down the hatches! I wonder who would be so ill informed as to allow this to happen to America? Could this be by design?
Tom Ford
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