New (so called) civility in Wisconsin by ? (click here for the story.)

Now here we have one of the best reasons I have seen in a while why we conservatives don't wish to "just get along!" If you will notice it's a SCHOOL that has been "glued" shut to prevent the Governor of the State from reading to children!
Now that is really "progressive," and one of the main reasons why these people have no credibility with me when they ask for "civility." They claim to want civility, diversity, and all the other things they say they stand for, yet when it comes time to "put up" they want us to shut up!
The Tea party isn't a group of "radical right wingers," no indeed it is a gathering of God Fearing Americans who are fed up with being told by a pack of socialists what were going to do!
Look for the ascension of the Tea Party philosophy, and I thank the "progressives" who do such things as glue school doors shut for the boost that will surly increase Tea party membership.
Tom Ford
NO. 930
there are those out there who would say he's reaping what he's sown.
The Tea party is way more than God fearing Christians who quietly try to live and let live. Any group is more than that. the NY Times just did a survey whose data stated that they are the most distrusted, unliked group in America at the moment. That is behind Muslims, Atheists, everyone. It says something when over 3,000 people stated clearly they would prefer a leader who actually IS a Muslim or even an Atheist over a TP member. Does this mean the group as a whole are "bad"? No, it means they need some positive stuff in the news, because all anyone associates them with is raging protets, hypocrisy, and saying NO to everything and everybody. They could really use some good press.
10:36 AM Blogger: "Reaping what he has sown?" That makes it OK to disrupt kids in their school because the NEA, or public sector unions don't like him?
The NY Times? What, was Pravda or the George Sorros sites down and couldn't do the survey?
Thank you for proving my point to the enth degree! Your willing to "do anything" to get your way aren't you.
Well I am saying NO to you and all of your ilk, sorry "Progressive!"
Tom Ford
K, let's review. You stated support for the Tea Party. I didn't state being against them AT ALL. What I said was, that they are in desperate need to good press right now, if that poll was to be believed. There is nothing as valuable as good press and positive stories for support.
I stated there were some who would feel the governor got what he asked for with his prior actions. I did not endorse the actions, I made a statement. You are overly sensitive and slightly paranoid. I did not say one single thing you accused me of. Willing to "do anything"? Heavens, man, I'm not the one who created statements that weren't there and put words in someone else's mouth. FYI, I am not a progressive.
5:22 PM Blogger: "FYI, I am not a progressive."
All evidence to the contrary, you will notice the instant personal attacks made by you, as well as the reference to the NYT and the Tea Party.
"Overly sensitive?" Nope, I let you post here without hitting the by by switch don't I?
Good try but no cigar.
Tom Ford
what personal attacks??
6:56 PM Blogger: SIGH, just forget about it.
Tom Ford
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