News and views of the City Of Crestwood, for and by the citizens of Crestwood! "Most of the news, with none of the paper"
"The heart of the wise inclines to the right but the heart of the fool to the left." Eccleiastes 10:2
"Sic Semper Tyrannis"
Unbelieveable . You actually believe this rubbish?? The National Enquirer's online equivalent? I am really shocked that you would post this as factual. The First Lady's trip to Spain was paid for by them, as was reported at the time. Are you under the impression the president, any president, doesn't deserve a vacation? Well, Bush and your hero Reagan certainly took alot of them, was that wrong too? at this same juncture in their terms, Bush had taken 200 days, and Reagan 121. Obama has had 61. Check your facts. Michelle Obama did not use taxpayer money for any personal expenses. Good Heavens. i know you hate the president, but to post outright lies??? It does address the issues, and calls people on their blunders. I understand not liking a president, but at least dislike him due to real things, not made up BS that has no basis in fact. Check out rumors before you state them as fact. It's just what grown up, intelligent people do...they check things out a little before repeating it as the truth.
Jeb Bush summed it up well when he said in a speech that you can't just "be against the president". There need to be ideas, the willingness to persuade, not just screaming no at everything the man says. I hope the GOP candidates listen, because so far there have been no ideas, just...NO.
Try this one out for size, Remember were paying for this while you read it. And by the way, NO answerers on how the "Hope and Change" is working out, only the usual P/L attacks so far.
Okay, so far I am happy or at least satisfied with most of it, but would like a few things to be different. So, in short, it's working out fine for me. Of course, I didn't expect the country to be back to 90's standards in a year and half like many did. I'm not so stupid as to really think anyone could fix this mess in such a short period of time. And I see no one coming up on the other side so far that will do one tiny bit better. Not one of the candidates that have entered the race show any potential for being any better. Quite the opposite, in my opinion.
An "alphabet" news story? Tom, you always say you hate news with letters. But in that story I see nothing about who's paying for the vacation, so it seems as though you are making assumptions. It has been stated over and over that the Obamas pay for their own vacations, so why do you think this trip is any different?
6;29 AM Blogger; I thought you might be more comfortable getting it from a liberal news source, hence ABC news.
" It has been stated over and over that the Obama's pay for their own vacations, so why do you think this trip is any different?"
Now that is just plain silly.
Do you know that the two of them took TWO Air Force One's (yes there are two,) to Martha's Vineyard? Do you know what a B-747 burns per hour (JP-8?) Do you know that a minimum of 2 (TWO) fighter jets must accompany EACH of the planes on any trip? Do you know that at least four C-130, or C-17 aircraft also accompany the trip to provide the limos, Secret Service vehicles to the destination?
Now add up ALL that fuel expense, the personnel that MUST stay with the aircraft for two weeks, the housing for everyone and the $50,000 (Drudge report) for the first couple's house rental, and then please tell us again that they pay for their own vacations!
If you buy into any of that idiocy that "they pay for their own vacation's, please send ALL of us a case of whatever it is your sipping as it must be really good stuff!
7:54 PM Blogger: No I do not hate the man, only his policies that he is so fond of. Unlike liberals I can differentiate between the man and the job.
Most all of you hated the man (Bush) and said so on a regular basis, while I can't hate someone I don't know or have ever met!
No my friend I hate any policy that would steer this nation toward communist / socialist ruination, and I will say so every chance I get, but hate someone I don't know, not possible for me.
4:29 PM Blogger: Reaching? Do all Presidents wives take the two hour earlier flight? Do all wives have the entourage that she carries to wherever she goes? Reaching?
Reaching? No my friend these two have no concept of OUR MONEY they are spending! But as Dame Margret Thatcher said so beautifully, "The problem with liberals is that sooner or later they run out of other peoples money!
By the way, are you conceding that these two paid for nothing? They haven't you know!
I want to know how you know this. How do you know they have paid for nothing from their own personal money. Please post a link, or some sort of legimate source. That leaves out your first article, which is an online rag.
Come on all of you. Party politics will never change. That is why our leaders on both sides cannot come up with an answer to our hugh problem as well as small ones in this Country.
Dems. and Reps. will never, ever compromise on anything. They will never, ever come together not even when the Country is in jeopardy. This has never changed but has now come to the forefront and is pivitol for them to do.
Party politics is the name of the game, on the State and Federal level - it ain't gonna change and it will be to the demise of the very people who elected them. You and I will become the victims while they all sit in their ivory towers.
They can't compromise, they do not know how to do it and the finger pointing will go on until this Country is dead period!
14 comments and so far no answers. Quotes "a galore", bickering back and forth and it will go on even if 100 comments are shown.
I certainly have no answers. I just can't understand why we in this Country have the brilliance to send a man into outerspace and back again, but we cannot come up with a solution to our budget crisis.
All the dems. and reps. want to do is play the blame game.
All I know for sure is none of this is getting us one step closer to an answer to our problems. But if I were a gambler, I will tell you a truism - the Dems. and Reps. will never, ever come together. A pure and indelible "factoid".
It is all about stragedy between the Democrats and Republicans because of the upcoming election. If they come together and compromise now to try to fix our problem, the Republicans don't want the credit to go to Obama for finding a solution. Conversely, if and when the next President is Republican., that candidate will be saying the very same thing Obama is saying now about compromise and Oh then, that will be different and alright with his party.
All the Republicans will be calling the Democrats names because they the Democrats will now refuse to cooperate just to get back at them. In the meantime, neither party cares about us - it's all about their particular party.
It makes me sick! The Democrats have had Presidents in the White House that I wouldn't give you two cents for, and there have been Republicans just as bad. Neither party will admit to it though.
Friends have split because of politics, relatives have split because of it, and I should know. My uncle and father screamed at each other about it, my own neice and nephew are so in everybody's face because they are Republican. As I understand it from my daughter, you cannot even mention OBama in their presence or they go into a tangent. You cannot even send a joke through e-mail for fear of getting an ear full.
And you political party people get this straight - I am neither 100% for either party.
I voted Republican this time because I felt John McCain had more experience and would be one to not listen to political cronies and I felt OBama didn't have the longevity. But make no mistake about it - I have also voted Democrat in my life. So for you 100% dye in the wool party people, I guess I am a bad person.
When politics comes up at a dinner party or barbecue - OMG - not at my house! This bickering can get insane and I won't let it happen.
yet, when someone on here a few threads ago really tried to start a true dialogue with give and take and exchange of ideas, that poster was told that discussion must be had live online, streaming publicly. It was pathetic. So, my thought is that no one on here wants answers and ideas. They want to grandstand and name-call.
6:36 PM Blogger: You seem to have "select memory" going for you there. That poster was doing his or her best to ridicule some of us with no danger of being exposed themselves, so I offered to debate them in an OPEN forum!
You seem to think that just because they take the liberal bent it's OK, Well it isn't my friend! If they felt so strongly about their convictions they should have taken up the challenge, I DID!
It's very easy for you (and them) to stay in the "anonymous" shadows and spout your mantra. but when the light is shined on you your off to the darkest place you can find. If you really want to be listened to here GIVE US YOUR REAL NAME!
Now that's what really happened and you know it! So if your feeling like you would like to take up their (or your) banner just say so and I will reserve the room!
Here's a little clue to what is going on here and in the public dialog. Since Obama cannot run on his record, his reelection machine has to either bring down the current leader in the GOP polls, or produce the mind set of "can't we just all get along". Note if you will, how the Obama machine went after Romney first, then Bachmann, then Perry, and now they are striking Palin again based on rumors that she may announce next weekend. Understand what they are trying to do to when the Obama machine claims the problem is a small minority (Tea Party) who are being unreasonable by not compromising. They are trying to paint Obama as main stream America,and anyone who opposes him as extremist. That is a joke! Don't forget that Obama and his party had super majorities in the House and Senate until 1/1/2011. If they had been so worried about the debt and the need to raise taxes on the rich, they sure could have done it then.
My name is Tim Trueblood and I am ready to debate you here or in a public forum, as long as you do not remain anonymous. Put up or shut up.
8;18 PM Blogger: "right here in your own blog?" Well that nails it doesn't it?
This is my Blog and as such I will decide the who, what, where, and how of the content. . That includes my convictions, my feelings and my comment's. So please understand that when you come after me with a BB gun (as you did when you said "It was pathetic,") you can bet I am returning fire with an atomic bomb!
You want civility, start doing it in your comments and I will do likewise.
Some of you seem to be incensed when I use the words, Liberal or Progressive, and yet you profess that mantra at every turn.
I myself am a Conservative Tea Party member who believes in the America that gave every one a chance, and a hand up, not a handout, and I am not ashamed to say it.
What I don't understand is why the people of the Liberal / Progressive movement (or those who believe in socialism) are so afraid to be tagged with the very name of the things they believe in.
Oh, and in closing, please us your real name, people will applaud you for it, and I will be sure to give you full license to state your case here.
From a site I visit, and a friend from Indiana on that site.
God Bless America.................
"The year was 1940, America was just coming out of the (first) Great Depression and WWII was growing ever closer. Kate Smith introduced this wonderful song that we all love today."
Listen to her sing it the way it was meant to be sung and enjoy!
There are some positive things I have learned from this blog and on this thread.
But....Four Score and Many Moons ago, our forefathers got together as a whole and the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States was born. These great leaders I am sure had their differences just as we do to this very day. But they were united in putting these important documents together for the common good.
Today, we cannot seem to be able to do that. Unfortunately, I don't know if the Democratic and Republican parties will ever be able to do it.
Although I don't agree with everything everyone has said under this heading, I like hearing what others have to say.
But I have learned the hard way that you will get more respect if you do sign your name on this blog as long as Tom acts as the administrator and gets rid of those who choose to hit you in the gut!
Both Democrats and Republicans are now on the campaign trail and there will be no good answer to our problems since that is the only thing they wish to address.
The two parties can come together like our forefathers did but I have my doubts. However, even though he gets upset and carried away at times, I do appreciate Tom's concern and love for his Country. The fundamental issues are what we are all concerned about here - but people express them in different ways.
This is an open forum and I feel that everyone else including me can agree that we only want what is just and correct for our Country - we just don't always agree as to how to get it.
Unbelieveable . You actually believe this rubbish?? The National Enquirer's online equivalent? I am really shocked that you would post this as factual. The First Lady's trip to Spain was paid for by them, as was reported at the time. Are you under the impression the president, any president, doesn't deserve a vacation? Well, Bush and your hero Reagan certainly took alot of them, was that wrong too? at this same juncture in their terms, Bush had taken 200 days, and Reagan 121. Obama has had 61. Check your facts. Michelle Obama did not use taxpayer money for any personal expenses. Good Heavens. i know you hate the president, but to post outright lies???
And how is your report more factual than Tom's?
I do not see hard evidence from either side.
News articles do not count. It does address the issues, and calls people on their blunders. I understand not liking a president, but at least dislike him due to real things, not made up BS that has no basis in fact. Check out rumors before you state them as fact. It's just what grown up, intelligent people do...they check things out a little before repeating it as the truth.
Jeb Bush summed it up well when he said in a speech that you can't just "be against the president". There need to be ideas, the willingness to persuade, not just screaming no at everything the man says. I hope the GOP candidates listen, because so far there have been no ideas, just...NO.
Try this one out for size, Remember were paying for this while you read it. And by the way, NO answerers on how the "Hope and Change" is working out, only the usual P/L attacks so far.
Tom Ford
Okay, so far I am happy or at least satisfied with most of it, but would like a few things to be different. So, in short, it's working out fine for me. Of course, I didn't expect the country to be back to 90's standards in a year and half like many did. I'm not so stupid as to really think anyone could fix this mess in such a short period of time. And I see no one coming up on the other side so far that will do one tiny bit better. Not one of the candidates that have entered the race show any potential for being any better. Quite the opposite, in my opinion.
An "alphabet" news story? Tom, you always say you hate news with letters. But in that story I see nothing about who's paying for the vacation, so it seems as though you are making assumptions. It has been stated over and over that the Obamas pay for their own vacations, so why do you think this trip is any different?
6;29 AM Blogger; I thought you might be more comfortable getting it from a liberal news source, hence ABC news.
" It has been stated over and over that the Obama's pay for their own vacations, so why do you think this trip is any different?"
Now that is just plain silly.
Do you know that the two of them took TWO Air Force One's (yes there are two,) to Martha's Vineyard? Do you know what a B-747 burns per hour (JP-8?) Do you know that a minimum of 2 (TWO) fighter jets must accompany EACH of the planes on any trip? Do you know that at least four C-130, or C-17 aircraft also accompany the trip to provide the limos, Secret Service vehicles to the destination?
Now add up ALL that fuel expense, the personnel that MUST stay with the aircraft for two weeks, the housing for everyone and the $50,000 (Drudge report) for the first couple's house rental, and then please tell us again that they pay for their own vacations!
If you buy into any of that idiocy that "they pay for their own vacation's, please send ALL of us a case of whatever it is your sipping as it must be really good stuff!
Tom Ford
7:54 PM Blogger: No I do not hate the man, only his policies that he is so fond of. Unlike liberals I can differentiate between the man and the job.
Most all of you hated the man (Bush) and said so on a regular basis, while I can't hate someone I don't know or have ever met!
No my friend I hate any policy that would steer this nation toward communist / socialist ruination, and I will say so every chance I get, but hate someone I don't know, not possible for me.
Tom Ford
all presidents take air force one on trips. You're reaching.
4:29 PM Blogger: Reaching? Do all Presidents wives take the two hour earlier flight? Do all wives have the entourage that she carries to wherever she goes? Reaching?
Reaching? No my friend these two have no concept of OUR MONEY they are spending! But as Dame Margret Thatcher said so beautifully, "The problem with liberals is that sooner or later they run out of other peoples money!
By the way, are you conceding that these two paid for nothing? They haven't you know!
Tom Ford
I want to know how you know this. How do you know they have paid for nothing from their own personal money. Please post a link, or some sort of legimate source. That leaves out your first article, which is an online rag.
Hurts when you find out a liberal wants to be treated like an evil rich white person, doesn't it?
the 7:25 post made no sense at all.
Come on all of you. Party politics will never change. That is why our leaders on both sides cannot come up with an answer to our hugh problem as well as small ones in this Country.
Dems. and Reps. will never, ever compromise on anything. They will never, ever come together not even when the Country is in jeopardy. This has never changed but has now come to the forefront and is pivitol for them to do.
Party politics is the name of the game, on the State and Federal level - it ain't gonna change and it will be to the demise of the very people who elected them. You and I will become the victims while they all sit in their ivory towers.
They can't compromise, they do not know how to do it and the finger pointing will go on until this Country is dead period!
14 comments and so far no answers. Quotes "a galore", bickering back and forth and it will go on even if 100 comments are shown.
I certainly have no answers. I just can't understand why we in this Country have the brilliance to send a man into outerspace and back again, but we cannot come up with a solution to our budget crisis.
All the dems. and reps. want to do is play the blame game.
All I know for sure is none of this is getting us one step closer to an answer to our problems. But if I were a gambler, I will tell you a truism - the Dems. and Reps. will never, ever come together. A pure and indelible "factoid".
It is all about stragedy between the Democrats and Republicans because of the upcoming election. If they come together and compromise now to try to fix our problem, the Republicans don't want the credit to go to Obama for finding a solution. Conversely, if and when the next President is Republican., that candidate will be saying the very same thing Obama is saying now about compromise and Oh then, that will be different and alright with his party.
All the Republicans will be calling the Democrats names because they the Democrats will now refuse to cooperate just to get back at them. In the meantime, neither party cares about us - it's all about their particular party.
It makes me sick! The Democrats have had Presidents in the White House that I wouldn't give you two cents for, and there have been Republicans just as bad. Neither party will admit to it though.
Friends have split because of politics, relatives have split because of it, and I should know. My uncle and father screamed at each other about it, my own neice and nephew are so in everybody's face because they are Republican. As I understand it from my daughter, you cannot even mention OBama in their presence or they go into a tangent. You cannot even send a joke through e-mail for fear of getting an ear full.
And you political party people get this straight - I am neither 100% for either party.
I voted Republican this time because I felt John McCain had more experience and would be one to not listen to political cronies and I felt OBama didn't have the longevity. But make no mistake about it - I have also voted Democrat in my life. So for you 100% dye in the wool party people, I guess I am a bad person.
When politics comes up at a dinner party or barbecue - OMG - not at my house! This bickering can get insane and I won't let it happen.
Those are my thoughts.
yet, when someone on here a few threads ago really tried to start a true dialogue with give and take and exchange of ideas, that poster was told that discussion must be had live online, streaming publicly. It was pathetic. So, my thought is that no one on here wants answers and ideas. They want to grandstand and name-call.
6:36 PM Blogger: You seem to have "select memory" going for you there. That poster was doing his or her best to ridicule some of us with no danger of being exposed themselves, so I offered to debate them in an OPEN forum!
You seem to think that just because they take the liberal bent it's OK, Well it isn't my friend! If they felt so strongly about their convictions they should have taken up the challenge, I DID!
It's very easy for you (and them) to stay in the "anonymous" shadows and spout your mantra. but when the light is shined on you your off to the darkest place you can find. If you really want to be listened to here GIVE US YOUR REAL NAME!
Now that's what really happened and you know it! So if your feeling like you would like to take up their (or your) banner just say so and I will reserve the room!
Tom Ford
Tom Ford
But will you ever have a real discussion, without anger and name calling, right here in your own blog? I have not seen any evidence that you will.
Here's a little clue to what is going on here and in the public dialog. Since Obama cannot run on his record, his reelection machine has to either bring down the current leader in the GOP polls, or produce the mind set of "can't we just all get along".
Note if you will, how the Obama machine went after Romney first, then Bachmann, then Perry, and now they are striking Palin again based on rumors that she may announce next weekend.
Understand what they are trying to do to when the Obama machine claims the problem is a small minority (Tea Party) who are being unreasonable by not compromising. They are trying to paint Obama as main stream America,and anyone who opposes him as extremist. That is a joke!
Don't forget that Obama and his party had super majorities in the House and Senate until 1/1/2011. If they had been so worried about the debt and the need to raise taxes on the rich, they sure could have done it then.
My name is Tim Trueblood and I am ready to debate you here or in a public forum, as long as you do not remain anonymous.
Put up or shut up.
8;18 PM Blogger: "right here in your own blog?" Well that nails it doesn't it?
This is my Blog and as such I will decide the who, what, where, and how of the content. . That includes my convictions, my feelings and my comment's.
So please understand that when you come after me with a BB gun (as you did when you said "It was pathetic,") you can bet I am returning fire with an atomic bomb!
You want civility, start doing it in your comments and I will do likewise.
Some of you seem to be incensed when I use the words, Liberal or Progressive, and yet you profess that mantra at every turn.
I myself am a Conservative Tea Party member who believes in the America that gave every one a chance, and a hand up, not a handout, and I am not ashamed to say it.
What I don't understand is why the people of the Liberal / Progressive movement (or those who believe in socialism) are so afraid to be tagged with the very name of the things they believe in.
Oh, and in closing, please us your real name, people will applaud you for it, and I will be sure to give you full license to state your case here.
Tom Ford
From a site I visit, and a friend from Indiana on that site.
God Bless America.................
"The year was 1940, America was just coming out of the (first) Great Depression and WWII was growing ever closer. Kate Smith introduced this wonderful song that we all love today."
Listen to her sing it the way it was meant to be sung and enjoy!
Tom Ford
always loved Kate Smith.
There are some positive things I have learned from this blog and on this thread.
But....Four Score and Many Moons ago, our forefathers got together as a whole and the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States was born. These great leaders I am sure had their differences just as we do to this very day. But they were united in putting these important documents together for the common good.
Today, we cannot seem to be able to do that. Unfortunately, I don't know if the Democratic and Republican parties will ever be able to do it.
Although I don't agree with everything everyone has said under this heading, I like hearing what others have to say.
But I have learned the hard way that you will get more respect if you do sign your name on this blog as long as Tom acts as the administrator and gets rid of those who choose to hit you in the gut!
Both Democrats and Republicans are now on the campaign trail and there will be no good answer to our problems since that is the only thing they wish to address.
The two parties can come together like our forefathers did but I have my doubts. However, even though he gets upset and carried away at times, I do appreciate Tom's concern and love for his Country. The fundamental issues are what we are all concerned about here - but people express them in different ways.
This is an open forum and I feel that everyone else including me can agree that we only want what is just and correct for our Country - we just don't always agree as to how to get it.
The Obama's leave Martha's Vineyard on SEPARATE PLANES again!
Nice bill for he little guy taxpayer in times of National debt problems.
Try this site out for the story by various agency's.
Tom Ford
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