(cartoon from Dales Blog.)
Well the fools have finally done it my friends. Not even Jimmy Carter caused this much grief in four years! Thanks to the idiots we saw fit to "elect" were in the very bottom of the economic commode.
In case you wonder what will follow this, please allow me to enlighten you. Soon we will see our 'creditors' considering calling in the debt we owe them, and next will be the printing of money with no back up commodity, In other words, HYPER INFLATION!
Couple that with the fact that the OPEC nations have just elected a ranking officer of the Iranian Republican Guards to the office of President, and I think you can see where the "progressive / Liberal establishment has taken us in three short years.
If your at all interested in the story please click on the header to read it for yourself.
Tom Ford
NO. 921
This, I agree with.
"Yet the action in Washington in the past year has all gone in the opposite direction. President Obama deserves some of the blame. Several months ago, he struck a deal with Congress to make the fiscal situation worse -- extending the Bush tax cuts for two more years and enacting a temporary cut in the payroll tax.
But Congressional Republicans deserve much more of the blame. For this calamity was entirely man-made -- even intentional. The contemporary Republican Party is fixated on taxes. It possesses an iron-clad belief that the existing tax rates should never go up, that loopholes shouldn't be closed unless they're offset by other tax reductions, that the fact that hedge fund managers pay lower tax rates than school teachers makes complete sense, that a reversion to the tax rates of the prosperous 1990's or 1980's would be unacceptable.
In the past two years, this attitude has combined with a general hostility to playing ball with Democrats on large legislative issues, a near-blanket refusal to conduct business with President Obama, and, since the arrival of the raucous Tea Party freshman, a cavalier attitude toward the nation's obligations. It was common to hear duly elected legislators argue that it wouldn't be a big deal if the government were to pierce the debt ceiling and default on its debts."
Yes, it is terrible that the entire Country from the feds right down to towns like Crestwood, was probably ruined by the recently elected "tea party" republicans!
Of course the other idiots like Obama, and the senate, and the house, helped too.
I think it would be a good idea if all of them were tossed out, and replaced by regular citizens..."the common man, or woman", with no axe to grind, or "party affiliation", or "donations" (bribes) from special interest groups. All races, from all areas of the Country, city and rural, poor and middle income, people with the biggest stake in the success of the Country.
I am not that upset. Concerned, maybe, but do remember that we were only downgraded by 1 agency, not all 3, and there are serious questions hovering about S&P's calculations.
"I am not that upset. Concerned, maybe,..."
Apparently, you did not watch our federal legislators in action.
They, and their staffs, and expenses add up to a huge amount EACH. If you had watched them in action on the news, or CSPAN, you would have seen them bickering, badmouthing each other, walking out on meetings, ranting about all sorts of things, and refusing to compromise on anything.
Most would not communicate, or even respond to their constituents, who, of course elected them to REPRESENT them.
It is time to hold them responsible for their lack of effort.
2:23 AM Blogger: John your right on the money there. WE ALL need to remember these fools in November and vote them out of office!
Who are we talking about? Well if a name appears with a (D) or a (R) behind it vote for the one that is nor party affiliated, simple!
"There are four pillars to liberty. The soap box, the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box. Please use them in that order!"
Winston Churchill
Tom Ford
I was only referring to the national credit rating, not the behavior of Congress. I have been outraged and disgusted by them. Particularly John Boehner. His conduct has been childish and very disappointing. He is not alone by any stretch, but for me, he stands out.
121:18 PM Blogger: I am just wondering when in recorded history a FRESHMAN class, group, or whatever has ever been in charge?
The writer tries to make it seem that all the democrats were the downtrodden ones and the FRESHMAN "Tea Parity" members(?) were leading them by the nose.
As politics is interesting to me, I watched it as did "John," and like John I saw something entirely different playing out.
I think the writer of that piece has a bit of a "slant" and wishful thinking going for himself, no?
Tom Ford
Here is what I found on the web reference the Moody's report on the National debt. True it's from July 13th. but it's still relevent as to the "downgrade" outlook.
Tom ford
there are alot of things happening right now that have never happened before. Look at the names that were consistently refusing to deal, negotiate, or even talk. They were young, many first year, and more often than not, Tea Party members. It's not a slant, it's simply the roster of names.
9:56 AM Blogger: I agree that things are strange right now, but I really don't believe the democrat controlled Senate was held 'hostage" by the Freshman in either house, Tea party or not.
I do believe the writer (like all writers) has made it come out the way he wanted it to, thus the "Slant."
Remember I am not on the side of ANY of the so called leaders, in fact I am calling for their complete removal of ALL of them to be removed as they come up for election, period.
Tom Ford
Blaming the members of Congress who wanted a balanced budget, a reduction in govt spending and refused to increase taxes during an economic downturn is like blaming the sailor on the Titanic who first saw the iceberg for the resulting collision & sinking! They just started their watch, they didn't ignore warnings of icebergs and didn't refuse to slow the Titanic down. They just reported the upcoming collision.
Please, this nation has been rushing towards this downgrade iceberg at full speed, ever since the Great Society and LBJ's "endless" War on Poverty. When the debt ceiling increase is eaten up the day after it's enacted, blaming those who were on watch and warned of what was on coming is pure political talking points of the day.
Think for a minute, if you would about this, 52% of Americans do not pay or own federal income tax. Therefore, what sense does it make to increase that percent at the cost of those remaining Americans who "have skin in the game" IE are paying the full tax load now?
Think further about the terms being used to justify increasing taxes on the 48% who pay all of the taxes now. Ponder for a moment the term
"ECONOMIC JUSTICE". I believe this means in today's world of liberal double speak to take from those who do not vote for liberals and give to those who do. If you were a part of the 52% why wouldn't you want to "increase taxes on the rich"?
But I have wandered a bit from my original theme, sorry.
The truth is our nation has been out spending it's "revenue" flow for decades. Our nation elected the same party to rule Congress for over 40 years, based in large part on their perversion of JFK's "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country" to, "elect me and I'll get you stuff free".
Why would anyone be surprised now, when the bill comes due and our debt is 100% of our GNP, and 52% of us have no "skin in the game" and a reported 9.1% of us are unemployed, that there are no shovel ready jobs, that the $740 billion dollars stimulus package failed to do as promised, that green jobs is a lie, (as is man caused global warming, but that's for another day) that when the reality of this insanity can not continue, those who have drunk the kool-aid and blame everyone but themselves go crazy folks, go crazy?
To paraphrase Pogo, "we have found the enemy and it is us."
I agree to hold all of these congressional (idiot)representatives accountable for their lack of cooperation and forgetting those of us who entrusted them with our votes. What a "show of shows".
They were way too busy playing party politics and showing us and our children how Not to get a Country back on it's feet.
If our children and grand children were to act as they did, we would have every right to berate them for bad behavior and take them to the "back of the woodshed" for a good spanking.
What a great gift to have freedom of speech and show us all how to really get things done Huh? What a reflection on us to other Nations of the world.
I am sick to death of this. And when you think about it, maybe it is exactly this behavior for many, many years that got us where we are; through the incooperative and nasty party politics. Dems. and Reps. voting not what is best for the United States but rather "Joe Blow" (their favorite political buddy) who asked for their vote on an issue they really didn't agree with. Or voting along with an issue when they were against it because( they owed somebody a favor).
Abe Lincoln was a humble man. Maybe they should all start out with that trait first instead of putting their "egos" and "party" first and to heck with us.
I am disgusted and worried and unfortunately we, grassroots America, again and still will suffer for it. We always do.
Sure Mr. Trueblood, let's all just blame LBJ for everything. At least that's how you started out your comment. Seems like you are not a bit ashamed of the way both parties acted on this very important issue, and issue that will affect all of us down the road. You say nothing about antics and bad behavior. I guess you condone their egotistical attitudes and "playing games". I wonder why that is. Seems like I have seen some of those antics on the local level.
Both sides need to grow up Mr. Trueblood. There is no question that LBJ and others did wrong but bad judgement and mistakes were made from both sides; not that you would ever admit it.
Dear Anonymous 10:49 AM, August 06, 2011
"Seems like you are not a bit ashamed of the way both parties acted on this very important issue, and issue that will affect all of us down the road. You say nothing about antics and bad behavior. I guess you condone their egotistical attitudes and "playing games". I wonder why that is. Seems like I have seen some of those antics on the local level."
So what does worrying about the antics and bad behavior, attitudes have to do with solving the problem? Seems to me you are more concerned about what Miss Manners would say than facing the problem.
I think you are simply trying to deflect attention from what caused and continues to cause this crisis by worrying about rhetoric.
Talking didn't cause these problems, is was actions that did. Focus on actions that can end this crisis, not the accent of the sailor who screamed out "iceberg dead ahead"!
gsp said...
Not knowing your voting record, one can only guess how much you did or didn't cause this mess. Because GSP, it comes down to just that, who the voters elected to represent us in Congress.
In the final analysis, the voters of the 2nd Congressional district Missouri have, since Dick Gephardt was first elected, been sending to represent us in Congress those who believe their job is get us "free stuff".
It's that simple.
Now that the bill for the "free stuff" has been uncovered and is now come due, instead of figuring out how to pay it and stop it from growing, there are some who focus on the way the crisis was talked about vs dealt with. Others want to claim they didn't cause the problem. But the same could be said for the passengers on the Titanic, they didn't cause the ship to hit the iceberg, but that didn't relieve them from paying the same consequences as the Capt.
It stuns me that there is such focus on the behavior of the sailor on watch, vs what he was trying to prevent!
I, for one, refuse to be caught up in any deflection away from the real issue at hand, that being how do we stop the insanity of tax and spend. I have no time or patience with those who refuse to address the need to undo the Affordable Health Care Act as the first step in reducing our nations over spending and future tax increases.
I will most likely be thought of as rude or not well mannered if I point out how if the 14 million illegals in America were returned to their native country, our unemployment rate would drop.
It wouldn't surprise me if I was called greedy for not wanting to share my "wealth", or support the raising of taxes on the rich. Because with every fiber of my body, I do not support the concept of "from each according to their ability, to each according to their need".
Bully for you Mr. Trueblood. You are still placing the blame solely on what you call the "free stuff" party. Therefore, you are being close minded and you are not alone. That is why nothing is getting done. You make your metaphor and I make mine. You are like two parents who do nothing but yell and scream at each other while the kids watch. The only ones getting hurt are the kids.
So basically you don't care anything about the screaming and chaos going on between the representatives and how they refuse to compromise to get things done. You feel it's OK to do that. I don't and you can call me Miss Manners if you so choose.
I know you love to fight Mr. Trueblood you have done it on the dais so why would even think you could see how that kind of bantor is wrong.
If these people feel that they got anything accomplished by beating each other over the head and refused to discuss issues with an open mind, I say that is why they accomplished nothing. More time working together, using valuable time discussing ways to solve our problems instead of party politics would have served us better.
Now look at what is ahead of us; more balony, and who knows what will happy to the common man.
You die in the wool party people disgust me. So suffice to say Mr. Trueblood, we differ on this issue. I will leave the arguing to you. Maybe you can run for President and solve all our problems.
Yes 12:22 PM, August 06, 2011, Anonymous bully for me! (where have I read that phrase before on this blog?)
So here's your big show time chance. If there was no one to oppose you from doing what you wanted as the leader of the USA, what would you do to turn our economy around?
Hey Sandy or Anonymous 12:22 PM, August 06, 2011. Did you know your cover is blown cause any time Trueblood posts something here you bring up the Crestwood BOA?
Pretty transparent of you.
1:47 "your cover is blown"? Who are you - Sherlock Holmes? You made your decision to go anonymous, so please remember that I have the same right under the blog rules! If you want to continue playing "cat and mouse" that's your option. It just seems very funny to me that when Trueblood signs his name, you "anonymous" make a comment right after he does. So you have blown your cover?
You feel that people on the local level who have served as mayor or aldermen cannot be brought into this issue? And somehow they should not be chided for the same conduct as those on the Fed. level that we are dealing with at the present time? Well, I feel differently.
Mr. Trueblood as well as many of his so-called brothers/sister on the board of aldermen all did as they were told to do years ago and march to the beat of the same drummer. Just like Demos and Rep. do.
If he and others on the board were confronted with an issue like unjust and unfair harrassment that one of their own did and after years of working with that person, they all would go with the flow. Just like Demos and Rep. do. It's all about politics local or State or Fed. There is no differenciation at all.
But we are speaking of the whole United States now - and still they all do the same thing - stick with their party. No matter the detriment to us, the people -, or the whole U.S., politicians still do what their party tells them to do and to heck with the people themselves.
Also, many people have commented on this blog anonymously, have been irritated, or upset about people, have mentioned names and are never chided for it. Why should my comments be chided?
Mr. Trueblood you asked what I would do if I were President. Well I can tell you what I would NOT do, is play Demos. over Rep. or vise versa! People are people and if anyone tried to side with one or the other, I would do what my conscience told me to do. But they all do the same thing you do Mr. Trueblood, they stick with their party and deny anything stated by the opposite party.
Also, if you think that this one President, Demo. or Rep. can fix what has been done for centuries by both parties, you must believe in Superman because, "it ain't gonna happen".
This country has screwed itself big time by playing politics. And if you don't believe that is true, you are just kidding yourself.
Gotta love that answer! Just more finger pointing at those who have been pointing fingers.
You really are a one trick pony.
Well OK folks how about we toss this around for a change.
In the financial climate we find our selves in as of last Friday do we continue to spend money on a bridge to nowhere, or do we pull back and wait for better times?
Remember now the $750,000.00 bridge cannot be used by you and I ,only by parks and emergency services personnel. There is access to the "other side" of the creek now, so I ask you is this really necessary under the current circumstances?
Tom Ford
6:07 And you are the pony's rear.
6:22 PM I agree with you Tom on what you are saying. Let us move forward.
However a previous comment made at 1:47 said we should not talk about the Crestwood Board of Aldermen especially where Trueblood is concerned. So the agenda on this blog is strict according to 1:47. I guess we just have to make sure we follow the unwritten rules.
In that same vein - 1:47 and probably 6:07 feel it was previously OK to keep talking about the previous mayor on this blog over and over.
So let me get this straight - Trueblood can say anything he wishes, anywhere on this blog about anything; but I am not allowed to interject a negative on his comments - right?
And I guess it is OK for any one to to keep commenting negatively but it has to be according to what 6:07 PM and Trueblood agree with. Maybe 6:07 and Trueblood can name names and write out a "creedo" for us bloggers.
That said, - let's move on.
8:15 PM, August 06, 2011,
Just re-read the post of 1:47, you must have special glasses because there is nothing there saying what you claim in your post.
Noted "Journalist" and liberal thinker on President Obama's "downgrade blues."
Very interesting, it looks like he has lost his base.
Tom Ford
TEL AVI market down 7% as of today! Gee I can't wait for tomorrow to see how really broke we are.
Tom Ford
Obama Blames You!
Obama Blames S&P!
Obama Blames Bush!
Obama Blames ATMs!
Obama Blames China!
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Obama Blames Congress!
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Obama Blames Democracy!
Obama Blames Äräb Springs!
Obama Blames Oil Companies!
Obama blames House Republicans!
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Obama Blames Whites for Bläck's Failure!
Obama Blames Broken Immigration Promises!
Don't Believe It? Check all the 'Obama Blames' links here...
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