News and views of the City Of Crestwood, for and by the citizens of Crestwood! "Most of the news, with none of the paper"
"The heart of the wise inclines to the right but the heart of the fool to the left." Eccleiastes 10:2
"Sic Semper Tyrannis"
Friday, September 02, 2011
Do we think this is is a group of lost votes for Mr. Obama?
I think it's a sure bet that this family will not be voting for Mr. Obama in 2012.
back on the name obsession? My goodness, what a one track mind. Yet, I have not seen any good, constructive ideas for solutions. So, does that mean, using your own logic, that those who DO sign their names have no ideas?
Kerra - the name issue is always going to exist. Tim has always been adamant about it even when he had his own blog. He feels strongly about the people who hide behind anonymous. Why it is so important is not for me to say, but it is to him and Tom.
Good constructive ideas is what we need but has not been forthcoming and I agree.
What I do not understand is the political prejudice that seems to be dominating the blog that really gets under Tom's skin. And he can really "rattle your cage".
Tom, you can get so brutal sometimes that it's not a wonder to me why many want to remain anonymous. Some people drive a hard bargain with their comments. You, however, will never bargain or ever give a "liberal" a chance to speak their mind. And that is where the rub comes into play.
People say that racial prejudice is bad but this is really the first time that I see political prejudice come to the forefront.
Tom, you should know that those who are "liberals" are never going to change their minds no matter what you say. Just as much as you would never change from being "conservative". To argue over and over again about it is getting you and others nowhere.
I understand where you are coming from and as you have stated many times, people who have a hard time should really stay off of your blog. But you have a way "with words" that ruffle people's feathers.
So, who knows how long this will go on? I guess when OBama looses the next election, you, Tom, will have complete confidence in the new President as long as he is Republican.
What you will never do, however, is admit that a new Republican President, if that is what happens, will still make mistakes. But you, my dear friend, will never admit them.
Sandy, "you should know that those who are "liberals" are never going to change their minds no matter what you say." I agree with you 100%! Even in the face of no job growth happening for 1st time since 1945, the highest unemployment for Blacks in 27 years, reported unemployment staying over 9% for past 11 months, at least 3 "green company's" recently failing even with up to in the most recent case this week close to HALF A BILLION DOLLARS of tax payers money to start into business, liberals blame Bush, the Tea Party, conservatives, big business, and FOX News for their policy failures.
And the cold hard reality is that Americans are not risking their lives to go to Cuba to live where command economics is the rule and health care is free, while Cubans are risking their lives to come to America. West Germans did not risk being shot to "escape" into East Germany. Yes Sandy, you are 100% right, even with all this and more proof that liberalism is a failure, liberals must have their eyes shut, their ears closed, and their brains turned off to continue to support this failed policys. And it is my belief that they know this and that this is the primary reason they do not want their name attached to a policy that just doesn't work. They do not want to be embarrassed.
With all this proof and more, is there any reason for a conservative to become liberal?
As for my stand on names, you got to give this much, I'm consistent. But to close on a high and personal note, thanks for speaking well of me and my family.
p.s. note: no names were called in this post, nor was I brutal attacking anyone.
10:07 AM Blogger: Let's wait till Wednesday night at the debate to see if there are any (new ideas) on the Republican side.
We know that the Democrat plans have all but bankrupted the Nation. With zero job gains in August, and the stock market loosing ground by the week they may yet.
I would like to see a man like Herman Kane or Allen West at the helm as they BOTH have business experience, and God knows we need it if were to survive.
Bachman, Romney, Perry, and the rest of the field have yet to show me anything but a pretty face. I am waiting for a Reagan like candidate to appear, but other than the two I mentioned, so far no joy!
That's why I am a fan of the Tea Party. I know there is no hope what so ever in ousting either party foe a person who couldn't care less about the Washington elite, but I can still hope, can't I?
Mr, Trueblood, no one would ever expect an conseervative to "change his mind". What would be nice, however, is for the conservative on here to A)acknowledge there might be other opinions in the world and B)actually offer up something useful to help out. I realize at our little level we cannot implement national changes, but I wonder if there are any ideas about how to even start. I have a few, and I have some facts too, but if they're not from Fox news or another conservative source, they are discounted and no one will even look at them, thus further stifeling any helpful discourse.
Mr. Ford, I agree. Not a single republican candidate has shown anything worth voting for. But, as has been said before, don't put Mr. Reagan up on a "could do no wrong" pedistal. There were huge problems in this country under him, and one of them was out of control unemployment. He was okay as president, but he was not perfect.
I hereby acknowledge there might be other opinions in the world. I guess by opinions you mean about economic and political opinions.
Please share what your opinions on what would help. I am very glad you are willing and able to support your opinions with data and facts.
But please understand that opinions are not solutions. And supporting data and facts, by the scientific process of uncovering the truth, must be examined and tested for results v.s. opinions. This does not mean an opinion is not welcome, but it does mean that it is not necessarily fact or truth.
I agree completely. But if no one here is even willing to look at anything that doesn't have Fox News in its logo, then we're right back to the start, aren't we? And it is Mr. Ford who shouts that without proof of what's being said it is without value. So, with your statement in mind, please take a look at this link and give some feedback. The statistics were supposedly taken from the government's own numbers:
Well one thing is certain, we are not all in agreement on the "clear and present danger" this Country is in but we all love our Country.
Tim and I, and Tom and I are not always on the same page, but what we mostly do have is pleasant discourse. However, there have been times when it hasn't been all that great.
I will always respect their opinions because I have known them for a long time and I know that they are good people. But when they start to fuel the fire of the Dems. versus Reps., it is in your best interest to "do exactly what we are told to do by the National Weather Service when there is a earthquake coming our way. First remain calm! Then find safe shelter and stay put until you hear the "all clear". HA!
All joking aside, Kerra, I agree with some of what you say. If my parents who went through the Depression were alive maybe they could tell me what they think should be done. I have never gone through anything that is so devastating to people and their livlihoods. Plus you have scam artists who play on this and people who have ripped the public off for years and got away with it like Bernie Maydoff! Plus, he didn't do it by himself - he had help! I feel bad for those people. Are they Dems. or Reps.???? Should we blame the party for this too. Don't know!
Well, thanks for listening unfortunately, I have no answers, just babble!!!!
PS Tim and Tom - You both have wonderful families and wonderful wives and children. Consider yourselves very, very lucky.
Now, what is your opinion about the links you provided? Are they solid sources of information and truth that can stand up to investigation? How does the information, in your opinion, provided at those links help get us out of the current problem we are in? I really beleive you should give us your opinion and solutions backed by the facts and information supported by the links you provided or for that matter any other sources you care to site. It is not my job to review for you the sources you provide and give you my opinion of them. Fair enough?
To me, the biggest reason for using a name, is so that when responding to a comment, you don't have to use a time, and date, but can use a real name.
Tom, you mentioned "Herman Kane". Don't you mean Herman Cain?
I have read up on him, and his background, and even emailed a question (no response). I can't believe he is even running. He does not believe in the Constitution, or our laws. His way, or no way. He doesn't stand a chance.
I am amazed that the best thing that the press can say about some of the people running, is that they are attractive, or handsome...WHAT? These people are not trying out for a TV series...they want to run our country! Lets see someone who can actually do the job!
Mr. Trueblood, I posted those figures so that it might occur to someone on here that maybe, just maybe, the partisan rhetoric isn't supported by actual facts. It is so easy to yell that Obama is doing a horrible job and that all he has done has accomlished nothing. It is another thing entirely to insist that when presented numbers and figures that say otherwise. I am not of the opinion that Mr. Obama is perfect or that he has not made mistakes. Not at all. I am, however, of the opinion that he isn't as bad as conservative rhetoric makes him out to be. When we, as citizens, behave like sheep,obeying what is fed to us, refusing to see anything other than our own set-in opinions, then this whole country loses and loses big. I posted those charts so that someone might be able to see that some things he's done have done some good. Is it all fixed? No. But as thinking, reasonable adults, did we really expect it to be this quickly? Really? I didn't, I know that. And since looking at facts and talking them over isn't your "job", then what do you have to offer that might acually accomplish something? Calling me a liberal and dimissing anything else isn't, by the way, accomplishing anything.
John, I agree. Herman Cain needs to bow out now. he can never win, and I pray he doesn't. I truly feel that business experience means nothing. A country and a business are 2 very different things.
I've not called you a single name, so maybe you should stop with that fixation or stop accusing me of doing so. I gather from your post that you do not feel President Obama has done a bad job. Ok that's your opinion and you support it with facts/charts that come from the source the daily kos. Using the scientific method of finding the truth, to what tests do you suggest we subject the daily kos in order to determine if it is a viable source of truth and supportable facts? Note again that I am not attacking you or the daily kos.
I don't think there need to be any tests. I think either side can, if it chooses, stack the numbers to look the way they want them to. This was just an example that there are thoughts out there that maybe the man isn't ruining the country as many seem to feel he is. While we're talking, I am hoping someone on here can explain to me the fixation with President Reagan. I am aware that many, if not all, conservatives loved/love him, and believe he is the standard by which all presidents should be measured. I cannot see why myself, and I truly hope to learn what the appeal is. I am in no way impuning the man, I honestly want to know.Can anyone help me?
Hold on Kerra. We need to stop for a second and get our feet back on the ground. Are you saying now there needs to be no test for the truth? Does that mean to you that truth is relative? That your truth might not be the same my truth but both truths are true? Just as your opinion might be different than mine? Do your believe that truth and opinion are the same?
Be glad to help you with President Reagan, but only later, as I want to get a complete understanding of how you view the truth now. Because you opened this dialog on the subject of opinions as it related to how to solve the problems we currently are in. I am confussed why you have jumped to something else? Was I cruel, did I discourage your opinions, or the sources you used to support your opinions? Did I not give you plenty of room to share with me what you felt were the solutions to our problems? Did you take that room? With all of this being said, let's try to deal with questions about truth as stated above, ok?
10:52 PM Blogger: Kerra, while your working on the answer to Mr. Trueblood's question regarding the truth, here are some sites that may help you understand why Ronald Wilson Reagan is revered.
In simple terms President Reagan faced down Communism and the Communist enemies of the United States and gave us all a more secure Nation. He insured that we had a strong military, and he was well known for his conservative approach to Government.
"Government is not the solution to the problem, government is the problem." R.W.R
We will go further into this after you have answered Mr. Trueblood.
I meant simply, how does one ever verify that what one is reading is complete and true? For example, I tirn on Fox News and hear that Obama is a bumbling idiot. I turn on MSNBC aand hear that he's doing the best he can against a tide of negativity. Which is true?Which is accurate? Which report gives me, the viewer who is trying to form an opinion, the most accurate information? Do I turn off my tv an think, well, I now hate the president? Or do I think he's doing a pretty good job, given the mess he's having to work with? So, to addres your "test for the truth", what is that test? Do you have one? I am very interested in what it is.
In order for us to discuss the solutions need for our nation from a foundation that we both agree upon, here is the definition of truth.
1. the true or actual state of a matter: He tried to find out the truth.
2. conformity with fact or reality; verity: the truth of a statement.
3. a verified or indisputable fact, proposition, principle, or the like: mathematical truths.
4. the state or character of being true.
5.actuality or actual existence
I am sure you can see from the above that truth is:
a.verifiable b.indisputable c.actual d.reality
Now within this definition of truth and only within that frame work, I await your stated desire for "good, constructive ideas for solutions".
I will not continue this trip down the rabbit hole. Offer solutions, backed by verifiable, indisputable, actual, reality based facts and we can talk, if not I have no interest to go any further.
alright, here's an idea: create jobs in a public employment program. Like, childcare, construction, maintenence, If the Bush tax cuts had been allowed to expire as they should have, there would have been nearly 300 million dollars in additional revenue, and that would have covered the tab on this program, As it stands now, getting those who make over a million per year to pay the taxes they should be paying can cover the cost, or most of it. Build infrastructure. Put manufaturers back to work making the materials needed to rebuild roads, bridges, highways, laying new train tracks, etc. For every single company that is hired to do this, hundreds of people will be hired to do the work. Now, what's your idea? This is supposed to be a give and take, I thought.
Extend income tax cuts and decrease the capital gains tax rate. I see no evidence or truth to support the idea that the federal govt is better at spending our money that we are. As our President recently admitted, there were not as many shovel ready jobs as he thought, which looking at the amount of $ spend on them is very disturbing to say the least.
Historical provable facts show that when tax rates are cut, federal govt takes in more income. The problem is not the level of income the federal govt has, its the amount of spending the federal govt does.
Fact is supported by the math, if you took every penny from every American earning over $250,000 a year, the Federal govt would still fall short of a balanced budget.
Get the federal govt out of the home mortgage lending business. A simple look at Fannie Mae's and Freddie Mac's books would support that idea.
Return to their country of origin all non documented workers.. Thereby reducing the strain on the educational system in states where illegal immigration is a problem. There by opening up jobs that Americans workers will take as the labor force will no longer have more people that jobs, the value of the worker will go up, and the wages for what was before a non acceptable job will be acceptable.
I can find no evidence that would support the hoped for outcome with your plane It has been tried since 1931 and has yet to succeed. Where as my plan, reduced taxes=increased federal $, enforcement of our current immigration laws, at least freezing all federal levels of spending at today's numbers, and the removal of the federal govt from the home mortgage business has never been tried in over 40yrs. Why not try something new instead of tax and spend policy's?
Small note, does any know of a study exploring the theory: (not fact or truth as of yet) is there a relationship between the increase in taxes needed to fund federal child care and the number of parents that need to work to off set the reduction in take home pay due to the increase in income taxes to operate federal child care business?
Speaking as a business man I can guarantee you that if the taxes and Government regulations on businesses were reduced, as well as the Obama health care bill repealed, American business would be hiring.
The problems now stem from over regulation by the EPA, the IRS,OSHA and the cost of record keeping and compliance that accompanies their regulations.
The health care debacle is one of the main reasons why businesses will not be hiring as they have no idea what their future costs will be. You really can't expect a person to "bet on the come" as they say, now can you?
The Government wants us to do the equivalent of going to the gambling boat and betting the house on an inside straight, and that will never happen, ergo stagnation in hiring.
Government subsidized child care is not the answer to anything unless you want more bureaucracy, and the associated problems that accompany it. (average Government worker salary is now above $100,000.00 in Washington.)
Were in debt to the tune of 16 trillion dollars to the Chinese, et AL and were still spending money we don't have on programs that we do not need.
If you remember the mad cow scare we had a few years ago you will recall that the Government knew the exact location of every cow in America. Now why is it that we have no idea where 12 million ILLEGALS are living? Worse yet why is it that when we find one we can't send them back?
The operative word here is ILLEGAL (a clear violation of the law) and yet were told we must subsidize them "for the children." Try that in Mexico or for that matter any other Nation besides us and see what happens to you and the family.
I am not against any sort of LEGAL immigration by a long shot, I just think we can cut a lot of expense by not fostering the ILLEGAL alien trade. If you want to be a citizen, register, abide by the law of the land, volunteer for he military or go to work, but do it LEGALLY and there will be no problem.
The spending is way out of control by BOTH PARTIES and must be reigned in before were all in a soup line (it's closer than you think, trust me!)
Summation: Stop the spending, cut the ILLEGALS from the welfare rolls, cut taxes, and repeal the Obama health care bill and watch good old AMERICAN BUSINESS GET BACK TO WORK.
who will pay for the hundreds of extra workers that will be needed to track down all the undocumented workers? Undocumented workers don't exactly send out arrival notices to the paper when they get here, you know. That would mean millions in salary for all the people hired to spend weeks or months finding them.
Government contracts have been well known to infuse the country with jobs. WWII pulled us out of the depression, and, if properly done, could pull us out of this now. And as for Fannie May and Freddie Mac, well, too big to fail is unacceptable, and I stand by regulations that keep companies like that under control.
and now, if you please, may I have my explanation that was promised about President Reagan? I apparently do not see what many others see when I look at his presidency. Yes, I voted for him. No, I do not see him as the measure for all other presidents. I do not see that at all.
Who said we would need extra workers? Just allow the people we current have employed to do their jobs according to the law before we start employing more govt. workers.
You have over looked however, the fact that reducing taxes increases the rev to the federal govt. If it came to hiring more to enforce our immigration laws, there's where it (the money) would come from.
Note: from here on the term government/gov will refer only to the federal govt. saving key stokes!
"Government contracts have been well known to infuse the country with jobs." Are you talking about infrastructure or defense contracts?
The facts available show that Fannie and Freddie where instrumental in the housing collapse, along with the govt policy of giving mortgages to people who could not pay them back, and forcing banks to lend the money. This has led to the massive reduction of the value of homes which in many case's (maybe including you), has effected retirement plans.
Again, my solutions have not been tried as yours have and they have not worked out as hoped.
Now I think it's time for Mr. Ford to answer your question about President Reagan.
12:59 PM Blogger: Kerra, finding them is not a problem. My two sons are police officers and they will tell you they 'find" them all the time. However when ICE (immigration) is notified, they do nothing.
It was just reported last week that by executive order Mr. Obama has decreed that deportations must be stopped! What we need is enforcement, not "blinking" the fact that they are ILLEGAL!"
We have all the resources to solve the problem on the street as we speak, what we don't have is a President or a congress willing to enforce the law of the land, (votes you know.)
Government contracts are a notorious waste of tax money and if you doubt that just look at any project on the boards in any Government office.
I have bid some of these projects (HVAC,) lost some and won some over the years and I will tell you that ALL of them have an enormous amount of "fat" and over engineering attached to them, (just look at the plans for the new bridge in White Cliff Park for conformation.) Doubt me? Take a trip to the Dodge plan room at McGraw Hill publishing Co and see for yourself, or ask any contractor, they will explain it to you.
Infrastructure is the plan that Mr. Obama will lay out next Thursday. It's a rehash of the WPA (works progress administration) from 1931 that Mr. Trueblood told you didn't work then, and won't work now to save the economy, or to increase employment.
America and the world have moved into the age of electronics, information, and computers and the days of not getting a really good education have ended if a person wants to stay above water. My field is shrinking as no one seems to want to go to a trade school, get dirty, or hot and tired anymore. We can't find a competent service person for love nor money it seems.
Please do not buy into the "save the Nation, create jobs" mantra you will hear from now on because it's the "silly season" (election time) and these fools will do and say anything you want to hear for your vote, and once it's over toss you out like a rented mule.
You asked before where to find the truth. Well it's not on the "alphabet stations" as they ALL have a biased slant (Fox included.) I am a fan of the Drudge Report on line, as well as "The Black Sphere," the London newspapers, the Jerusalem Times, the Wall Street Journal, and any on line spot that allows YOU to make up your own mind. Forget the George Sorrows funded sites, Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck, the Daily Koss or the Huffing ton Post and do your own research, come to your own conclusion, you will be a lot more informed.
"A person who doesn't read the papers is UN-informed, a person who does read the papers is mis-informed."
it was, in fact, the de-regulation of the industry that led to the implosion of fannie and Freddie. Taking the government regulation off of any corporation that big is begging for more of the same trouble. I disagree with letting Wall Sreet loose with no one to tell them they've gone too far or reign them in.
I still stand by a WPA style program, and also penalizing companies who continue to ship business overseas.
Reagan...yes, I'd like to know what you see in him.
4:09 PM Blogger: Kerra, I guess you know that Fanny and Freddie were NOT reined in when it was first noticed that "irregularities" were the norm there.
In fact Barney Frank (D) and Chris Dodd (D), (later) Franklin Reins(D) were the driving forces behind the sub prime loans that could never (and were never) be paid back!
None of that debacle can be laid at the feet of Wall Street, no in fact it's wholly owned by the Democrat Party and their minions.
Now as to the WPA project. Where do you feel the funding is going to come from to start, run and maintain the project's your fond of? We owe 16 Trillion dollars remember? Where do we get the funds to start this? What do we cut to "afford" this debacle, Medicare, social security, the Obama health care program, Illegal aliens welfare, midnight basketball, food stamps, or ADC checks?
You see Kerra there is no way we can sustain a debt to cash ratio that is 102% of GDP. It can't be done, if you doubt me try it at your house for three months and come back and tell us how it worked for your family. Don't have a family, tell your loved ones to do it and see where that goes.
Kerra, may I remind you of a good friend to America and President Ronald Reagan, Dame Margret Thatcher who said, " The trouble with liberals is that sooner or later they run out of other peoples money."
President Ronald Wilson Reagan. Kerra that President brought a resurgence of the American spirit to the Nation when it was most needed (post Jimmy Carter and the 20% interest rate era.)
President Reagan at first did in fact increase taxes, but then lowered the tax rates to a position that created an economic boom that had been pent up during the Carter years.
Unions had problems with him (he fired the air traffic controllers (I was flying myself back then,) and he put other unions on notice that America would not be held hostage by them or anyone else. ( He was a member of the AFTRA union at the time.)
He caused the Soviet Union to implode due to the massive rebuilding of our military and the use of the "star wars' system that caused them to spend themselves out of business trying to keep up.
President Reagan was a very staunch conservative who gave Americans the resolve, and the will to regain their rightful position as leaders of the free world!
Sadly were not seeing that now as we have a man who travels the world bowing to foreign leaders, and apologizing for America, sad, very sad indeed.
thank you for sharing your feelings about Reagan. Everything you said runs contrary to what I know about his presidency, both from livng through it and reading about it since, so it is very interesting to me to see this perspective. I appreciate it your candor.
8;17 PM Blogger: Kerra, I too have "lived through" his presidency, as well as every President since Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
Human recollection of events differ greatly for reasons I will never understand, hence the two very different mind sets of the two of us.
An interesting experiment reference memory is to have five people told a phrase individually. The first one is told. then they call in the second and tell them, then the second repeats it to the third and so on. By the time it gets to number five it Will be completely different from the original.
I expect the root causes of the two different recollections is due to the family environment, (liberal or Conservative?)
At any rate, thank you very much for participating in a great thread without name calling or personal insults so prevalent from the Progressive / Liberal side. I Hope we will see more of your comments here as I have really enjoyed the dialog.
For reference, I ws raised in a staunchly conservative home. I have lost much of my conservative leanings due to my deep upset over the way I have watched the republican party behave over the last 25 years. my grandfather would roll in his grave had he been here to see the party's behavior. For example, he would have been horrified at their statement they made over the debt ceiling debates, when they said they didn't care if we defaulted or not. he believed in country first, above all personal agends. He would have cried when, after Obama's election,it was stated the true purpose was now to see him fail. It was sad, anti-american, unpatriotic tripe and I must admit, I was outraged. My own feelins about a president will never cause me to hope he fails, because with his failure can come the failure of my country. The GOP needs to come up with someone fast if they ever want to see me again. I will never vote for anyone they're offering right now.
Kerra: I have seen both parties behave badly. But I too would be upset to hear anybody say they hope OBama fails. And I agree with you, if he fails, we fail!
But freedom of speech is a "given" to everyone and that is what you get --- not that I want it taken away from us. But some people do go over the top with what they say, and "hate" comes into play.
What I am concerned about is the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac discussion. I know that policies and decisions are always being adjusted. But what I don't like is when the government gives you something and then takes it away from us.
For instance, at one time we were able to deduct the interest we had on credit cards off of our taxes. Then Ronald Reagan said NO.
One President goes out, another comes in and changes things. Maybe there was a good reason for his administration to do that but in my way of thinking, his "richy rich" friends had the money to pay cash for everything! I, on the other hand, could not. No skin off their noses if they did not have this deduction. Needless to say, I wasn't a Ronnie fan. To me he should have stuck with being a movie star. My opinion, that's all I am saying so don't get angry!
Lastly if Tim or Tom or anybody can explain to me what "Freddie Mac" is, sorry but I am not familiar with this one, I would appreciate it. I am sorry that I am not too savy about it.
I hate to cut and past links cause I dont know how to do in a a manner that allows a reader to click and then read. So if Mr. Ford would convert this link into that I'd appreciate it.
Sandy, I understand your feelings about Reagan. i don't feel quite tha strongly, but I also feel he is one of the most overrated presidents ever. Not because he did a bad job, but because his average job has been inflated into some sort of utopia he created, and it simply isn't true. he raised taxes 6 times, he actually grew government, and the national debt went from 700 billion to 3 trillion under him. These are very un-conservative things, I have always felt. i have never disliked the man at all. I just don't see why the conservative party holds him up as the ideal, when his actions and principals clearly were not in keeping with their values. Mr. Ford has explained some thoughts on Mr. Reagan, and I am beginning to understand it a tiny bit better, though I disagree with the sentement.
Kerra - Tom is the history buff as well as Tim. So maybe I am missing something about Reagan that puts him in a better light.
However, Tom is more than adamant about the conservative party, which in this instance is Conservative Republican and most of the time I like the Republican candidates. But I see it like this....this comparison is just my view like it or not.....
A mother has two sons - but she is very partial to the one son and no matter what he does, the mother will defend him and makes excuses for his bad decisions; and the other son - hard as he tries - cannot get his mom to appreciate anything he tries to do to make her happy or to show her he makes good decisions. Even when others congratulate him on what he has done, the mother never gives him any praise.
And sometimes, I think that is what happens with loyal, dye in the wool party people. That is why I have always tried to vote for who I think is best for the job. This time I wanted McCain to win; but going to vote Republican all the time, even when I feel the Rep. candidate is wrong for the job, is like the mother who never sees her one son's bad traits but chooses to overlook them. It just doesn't feel right to me.
If a voter does that, you may as well say then, that if a monkey or a chimp runs on the Republican ticket, the monkey will get your vote. I think it's wrong which is how I feel. Sorry Tom!
But that is just me. I was not happy when Reagan won, But I was not happy with Clinton either. So, therefore, I feel that many persons who felt Reagan did a good job, voted "party" instead of "person".
7:35 AM Blogger" Kerra,, you stated that you were raised in a staunchly conservative home, and then went on to tell us about your Grand Father. He must have been quite the man and I am sorry I missed the chance to know him.
One point that need to be clarified if you will before I proceed. I have never, ever heard ANYONE including Rush Limbaugh say that they wanted Obama to fail. I have heard several people (including me) say that they wanted HIS POLICIES to fail big difference. Mr. Obama is a dyed in the wool progressive who fully believes in the socialism mantra, so yes, I want that to fail as it will (and has) ruin the Nation.
Now on to the Republican Party. I am in full agreement with you that the "RINO" (Republican in name only) faction, also known as the "Country Club" Republicans have "bastardized" the party of small Government! In fact I would expect your Grand Father to be as incensed as I am, which is why I am a Tea Party Member, and not a Republican!
You should hear my responses to the RNC when they call for donations, my wife leaves the room!
The debt ceiling is there for a very good reason, and that is to curb out of control spending! Please read the Constitution of the United States, and see what the Federal Government SHOULD be doing (not what they are doing.)
Kerra, the only way were ever going to change the mess in Washington is to vote out anyone with a D or an R behind their name and start over. Have you noticed that these fools spend their waking hours lying to us? And have you noticed that we seem to put up with it, why?
Two things I would love to see you reflect (and comment) on, quotes that match our predicament today.
"Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely." Voltaire
"There are four pillars to liberty, the soap box, the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box, please use them in that order." Winston Churchill
10:27 AM Blogger: SANDY, A "Freddie Mac" is short for a Federal mortgage company much like "Fannie May.
Under the watchful eye of Chris Dodd and his Democrat colleagues they loaned mortgage money to people who could never pay it back!
The entire "sub prime" mortgage system was designed to get home loans for next to nothing, and below the prime lending rate.
It worked, well, it worked too well as when the rescission came the "home owners" couldn't pay the mortgage payments and starting defaulting on the loans.
Banks who by the way were "ordered" to make the loans were now sitting on a stack of useless paper, and the weasels who came up with this racket were looking for cover. I am sure you have seen the four pages plus of foreclosures notices in the Post. Those are your friends and neighbors who were told "don't worry about it!"
Freddie Mack, Fannie may, well when you hear those terms used just think lying Government weasels who just happen to be of the Democrat persuasion!
Hey Tom - I get it - I got it. Thanks for your patience and your explanations. Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae are two things to which I really never read too much about and I should have.
Everybody knows about the mortgage crisis but I never really knew they were connected to Freddie and Fannie. And it is very wrong for the banks to be forced to participate in this fiasco.
Maybe Fred and Fannie should do what all couples do when they don't get along - divorce!!! HA! NOT FUNNY!
I also appreciate your answer to Kerra. I think your words were the best you have ever given on this blog. Like a good cup of coffee - Rich, Robust and Not Over The Top. I think you are better giving explanations and opinions when you don't get upset or try too hard - it can cause high blood pressure, you know!! And seriously speaking, I think you are right on point with what you have stated.
So thanks again for your help and thanks for letting me give my two cents.
Oh my gosh did I leave the cat out of the bag? Like they say in a court of law when someone says something out of turn: the judge slams down the gavel and says "the jury will please disregard the previous comment".
Mr. Limbaugh did in fact say it. I personally consider him to be a windbag and certinly no voice for any party, conservative or otherwise. Here's the quote: "Limbaugh told his listeners that he was asked by “a major American print publication” to offer a 400-word statement explaining his “hope for the Obama presidency.” He responded:
So I’m thinking of replying to the guy, “Okay, I’ll send you a response, but I don’t need 400 words, I need four: I hope he fails.” (interruption) What are you laughing at? See, here’s the point. Everybody thinks it’s outrageous to say. Look, even my staff, “Oh, you can’t do that.” Why not? Why is it any different, what’s new, what is unfair about my saying I hope liberalism fails? Liberalism is our problem. Liberalism is what’s gotten us dangerously close to the precipice here. Why do I want more of it? I don’t care what the Drive-By story is. I would be honored if the Drive-By Media headlined me all day long: “Limbaugh: I Hope Obama Fails.” Somebody’s gotta say it."
To hope for the failure of an American president is unfathomable to me, and I cannot abide that kind of unpatriotic nonsense. Mr. Limbaugh can go straight to guess-where as far as I'm concerned. Disagree if you like, I'm okay with that. But to wish that is beyond the pale.
I wasn't talking about the debt ceiling itself. I was referring to the behvior of the GOP members over it. I was and still am disgusted with public behavior that terrible. Their mothers would slap their faces, speaking that way to the president. The man may not be your cup of tea, but the office he holds deserves the respect of every citizen. My grandfather would have cut a switch!
Your quotes are nice ones, but power corrupts on a case by case basis. It depends on who it is, their background, and why they have the power in the first place. But...the cartridge thanks on that. I decided during Viet Nam I'd had enough war for a lifetime.
Kerra - I agree with you regarding that remark; but I consider the source of it. Rush L.- Rushes his mouth and overloads his bottom. I never did care for his obnoxious manner. He is not my choice as a consumate professional speaking about government or anything. I think he is a "blow hard" and a "wannabe". I, too, would have been taken to the "woodshed" if I ever said that about anyone much less the President.
Tom and I have had discussions at one time or another about how he views things and how he expresses his thoughts. But if you know Tom, his idea of the "cartridge box" or words of that persuasion are just his way of showing people how fed up he is with what our Country is facing now and who is running it.
But make no bones about it, Tom can take care of himself and his blog and doesn't need me to defend him. However, it has taken me a long time to understand him. And I still don't know if I have him 100% correct but that is all I can say as he and I have not always been on the same page but I try.
That said, I am glad that you were able to tell us that it was indeed Rush L. that made that statement. With him, I just consider the source. If this is how he feels he can leave an indelible mark on his notoriety, I feel sorry for him. Most people, unless particularly vicious, do not enjoy listening to his "tripe" but I can see him saying something that dreadful.
Look, as far as I am concerned I never did and never will vote for OBama. But name calling and degrading the President or anyone else to "that degree" shows me that Rush may think he is cute doing it, but it will always be disrespectful and wrong. That's the way my parents raised me and that's the way I see things.
I agree. I had no love for Mr. Bush, either, but I never, ever said those things about him. I felt and still feel the office a president holds deserves more respect than that. He's there because the majority of citizens put him there, whether I like it or not. I was raised to respect and support my president, so I do the best I can with it.
8:38 PM Blogger: Well Kerra, I fail to see where Rush said he hoped Obama (the man himself) failed. I did see where he said he hoped liberalism failed, and he did say the Obama was a liberal so if you want to connect those dots, go ahead.
I too hope fervently that Progressive / Liberalism falls flat on it's face as well (it is, zero job growth,flat economy, ET AL.) Every place it has been tried it has been a disaster of unprecedented proportions, so why would I want it here?
I am glad you liked the quotes,l you may have a point on the power one as power didn't corrupt some of our Presidents.
Mr. Obama started out in the "acorn" program in Chicago as a "community organizer, sat at the feet of Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dorn (Weather underground,) and played the Chicago politics (vote early, and vote often) game coming up, so he was already corrupt before he made it to Washington!
Note that Sir Winston Churchill in his four pillars of Liberty quote stated that the cartridge box was LAST in line. Use it? I pray not, however listening to the speech by Jimmy Hoffa yesterday, I wonder.
I noticed you said that you decided during Viet Nam era that you had enough war for a lifetime. Are you a Viet Nam Vet? (I am) If so I would like to invite you to join us for breakfast tomorrow morning at "Slinger's" Restaurant in Fenton, MO. (my treat.)
Were (chapter 1028, VVA) there from 0630 to 0900 every Wednesday morning for, well I am not sure, but were there anyway.
"I would be honored if the Drive-By Media headlined me all day long: “Limbaugh: I Hope Obama Fails.” Somebody’s gotta say it."
There's the quote, I don't know what more I can say about that.
Thank you for your kind invitation, but I work full time and cannot. I am not a vet. My uncle was shot down, lost both his best friends in the process, and lived to come home to be called "baby killer". Another era of raging disrespect and refusal to be even civil to those with whom we disagree. I am very done with war.
7:723 PM Blogger: Kerra, no sense in discussing Mr. Limbaugh any further. People either love him or they hate him, no in between.
I am sorry to hear about your uncle, I too have friends on the "wall." In fact I just went to "see them" in Granite City, IL. last weekend as the traveling wall was there.
As far as Viet Nam or any other armed conflict goes, this video sum's it up for me. ?v=3KGHhEJdfFM
I have a Viet NAM Veteran U. S.Navy T shirt that simply states, " For those who have fought for it Freedom has a taste the protected will never know."
Maybe that's why I am so adamant about communism and the socialist experiments not taking over our Nation.
My respect's and deep thanks to your Uncle for his service to America!
Nice words, Tom and I thought it was well stated. That is why I forgive you when you go into a rage every so often. Now I will tell you what gets me upset:
What I get upset about is the war we suffer everyday when people here in the United States are not duly convicted when they take the lives in innocent people. These people, who commit murder, should be given the death penalty but they never are.
A few days ago, people were gunned down in an I-Hop including a few military personnel, by some nut carrying an AK47. Fortunately, he spared himself a trial. Who was watching him walk around for years acting crazy, and where did he get the gun? If he was under doctor's care, how did he get a gun? Black market I suppose.
In the last few weeks, a mother kills her two children!!! Now that, Tom, is war in what is suppose to be a safe place - babies they were!!! And how many times is the mother going to be able to appeal her conviction, as I am sure she will not get the death penalty. They never do!!!!!
One after the other, people are dropping like flies here in our Country - land of the free and home of the brave - because others feel OK riveting bullets into innocent people. What do they get, if caught, jail!! Yeah - three hots and a cot! How many jails are we going to have to build to house these no good ingrats. Taking lives of little helpless children, or people who are wives and spouses who were in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Tom, why do we not see the war we have every day on our streets and in our citys. North St. Louis is a battle ground; you stick your head outside your door in North St. Louis, a bullet can bounce off of someone's car and kill you or you can just be taking a walk and get hit in a crossfire!!!!
Detroit is a mess as I understand it. Why is it that you don't feel safe anymore walking or togging in a park after the sun goes down?
It's disgusting that we don't even consider us being in a war; but we are - drugs, meth, guns in the wrong hands, stolen or otherwise and that isn't even the "tip of the iceberg.
Yes Tom, I am sure that Vietnam and Imo Jima, where my twin uncles fought, et al, were much worse but at least in those wares - YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE UP AGAINST!
I remember walking everywhere when I was young and lived in South St. Louis. I remember taking the bus home from high school without a problem. One terribly snowy afternoon, the buses were late, so my friends and I started walking home from Lindell and Newstead all the way down Kingshighway. Some real kind man asked us if we wanted a ride. We were freezing cold and we all piled into his big car. No problem! He was kind and considerate.
Today, 50 plus years later, no way could I say it would be OK.
I am rambling Tom, but I almost don't want to watch the news anymore. We use to hear these things every so often on the news, but not like now.
I am sorry, but as passionate as you are about the upcoming election, if we can't get someone in there that takes a strong hold and puts the death penalty on the books and every State commits to it, I will not be happy. Heck Tom, we could save a bundle of money just by not having to build any more prisons. The people in them will never be rehabilitated anyway. They will go free, get smarter ideas so they can get away with the same thing they did that put them away in the first place.
Thanks and I apologize for venting but I figure it's my turn to show you my ugly side. If anyone feels I am overstepping my bounds and this is not pertinent to the heading, I am truly sorry.
I just saw a few things on television about Sept. 11th - innocent people who die in vain always get me down.
7:01 PM Blogger: Sandy, I only "go into a rage" when nothing else will work. That said, The "war" we suffer through in America every day is FIXABLE!
The problem we suffer through (like it or not) is the simple fact that our Police are hampered from doing the job we send them out to do by hand wringing liberals!
Every day in the "Post Disgrace" we see an article above the fold that purports the poor down trodden are being "held down" by____________( pick your group!)
Race, ethnic group, religion, creed, sexual preference, they ALL seem to have a dog in the fight these days, and why is that?
If you broke the law, you used to be expected to pay for it! Not any more as the criminals have become the protected class thanks to the Progressive / Liberal mind set!
If you and others are really serious about stopping the random shooting, the teenage senseless killing, the rampant crime in certain neighborhoods, I suggest you allow the Police to DO THEIR JOB, and stay off the "hand wringing band wagon!"
By the way, the "you" is meant to be "WE," and not just you, but I am sure you know that already!
well, to be fair, I wouldn't blame "liberals" for the avalability of guns to anyone who wants them. It is traditionally conservatives who lose their minds over any type of gun laws or control.
Opps! Kerra I would not say that. As much as I don't always want to give him credit, Tom has a point. Handouts abound to people who have the system beat with government money coming in. It only makes them lazy in many cases and they don't find work whether work is plentiful or not.
People always feel sorry for the poor. That's fine by me OK but there are those who "use and abuse" the system. They are the ones who ruin it for the "real needy" and the liberals seem to be the ones who always want the government to bail them out.
But years ago, when my grandparents came here from the "old country", they needed assistance and they were "dirt poor". They needed help and had five kids to raise. Because my grandfather had a job working in a quarry @ 25 cents an hour, the Community Chest denied them help.
Then, years later I learned a big lesson. I remember when I was in high school we picked a "poor" family who was in need of help - a Christmas Project. We gave them money, clothing, food - you name it. When we went to their humble home and walked in the door, we were shocked. They had more then most of us did.
I lived in three rooms above my grandmother's house with my parents. My mom never had her own washer and dryer (they used my grandmother's downstairs). This poor family had whole house air-conditioning, three televisions (big) televisions and a very expensive car only a few years old, (probably a gift) sitting in their driveway.
I put groceries away in their new refrigerator and saw that they lived off of you and I and better than any of us at my high school.
My big grip is that it seems the criminals/scammers are prosecuted but the lawyers protect them after the cops bust their Butts getting them off the streets. The law protects all of our rights but, again, the lawyers get paid for protecting the criminals at their trials. They plea "not guilty", to get a lighter sentence.
Kerra everything is about "money" these days. You got money - hire a top lawyer and you will get a lesser sentence or an aquittal.
I will let the police do their jobs and in Crestwood I will fight to the end to keep our police and fire people. We are fortunate.
But the pendulum has turned and it seems that these "Liberals" at least some, are having a field day on our government, while you and I pay the price. Not Good
5:31 PM Blogger: Kerra, actually I would blame the liberals and for good reason!
There are, and have been gun laws on the books since 1928, 1968 the Government required back ground checks, and now a call must be made to the ATF before a gun can be legally transfered.
Where the liberals come in is the part where a convicted felon in possession of a firearm IS NOT PROSECUTED FOR IT!
I was a Police Sgt. in North County, my two sons are police officers (one chief, one detective,) and they will also tell you that liberal judicial activists on the bench are doing nothing to improve the situation as they consistently fail to hand down stiff sentences.
Probation for a gun crime is criminal in and of it's self, we have the laws in place, why not use them? Better yet why enact more laws that won't be used either?
In case you missed it our justice department under Eric Holder directed the ATF to insure that guns went into the hands of Mexican drug king pins. The name of the operation was "fast and furious," and it got two of our people killed, no one arrested, and many more ILLEGAL firearms in the hands of the bad guys. By the by, Holder is a consummate liberal in case you were wondering.
There is also one other SMALL REASON why conservatives like to cling to their guns and their religion as Mr. Obama said, it's called the CONSTITUTION, second amendment to be exact. Please remember that if you want to enjoy the first, you must embrace the rest or no go.
I will be putting out a notice so on a Ward Two meeting this Month you may want to attend, were going to talk about neighbors watching out for other neighbors among other items, and the Police Chief will be there to answer questions. Ask him how he feels about new gun control laws or the loss of the second amendment.
There is no reason to strive for stiffer laws on the books if the laws are not enforced OR if the laws are enforced by our police force but the criminals are given a slap on the wrist by a judge or jury!
War is Hell my friends, no matter what soil it is on and the devil is alive and well and living in the United States.
If the deceased had been a liberal asking for support to be sent to President Obama, they would have listed their name as Anonymous.
back on the name obsession? My goodness, what a one track mind. Yet, I have not seen any good, constructive ideas for solutions. So, does that mean, using your own logic, that those who DO sign their names have no ideas?
Kerra - the name issue is always going to exist. Tim has always been adamant about it even when he had his own blog. He feels strongly about the people who hide behind anonymous. Why it is so important is not for me to say, but it is to him and Tom.
Good constructive ideas is what we need but has not been forthcoming and I agree.
What I do not understand is the political prejudice that seems to be dominating the blog that really gets under Tom's skin. And he can really "rattle your cage".
Tom, you can get so brutal sometimes that it's not a wonder to me why many want to remain anonymous. Some people drive a hard bargain with their comments. You, however, will never bargain or ever give a "liberal" a chance to speak their mind. And that is where the rub comes into play.
People say that racial prejudice is bad but this is really the first time that I see political prejudice come to the forefront.
Tom, you should know that those who are "liberals" are never going to change their minds no matter what you say. Just as much as you would never change from being "conservative". To argue over and over again about it is getting you and others nowhere.
I understand where you are coming from and as you have stated many times, people who have a hard time should really stay off of your blog. But you have a way "with words" that ruffle people's feathers.
So, who knows how long this will go on? I guess when OBama looses the next election, you, Tom, will have complete confidence in the new President as long as he is Republican.
What you will never do, however, is admit that a new Republican President, if that is what happens, will still make mistakes. But you, my dear friend, will never admit them.
That's what party politics is.
Thanks Tom for permitting me to speak my views.
"you should know that those who are "liberals" are never going to change their minds no matter what you say."
I agree with you 100%!
Even in the face of no job growth happening for 1st time since 1945, the highest unemployment for Blacks in 27 years, reported unemployment staying over 9% for past 11 months, at least 3 "green company's" recently failing even with up to in the most recent case this week close to HALF A BILLION DOLLARS of tax payers money to start into business, liberals blame Bush, the Tea Party, conservatives, big business, and FOX News for their policy failures.
And the cold hard reality is that Americans are not risking their lives to go to Cuba to live where command economics is the rule and health care is free, while Cubans are risking their lives to come to America. West Germans did not risk being shot to "escape" into East Germany.
Yes Sandy, you are 100% right, even with all this and more proof that liberalism is a failure, liberals must have their eyes shut, their ears closed, and their brains turned off to continue to support this failed policys. And it is my belief that they know this and that this is the primary reason they do not want their name attached to a policy that just doesn't work. They do not want to be embarrassed.
With all this proof and more, is there any reason for a conservative to become liberal?
As for my stand on names, you got to give this much, I'm consistent.
But to close on a high and personal note, thanks for speaking well of me and my family.
note: no names were called in this post, nor was I brutal attacking anyone.
10:07 AM Blogger: Let's wait till Wednesday night at the debate to see if there are any (new ideas) on the Republican side.
We know that the Democrat plans have all but bankrupted the Nation. With zero job gains in August, and the stock market loosing ground by the week they may yet.
I would like to see a man like Herman Kane or Allen West at the helm as they BOTH have business experience, and God knows we need it if were to survive.
Bachman, Romney, Perry, and the rest of the field have yet to show me anything but a pretty face. I am waiting for a Reagan like candidate to appear, but other than the two I mentioned, so far no joy!
That's why I am a fan of the Tea Party. I know there is no hope what so ever in ousting either party foe a person who couldn't care less about the Washington elite, but I can still hope, can't I?
Tom Ford
Mr, Trueblood, no one would ever expect an conseervative to "change his mind". What would be nice, however, is for the conservative on here to A)acknowledge there might be other opinions in the world and B)actually offer up something useful to help out. I realize at our little level we cannot implement national changes, but I wonder if there are any ideas about how to even start. I have a few, and I have some facts too, but if they're not from Fox news or another conservative source, they are discounted and no one will even look at them, thus further stifeling any helpful discourse.
Mr. Ford, I agree. Not a single republican candidate has shown anything worth voting for. But, as has been said before, don't put Mr. Reagan up on a "could do no wrong" pedistal. There were huge problems in this country under him, and one of them was out of control unemployment. He was okay as president, but he was not perfect.
I hereby acknowledge there might be other opinions in the world. I guess by opinions you mean about economic and political opinions.
Please share what your opinions on what would help. I am very glad you are willing and able to support your opinions with data and facts.
But please understand that opinions are not solutions. And supporting data and facts, by the scientific process of uncovering the truth, must be examined and tested for results v.s. opinions. This does not mean an opinion is not welcome, but it does mean that it is not necessarily fact or truth.
I agree completely. But if no one here is even willing to look at anything that doesn't have Fox News in its logo, then we're right back to the start, aren't we? And it is Mr. Ford who shouts that without proof of what's being said it is without value. So, with your statement in mind, please take a look at this link and give some feedback. The statistics were supposedly taken from the government's own numbers:
Well one thing is certain, we are not all in agreement on the "clear and present danger" this Country is in but we all love our Country.
Tim and I, and Tom and I are not always on the same page, but what we mostly do have is pleasant discourse. However, there have been times when it hasn't been all that great.
I will always respect their opinions because I have known them for a long time and I know that they are good people. But when they start to fuel the fire of the Dems. versus Reps., it is in your best interest to "do exactly what we are told to do by the National Weather Service when there is a earthquake coming our way. First remain calm! Then find safe shelter and stay put until you hear the "all clear". HA!
All joking aside, Kerra, I agree with some of what you say. If my parents who went through the Depression were alive maybe they could tell me what they think should be done. I have never gone through anything that is so devastating to people and their livlihoods. Plus you have scam artists who play on this and people who have ripped the public off for years and got away with it like Bernie Maydoff! Plus, he didn't do it by himself - he had help! I feel bad for those people. Are they Dems. or Reps.???? Should we blame the party for this too. Don't know!
Well, thanks for listening unfortunately, I have no answers, just babble!!!!
PS Tim and Tom - You both have wonderful families and wonderful wives and children. Consider yourselves very, very lucky.
Thanks for listening!
1:50 PM Blogger: Well Sandy that was some post, I read every word of it!
Only thing that slowed me down was I had to have the prescription in my glasses changed half way through.
Some wags might say that this is a snide way of saying it was lengthy, but heck you know me, would I do that?
Keep it up we love having you back!
Tom Ford
Kerra, great!
Now, what is your opinion about the links you provided? Are they solid sources of information and truth that can stand up to investigation?
How does the information, in your opinion, provided at those links help get us out of the current problem we are in?
I really beleive you should give us your opinion and solutions backed by the facts and information supported by the links you provided or for that matter any other sources you care to site.
It is not my job to review for you the sources you provide and give you my opinion of them.
Fair enough?
To me, the biggest reason for using a name, is so that when responding to a comment, you don't have to use a time, and date, but can use a real name.
Tom, you mentioned "Herman Kane". Don't you mean Herman Cain?
I have read up on him, and his background, and even emailed a question (no response). I can't believe he is even running. He does not believe in the Constitution, or our laws. His way, or no way. He doesn't stand a chance.
I am amazed that the best thing that the press can say about some of the people running, is that they are attractive, or handsome...WHAT? These people are not trying out for a TV series...they want to run our country! Lets see someone who can actually do the job!
Mr. Trueblood, I posted those figures so that it might occur to someone on here that maybe, just maybe, the partisan rhetoric isn't supported by actual facts. It is so easy to yell that Obama is doing a horrible job and that all he has done has accomlished nothing. It is another thing entirely to insist that when presented numbers and figures that say otherwise. I am not of the opinion that Mr. Obama is perfect or that he has not made mistakes. Not at all. I am, however, of the opinion that he isn't as bad as conservative rhetoric makes him out to be. When we, as citizens, behave like sheep,obeying what is fed to us, refusing to see anything other than our own set-in opinions, then this whole country loses and loses big. I posted those charts so that someone might be able to see that some things he's done have done some good. Is it all fixed? No. But as thinking, reasonable adults, did we really expect it to be this quickly? Really? I didn't, I know that. And since looking at facts and talking them over isn't your "job", then what do you have to offer that might acually accomplish something? Calling me a liberal and dimissing anything else isn't, by the way, accomplishing anything.
John, I agree. Herman Cain needs to bow out now. he can never win, and I pray he doesn't. I truly feel that business experience means nothing. A country and a business are 2 very different things.
I've not called you a single name, so maybe you should stop with that fixation or stop accusing me of doing so.
I gather from your post that you do not feel President Obama has done a bad job. Ok that's your opinion and you support it with facts/charts that come from the source the daily kos.
Using the scientific method of finding the truth, to what tests do you suggest we subject the daily kos in order to determine if it is a viable source of truth and supportable facts?
Note again that I am not attacking you or the daily kos.
I don't think there need to be any tests. I think either side can, if it chooses, stack the numbers to look the way they want them to. This was just an example that there are thoughts out there that maybe the man isn't ruining the country as many seem to feel he is.
While we're talking, I am hoping someone on here can explain to me the fixation with President Reagan. I am aware that many, if not all, conservatives loved/love him, and believe he is the standard by which all presidents should be measured. I cannot see why myself, and I truly hope to learn what the appeal is. I am in no way impuning the man, I honestly want to know.Can anyone help me?
Hold on Kerra. We need to stop for a second and get our feet back on the ground. Are you saying now there needs to be no test for the truth? Does that mean to you that truth is relative? That your truth might not be the same my truth but both truths are true? Just as your opinion might be different than mine? Do your believe that truth and opinion are the same?
Be glad to help you with President Reagan, but only later, as I want to get a complete understanding of how you view the truth now. Because you opened this dialog on the subject of opinions as it related to how to solve the problems we currently are in. I am confussed why you have jumped to something else?
Was I cruel, did I discourage your opinions, or the sources you used to support your opinions? Did I not give you plenty of room to share with me what you felt were the solutions to our problems? Did you take that room?
With all of this being said, let's try to deal with questions about truth as stated above, ok?
10:52 PM Blogger: Kerra, while your working on the answer to Mr. Trueblood's question regarding the truth, here are some sites that may help you understand why Ronald Wilson Reagan is revered.
In simple terms President Reagan faced down Communism and the Communist enemies of the United States and gave us all a more secure Nation. He insured that we had a strong military, and he was well known for his conservative approach to Government.
"Government is not the solution to the problem, government is the problem." R.W.R
We will go further into this after you have answered Mr. Trueblood.
Tom Ford
I meant simply, how does one ever verify that what one is reading is complete and true? For example, I tirn on Fox News and hear that Obama is a bumbling idiot. I turn on MSNBC aand hear that he's doing the best he can against a tide of negativity. Which is true?Which is accurate? Which report gives me, the viewer who is trying to form an opinion, the most accurate information? Do I turn off my tv an think, well, I now hate the president? Or do I think he's doing a pretty good job, given the mess he's having to work with? So, to addres your "test for the truth", what is that test? Do you have one? I am very interested in what it is.
In order for us to discuss the solutions need for our nation from a foundation that we both agree upon, here is the definition of truth.
1. the true or actual state of a matter: He tried to find out the truth.
2. conformity with fact or reality; verity: the truth of a statement.
3. a verified or indisputable fact, proposition, principle, or the like: mathematical truths.
4. the state or character of being true.
5.actuality or actual existence
I am sure you can see from the above that truth is:
Now within this definition of truth and only within that frame work, I await your stated desire for "good, constructive ideas for solutions".
I will not continue this trip down the rabbit hole. Offer solutions, backed by verifiable, indisputable, actual, reality based facts and we can talk, if not I have no interest to go any further.
alright, here's an idea: create jobs in a public employment program. Like, childcare, construction, maintenence, If the Bush tax cuts had been allowed to expire as they should have, there would have been nearly 300 million dollars in additional revenue, and that would have covered the tab on this program, As it stands now, getting those who make over a million per year to pay the taxes they should be paying can cover the cost, or most of it. Build infrastructure. Put manufaturers back to work making the materials needed to rebuild roads, bridges, highways, laying new train tracks, etc. For every single company that is hired to do this, hundreds of people will be hired to do the work.
Now, what's your idea? This is supposed to be a give and take, I thought.
Extend income tax cuts and decrease the capital gains tax rate. I see no evidence or truth to support the idea that the federal govt is better at spending our money that we are. As our President recently admitted, there were not as many shovel ready jobs as he thought, which looking at the amount of $ spend on them is very disturbing to say the least.
Historical provable facts show that when tax rates are cut, federal govt takes in more income. The problem is not the level of income the federal govt has, its the amount of spending the federal govt does.
Fact is supported by the math, if you took every penny from every American earning over $250,000 a year, the Federal govt would still fall short of a balanced budget.
Get the federal govt out of the home mortgage lending business. A simple look at Fannie Mae's and Freddie Mac's books would support that idea.
Return to their country of origin all non documented workers.. Thereby reducing the strain on the educational system in states where illegal immigration is a problem.
There by opening up jobs that Americans workers will take as the labor force will no longer have more people that jobs, the value of the worker will go up, and the wages for what was before a non acceptable job will be acceptable.
I can find no evidence that would support the hoped for outcome with your plane It has been tried since 1931 and has yet to succeed. Where as my plan, reduced taxes=increased federal $, enforcement of our current immigration laws, at least freezing all federal levels of spending at today's numbers, and the removal of the federal govt from the home mortgage business has never been tried in over 40yrs.
Why not try something new instead of tax and spend policy's?
Small note, does any know of a study exploring the theory: (not fact or truth as of yet) is there a relationship between the increase in taxes needed to fund federal child care and the number of parents that need to work to off set the reduction in take home pay due to the increase in income taxes to operate federal child care business?
Speaking as a business man I can guarantee you that if the taxes and Government regulations on businesses were reduced, as well as the Obama health care bill repealed, American business would be hiring.
The problems now stem from over regulation by the EPA, the IRS,OSHA and the cost of record keeping and compliance that accompanies their regulations.
The health care debacle is one of the main reasons why businesses will not be hiring as they have no idea what their future costs will be. You really can't expect a person to "bet on the come" as they say, now can you?
The Government wants us to do the equivalent of going to the gambling boat and betting the house on an inside straight, and that will never happen, ergo stagnation in hiring.
Government subsidized child care is not the answer to anything unless you want more bureaucracy, and the associated problems that accompany it. (average Government worker salary is now above $100,000.00 in Washington.)
Were in debt to the tune of 16 trillion dollars to the Chinese, et AL and were still spending money we don't have on programs that we do not need.
If you remember the mad cow scare we had a few years ago you will recall that the Government knew the exact location of every cow in America. Now why is it that we have no idea where 12 million ILLEGALS are living? Worse yet why is it that when we find one we can't send them back?
The operative word here is ILLEGAL (a clear violation of the law) and yet were told we must subsidize them "for the children." Try that in Mexico or for that matter any other Nation besides us and see what happens to you and the family.
I am not against any sort of LEGAL immigration by a long shot, I just think we can cut a lot of expense by not fostering the ILLEGAL alien trade. If you want to be a citizen, register, abide by the law of the land, volunteer for he military or go to work, but do it LEGALLY and there will be no problem.
The spending is way out of control by BOTH PARTIES and must be reigned in before were all in a soup line (it's closer than you think, trust me!)
Summation: Stop the spending, cut the ILLEGALS from the welfare rolls, cut taxes, and repeal the Obama health care bill and watch good old AMERICAN BUSINESS GET BACK TO WORK.
Tom Ford
who will pay for the hundreds of extra workers that will be needed to track down all the undocumented workers? Undocumented workers don't exactly send out arrival notices to the paper when they get here, you know. That would mean millions in salary for all the people hired to spend weeks or months finding them.
Government contracts have been well known to infuse the country with jobs. WWII pulled us out of the depression, and, if properly done, could pull us out of this now. And as for Fannie May and Freddie Mac, well, too big to fail is unacceptable, and I stand by regulations that keep companies like that under control.
and now, if you please, may I have my explanation that was promised about President Reagan? I apparently do not see what many others see when I look at his presidency. Yes, I voted for him. No, I do not see him as the measure for all other presidents. I do not see that at all.
"Who will pay for the 100's of workers needed?"
Who said we would need extra workers? Just allow the people we current have employed to do their jobs according to the law before we start employing more govt. workers.
You have over looked however, the fact that reducing taxes increases the rev to the federal govt. If it came to hiring more to enforce our immigration laws, there's where it (the money) would come from.
Note: from here on the term government/gov will refer only to the federal govt. saving key stokes!
"Government contracts have been well known to infuse the country with jobs." Are you talking about infrastructure or defense contracts?
The facts available show that Fannie and Freddie where instrumental in the housing collapse, along with the govt policy of giving mortgages to people who could not pay them back, and forcing banks to lend the money. This has led to the massive reduction of the value of homes which in many case's (maybe including you), has effected retirement plans.
Again, my solutions have not been tried as yours have and they have not worked out as hoped.
Now I think it's time for Mr. Ford to answer your question about President Reagan.
12:59 PM Blogger: Kerra, finding them is not a problem. My two sons are police officers and they will tell you they 'find" them all the time. However when ICE (immigration) is notified, they do nothing.
It was just reported last week that by executive order Mr. Obama has decreed that deportations must be stopped! What we need is enforcement, not "blinking" the fact that they are ILLEGAL!"
We have all the resources to solve the problem on the street as we speak, what we don't have is a President or a congress willing to enforce the law of the land, (votes you know.)
Government contracts are a notorious waste of tax money and if you doubt that just look at any project on the boards in any Government office.
I have bid some of these projects (HVAC,) lost some and won some over the years and I will tell you that ALL of them have an enormous amount of "fat" and over engineering attached to them, (just look at the plans for the new bridge in White Cliff Park for conformation.) Doubt me? Take a trip to the Dodge plan room at McGraw Hill publishing Co and see for yourself, or ask any contractor, they will explain it to you.
Infrastructure is the plan that Mr. Obama will lay out next Thursday. It's a rehash of the WPA (works progress administration) from 1931 that Mr. Trueblood told you didn't work then, and won't work now to save the economy, or to increase employment.
America and the world have moved into the age of electronics, information, and computers and the days of not getting a really good education have ended if a person wants to stay above water. My field is shrinking as no one seems to want to go to a trade school, get dirty, or hot and tired anymore. We can't find a competent service person for love nor money it seems.
Please do not buy into the "save the Nation, create jobs" mantra you will hear from now on because it's the "silly season" (election time) and these fools will do and say anything you want to hear for your vote, and once it's over toss you out like a rented mule.
You asked before where to find the truth. Well it's not on the "alphabet stations" as they ALL have a biased slant (Fox included.) I am a fan of the Drudge Report on line, as well as "The Black Sphere," the London newspapers, the Jerusalem Times, the Wall Street Journal, and any on line spot that allows YOU to make up your own mind.
Forget the George Sorrows funded sites, Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck, the Daily Koss or the Huffing ton Post and do your own research, come to your own conclusion, you will be a lot more informed.
"A person who doesn't read the papers is UN-informed, a person who does read the papers is mis-informed."
Samuel Clemons (Mark Twain)
(PS we will go into Ronald Wilson Reagan next.)
Tom Ford
it was, in fact, the de-regulation of the industry that led to the implosion of fannie and Freddie. Taking the government regulation off of any corporation that big is begging for more of the same trouble. I disagree with letting Wall Sreet loose with no one to tell them they've gone too far or reign them in.
I still stand by a WPA style program, and also penalizing companies who continue to ship business overseas.
Reagan...yes, I'd like to know what you see in him.
4:09 PM Blogger: Kerra, I guess you know that Fanny and Freddie were NOT reined in when it was first noticed that "irregularities" were the norm there.
In fact Barney Frank (D) and Chris Dodd (D), (later) Franklin Reins(D) were the driving forces behind the sub prime loans that could never (and were never) be paid back!
None of that debacle can be laid at the feet of Wall Street, no in fact it's wholly owned by the Democrat Party and their minions.
Now as to the WPA project. Where do you feel the funding is going to come from to start, run and maintain the project's your fond of? We owe 16 Trillion dollars remember? Where do we get the funds to start this? What do we cut to "afford" this debacle, Medicare, social security, the Obama health care program, Illegal aliens welfare, midnight basketball, food stamps, or ADC checks?
You see Kerra there is no way we can sustain a debt to cash ratio that is 102% of GDP. It can't be done, if you doubt me try it at your house for three months and come back and tell us how it worked for your family. Don't have a family, tell your loved ones to do it and see where that goes.
Kerra, may I remind you of a good friend to America and President Ronald Reagan, Dame Margret Thatcher who said, " The trouble with liberals is that sooner or later they run out of other peoples money."
Kerra, were out of money as we speak, now what?
Tom Ford
President Ronald Wilson Reagan. Kerra that President brought a resurgence of the American spirit to the Nation when it was most needed (post Jimmy Carter and the 20% interest rate era.)
President Reagan at first did in fact increase taxes, but then lowered the tax rates to a position that created an economic boom that had been pent up during the Carter years.
Unions had problems with him (he fired the air traffic controllers (I was flying myself back then,) and he put other unions on notice that America would not be held hostage by them or anyone else. ( He was a member of the AFTRA union at the time.)
He caused the Soviet Union to implode due to the massive rebuilding of our military and the use of the "star wars' system that caused them to spend themselves out of business trying to keep up.
President Reagan was a very staunch conservative who gave Americans the resolve, and the will to regain their rightful position as leaders of the free world!
Sadly were not seeing that now as we have a man who travels the world bowing to foreign leaders, and apologizing for America, sad, very sad indeed.
Tom Ford
thank you for sharing your feelings about Reagan. Everything you said runs contrary to what I know about his presidency, both from livng through it and reading about it since, so it is very interesting to me to see this perspective. I appreciate it your candor.
"it was, in fact, the de-regulation of the industry that led to the implosion of fannie and Freddie.
You will have to support the fact you stated above in order for your statement to be considered of any value.
8;17 PM Blogger: Kerra, I too have "lived through" his presidency, as well as every President since Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
Human recollection of events differ greatly for reasons I will never understand, hence the two very different mind sets of the two of us.
An interesting experiment reference memory is to have five people told a phrase individually. The first one is told. then they call in the second and tell them, then the second repeats it to the third and so on. By the time it gets to number five it Will be completely different from the original.
I expect the root causes of the two different recollections is due to the family environment, (liberal or Conservative?)
At any rate, thank you very much for participating in a great thread without name calling or personal insults so prevalent from the Progressive / Liberal side. I Hope we will see more of your comments here as I have really enjoyed the dialog.
Tom Ford
For reference, I ws raised in a staunchly conservative home. I have lost much of my conservative leanings due to my deep upset over the way I have watched the republican party behave over the last 25 years. my grandfather would roll in his grave had he been here to see the party's behavior. For example, he would have been horrified at their statement they made over the debt ceiling debates, when they said they didn't care if we defaulted or not. he believed in country first, above all personal agends. He would have cried when, after Obama's election,it was stated the true purpose was now to see him fail. It was sad, anti-american, unpatriotic tripe and I must admit, I was outraged. My own feelins about a president will never cause me to hope he fails, because with his failure can come the failure of my country. The GOP needs to come up with someone fast if they ever want to see me again. I will never vote for anyone they're offering right now.
How do you feel about it?
Kerra: I have seen both parties behave badly. But I too would be upset to hear anybody say they hope OBama fails. And I agree with you, if he fails, we fail!
But freedom of speech is a "given" to everyone and that is what you get --- not that I want it taken away from us. But some people do go over the top with what they say, and "hate" comes into play.
What I am concerned about is the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac discussion. I know that policies and decisions are always being adjusted. But what I don't like is when the government gives you something and then takes it away from us.
For instance, at one time we were able to deduct the interest we had on credit cards off of our taxes. Then Ronald Reagan said NO.
One President goes out, another comes in and changes things. Maybe there was a good reason for his administration to do that but in my way of thinking, his "richy rich" friends had the money to pay cash for everything! I, on the other hand, could not. No skin off their noses if they did not have this deduction. Needless to say, I wasn't a Ronnie fan. To me he should have stuck with being a movie star. My opinion, that's all I am saying so don't get angry!
Lastly if Tim or Tom or anybody can explain to me what "Freddie Mac" is, sorry but I am not familiar with this one, I would appreciate it. I am sorry that I am not too savy about it.
Thanks for your consideration
I hate to cut and past links cause I dont know how to do in a a manner that allows a reader to click and then read. So if Mr. Ford would convert this link into that I'd appreciate it.
It's worth watching .
Sandy, I understand your feelings about Reagan. i don't feel quite tha strongly, but I also feel he is one of the most overrated presidents ever. Not because he did a bad job, but because his average job has been inflated into some sort of utopia he created, and it simply isn't true. he raised taxes 6 times, he actually grew government, and the national debt went from 700 billion to 3 trillion under him. These are very un-conservative things, I have always felt. i have never disliked the man at all. I just don't see why the conservative party holds him up as the ideal, when his actions and principals clearly were not in keeping with their values. Mr. Ford has explained some thoughts on Mr. Reagan, and I am beginning to understand it a tiny bit better, though I disagree with the sentement.
Kerra - Tom is the history buff as well as Tim. So maybe I am missing something about Reagan that puts him in a better light.
However, Tom is more than adamant about the conservative party, which in this instance is Conservative Republican and most of the time I like the Republican candidates. But I see it like this....this comparison is just my view like it or not.....
A mother has two sons - but she is very partial to the one son and no matter what he does, the mother will defend him and makes excuses for his bad decisions; and the other son - hard as he tries - cannot get his mom to appreciate anything he tries to do to make her happy or to show her he makes good decisions. Even when others congratulate him on what he has done, the mother never gives him any praise.
And sometimes, I think that is what happens with loyal, dye in the wool party people. That is why I have always tried to vote for who I think is best for the job. This time I wanted McCain to win; but going to vote Republican all the time, even when I feel the Rep. candidate is wrong for the job, is like the mother who never sees her one son's bad traits but chooses to overlook them. It just doesn't feel right to me.
If a voter does that, you may as well say then, that if a monkey or a chimp runs on the Republican ticket, the monkey will get your vote. I think it's wrong which is how I feel. Sorry Tom!
But that is just me. I was not happy when Reagan won, But I was not happy with Clinton either. So, therefore, I feel that many persons who felt Reagan did a good job, voted "party" instead of "person".
7:35 AM Blogger" Kerra,, you stated that you were raised in a staunchly conservative home, and then went on to tell us about your Grand Father. He must have been quite the man and I am sorry I missed the chance to know him.
One point that need to be clarified if you will before I proceed. I have never, ever heard ANYONE including Rush Limbaugh say that they wanted Obama to fail. I have heard several people (including me) say that they wanted HIS POLICIES to fail big difference. Mr. Obama is a dyed in the wool progressive who fully believes in the socialism mantra, so yes, I want that to fail as it will (and has) ruin the Nation.
Now on to the Republican Party. I am in full agreement with you that the "RINO" (Republican in name only) faction, also known as the "Country Club" Republicans have "bastardized" the party of small Government! In fact I would expect your Grand Father to be as incensed as I am, which is why I am a Tea Party Member, and not a Republican!
You should hear my responses to the RNC when they call for donations, my wife leaves the room!
The debt ceiling is there for a very good reason, and that is to curb out of control spending! Please read the Constitution of the United States, and see what the Federal Government SHOULD be doing (not what they are doing.)
Kerra, the only way were ever going to change the mess in Washington is to vote out anyone with a D or an R behind their name and start over. Have you noticed that these fools spend their waking hours lying to us? And have you noticed that we seem to put up with it, why?
Two things I would love to see you reflect (and comment) on, quotes that match our predicament today.
"Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely." Voltaire
"There are four pillars to liberty, the soap box, the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box, please use them in that order." Winston Churchill
Tom Ford
10:27 AM Blogger: SANDY, A "Freddie Mac" is short for a Federal mortgage company much like "Fannie May.
Under the watchful eye of Chris Dodd and his Democrat colleagues they loaned mortgage money to people who could never pay it back!
The entire "sub prime" mortgage system was designed to get home loans for next to nothing, and below the prime lending rate.
It worked, well, it worked too well as when the rescission came the "home owners" couldn't pay the mortgage payments and starting defaulting on the loans.
Banks who by the way were "ordered" to make the loans were now sitting on a stack of useless paper, and the weasels who came up with this racket were looking for cover. I am sure you have seen the four pages plus of foreclosures notices in the Post. Those are your friends and neighbors who were told "don't worry about it!"
Freddie Mack, Fannie may, well when you hear those terms used just think lying Government weasels who just happen to be of the Democrat persuasion!
Tom Ford
Here is a really great progressive / Liberal comment from a labor leader todsay.
Marvelous comment "Jimmy," nice grandstanding for your great unwashed, but what are you doing for your rank and file? Oh wait, nothing, right?
By the way, did you clear that with Eric Holder before you went to the "hate speach?"
Tom Ford
Hey Tom - I get it - I got it.
Thanks for your patience and your explanations. Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae are two things to which I really never read too much about and I should have.
Everybody knows about the mortgage crisis but I never really knew they were connected to Freddie and Fannie. And it is very wrong for the banks to be forced to participate in this fiasco.
Maybe Fred and Fannie should do what all couples do when they don't get along - divorce!!! HA! NOT FUNNY!
I also appreciate your answer to Kerra. I think your words were the best you have ever given on this blog. Like a good cup of coffee - Rich, Robust and Not Over The Top. I think you are better giving explanations and opinions when you don't get upset or try too hard - it can cause high blood pressure, you know!! And seriously speaking, I think you are right on point with what you have stated.
So thanks again for your help and thanks for letting me give my two cents.
5:42 PM Blogger: For goodness sake Sandy, whatever you do please don't tell the folks about me being a nice guy!
Good grief, do you want to spoil my reputation?
Tom Ford
Oh my gosh did I leave the cat out of the bag? Like they say in a court of law when someone says something out of turn: the judge slams down the gavel and says "the jury will please disregard the previous comment".
Mr. Limbaugh did in fact say it. I personally consider him to be a windbag and certinly no voice for any party, conservative or otherwise.
Here's the quote:
"Limbaugh told his listeners that he was asked by “a major American print publication” to offer a 400-word statement explaining his “hope for the Obama presidency.” He responded:
So I’m thinking of replying to the guy, “Okay, I’ll send you a response, but I don’t need 400 words, I need four: I hope he fails.” (interruption) What are you laughing at? See, here’s the point. Everybody thinks it’s outrageous to say. Look, even my staff, “Oh, you can’t do that.” Why not? Why is it any different, what’s new, what is unfair about my saying I hope liberalism fails? Liberalism is our problem. Liberalism is what’s gotten us dangerously close to the precipice here. Why do I want more of it? I don’t care what the Drive-By story is. I would be honored if the Drive-By Media headlined me all day long: “Limbaugh: I Hope Obama Fails.” Somebody’s gotta say it."
To hope for the failure of an American president is unfathomable to me, and I cannot abide that kind of unpatriotic nonsense. Mr. Limbaugh can go straight to guess-where as far as I'm concerned. Disagree if you like, I'm okay with that. But to wish that is beyond the pale.
I wasn't talking about the debt ceiling itself. I was referring to the behvior of the GOP members over it. I was and still am disgusted with public behavior that terrible. Their mothers would slap their faces, speaking that way to the president. The man may not be your cup of tea, but the office he holds deserves the respect of every citizen. My grandfather would have cut a switch!
Your quotes are nice ones, but power corrupts on a case by case basis. It depends on who it is, their background, and why they have the power in the first place.
But...the cartridge thanks on that. I decided during Viet Nam I'd had enough war for a lifetime.
Kerra - I agree with you regarding that remark; but I consider the source of it. Rush L.- Rushes his mouth and overloads his bottom. I never did care for his obnoxious manner. He is not my choice as a consumate professional speaking about government or anything. I think he is a "blow hard" and a "wannabe". I, too, would have been taken to the "woodshed" if I ever said that about anyone much less the President.
Tom and I have had discussions at one time or another about how he views things and how he expresses his thoughts. But if you know Tom, his idea of the "cartridge box" or words of that persuasion are just his way of showing people how fed up he is with what our Country is facing now and who is running it.
But make no bones about it, Tom can take care of himself and his blog and doesn't need me to defend him. However, it has taken me a long time to understand him. And I still don't know if I have him 100% correct but that is all I can say as he and I have not always been on the same page but I try.
That said, I am glad that you were able to tell us that it was indeed Rush L. that made that statement. With him, I just consider the source. If this is how he feels he can leave an indelible mark on his notoriety, I feel sorry for him. Most people, unless particularly vicious, do not enjoy listening to his "tripe" but I can see him saying something that dreadful.
Look, as far as I am concerned I never did and never will vote for OBama. But name calling and degrading the President or anyone else to "that degree" shows me that Rush may think he is cute doing it, but it will always be disrespectful and wrong. That's the way my parents raised me and that's the way I see things.
I agree. I had no love for Mr. Bush, either, but I never, ever said those things about him. I felt and still feel the office a president holds deserves more respect than that. He's there because the majority of citizens put him there, whether I like it or not. I was raised to respect and support my president, so I do the best I can with it.
8:38 PM Blogger: Well Kerra, I fail to see where Rush said he hoped Obama (the man himself) failed. I did see where he said he hoped liberalism failed, and he did say the Obama was a liberal so if you want to connect those dots, go ahead.
I too hope fervently that Progressive / Liberalism falls flat on it's face as well (it is, zero job growth,flat economy, ET AL.) Every place it has been tried it has been a disaster of unprecedented proportions, so why would I want it here?
I am glad you liked the quotes,l you may have a point on the power one as power didn't corrupt some of our Presidents.
Mr. Obama started out in the "acorn" program in Chicago as a "community organizer, sat at the feet of Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dorn (Weather underground,) and played the Chicago politics (vote early, and vote often) game coming up, so he was already corrupt before he made it to Washington!
Note that Sir Winston Churchill in his four pillars of Liberty quote stated that the cartridge box was LAST in line. Use it? I pray not, however listening to the speech by Jimmy Hoffa yesterday, I wonder.
I noticed you said that you decided during Viet Nam era that you had enough war for a lifetime. Are you a Viet Nam Vet? (I am) If so I would like to invite you to join us for breakfast tomorrow morning at "Slinger's" Restaurant in Fenton, MO. (my treat.)
Were (chapter 1028, VVA) there from 0630 to 0900 every Wednesday morning for, well I am not sure, but were there anyway.
Tom Ford
"I would be honored if the Drive-By Media headlined me all day long: “Limbaugh: I Hope Obama Fails.” Somebody’s gotta say it."
There's the quote, I don't know what more I can say about that.
Thank you for your kind invitation, but I work full time and cannot. I am not a vet. My uncle was shot down, lost both his best friends in the process, and lived to come home to be called "baby killer". Another era of raging disrespect and refusal to be even civil to those with whom we disagree. I am very done with war.
7:723 PM Blogger: Kerra, no sense in discussing Mr. Limbaugh any further. People either love him or they hate him, no in between.
I am sorry to hear about your uncle, I too have friends on the "wall." In fact I just went to "see them" in Granite City, IL. last weekend as the traveling wall was there.
As far as Viet Nam or any other armed conflict goes, this video sum's it up for me.
I have a Viet NAM Veteran U. S.Navy T shirt that simply states, " For those who have fought for it Freedom has a taste the protected will never know."
Maybe that's why I am so adamant about communism and the socialist experiments not taking over our Nation.
My respect's and deep thanks to your Uncle for his service to America!
Tom Ford
Nice words, Tom and I thought it was well stated. That is why I forgive you when you go into a rage every so often. Now I will tell you what gets me upset:
What I get upset about is the war we suffer everyday when people here in the United States are not duly convicted when they take the lives in innocent people. These people, who commit murder, should be given the death penalty but they never are.
A few days ago, people were gunned down in an I-Hop including a few military personnel, by some nut carrying an AK47. Fortunately, he spared himself a trial. Who was watching him walk around for years acting crazy, and where did he get the gun? If he was under doctor's care, how did he get a gun? Black market I suppose.
In the last few weeks, a mother kills her two children!!! Now that, Tom, is war in what is suppose to be a safe place - babies they were!!! And how many times is the mother going to be able to appeal her conviction, as I am sure she will not get the death penalty. They never do!!!!!
One after the other, people are dropping like flies here in our Country - land of the free and home of the brave - because others feel OK riveting bullets into innocent people. What do they get, if caught, jail!! Yeah - three hots and a cot! How many jails are we going to have to build to house these no good ingrats. Taking lives of little helpless children, or people who are wives and spouses who were in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Tom, why do we not see the war we have every day on our streets and in our citys. North St. Louis is a battle ground; you stick your head outside your door in North St. Louis, a bullet can bounce off of someone's car and kill you or you can just be taking a walk and get hit in a crossfire!!!!
Detroit is a mess as I understand it. Why is it that you don't feel safe anymore walking or togging in a park after the sun goes down?
It's disgusting that we don't even consider us being in a war; but we are - drugs, meth, guns in the wrong hands, stolen or otherwise and that isn't even the "tip of the iceberg.
Yes Tom, I am sure that Vietnam and Imo Jima, where my twin uncles fought, et al, were much worse but at least in those wares - YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE UP AGAINST!
I remember walking everywhere when I was young and lived in South St. Louis. I remember taking the bus home from high school without a problem. One terribly snowy afternoon, the buses were late, so my friends and I started walking home from Lindell and Newstead all the way down Kingshighway. Some real kind man asked us if we wanted a ride. We were freezing cold and we all piled into his big car. No problem! He was kind and considerate.
Today, 50 plus years later, no way could I say it would be OK.
I am rambling Tom, but I almost don't want to watch the news anymore. We use to hear these things every so often on the news, but not like now.
I am sorry, but as passionate as you are about the upcoming election, if we can't get someone in there that takes a strong hold and puts the death penalty on the books and every State commits to it, I will not be happy. Heck Tom, we could save a bundle of money just by not having to build any more prisons. The people in them will never be rehabilitated anyway. They will go free, get smarter ideas so they can get away with the same thing they did that put them away in the first place.
Thanks and I apologize for venting but I figure it's my turn to show you my ugly side. If anyone feels I am overstepping my bounds and this is not pertinent to the heading, I am truly sorry.
I just saw a few things on television about Sept. 11th - innocent people who die in vain always get me down.
7:01 PM Blogger: Sandy, I only "go into a rage" when nothing else will work. That said, The "war" we suffer through in America every day is FIXABLE!
The problem we suffer through (like it or not) is the simple fact that our Police are hampered from doing the job we send them out to do by hand wringing liberals!
Every day in the "Post Disgrace" we see an article above the fold that purports the poor down trodden are being "held down" by____________( pick your group!)
Race, ethnic group, religion, creed, sexual preference, they ALL seem to have a dog in the fight these days, and why is that?
If you broke the law, you used to be expected to pay for it! Not any more as the criminals have become the protected class thanks to the Progressive / Liberal mind set!
If you and others are really serious about stopping the random shooting, the teenage senseless killing, the rampant crime in certain neighborhoods, I suggest you allow the Police to DO THEIR JOB, and stay off the "hand wringing band wagon!"
By the way, the "you" is meant to be "WE," and not just you, but I am sure you know that already!
Tom Ford
well, to be fair, I wouldn't blame "liberals" for the avalability of guns to anyone who wants them. It is traditionally conservatives who lose their minds over any type of gun laws or control.
Opps! Kerra I would not say that. As much as I don't always want to give him credit, Tom has a point. Handouts abound to people who have the system beat with government money coming in. It only makes them lazy in many cases and they don't find work whether work is plentiful or not.
People always feel sorry for the poor. That's fine by me OK but there are those who "use and abuse" the system. They are the ones who ruin it for the "real needy" and the liberals seem to be the ones who always want the government to bail them out.
But years ago, when my grandparents came here from the "old country", they needed assistance and they were "dirt poor". They needed help and had five kids to raise. Because my grandfather had a job working in a quarry @ 25 cents an hour, the Community Chest denied them help.
Then, years later I learned a big lesson. I remember when I was in high school we picked a "poor" family who was in need of help - a Christmas Project. We gave them money, clothing, food - you name it. When we went to their humble home and walked in the door, we were shocked. They had more then most of us did.
I lived in three rooms above my grandmother's house with my parents. My mom never had her own washer and dryer (they used my grandmother's downstairs). This poor family had whole house air-conditioning, three televisions (big) televisions and a very expensive car only a few years old, (probably a gift) sitting in their driveway.
I put groceries away in their new refrigerator and saw that they lived off of you and I and better than any of us at my high school.
My big grip is that it seems the criminals/scammers are prosecuted but the lawyers protect them after the cops bust their Butts getting them off the streets. The law protects all of our rights but, again, the lawyers get paid for protecting the criminals at their trials. They plea "not guilty", to get a lighter sentence.
Kerra everything is about "money" these days. You got money - hire a top lawyer and you will get a lesser sentence or an aquittal.
I will let the police do their jobs and in Crestwood I will fight to the end to keep our police and fire people. We are fortunate.
But the pendulum has turned and it seems that these "Liberals" at least some, are having a field day on our government, while you and I pay the price. Not Good
5:31 PM Blogger: Kerra, actually I would blame the liberals and for good reason!
There are, and have been gun laws on the books since 1928, 1968 the Government required back ground checks, and now a call must be made to the ATF before a gun can be legally transfered.
Where the liberals come in is the part where a convicted felon in possession of a firearm IS NOT PROSECUTED FOR IT!
I was a Police Sgt. in North County, my two sons are police officers (one chief, one detective,) and they will also tell you that liberal judicial activists on the bench are doing nothing to improve the situation as they consistently fail to hand down stiff sentences.
Probation for a gun crime is criminal in and of it's self, we have the laws in place, why not use them? Better yet why enact more laws that won't be used either?
In case you missed it our justice department under Eric Holder directed the ATF to insure that guns went into the hands of Mexican drug king pins. The name of the operation was "fast and furious," and it got two of our people killed, no one arrested, and many more ILLEGAL firearms in the hands of the bad guys. By the by, Holder is a consummate liberal in case you were wondering.
There is also one other SMALL REASON why conservatives like to cling to their guns and their religion as Mr. Obama said, it's called the CONSTITUTION, second amendment to be exact. Please remember that if you want to enjoy the first, you must embrace the rest or no go.
I will be putting out a notice so on a Ward Two meeting this Month you may want to attend, were going to talk about neighbors watching out for other neighbors among other items, and the Police Chief will be there to answer questions. Ask him how he feels about new gun control laws or the loss of the second amendment.
Tom Ford
There is no reason to strive for stiffer laws on the books if the laws are not enforced OR if the laws are enforced by our police force but the criminals are given a slap on the wrist by a judge or jury!
War is Hell my friends, no matter what soil it is on and the devil is alive and well and living in the United States.
Extremely interesting and right on the money!
Tom Ford
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