I received this from Sandy Grave` and it bears repeating, Please click here for a speech by Mr. Herman Cain.)

This may well help us understand why the Candidate for President, Mr. Herman Cain is so well respected in the poll's.
What you may not know about Herman Cain who is running for president....
"He’s not a career politician (in fact he has never held political office). He’s known as a pizza guy, but there’s a lot more to him. He’s also a computer guy, a banker guy, and a rocket scientist guy.
Here’s his bio:
• Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics.
• Master’s degree in Computer Science.
• Mathematician for the Navy, where he worked on missile ballistics (making him a rocket scientist).
• Computer systems analyst for Coca-Cola.
• VP of Corporate Data Systems and Services for Pillsbury (this is the top of the ladder in the computer world, being in charge of information systems for a major corporation).
All achieved before reaching the age of 35. Since he reached the top of the information systems world, he changed careers!
• Business Manager. Took charge of Pillsbury’s 400 Burger King restaurants in the Philadelphia area, which were the company’s poorest performers in the country. Spent the first nine months learning the business from the ground up, cooking hamburger and yes, cleaning toilets. After three years he had turned them into the company’s best performers.
• Godfather’s Pizza CEO. Was asked by Pillsbury to take charge of their Godfather’s Pizza chain (which was on the verge of bankruptcy). He made it profitable in 14 months.
• In 1988 he led a buyout of the Godfather’s Pizza chain from Pillsbury. He was now the owner of a restaurant chain. Again he reached the top of the ladder of another industry.
• He was also chairman of the National Restaurant Association during this time. This is a group that interacts with government on behalf of the restaurant industry, and it gave him political experience from the non-politician side.
Having reached the top of a second industry, he changed careers again!
• Adviser to the Federal Reserve System. Herman Cain went to work for the Federal Reserve Banking System advising them on how monetary policy changes would affect American businesses.
• Chairman of the Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank. He worked his way up to the chairmanship of a regional Federal Reserve bank. This is only one step below the chairmanship of the entire Federal Reserve System (the top banking position in the country). This position allowed him to see how monetary policy is made from the inside, and understand the political forces that impact the monetary system.
After reaching the top of the banking industry, he changed careers for a fourth time!
• Writer and public speaker. He then started to write and speak on leadership. His books include Speak as a Leader , CEO of Self , Leadership is Common Sense , and They Think You’re Stupid .
• Radio Host. Around 2007—after a remarkable 40 year career—he started hosting a radio show on WSB in Atlanta (the largest talk radio station in the country).
He did all this starting from rock bottom (his father was a chauffeur and his mother was a maid). When you add up his accomplishments in his life—including reaching the top of three unrelated industries: information systems, business management, and banking"
Herman Cain may have the most impressive resume of anyone that has run for the presidency in the last half century.'
It speaks for itself my friends.
Tom Ford
NO. 942
I donated to Herman Cain last night. Please take the time to check his website out. I have never donated money to a campaign before. This man is the exact opposite of President Obama
Cain vs UnAble in 2012!
Thank you Chris, I am positive Mr. Cain will put it to very good use.
I appreciate your confidence in a true American patriot, and I dare say the nation will as well.
Tom Ford
I think Cain is a great candidate because he came from "nothing" and had the tenacity and deligence to reach for "better". He has been through the hardtimes and ended up being very knowledgeable and intelligent and his resume shows it. Therefore, he knows about grassroots America. We have so many people who are rich, from heredity who have never known how tough it is to be a median income person. And the very poor and being taken care of by philenthropic means and/or living off of the government. As long as we keep giving them the means to survive - although very necessary in some cases - many have no incentive to find work as money is handed to them.
We are like the "middle child" who is forgotten. And just for once, I would like to see someone who knows what it means to be stuck in the middle and understands what is best for us. We do our due diligence, pay our taxes, and abide by the law and get nothing. The rich and poor seem to do OK. Now it's our turn.
I am just saying.......that's how it seems to me!
I still say running a company is not the same or even in the same universe as running a country. All the job experience in the world won't prepare him to run the country, and all his job experience doesn't mean anything as far as making him ready to be president. I need to hear his ideas, his vison for America. What I have hear so far I do not like at all, so he will not be getting my vote.
1:31 PM Blogger: Karra, are you saying that a position of "community organizer" is better suited for the job?
No person on earth could do a worse job than the person we now have in the job. People asked for "hope and change," and what they got was hopelessness and change from work to welfare!
As businessman knows how to run a business, but more importantly he knows warning and danger signs that apparently Mr. Obama does not (unless he is purposely destroying America.)
Tom Ford
Now see, I didn't say one word about Obama. I didn't indicate anything about a community organizer or anything else. I was hoping to keep this about the candidates that are trying to get the nomination. Since you dragged it out, though, yes, I can think of someone worse than we currently have. George Bush. But that is the last I will comment on that. I had no intention of a war of words over Obama VS anybody. I thought we were talking about the candidates.
Kerra, can we always count on the candidates who have the experience in Congress and politics to run for President? I don't think we can.
And by there experience in congress - it says nothing to me except maybe more of the same things we have now. What have they done for us in Congress? We get rehtoric and all show and no go. They fall lock step into the same pattern. Why? Because of their experience in politics. So maybe we need to change our thinking!
I ask what have they done for us all this time. There are several congressmen who think they can be President, yet have done nothing to prevent the proliferation of this disasterous turmoil that we have been stuck with for several years.
The banks did whatever the heck they wanted, without reservation, and now we have the biggest crash in our economy since the Depression. I ask you to tell me - "who was watching the store while this was all happening"?
None of them were watching it crumble and no one gave a "tinker's darn" to cut the proliferation of what we now have - before it happened!
Do you wait to buy a new car until your old unreliable one falls apart on a highway in the middle of nowhere and you are freezing to death - or do you score on the side of safety and trade it in for one that works? Where were all our good, elected people all this time?
What in the "hey" were they doing for the past several years? They were doing the SOS they always did - nothing! So several of them have had this wonderful political experience you feel is necessary to get your vote - and I wouldn't give a darn nickel toward there campaign. They will promise us everything and will give us more of what we have now - nothing, nadda! How are all these good people who lost their jobs suppose to feel? They feel abandoned and did nothing wrong.
I don't want to get into a game of names either Kerra and I won't argue about it. But we need some type of new leadership at the top.
These people who are suppose to be our political watchdogs in Congress and are suppose to pass bills to help this country to assist in our needs and necessities are not doing it.
So, I am just saying.....that's what I think.
8:04 PM Blogger: Kerra, no war of words here, in fact no war at all. You stated that a businessman wasn't up to the job in your opinion, so I asked if a "community organizer' was a better choice.
That's a fair question I believe. Oh, and by the by, I didn't inject anyone into the equation (Obama, Bush,) but rather you did when you felt that it was a "war of words."
That said, I believe a businessman is exactly what this Republic needs to right the ship. Foreign policy is nothing more than common sense, if your a friend, we help, if not, forget about it.
A businessman knows when to toss in the funding to achieve a goal, a politician tosses it in from the get go hoping for more support, and as you can see, that doesn't work.
Crestwood if you will is but a microcosm of the National scene as our new Mayor (businessman) has held the budget line, made changes, and has us back on track so far. The old mayor (politician) had us in the newspapers, and moving toward disruption.
Tom Ford
Herman Cain to Wall Street protesters:
Tom Ford
I am honestly not sure I agree with you about business men. Given the state of greed and avarice displayed by corporate CEO's, I am not sure I agree with you at all.
I never heard one person in our political arena stop the banks from creating the financial mess they caused; I have never heard one person in our political arena including any President say anything about the mess the banks put on the backs of the honest consumers.
But I read about Bernie Maydoff who stole millions and millions of dollars before someone blew the whistle on him. You can't tell me that polticians didn't turn their heads the other way and allow him to crush people's life savings to the tune of millions. How is that allowed to get so out of hand? He didn't do it alone, that how!!
Think about it. There were lots of people who could have stopped him sooner rather than later.
Where were the people in charge of the Federal Reserve when these banks - pointed out in every newcast- were servicing people who were trying to get a mortgage or buy a car or get a loan? Giving out loans like people giving candy to kids on Halloween. You cannot tell me that all of our congressmen were never informed about what was going on.
Nope! I've had my fill of congressmen and politicians holding new born babies, shaking hands with everyone, and trying to show how honest they are, when they are all playing in the same ballpark, in the same league and on the same team.
Sorry, but that is my take. Thanks!
quite frankly I agree with you. I do not agree, however, that giving the reins over to a man who, by his very job description, is part of the problem, is a wise idea either. I have no idea what Mr. Cain did or did not earn as CEO of his companies...but my guess at this point would be that he took a staggeirng sum for himself, as is the standard for corporate America. I have a huge problem with heads of companies who are laying off, cutting back, sending people into poverty so that they can continue to collect their outrageous salaries. I need to find out more details about Mr. Cain, his business practices, and his stance on this issue before he'll ever get my vote. Actions speak louder than words, and I need some more information on Mr. Cain's prior actions before I will ever even consider him. Much of what I have heard so far I do not like one bit, and his 999 plan is not a plan I would ever endorse. I have no problem with whomever you choose to vote for, I just am much more careful than many. And yes, I have been made fun of for it, but I don't care. I still feel my vote might matter a little and I don't wish to squander it on a man who embodies all that is wrong with American business.
Kerra - As you - I also have been made fun of because I am extremely cautious about believing everything I hear without proof or research. And I applaud you for that.
On just about everything I can think of, I am the one who hesitates before I will quantify and put my seal of approval on it. But I have also been duped by people who make you believe they are great politicians but are far from it. In that regard, we are in agreement - walk softly and carry a big stick!
But there are CEO's of companies out there that have done just what you have said. We all know it happens. However, I still feel that being selfishly motivated is done more in the political arena.
Yes, CEO's lay off people to keep more in their own pockets because they don't care if we starve just as long as their families don't!
However, lawmakers are suppose to help and assist this Country by passing laws to keep us strong. They took an oath to protect us, but through history, you see that they don't.
Congressional leaders and politicians are like pack animals and stay together. They protect each other even when they know full well that it is the wrong move to make.
Whether it be on the lowest level of government to the highest - there is always a leader of the pack. If the leader is bad and does something wrong, the pack animal acts on instinct only and not intelligence. They do as the leader dictates.
We as human beings are suppose to use our brains but politicians act more like pack animals than their humanity. They will support each other even if it means they have to compromise their principles (if they have any, which I doubt) to the detrimation of you, I and John Q Public.
They will support someone's Bill, if that person supports theirs. I hate it but it happens all the time. Quid Pro Quo and all that "junk" is rampant. And I feel it happens more in the political arena than in the public arena.
So, I am not stating that Cain or any one individual is better than the other - because I also need more information. However, as in anything there are pros and cons. And on this thread, I am just stating my views; nothing more and nothing less.
I appreciate your input Kerra and John and Tom and all others who participate in this forum.
7:19 AM Blogger: Kerra, Your vote is and should be sacred, no one needs to chide you for who, or why you vote as you do!
Remember the Iraqi people with the "PURPLE FINGERS" that showed they voted? They were targets in the voting lines that sometimes stretched for over two miles, but they did indeed vote!
Today we have people who for what ever reason believe that their vote means nothing! Well I beg to differ as I (and a lot of others) have friends names inscribed on the Viet Nam wall who fought, and yes died for your right to vote for whomever you choose!
By the grace of God those of us who returned owe them a solom vow to insure that never ever changes, and so help me God, I will (and have) worked toward that end, and I will continue to do so.
Laughed at, chided? Well Kerra, I think you have served right along side of us that are "chided" for being "Flag wavers" and patriotic old fossils to be ridiculed for no other reason than we do not agree with socialist/communist ideals, therefore we must be senile!
Well, I may be old, and I may be senile, but I still stand and salute when the Flag passes by, and I still believe in America, so you do as you wish, a lot of very good people paid for your ticket to do so!
Tom Ford
I put my hand over my heart when the anthem is played, and I have raised my children to do the same. I still have tissues when we win at the Olympics. I have nowhere near the loathing for Obama that you all seem to have, but I am insanely patriotic and I want my vote to go for someone I really believe in. I wish I liked Herman Cain...I will wait and watch and see who pops up. I will sleep better, though, knwoign palin won't be running. She scares me almost as much as Bachmann. Both those women are not good choices.
Herman Cain leads all challengers by at least 20 points (Zogby Poll.)
Tom Ford
Kerra, I just posted a U-tube video (click the thread header) of the speech to the NRA in Pittsburgh, PA. this summer. I hope it gives you a bit better insight into the inner workings of the man.
I think he is the real deal, no "Bravo Sierra," and straight talk from the heart. What say you please?
Tom Ford
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