Mr. Ray Hoffstetter believes "Big Oil" doesn't "pay it's fair share' of taxes, (click here for the letter to the Sun Crest Call,)
I find it interesting that it's always "BIG' something that is blamed for not "paying their fair share" of taxes (read tribute) to the Government coffers!
I am wondering if Mr. Hoffstetter (and others) has / have ever looked into the cost of doing business as an oil company? As I am sure he is aware there is the exploration, the retrieval costs, the Government regulations, the labor costs, the R&D costs,the maintenance costs, and certainly not last their fiduciary responsibility to their share holders.
I am not now,nor have I ever been associated with an oil company, but I do work for them from time to time and I can assure you that their cost of doing business is tremendous by comparison to most businesses.
I am wondering why Mr. Hoffstetter has not mentioned General Electric who paid ZERO taxes last year but their CEO was invited to sit with the First Lady (and did) during Mr. Obamas jobs speech? He has a couple of jet's, vacation homes, and a ridiculous salary, yet he and his company get a pass, why is that?
Please, Mr. Hoffstetter do not fall into the "class warfare" trap so artfully laid by certain factions in Washington, as I have never seen or heard of a POOR PERSON giving a job to anyone in the 70 years I have been on the planet!
Think about it sir!
Tom Ford
NO. 938
I am wondering if Mr. Hoffstetter (and others) has / have ever looked into the cost of doing business as an oil company? As I am sure he is aware there is the exploration, the retrieval costs, the Government regulations, the labor costs, the R&D costs,the maintenance costs, and certainly not last their fiduciary responsibility to their share holders.
I am not now,nor have I ever been associated with an oil company, but I do work for them from time to time and I can assure you that their cost of doing business is tremendous by comparison to most businesses.
I am wondering why Mr. Hoffstetter has not mentioned General Electric who paid ZERO taxes last year but their CEO was invited to sit with the First Lady (and did) during Mr. Obamas jobs speech? He has a couple of jet's, vacation homes, and a ridiculous salary, yet he and his company get a pass, why is that?
Please, Mr. Hoffstetter do not fall into the "class warfare" trap so artfully laid by certain factions in Washington, as I have never seen or heard of a POOR PERSON giving a job to anyone in the 70 years I have been on the planet!
Think about it sir!
Tom Ford
NO. 938
If you were President Obama would you run in 2012 on your record? So what's left for him to energize his base?
Class Warfare!!
10:48 AM Blogger: Correct Mr. Tim, his base has departed in droves as he has done NONE of the things he promised them.
They know he is a one trick pony and they are out shopping for a new candidate (I hope they like Herman Cain, as well as I do.)
Mr. Obamas record is one of despair, ruin, foreclosure, joblessness, spending, and economic malaise that is UN-equaled in American History, so how could he do anything else?
Tom Ford
Herman Cain wins the Florida straw poll! Please remember that the folks in Florida are "older" and they vote!
Tom Ford
Did some more reading about Herman Cain tonight in between watching the Cardinals.
I kind of like his 999 idea. Of course, I will have to read more on it but it might work! Some time when politicians try to resolve serious issues, the resolution gets more complicated than the issue. Maybe a simpler idea is worth checking out.
I would just like those who seek election to think more about solutions to problems like Herman Cain has done; rather than trying to step on each other to gain the Presidency including making false promises to us, telling us what we want to hear, and fighting each others ideas even when the ideas of their opponents are worth taking a look at.
The door swings both ways and it is time that these people start thinking like adults instead of children; i.e. - fighting in a sandbox trying to be the one who gets the big firetruck!
And that's how I feel anyhow!
Sorry - the previous comment was mine and not anonymous - hit the wrong key.
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