Remember when Congresswoman Gabby Gifford's was shot, and we were to tone down the rhetoric? (click here for the story.)

I guess "tone down the rhetoric" only applies to the Conservative and Tea Party groups they blamed for the shooting. Since that very sad day we have heard all sorts of really inflammatory comments coming out of the mouths of Progressive / Liberals in both the House and the Senate, but nothing like we heard from a union leader last Monday.
Maybe one of my progressive / Liberal friends can explain to me (and the readers here) why Mr. Obama or any of his buddies on his side of the aisle have not condemned this "HATE SPEECH?"
I guess we Conservative are expected to just sit by and wait for the attack, right? Well I really don't think that is going to happen my friends. Later tonight Mr. Obama will speak on "jobs," he will have no substance, or plan mind you, but he will speak;. Unfortunately most ALL of America will not be watching or listening as we have had it with the Bravo Sierra.
Mr. Obama your a one trick pony, we have seen the act, my suggestion is to start packing for the move back to Chicago as 2012 will be here before you know it!
Tom Ford
NO. 935
Told you it was a fine job of "Bravo Sierra" right? Well read the attached and tell me I am wrong!
Tom Ford
No need to Tom, the liberal double standard is well know by us thinking people by now.
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