September 11, 2001 we lost 3,000 of our fellow Americans to crazed radicals. (click here for the clips.)

I am sure you remember where you were on 9/11/01, I certainly do. Please take a look back via these videos linked to above and join me and my family in saying a silent prayer for the dead, and their families.
This was not a "fluke" by some radical group as some would have you believe, but rather the first shot in the "Jihad" to make America sub-servient to the Wahabbe belief in the return of the tenth Eman, and the associated "rule" by Sharia law that accompanies it.
In short the Nations (Iran, Libya, Iraq, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan) that are TRUE believers in the Muslim way of life as well as Sharia law are in a protracted war to remove All infidels from the planet.
Does this mean ALL MUSLIMS are of that persuasion, NO it does not, no more than the Westbourough Baptist Church is mainstream in the Baptist faith. What it does mean is that certain elements of the middle eastern culture want us ALL dead, no ifs ands or buts.
We owe it to those who fell on 9/11/01 to keep their memory alive, and to continue the fight to preserve America for our children and grand children's sake. May God hold the fallen close and may their families know the eternal peace that the resurrection brings.
Tom Ford
NO. 936
I remember where I was, who told me, and even the smells and lighting of that moment. I will never forget the horror unfolding over the next hours and days as we all tried to understand who hated us enough to do something so horrible.May God forgive me, I'm glad we finally got Bin Laden.
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