Monday, September 19, 2011

Things in America that will soon be history! (Please click here for the article, long but worth it.)

Very sad, but very true my friends. This is a long read but well worth your time to do so. The America our Grand Children will grow up in will be vastly different than the one we knew and loved.

I will cease further comments as the piece speaks for it's self.

Tom Ford

NO. 939


Anonymous John said...

This comes from a web site of a psyco whose life experience is owning some pet shops, and being a TV and radio reporter. He now has a radio show that seems to specialize in some radical ideas, to say the least.

"Rense's radio program and website,, cover subjects such as 9/11 conspiracy theories,[2] UFO reporting, paranormal phenomena, Holocaust denial,[3] Zionism, tracking of new diseases and possible resultant pandemics, environmental concerns (see chemtrails), animal rights, possible evidence of advanced ancient technology, geopolitical developments and emergent energy technologies, complementary and alternative medicine among other subjects."

"Regular guests include conspiracy theorists, geopolitical experts, ufologists.....One of Rense's favourite guests is paranormal expert Brad Steiger"

This guy is not what I would call a reliable source of information, to say the least.

6:36 PM, September 19, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:36 PM Blogger: John, he is what he is but, it's an opinion to build on, no?

Some of his writings make no sense at all but, the Post Office for one is credible as we ponder these missives.

Is it possible that some of his predictions will turn out to be partially correct? I don't know, so let's discuss what WE think may or may not happen, and WHY.

Tom Ford

9:22 AM, September 20, 2011  
Anonymous Sandy Grave said...

Tom, that is not saying much for the guy because in the course of years, anybody can come up with thousands of predictions. So to say that some may be partially correct - doesn't make him anything more than a good movie producer. It is also another good reason why you can't believe everything you read or hear. It is very much a way gossip can spread. People use what he says as a means of good conversation and before you know it, you now end up with ten times thousands of predictions. Watch out for those people who are always looking up at the sky - they are not looking for inspiration, they are looking for UFO's. YIKES!

10:19 AM, September 20, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:19 AM Blogger: Sandy, please reread my original post! I did not say if I BELIEVED HIM, OR NOT!

I did say that this "could happen," right? That said, I was trying to get responses from people as to whether or not this "could happen," and so far all I have is comment's about the author!Does anyone deny that America is changing (and not for the better?)

Good Grief is the art of communication becoming lost as well? Perhaps I failed to communicate the message properly?

Tom Ford

4:32 PM, September 20, 2011  
Anonymous kerra said...

I personally think much of what he said is hooey. For example, TV. No way in hades is tv going anywhere. Why? Too much money to be made. Salaries on TV are still insane, with tens of millions of people still watching. The kinds of shows on tv seem to be changing, but not tv itself. Music is the same. It will never leave, because there's too much money to be made, pure and simple. Books, maybe, but I really doubt they'll ever go all the way away. Newpapers? That could be the case, yes. I still prefer the paper in my hands, but that's my perspective, and I wasn't raised reading it online, since "online" didn't exist!
I am skeptical about the Post Office simply because they offer a service that every person in America over the age of 10 has used or is using. I think the country would grind to a halting drag without the postal service, so steps would have to be taken to save it, just like bailing out the auto industry. It HAD to be saved.
As for his statement about us never owning "stuff" again, that's also hooey. people will always amass "stuff", no matter what the internet does. This includes photo albums.

5:09 PM, September 20, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:09 PM Blogger: Kerra, way to go, that's what I was looking for!

Now let's see if you get an intelligent response.

Tom Ford

5:50 PM, September 20, 2011  
Anonymous Sandy Grave said...

Hey Mr. Tom - sorry I didn't give you an intelligent answer. Does that mean you think I am not intelligent? Don't answer that or I might have to "hate" you! I guess my mind is getting "feable" since I turned 70 (Aug. 22. 2011).

I will answer your question - yes, I guess it is possible that some things he said may be partially correct. Do I get an "A" now?

I am sure there are books at the library that have been written about the same things.

Environmentally, I can see us getting in a heep of trouble - if we don't pay attention. We can turn our natural resources into a waste land. And yes, it could happen if people become apathetic and lazy. Once you contaminate the land, and once you destroy it, there is no turning it back around.

OK Tom - did I do good or not!!!!

6:44 PM, September 20, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:44 PM Blogger: Sandy, the first point of you missive is moot as far as I am concerned.

The rest is what I was hoping to see from everyone posting here, YOUR THOUGHTS, not "hate the writer."

Did you do "good?" Maybe not, but you did "well!"

Tom Ford

11:23 AM, September 21, 2011  
Anonymous Sandy Grave said...

OK Tom - at least I tried. I had a hard time wrapping my brain around some of the things Rense stated. I guess you want specific thoughts. Unfortunately, I don't have time to get into specifics.

And at the fear of being called a nimrod or not being intelligent enough, maybe I should really refrain from commenting on this issue and/or others, since I am not as well informed as you and others are. However, to elude to the fact that I am not intelligent because my answers were not to your liking or specific enough, well....... here we go again about not being tough and too thinned skinned. That inference hurt!

Like previously stated, I read the article and reread it and I also read John's take. I mean Rense is adamant about how he see's things. Some things could happen down the line, but I shudder to think.

Rense really has quite a scenario of things people could seriously contemplate and frankly he scares me to death. But I agree with John in that I don't feel he is a reliable source.

And that is all I am going to say, take it or leave it. I may not be a big contributor to the blog, or have any vast knowledge regarding the state of the Universe, but believe it or not, I am not as stupid as you think I am. But I didn't think I needed a genius level IQ to comment here. But I am smart enough to know when to stop.

Have a nice day Tom!

4:09 PM, September 21, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:09 PM Blogger: Sandy, again you missed the point by a mile! I praised your comments in the second paragraph, and all I said in the last was good v well.

I was simply pointing out that my bride tells me that you don't "do good," you do well.

Get it now? There must be a disturbance in the force for the last week as everyone seems to wrapped way to tight lately.

Tom Ford

6:05 PM, September 21, 2011  
Anonymous Sandy Grave said...

Like the song says "let's call the whole thing off"!

This thread is not for me. I don't stop and smell the roses which I should like you. I am always running here or there and my day is over in the blink of an eye.

I am not a reader like you are and I can tell that you read a lot. Plus I am at the age now where even if I do read, I don't retain info like I should. And I know that you are a history buff which I wish I was because it explains so much about life then and now.

And Yes you are right, I missed the point; therefore, I should have stopped right there but I didn't.

All I can do is generalize and say that many things can and may happen of which Rense speaks, but that is all I can say.

So I will be interested to hear from those who care to comment in on this thread about specifics in the article. Like I said, Rense's article, scares the heck out of me.

PS: I love your wife. She can definitely keep up with you. You Go Linda!!!!

7:17 PM, September 21, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Time ti lighten up a bit, so.......

Recently our daughter came home and said, "Dad, I want you to cancel my
allowance immediately. Go ahead and rent out my room. Donate all my
clothes to the SPCA Thrift Store or to the Salvation Army. Find someone who
needs them to give my laptop, iPhone, iPod, and TV set to. Sell all my
jewelry and donate all the money to the church. Take my house key, and
throw me out of the house. I also want you to write me out of your will and
leave everything to my brother. Then disown me, and never talk to me

Well, that's not quite exactly the way she put it. Actually, she said,
"Dad, I've decided to work for the President's re-election campaign."

Tom Ford

6:55 AM, September 22, 2011  
Anonymous kerra said...

tht daughter will have alot of company if the GOP doesn't produce someone worth voting for. I am still waiting.

11:53 AM, September 23, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

11:53 Am Blogger: Kerra, I agree we can't go to the mat with these "front runners." I still hold out hope for a better candidate than these "front running Rinos." Meanwhile, some food for thought on Mr. Obama!

General Electric

General Electric is planning to move its 115-year-old X-ray division from Waukesha, Wis., to Beijing. In addition to moving the headquarters, the company will invest $2 billion in China and train more than 65 engineers and create six research centers. This is the same GE that made $5.1 billion in the United States last year, but paid no taxes-the same company that employs more people overseas than it does in the United States.

So let me get this straight. President Obama appointed GE Chairman Jeff Immelt to head his commission on job creation (job czar). Immelt is supposed to help create jobs.

I guess the President forgot to tell him in which country he was supposed to be creating those jobs.

If this doesn't show you the total lack of leadership of this President, I don't know what does.

Confirm it here, CLICK ON THE LINK: General Electric China Move

(From a Crestwood resident.)

Tom ford

2:16 PM, September 23, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

I hope that there is one more item to add to the "Things that soon will be history!"

That would be the Barrack Husein Obama regime in 2012.

Tom Ford

8:09 AM, September 25, 2011  
Anonymous kerra said...

I know you like him, but I am no fan of Mr. Cain.

8:26 AM, September 25, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:26 A Blogger: Kerra, that's OK with me, it's the American way!

That is why there are so many people of different stripes on that Dias. Each of us has a chance to "vett" the person we like, and so does everyone else.

Pray tell, who do you see as the person to beat Obama, and why?

Tom Ford

10:15 AM, September 25, 2011  
Anonymous kerra said...

thus far I have nt seen one person who can beat Obama. Not one. And quite frankly, I have reservations about wanting him beaten. In all openness, ( I know you will hate me for saying this), if this is all the GOP has to offer, I'll take Obama. There's not one candidate so far that i think would improve things even a little, and in the case of Bachmann, Palin, and Perry, I think they would make things much, much worse. Don't want to ruffle feathers, but that's how i feel.

12:26 PM, September 25, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

12:26 PM Blogger: Kerry, take Bachmann, Perry, and Paul out of the equation, they have no chance.

Now as far as the rest are concerned, well I believe it will be a Romney ticket (big mistake) V Obama. That said Romney WILL beat Obama, no doubt, but we will have a RINO in place who is not my answer to anyones prayer.

What I can't understand is why people want a socialist / communist ideologue (yes I said communist and I meant it) anywhere near the Presidency. Mr. Obama is both of those wrapped into a neat media blanket period.

Mr. Obama and his minions are destroying the very fabric of American business (the innovative rugged individualism) that made America what it was before he took over. He has NO ACCOMPLISHMENTS other than to destroy jobs, new businesses, and families along the way. His health care package is a nightmare, and his "share the wealth" ideals a travesty (unless you believe in Karl Marx and his "from each according to their means, to each according to their needs" form of Government (communism.)

Now as for his invincibility, I give you the recent win in New York District 9 (democrat since 1928) and his up side down poll numbers in CALIFORNIA AND FLORIDA of all places!

The White House knows full well that unless God Almighty comes down and anoints him personally he is finished in 12. Now, who do we replace him with?

Tom Ford

1:59 PM, September 25, 2011  
Anonymous kerra said...

I do not believe Romney can beat Obama. I really don't.

5:40 PM, September 25, 2011  
Anonymous kerra said...

by the way, not my intention to upset or annoy. I will keep quiet on this subject.

6:12 PM, September 25, 2011  
Anonymous Sandy Grave said...

I am almost afraid to say this, (since I know how much Tom will try to debate me) but I was watching the Rep. candidates in an open discussion the other night. I hope Romney isn't the American Hopeful chosen. I was not as impressed with him as I think he is of himself. I was kind of leaning toward Cane and/or Newt.

I had heard Tom mention Cane before in a positive manner without going back and trying to find where he said so on this blog. And I am impressed with both candidates - maybe one can be Pres. and the other Vice Pres.

Again, just my thoughts. I don't have a political science degree - I am just saying!!!!

11:49 AM, September 26, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

612 PM Blogger: Kerra, Your not up setting or annoying anyone that I am aware of, and if you are, they'll get over it! We ALL enjoy your thought's and comments, so please "Blogg on!"

By the way, lately Donald Duck could beat Obama, but that's not important till November, 2012 when we see just what lying, cheating and stealing he (Obama) can come up with.

Tom Ford

4:39 PM, September 26, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

11:49 AM Blogger: Sandy, "debate you?" Never, I agree totally with you and Kerra that Romney is not the answer to a maidens prayer by a long shot.

Glad you remember my comments about being in the Herman Cain camp. Romney has enough negative baggage to fill a train station, but Cain is all go and there are very few (if any) things the rest of the "pack" can "best" him on.

If Herman Cain has an Achilles heel it may be his health. I have heard some concerns along those lines, but I pray he can stay healthy enough to kick Obama out and right the ship for us.

Tom Ford

4:48 PM, September 26, 2011  
Anonymous kerra said...

well, then I will say I really hope Cain doesn't get the nomination because I dislike him. I think, if things remain as they are right now, Romney might well get the nomination, but he will lose the election. Why? I am sad and ashamed to say I think he'll lose because he's Mormon. I truly believe that most Americans will not put a Mormon in office. It's terrible and reprehensible, but I believe it to be true. The ugly, bigoted face of many Americans came into the light when so many were foaming at the mouth about Obama being a Muslim. I am saddened that so much of this antiquated, ugly mindset is still lurking under the surface of so many.

8:15 PM, September 26, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:15 PM Blogger: Kerra, perhaps the Obama / Muslim flap was due to the fact that MUSLIMS ATTACKED US AND KILLED 3,000 OF OUR COUNTRYMEN.

Like it or not, they are in a holy war with us (extremest that is) and the idea of having one in the White House (good or bad) at the time was understandably reprehensible to many Americans.

Personally I am not interested in Mr. Obamas religion, just the fact that he, by his actions is a vowed Marxist, and that is reprehensible to me.

The nation is slow to wake up, but wake up they have when it comes to Mr. Obama and his socialist / communist friends and appointees.

I believe he will be voted out next November in a land slide election that will be a referendum on conservative thinking.

Tom Ford

5:00 PM, September 27, 2011  
Anonymous kerra said...

Well, I suppose you could be right. And we weren't attacked by regular Muslims. We were attacked by religous fanatics, much like the Christian fanactics who kill doctors because killing is wrong. Fanatics in any form are horrible. Fanatics in any religion is horrifying in what they can and do justify. I know several devout Muslims who were completely horrified by 9/11. As an aside, you really don't need to yell. I can read lower case letters.

9:39 PM, September 27, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9;39 PM Blogger: Kerra, Upper case "yelling" was not for you but rather those who still believe it was "our fault!"

I believe if you re-read my post you will see that I did say that these swine were ALL extremest Muslims. That said however the religious zealots of any faith are usually a problem, and will continue to be.

UN fortunately the Muslim faith with their beliefs in making women chattel, Sharia law, stoning, honor killings, and making all infidels subservient or dead is a bit much for me and most Americans.

When you immigrate to a new Country you should assimilate into the host Countries laws, beliefs and customs, not demand to change them as they have done in Detroit and Chicago.

All in all I can certainly understand why a person of the Muslim belief would be the last thing Americans would want at this time. I hope you can understand the caution flags put up by Americans when it comes to the Muslim sects.

I am afraid it will take quite some time before that changes, and any further acts of aggression to wards us will finish it permanently.

Tom Ford

4:53 PM, September 28, 2011  
Anonymous kerra said...

I agree. I do wish that people would see the difference between say, my friends, and the lunatics who use terrorism. I mean, I'm an American, but I sure wouldn't want to be judged by Timothy McVeigh or Ted Kazinski.

9:41 PM, September 28, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9;41 PM Blogger; Kerra, that will be an uphill battle just as it was for the Japanese Americans in WW2.

Personally I have always tried to judge people by their words and deed's, and nothing else. There are times when thats a very hard thing to do (such as 9/11/2001) but I realize that these were extremest Muslims at their worst, and nothing more.

We do have a problem in America today with the extremest groups that are demanding Sharia law, and all the nightmares that accompany it however.

That is where I would like to see more of our Muslim brothers stand up and say, NO! However that never seems to happen for some reason which leads some people to believe the "birds of a feather" comments we have all heard.

As i said before it will take quite some time for these wounds to heal, and demonstrations and demands by Muslim groups are not helping at all.

I hope you and your friends can understand that part of the equation.

Tom Ford

5:03 PM, September 29, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Kerra, this is but a small bit of what I am talking about reference Sharia Law!

Do we do this? No, we do not, and we don't want it here now do we. Yet they are trying to force it on us, why?

Tom Ford

5:13 PM, September 29, 2011  
Anonymous Sandy Grave said...

If anyone moves into this Country, they live by this Country's rules! No exceptions Period!!! If they don't agree, they should go back where they came from!

If we give in to this obsurd idea of allowing others to intrude on the laws that our forefathers believed and supported, we may as well kiss our laws goodbye. Our forefathers fought and died for these laws. If they were good enough for them, they should be good enough for us. Further, they have stood the test of time.

If and when the laws are changed, it should be for the betterment of this Country by those who are there to protect it - not some theory supported by a bunch of the power mongers who have their own selfish agendas based on the immigrant population.

It bothers me there are those persons of strong leadership and power who feel it necessary to usurp the laws which were the very foundation that our Country has lived by. And they feel it is OK for to take out the very "Core" of our existence as if it were nothing.

Again, who are those who are suppose to protect us, and took an oath to watch our backs to keep America strong? Our leaders in the White House! What do they do there anyway? Play pool and card games.

If you write letters to them as I have, first you have to wait for 6 weeks before you get a reply and then when you do, it is nothing more than a secretary's generic letter that she sends out with a senator's forged signature.

I don't know the answers to our problems, but our senators and representatives should; and if they don't have answers, then they shouldn't be there.

11:47 AM, October 05, 2011  

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