U.S. Postal Service may shut down this winter! Default on payments likely this month (click here for the story please.)

In a stunning report from the New York Times we see the reality of the rescission (depression?) we have been led into by the two party system known as Democrats and Republicans!
There are many reasons for the eminent collapse of the postal system, not the least of which is the surely attitudes displayed at the counter, and the out of control spending on things such as "New Logo's" (five million dollars.) The electronic age, texting on your I phone. fax data, emails, electronic signatures, ET AL have contributed to the pending demise as well.
Much like the transition between the buggy and the automobile, (buggy whip manufacturers lost out) the Postal system has failed to make the changes to adapt to the new societal whims of it's customers. I haven't been to a post office to buy stamps for six years now as I print my own at the "Postal service" I am writing on. That's right, I have a Certificate stating that I am a "licensed postal meeter" location, hence no need t go there.
This is but another in the long line of "indicators" that our so called "leader." and his minions are not exactly the "Hope and change" some wanted. No in fact this current crop of people in Washington are far to busy attempting to insure their legacy than doing what is right for America!
Folks the other shoe" is dropping as we speak, your vote is now more important than at any other time in American history! If were to survive this onslaught of "progressive" thinking we must go to the poll's and vote for the right person for the job. Forget the fact that "they have been there," and vote for the right person who is not afraid to correct the errors that got us here.
Tom Ford
NO. 934
It seems the lack of posts on this thread reflects American's total lack of surprise that another federally funded operation is spending more than it takes in.
The American people who have not worked for a federal government organization do not believe it when those of us who have tell them how they are run.
Not only do they spend more than they make, most of it is wasted foolishly. And, they never have enough to reach their goals, so they always need more.
I was just looking at the news, and here is a prime example of extreme government waste:
"CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. -- A pair of spacecraft rocketed toward the moon Saturday on the first mission dedicated to measuring lunar gravity and determining what's inside Earth's orbiting companion – all the way down to the core."
The entire Grail mission costs $496 million.
Now research is fine if we are rolling in dough, but NOT when we are in our current depression.
John and Tim: here is a news site that gives us some prime examples of Government waste at it's best!
Tom Ford
Nobody cares and that is the attitude that will ruin this Country.
We have had things so good, plus everything to make life easier and all it has done is make some of us more lazy and asleep at the switch! Those who are paid to watch our backs are getting lazy and apathetic. Ho Hum!
There is no question in my mind that we are unprepared for more beaurocrisy, and people are taking our freedom for granted not here but in our Nation's Capital.
What I heard from my grandparents all the stories about The Great Depression, I thought "that was then, this won't happen again". Not true.
Our money is basically gone; and I don't see our government looking out for us. And.....If this is true, the attacks on American soil have just begun. Therefore, somebody with more power than all of us better realize it and take steps to avoid it.
Those who do not take our previous historical issues seriously, will ultimately cause historical detriment in America and it scares me to death, I don't know about you.
Plus, what is even more staggering is that we are now dealing with people who will blow themselves up for the sake of their gods, but will take us with them when they do it. That is what they believe and that is what they are taught.
And we saw it with our own eyes; not in a movie but for real at
on 9/11. We saw the people's faces, heard the telephone calls, children who were on the airplanes, mothers, fathers, and all the people in the twin towers. We saw this happen with our own eyes, in vivid color!!!!
We need good, honest and determined people to run this Country. They don't have to be martyrs, they just need to get the job done.
Got any ideas cause we surely don't have any now!
Those who are paid well to keep us safe are looking the other way. Government workers who get paid for doing very little, sitting at their desks trying to figure out when to take their next vacation on Uncle Sam's money. Where did it all go! Did you or I get any?
I pay my taxes every year, and every year no matter what my deductions are, I still have to pay. Where does it go? Where has your's gone? To people who know exactly how to use the system.
And those days need to stop among a lot of other things.
"We need good, honest and determined people to run this Country."
You are absolutely right!
But the problem is, that by the time they get to the national level, they have been through the local, county, state, and federal level of politics, and have been totally corrupted by the process of raising money, getting publicity, telling people what they want to hear (no matter what it is) that they have no conscience, intelligence, common sense, or morality left. Their "firm beliefs", and "policies" Flip-flop more than pancakes on a busy morning at IHOP!
I have not seen anyone in the current crop of wannabes that I would trust to run a taco stand, let alone a country.
I just keep hoping someone will show up.
Sandy and John: Spot on my Friends! What we have now is a progressive / liberal Government that fully believes we can "be nice" and it will stop (ALA Nevil Chamberlain.)
What we need is a a person like Ronald Reagan ("tear down that wall," "the evil empire") ETC. Or a Harry Trueman (ordered the atomic strikes on Japan.)
At this juncture in our history we can ill afford a weak kneed sister (such as we have now,) or a person who would "go along to get along!"
The enemy has VOWED to kill ALL of us "Infidel's" (you and me) and given the slightest chance they will do it! Israel is under eminent threat of attack (as are we) and we have a person in the White House who couldn't care less it would seem!
Keep a constant vigil, look out for yourselves and your families because Washington has no intention of doing anything to "make the Muslim's mad at us!"
Tom Ford
are there other wars you would start to ensure we aren't attacked again? Where? With whom?
1:02 PM Blogger: Your doing the right thing by not signing your name, why the Boogie man might get you!
Are there any others? I don't know yet, but if a Nation tries to harm us, they would be first on my list. That said I will get back to you.
Wring your hands, beg, plead and cajole all you will but we live in a very dangerous world where to win as Nathan Bedford Forrest (CSA cavalry General) said "In order to win, you must be there firstest with the mostest!)
What would YOU do to protect your family, or is that irrelevant?
Tom Ford
I absolutely agree. If we are attacked, we fight. I was inquiring if you felt we should be the ones attacking, and if so, whom should we attack? No need to get all bristled up...there's no harm meant here. Goodness.
I forgot my name before...my apologies.
2:06 PM Blogger: Hi Kerra, no I am not interested in being the aggressor (yet) but there are rogue nations attached to this Wahabbe sect of the Muslim religion that do worry me more that a bit.
The Wahabbe sect of the Muslim religion is the one that wants ALL non Muslim's dead. Makes chattel out of women, smashes young children's arms and is the main source of suicide bombers in the Mid East, IE the Radical Muslim faith.
Since, like the Kamikaze in WW 2 they believe they will be rewarded in the after life, they are very dangerous. In WW 2 the Japanese Kamikaze fought to die while we fought to live, same thing here only so far no ships involved.
In the case of this crowd I am for doing whatever is needed to stop them before they start (IE kill them before they kill us,) for they surly will try to kill us, trust me.
Kerra, no one who has ever been in a combat zone,would ever want so see another one (come to the VVA breakfast Wed. Morning and ask some of the guys and gals there,) but if that's what it will take to protect my Grand Kids, where and when do we start?
Tom Ford
that was exactly what I asked you. With whom do we start?
3:58 PM Blogger: We start by getting out of Libya (we have personnel there as we speak,) and then we spend some time finding out EXACTLY who is continuing to sponsor and fund the Jihadist's.
Once we know that the who and where will become clear. Unfortunately Mr. Obama will never go along with anything that endangers his middle eastern buddies, so were back to square one.
The CIA given full license (and minus Panetta) to do so can and would have the names, dates, and locations of where to strike, but they won't be allowed to do it thanks to the Obama regime and their 'footsie' with the Arab Nations.
Kerra this is far from a game were playing on the international stage, it's a contest of wills to see which belief's and ideals will survive.
Kerra, I have been a pilot for 49 years now, and I will tell you that with Mr. Obama at the controls I feel like a passenger in a 747 being flowen by a student pilot with 4 total hours in a Piper Cub!
Tom Ford
Is this the platform of your "TEA PARTY"?
"GOP Tea Party Debate: Audience Cheers, Says Society Should Let Uninsured Patient Die"
Does this include babies and children too?
Some of their ideas seem good but things like this turn me against them.
I have yet to find a person I would support for president, but I am still looking.
12:10 AM Blogger: John, "GOP Tea Party Debate: Audience Cheers, Says Society Should Let Uninsured Patient Die"
No, that would be the Ron Paul die hard supporters who cheer ANYTHING he says. Did you notice the BOOS when anyone come close to attacking him? Same people!
I agree that there is no one YET who really grabs me (Romney is a progressive, Brahman is lost, Newt has NO chance, and UN-fortunately Herman Cane will never be a Republican nominee for president.)
One thing is certain though, WE CANNOT AFFORD ANY MORE BARRACK HUSEIN OBAMA POLICIES if we are to remain a solvent America!
The worst thing we can do is "fragment" the ballot (as in the Clinton election) or we WILL LOOSE FOR SURE, and that is what the Democrats are praying for.
God knows we need someone to ride to the rescue before it's too late.
Tom Ford
Obama sets new record for America! We now have 46.2% of Americans POOR!
Tom Ford
Well- we still have a little time. Maybe down the line before voting - we will hear a candidate's platform that is at least brought forth with some normality. It would be nice just to get someone who would protect the Constitution for "cripe" sake!
We don't need someone who is going to disregard it and by doing so tears down the very core of what we and all of our ancestors fight and/or fought to protect! That is what is going on now. We need to break this cycle! How can a Country that goes to the moon and back not be able to find someone who can fix this.
Hey John, how about the next time our Country decides to launch a trip to the moon costing us what you stated in a previous comment - we get something for our money and we send a few of our favorite politicians on a one way trip?
Common sense would be good to see in a candidate! No, Tom?
many conservatives like Chris Christie of New Jersey, and I must admit, I love the way he publicly told Eric Cantor to shut his pie hole after New Jersey was socked by Irene. Maybe him, because I can't tolerate Cantor, so I sure agreed with that.
1:45 and 5:15 PM Blogger's: Sandy, indeed it would be a very refreshing change! But then again, so would the TRUTH!
Tom Ford
That is a great idea!
I don't know if we have a vehicle that would haul a couple bus loads to the moon, but maybe enough explosives under them would work.
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