Herman Cain wins Nevada straw poll. (click here for the story please.)

Well I for one am very happy to see Mr. Cain rising to the top! If this keeps up (and why won't it?) the Republican party will have to recognize him as not only a contender but THE major candidate for president.
The Republic has long waited for person who will tell the real truth, and not try to pull the wool over our eyes, AKA Obama / Biden with their so called jobs bill rhetoric. I firmly believe Herman Cain is that person, the right man at precisely the right time.
Time will tell of course but right now I believe it's Mr. Cain's race to win or loose, what say you?
Tom Ford
NO. 949
look up a little thing Mr. cain was involved in with an energy company called Aquila. I was starting to think about Mr. Cain seriously til I read this. Now Mr. Cain is completely off my list. He is exactly one of the problems in this country. I loathe greedy people like him.
4:33 PM Blogger: Kerra, I think you are starting to confuse business with greed.
Why don't you go down town tomorrow to the 'occupy" rally and ask any of the protesters for a job. If you do, you will come back empty handed of course.
Moral of the story, a non self starter, or a lazy person, or a person who thinks WE owe them a living will never ever be able to provide employment for themselves much less anyone else, why? Because they want a hand out, but a hand up!
Herman Cain said it best when he said, "our family wasn't poor, we had to work our way up to poor!" Now if you think that is greed, well the Republic as we know it is finished, and I am just glad that I won't be here to see it!
I have three grand children who I wish to see have a better life than I did (I have had a darn good one so far,) and that will take hard work and money. Now again if that's "greed," well so be it!
Tom Ford
he was on a board that pulled an Enron and bilked investors out of tens of millions of dollars. That's greed, not business, no matter how you slice it. I don't care how poor he was as a kid. He isn't any more. And I don't need to ask any of those people for a job, I have one.
12:58 PM Blogger: Kerra, you really believe he and the Board acted in concert to bilk all those people?
Have you ever sat on a Board of Directors? Probably not, as if you had you would know that their being is largely symbolic!
Herman Cain had nothing what so ever to do with the collapse of Enron,to say so proves to me that you have chosen to "believe" the Democrat mantra.
The failure was due to the Government lending policies, three people in top jobs who lied to the Board,the SEC, investors, and the public as a whole (it's called coking the books,)sounds like the Democrat party, no?
I am glad you have a job, now just how long your going to keep it really depends on how long it takes for the Government to get out of private business and let them do the job they do best.
Did you know that after obama took over Government Motors (GM) the GM Board tried to interest Ford Motor in buying them? If you didn't don't feel bad it was sort of 'covered up" by the administration (or should I say the Cabal?)
I am sorry Kerra but w live in serious times, we need serious people to help us out of the mess created by Obama / Biden, ET AL and your comments about a man who could (and would) help us are just not true, sorry!
Tom Ford
Kerra, here is an interesting turn of events that may give you some perspective into what our problems really are, and just who started them.
I know you weren't saying Herman Cain was on the Enron Board, but my comments dove tailed into the energy company as well. A Director has but one vote on any Board, so to say that he AND he ALONE acted to do this is just plain wrong.
Now as to the above, please tell us just who started this financial mess? Hint, does Dodd / Frank with Freddie Mac and Fanny Mae ring a bell?
Tom Ford
I absolutely respect your desire to believe Herman Cain is the answer to our problems. I just happen to believe he is part of the problem. Let's agree to disagree.
Well, let's put it this way, Kerra. We have trusted all of the fine, upstanding Presidential hopefuls through the years - both Dems. and Reps.. None of them started from the bottom floor; in fact, I don't know any of them that didn't have money of their own throughout their lives, as well as big political followings leading to big political campaign contributions.
They never started from "humble" beginnings and never worried about where their next dime was coming from; further, never had to worry if they could make a decent wage. They never knew what it was like to be poor. And what did they do? They ran the government into the ground, did political favors, washed each others hands, and never watched the "store".
Maybe someone who started with nothing, would care more and treat this country with more respect for us. Kerra, do you think that could happen? We have given the others the benefit of the doubt - and look what they have gone and done to us!
Further, these "die in the wool" politicians knew that we, the people, would be paying for it out of our pockets - but didn't care about us at all.
Where has the "gatekeeper" been? We should be the most prolific, most intelligent, most cultivated, most multi-faceted society in history. Yet, we are all pulled apart by bad political leaders who are totally self-absorbed, make bad judgements not based on us at all, who are easily led astray and we are broke? Well Kerra, it isn't because we did anything wrong. Yet, look where we are! It's pretty obvious where the blame goes and it sickens me!
I am not worried that now after much hard work Herman Cain has money; at least he worked hard to get it and didn't rely on our tax dollars. Also, you need to make sure you know the truth from propaganda when you do your research. If you were to research Romney, plus other candidates, you may see lots of things that you like, but you may find things you dislike even more. HOWEVER, I will tell you what you will NOT see from other candidates - you won't see candidates who came from and started with nothing. And NO, I don't mean in of itself, that is the only important criteria - but it is an interesting fact.
Maybe coming from nothing and reaching for the brass ring and finding it - is better - than always having more than enough to begin with, and still giving us more of the the tax and spend tactics displayed over many, many years.
I am tired of it. Americans are not stupid.
Anyhow, I am just saying. Not to start arguing over it.....but, that's just my take. Thanks.
Paul Kraugman worked for Enron. Did you know that? Do you know who he is? Wow, that Obama, he really grew up poor. Everything paid for by those racisit,white grandparents. Wow, Cain is soooooo evil. Kerra, Barak Obama can't hold a candle to Hermain Cain, in any way. Heraman is someone to idol, unlike the race baiter and cheif you so follow. I can't wait untill 2012.
We SURE don't need Obama for four more years!
But I don't feel Cain is "THE MAN" either.
Cain seems to have a serious case of "foot in mouth" disease. Seems like he spends one day making claims, and promises, and the next day retracting, denying, or "restating" them.
I have not seen anyone yet who I think could/would do a good job as President of the United States.
Wow. All this because I don't care for Mr. cain? This is wild. And, Sandy, Bill Clinton came from nothing, Jimmy Carter came from little, Obama was raised by a single mother and her parents. The only president I can think of raised with a silver spoon was George Bush. Both of them as far as I know. I don't care how poor Cain was or wasn't. I care what I see right now.
Chris, yes I know who Paul Krugman is. What has that got to do with anything? How is he in any way connected to Herman Cain?
OK Kerra. Other Presidents came from poor beginning but still did NOTHING to prevent us from getting where we are today! OK? Told you I am not going to argue about it.
Final note: If there is anyone else out there that can help us in this Presidential election, I certainly don't know who he,she or it can be!!!! And if this is the best we can do - I may not vote at all. My right, my view!
kerra said...
"I absolutely respect your desire to believe Herman Cain is the answer to our problems. I just happen to believe he is part of the problem. Let's agree to disagree."
Fine by me Kerra, but please tell us who you think is the right person for the job (of those now running,) and better yet why?
Tom Ford
honestly, as I have been saying, I haven't seen one single person I would vote for so far. No one who has "blown my hair back", as they say. I am still waiting.
8;49 PM Blogger: Kerra, have you ever read the "Drudge report?" If nor there is a link to it on the right side of the blog.
Please take a close look at the state of world affairs, and this Republic and tell me we can even remotely think of Barrack Husein Obama and the democrat party for another term!
Kerra I faced a less determined enemy in Viet Nam, they just wanted to kill us. These fools want to destroy our way of life, our children and grand children, and their children's future for their corrupt communistic gains!
I pray you will find someone to believe in (other than this regime) and vote in 2012 for the salvation of America.
Tom Ford
after seeing that strange ad of Mr. Cain's, where the guy is smoking and Cain looks at the audience like he's a little demented, I am not sure anyone could ever talk me into voting for him. That last shot of him is just creepy. He approved that ad?? That worries me on so many levels.
4;40 PM Blogger: Kerra, I have not seen that (or any) ad as I do not watch the alphabet stations on TV (nor CNBC, CNN, Fox or any other propaganda spot.)
I doubt that one ad could have been as bad a barrack Husein Obama has been for his Republic though.
I sent Mr. Cain a donation last night to continue his good works and hopefully move up to front runner status, Romney is a RINO that worries the heck out of me!
Tom Ford
I saw the ad on the internet. I have been so involved with the Cardinals that I haven't watched much tv either!
Romney worries me greatly, Tom. If he makes it, we are all "screwed" in my opinion.
We all need to watch for "propaganda" because it is everywhere. Which leads up to this one ad Kerra read.
For me, if anyone can base their Presidential hopeful on one ad, there is no doubt in my mind that he or she or they - never really wanted to vote on any Republican candidate in the first place, and is happy with the status quo.
So, if that is the case, Kerra is tap dancing around her comments because she clearly feels that this President is OK with her. That's my take - right or wrong, it's what I think!
Further she seems to be disregarding all of the goof ups President Obama has made since being in office - one bad move after another. The issues I am speaking of are facts and have not been propagandized in any way. They are truisms. His Obama Care for one makes me sick. All he has done is rubbed salt in a very serious wound.
Somebody has to stop the insanity - and this President "ain't" doing it!
As I said before, these are my opinions and views. Not to be argued.....just how I feel after reading and listening to those who are in the know - not media moguels.
actually, what Kerra said was that no one has come along for the Respublican party that I am willing to vote for.
Well there will be enough time to look at this important issue long and hard - as we do realize we don't need to make a decision in a hurry.
What I want is someone who will be a real leader, not in name only; someone who will be "hands on" here in the United States, rather than tour around the country spending money for expensive flights to nowhere, paying for high-end security.
A President who will personally have meetings one on one with each branch of the government finding ways to stop spending money foolishly no matter how much time is needed to get it done!!!!
I want someone who will put this country first and one who will stop handing out money to people who are on welfare who don't deserve it, but know how to get around the system.
I want a President who will close the gaps on important legislation that should be amended.
A President who should be getting in the trenches with his advisors and his cabinet members and do some housecleaning; not a President who is happy deligating responsibilities to others. You need to be hands on when your a President who takes an oath to serve the people. We need a President not a flag waver!
I am sick of spending money for people from other countries who want assistance but never seem to get on their feet and have had their hand out for so long you need to wonder why! You have to ask yourself the question of why are so many States going broke and why is this Country with the intelligence we have here - also broke. Something is rotten and it has to do with "greed" from those in high places who keep getting by with looking the other way and getting payoffs themselves.
I ask you why wasn't Bernie Madoff stopped many years ago? I don't believe people in high places didn't know! We are not stupid people here! Had it been a commoner who tried to do this - he would have been caught; but it was some high-falutent money monger instead who didn't need the money and saw a way to satisfy his "greed"!
I want a President who stops the insanity of giving out money for every beckon call, to the lazy, to those who keep chewing away at the goodness and care we seem to have for other countries while we are suffering here on this soil.
Take Care of Your Own First; then everything else can follow.
My Opinion - that's all. I'm just saying.....
10:31 AM Blogger: Sandy,"A President who should be getting in the trenches with his advisor's and his cabinet members and do some housecleaning; not a President who is happy delegating responsibilities to others. You need to be hands on when your a President who takes an oath to serve the people. We need a President not a flag waver!'
In Obama we have NONE of the virtues you requested above, but rather a person who is power mad, and will stop at nothing to ruin this Republic by mandating socialism / communism!
Now lets see who we can gin up that will fill the qualifications you asked for. We know one thing for certain, and that is for the good of this Republic Obama MUST be a one term President.
Tom Ford
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