Friday, October 28, 2011

The press is very afraid of Herman Cain! Doubt me? Please click here for the story.

This is not quite the lowest thing that the democrat house organs have pulled, and they will be doing much worse in the future, trust me!

Why do such a despicable thing? Well in a word these fools are very, very worried! One thing about the democrat party is that they, through the media will always tell us who they fear, and they just did it again.

Interesting isn't it, you have just been introduced to the real face of racism thanks to this so called "reporter," who is nothing more than a shill for Barrack Husein Obama and all the bad things he stands for!

Your turn.

Tom Ford

NO. 950


Anonymous Sandy Grave said...

OK, I am just saying....

I am not a political analyst nor am I one who studied politics in school. But I cannot believe that in this 21st Century, there are people supposedly well versed in politics that still want to play the "race" card - using it as a tool to express their views in this Presidential race.

Mr. Maher and others speculate on the Presidential Race and what they perceive the American people want and how they feel.

They are suppose to give us the honor of their intelligence and expertise. They are seen on television, heard on the radio, etc.

But judging by the remarks I have seen/heard on this video, I will be utilizing my own common sense without their help, thank you very much.

In the name of good citizenship, what in the "hey" are they doing? We are suppose to be learning and going forward with lessons in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. These dummies are moving us "backwards". Why haven't they faced it - race is no longer an issue in this country! That issue is dead, or did Martin Luther King die in vain?

Tell me, did only the white Americans fight in Iraq, Afganistan, Vietnam, etc.? Seems all Americans were called to serve their Country. No?

Well stupid is as stupid does! I am not black and am really offended by Mr. Maher, et al - who would say such dispicable things regarding Herman Cain. What is this junk they are dishing out about "blacks"...."knowing their place" and speculating with their own feeble minds feeling that is the way the American people feel.

It doesn't matter if it is Herman Cain or any other candidates. Deal in specifics, i.e. - what have they done for us or not done? Don't speculate about stragedies or play the race card. What is their platform, what can they do for the common good in America, and how can we rise from the ashes of this awful recession. That is what we need to know and they should tell us. I don't want their opinions, I want the facts about the Presidential candidates.

Is it too much to ask that the media use common courtesy in their opinions and in their dialogue? They seem to feel that they can hold everyone else accountable for what they say but for some odd reason they are entitled to say anything and get away with it.

Thank you for your consideration.

8:47 PM, October 28, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

"There is no one so racist as a liberal -- a basic tenent of modern liberalism is that Blacks and other races are unable to care for themselves and must be "helped" by Government to have a chance in the world."

Vern Humphrey

Gospel, pure and simple gospel! thank you Vern for your insight and forthright truism!

Tom Ford

7:01 PM, October 30, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

More proof that the so called "press" is worried senseless about Herman Cain!

Now we see the old reliable "ANONYMOUS" women saying they were harassed by Herman. No proof, names, or dates mind you, just ANONYMOUS idiots talking to the press.

Interesting just how low the white guilt ridden media will stoop to protect their progressive / liberal candidate isn't it.

Pathetic that a Black man in America today has to even hear this crap much less defend it. I hope Mr. Cain jams this down heir throat the same way Clarence Thomas did, by being a gentleman and not dignifying these fools.

Tom Ford

5:31 PM, October 31, 2011  
Anonymous Sandy Grave said...

It's always the SOS! Plant the seed of doubt, and people go crazy. Born and raised in the "show me" State, I need an 8 x 10 glossy.

10:12 AM, November 01, 2011  
Anonymous Sandy Grave said...

Saw and heard some more info regarding Herman Cain and his history of women. Guilty or not, it seems that it is hard to
know the real truth. Wow! It just keeps getting worse. My husband says right or wrong, this issue could never top President Clinton and Monica Lewinski!!!
Yeah but....Billy Boy is not running for President!

I am sure the media will be all over this as time goes on. In the meantime, I am still a skeptic only because I know how the Press can exploit everything and they DO!
Anything for a story.

1:06 PM, November 02, 2011  

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