Sunday, October 09, 2011

Psych class 101, or the case for removing ALL politicians from office after one term.


"If you start with a cage containing five monkeys and inside the cage, hang a
banana on a string from the top and then you place a set of stairs under the
banana, before long a monkey will go to the stairs and climb toward the

As soon as he touches the stairs, you spray all the other monkeys with cold
water. After a while another monkey makes an attempt with same result ...
all the other monkeys are sprayed with cold water. Pretty soon when another
monkey tries to climb the stairs, the other monkeys will try to prevent it..

Now, put the cold water away.

Remove one monkey from the cage and replace it with a new one.

The new monkey sees the banana and attempts to climb the stairs.

To his shock, all of the other monkeys beat the tar out of him. After
another attempt and attack, he knows that if he tries to climb the stairs he
will be assaulted.

Next, remove another of the original five monkeys, replacing it with a new
one. The newcomer goes to the stairs and is attacked. The previous newcomer
takes part in the punishment... with enthusiasm.

Then, replace a third original monkey with a new one, followed by a fourth,
then the fifth. Every time the newest monkey takes to the stairs he is
attacked. Most of the monkeys that are beating him up have no idea why they
were not permitted to climb the stairs. Neither do they know why they are
participating in the beating of the newest monkey.

Finally, having replaced all of the original monkeys, none of the remaining
monkeys will have ever been sprayed with cold water. Nevertheless, none of
the monkeys will try to climb the stairway for the banana.

Why, you ask? Because in their minds ... that is the way it has always been!

This, my friends, is how Congress operates... and is why, from time to time,
all of the monkeys need to be REPLACED AT THE SAME TIME."

From Red, a good friend and former Naval Aviator (F-14 driver.)

Tom Ford

NO. 946


Anonymous kerra said...

I guess my comment here would be, if we replaced all the members of any kind of government entity, who would replace them? I've long said you'd have to be slightly insane to want to run for office, given what they are put through, so would we run the risk of no government left at all? I relaize most conservatives feel that's a good thing, but I think we all know we need government to be up and functioning.

9:27 AM, October 14, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:27 AM Blogger: Kerra, as you know the Federalist papers call for a Representative form of Government, IE a Republic.

At no time when this Nation and it's form of Government were established did they ever envision a "political" class whose only reason for being is to be re-elected.

I fully believe that we should be returning these people every two to four years maximum to their home s
States and sending another to take their place before total corruption sets in.

The Texas legislature only meets for a very short time every two years, and it hasn't seemed to cause total chaos down there yet, so?

Enough is enough, WE the taxpayers bought guns for the ATF and Eric Holder to send to Mexico (to track?)and we got several people killed, hundreds wounded. and all we see is the top law enforcement officer and the President lying about it! My God what have we become in America today?

Tom Ford

6:25 PM, October 14, 2011  
Anonymous Tim Trueblood said...

Your assumption that most conservatives want "no government at all" is wrong.
I challenge you to review this assumption.
In the studies I have done, what I find is most if not all conservatives want a government that follows the oath of office it took when sworn into office.
Simply put, that is to defend and uphold the Constitution of the United States of America.
Simply put, the concept of the USA was a group of independent Countries (States) who agreed to allow the federal govt take care of the issues they as small countries in their own right, could not manage or effect a favorable outcome. IE defense, currency, treaties.
I've written this so many times before, I'm not going to go any further. What is being taught in high school civics class today is a mystery to me.
However kerra, my challenge to review your assumptions about conservatives respectfully stands.

9:38 AM, October 15, 2011  
Anonymous kerra said...

having been raised conservative, perhaps my family had a different view of government than some. The smaller the government the better was what I always heard, the less involved the better. In adulthood, I have come to feel that's not how I feel about things. I did not mean to indicate that all conservatives feel that way, I carelessly reflected what my family members felt.

8:38 PM, October 15, 2011  
Anonymous Sandy Grave said...

Kerra, my family were all liberals for two generations. However, I made my own choice. Further, I have something my parents and grandparents didn't have! Research tools! I don't want anybody making up my mind for me - I want to do it myself.

When it is time to vote, I always give everyone a chance to show me what they can do as President. And I did not vote for this President. But since the majority of people did - I wanted to give him a chance and he has shown me "nothing".

The reason why my family always voted Liberal -I think, was because they came here from Italy with "nothing", didn't know how to speak English and settled in a neighborhood with other Italian immigrants called The Hill. The first people to help them who were in power at that time were "liberals". The Democratic Party worked to gain their trust and helped them.

All they took from the "old country" were the shirts on their backs and were poor. They wanted a better life for themselves and their children (my parents).

They were assisted by the people who at that time spook both Italian and English who also had the money for an education. They were Liberals. They became persons in power of the 24th Ward of the City of St. Louis. Because of their help and assistance in that Ward - they thought as long as they always voted Democrat, they would be safe.

Remember, they were uneducated and poor, they didn't know or understand research; they didn't understand anything except that the liberals in office on The Hill helped them; i.e. with visas, with Wills, with helping them get jobs, with helping get their aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. established here in the U.S. and on The Hill. It was all about family to them and all of us. And all I knew was they loved each other and were a big part of my life growing up. But you soon reach an age where you become more educated and learn things our ancesters never learned. However wonderful those memories are I now feel I am in a better place being brought up in America where I have my own definition of Freedom.

The "liberals" stayed in power for centuries passing this mindset on to the next generation. But I can only answer to what I know and feel.

My grandpa worked in the clay mines; my father in the cool mines of Illinois. During the depression, I was told me stories that were really sad.

I would never condemn them or anyone for their beliefs. Especially when they are based on their lives at that time. But God Rest Their Souls, they let me make up my own mind.


1:03 PM, October 16, 2011  
Anonymous kerra said...

I am from a long line of college educated people who all considered themselves conservative Republicans. While I myself have voted Republican many times, I also am very willing to hear and consider all points of view, including the "liberal" side that is so widely condemned here. I have refused to put myself in a cubby hole and never come out, much to the consternation of various family members.

4:02 PM, October 16, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:02 PM Blogger: Kerra, your views on things are just that, your views! Forget about the "family members" and follow your conscience, that and only that will give you the inner peace we all strive for.

That said, this is a copy of a letter i have just forwarded to my "Representatives" reference the Eric Holder, fast and furious debacle.

October 16, 2011

Dear Representative Carnahan:
Dear Senator McCaskill:
Dear Senator Blunt:

Eric Holder testified before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and he committed blatant perjury regarding his knowledge and involvement in "Fast and Furious." It is bad enough that we have a tax-cheat running the IRS (Timothy Guenther). How can Americans trust the government when the people selected to lead major branches of the federal government can't even abide by the rules of their own departments?

An independent special prosecutor must be appointed to investigate and prosecute this crime. As the nations top law-enforcement officer if he is convicted of perjury he should face the absolute maximum penalty.If we are to have the rule of law in this Republic, then Mr. Holder must be prosecuted for his willing involvement in this willful breaking of the law and the resulting murders! "Show me" that you in fact have the courage to go against your party and do what's right for America and not the Democrat party! If you have the courage to do that, I will be glad to tell every one I know that YOU are for the rule of law, and you deserve another chance! If not, well, the complete reverse will be the order of the day!


Mr. Thomas Ford

4:27 PM, October 16, 2011  
Anonymous John said...

"An independent special prosecutor must be appointed to investigate and prosecute this crime."

But Tom, many of the people who could/should do this are the same people who put him in there. Usually they then get something in return.
This "government mindset, and method of operation" runs from the POTUS to the floor sweeper at the VA Hospital.

5:53 PM, October 16, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:53 PM Blogger: John that is true from the get go. But as the man once said, "All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing!"

I subscribe to that classic theory, thus my missive to the "Representatives" listed.

Will they even see it? I really doubt it but at least I can sort of rain on the parade of some low level staffer who may just think the clown he/she works for isn't worth the effort.

Keep sending them cards and letters, telegrams and emails are fine as well, who knows maybe, just maybe something will change for the better.

God knows it can't get any worse!

Tom Ford

4:32 PM, October 17, 2011  
Anonymous kerra said...

in response to your last line...looking back through, yes, it CAN get worse. Much worse.

4:37 PM, October 17, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:37 PM Blogger: Kerra, well your right, if Mr. Obama and his communist friends are not curtailed it well may get "much worse!"

Tom Ford

5:22 PM, October 17, 2011  

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