Saturday, November 05, 2011

Crestwood art space tenants to be "out of space" soon. (please click here for the story.)

Indeed, the Crestwood Courts renovation soon to take place will displace the artistic community in favor of a theater and a bowling alley? I guess you could say (with apology's to William Shakespeare,) "the Bard giveth, and the Bard taketh away."

Now we have some idea of what were going to see in the near future at the Court's, but what of the rest of the property, the big retail spaces and empty shops? I don't have an answer, but we are supposed to have an "economic development" specialist on staff in Crestwood so maybe she can be of service to the owners in finding Tennant's.

If anyone has an idea as to what or how the management on Crestwood Courts could do to further fill the spaces why not call Nickie at City Hall and make your recommendations.

When we moved here over 40 years ago the rally cry was, "Crestwood plaza, where the big stores are!" What do we say now, "Crestwod Court's, where the bowling alley is?"

Tom Ford

NO. 955


Anonymous kerra said...

channel 5 did a story on it and said there was supposed to be indoor and outdoor dining, a renovated theatre, and "shops". I have no idea what "shops" implies. I am sorry for the art spaces, though. That setup has won national awards and is unique to st louis. I wish there was a way to blend both concepts.

7:19 AM, November 05, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:19 AM Blogger: Kerra, there is a way to blend both of them, and the Court's management would love to do just that.

Unfortunately the court's requires maintenance, up-keep, renovation, and all those things require revenue.

Now as to the way? Well the art spaces can lease their space just the same as anyone else can, all they have to do is pay the going rate and their in there.

Tom Ford

9:12 AM, November 05, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The art space pay $199 for the space. The small amount certainly is not enough revenue to maintain the property.

1:31 PM, November 05, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

1:31 PM Blogger: Indeed it isn't to say the least. I hear that some spaces there may be paying $75.00 to $100.00 per month which won't even change the light bulbs.

The old days of "free lunch and rent" are over thanks to a variety of reasons we all know all to well, so pay to play, or find another creative outlet that has no price tag attached.

Tom Ford

5:58 PM, November 05, 2011  
Anonymous kerra said...

I am just glad to see enough improvement in the economy that investors are being found and are committing to our mall. This is good news.

8:54 PM, November 07, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was a little sad to see on the news that Chesterfield has not 1 but 2 developers vying to open outlet malls in the valley, Even though I'm not all for more retail space its just sad to see Crestwood can't even get one developer and Chesterfield has mulitple offers. I've often thought the best possible thing to go into that space would be something that won't go out of business and stay economy proof such as an annex of Mermac CC or even a new Lindberg High School if the district keep growing like it has.

9:47 PM, November 07, 2011  
Anonymous Sandy Grave said...

Not to change the subject Tom but it was so very nice to hear on Channel 5 news that according to research done by "Bloomberg" -Crestwood is one of the safest places to raise children!!!!! Hooray for our city and thank you very much!!!!!

I was thrilled to hear something so positive about Crestwood - and it wasn't only because of the Lindbergh School District - it was based on several pertinent factors not the least of them our low crime statistics.

We always knew that - didn't we Tom!!!!!

I don't know about anyone else, but to hear it from Mike Bush, on Channel 5 tonight was really a nice Christmas present.

10:31 PM, November 28, 2011  
Anonymous Sandy Smith said...

Why a bowling alley - to put long time Crestwood fixture Crestwood Bowl out of business? Do we need another bowling alley? Is this the long awaited Great Idea???

7:48 PM, February 29, 2012  

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