Obama administration opposes FDR prayer at the WW2 memorial in D.C. (click here for the story please.)
Do any of you have any living relatives that served during WW2? If so bring this up and ask them just how they feel about an administration that would prevent a prayer from being displayed at THEIR MEMORIAL?
Recently the VA attempted to ban ALL prayers at military funerals in Texas! Those of us who are Viet Nam vet's and a lot of other veteran groups raised such a furor that the "order" was rescinded.
We have seen the faces of evil attempt to remove "In God we trust" and "One Nation under God" from the landscape, but to stoop so low as to ban a prayer that the Commander In Chief himself uttered in one of our darkest hours is the last straw! If you agree please write these fools and explain to them "Honor, Duty, Country" as this cannot be allowed to stand!
Tom Ford
NO. 956
Recently the VA attempted to ban ALL prayers at military funerals in Texas! Those of us who are Viet Nam vet's and a lot of other veteran groups raised such a furor that the "order" was rescinded.
We have seen the faces of evil attempt to remove "In God we trust" and "One Nation under God" from the landscape, but to stoop so low as to ban a prayer that the Commander In Chief himself uttered in one of our darkest hours is the last straw! If you agree please write these fools and explain to them "Honor, Duty, Country" as this cannot be allowed to stand!
Tom Ford
NO. 956
there's that pesky "church and state" thing again. Plus, there actually is an act prohibiting it.
8:08 AM Blogger; Kerra, Please take the time to tell us all just what the act is, and where we can all find it because it's not in the Constitution.
I'll wait.
Tom Ford
it's called the Commemorative Works Act of 1986, under Reagan's admin. I have no idea how it's being applied here, but Fox news said the bureau of land management stated that as the reason. here is a clip:
But Robert Abbey, the director of the Bureau of Land Management, said any plaque or inscription of the prayer would “dilute” the memorial’s central message and therefore “should not be altered.”
“It is not a judgment as to the merit of this new commemoration, simply that altering the Memorial in this way, as proposed in HR 2070, will necessarily dilute this elegant memorial’s central message and its ability to clearly convey that message to move, educate, and inspire its many visitors,” Abbey said in written testimony.
Abbey explained to lawmakers that altering the memorial would be contrary to the Commemorative Works Act — a law that prohibits “encroachment by a new commemoration on a existing one.” It also respects the design of the “completed work of civic art without alteration or addition of new elements.”
kerra is absolutely right on this subject!
Neither Obama, or Congress can just decide to add, or change an existing memorial.
Here is a part of another hearing:
The Commemorative Works Act of 1986, which guides the process for establishing monuments in the Nation’s Capital, was enacted during the Reagan Administration following what some characterized as "monumental chaos" over the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, which was dedicated in 1982. At that time, Congress was frustrated by the lack of guidelines for the subject matter, siting, and design of memorials, and the lack of a public process. Congress and the Department worked together to study the process, delineate responsibilities and define procedures. Through passage of the Commemorative Works Act, Congress established the process that, today, ensures memorials in the Capital are erected on the most appropriate sites in the Federal City and are of a caliber in design that is worthy of their historically significant subjects.
There are established procedures, and steps to follow to create, or change memorials in the Capital.
They should have followed the procedure.
Could you please give us some more info on this?
"Recently the VA attempted to ban ALL prayers at military funerals in Texas!"
6:46 PM Blogger: John, that was enclosed In an on line message from the VFW. It also was in the last issue of either the VFW or the Legion magazine (I get them both.)
The good news is that the VA cemeteries rescinded the ban after some rather large flack bursts close aboard.
Goggle it and you should be able to get a handle on it.
Tom Ford
6;37 PM Blogger: John, you and Kerra are both correct on this. I thought she was referring to the "separation of Church and State" thing she has been discussing.
There is nothing in the Constitution that even remotely says that yet a lot of people seem to want to site it.
Tom Ford
From what I read, it sounds like the VA policy is that any groups or organizations participating in a ceremony follow the wishes of the deceased person's family. This makes sense to me.
7:43 AM Blogger: Correct, that's what it was finally changed to.
Tom Ford
Memo to John, I located the article in the September, 2011 edition of the VFW magazine, page 11 top right. Please take a look at this one.
Tom Ford
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