The official list of the backers of the "occupy Wall Street" protesters. (please click here for the story, and the proof.)
Well for the first time we can see just who is funding and backing these ill advised, so called protests, and eye opening it truly is!
Well maybe not to those of us who pay attention to the political climate in America today it's not as "eye opening" as we have sensed this all along.
It is however a communist backed movement designed to render the very people who supply the jobs these people are looking for, "last years trash!" One wonders just who will be able (or want) to employ these children of a lesser God when all the furor settles down. I really don't see "protester" on their resume as being a leg up in the competition for any job myself!
Tom Ford
NO. 954
Well maybe not to those of us who pay attention to the political climate in America today it's not as "eye opening" as we have sensed this all along.
It is however a communist backed movement designed to render the very people who supply the jobs these people are looking for, "last years trash!" One wonders just who will be able (or want) to employ these children of a lesser God when all the furor settles down. I really don't see "protester" on their resume as being a leg up in the competition for any job myself!
Tom Ford
NO. 954
I read in more than 1 place that the main backer was a billionaire named Robert Halper. And why does everyone have their panties in a twist over this anyway? Americans have always had the right to protest a cause and assemble peacefully. Just because others don't agree doesn't make what they're doing wrong. This "i don't agree so it's wrong" mind set is just baffling to me. To quote Isaac Asimov:
"Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our polictical and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge'.
He was correct in that statement, and thinking that way has led to the most divided country since the civil war. And NONE of it needs to be happening. Simply accepting that many don't think alike would go a long way to easing this national tension and refusal to work together for any kind of common good.
8:08 AM Blogger: Kerra, I don't think it's the '"protest" that has everyone so wound up, but rather the obvious attempt at socialism and communism being foisted upon us.
Your right about every American having the right to protest, but wouldn't it be nice if they knew what they were protesting?
Sad to say most of these people have no idea why they are there, just as they have no idea why they too aren't getting a free hand out.
This "demonstration" is the by product of the socialist / communist movement in Americas colleges and universities today pure and simple. Please look at the list of "backers" and you will see that these people (protesters) are being used as pawns in a much bigger game going on now.
I believe that's why many of us if not most are upset with this idiocy. Good news though, winter will set in and the "protesters" will, just like Napoleon and Hitler retreat before it's crewel onslaught.
Tom Ford
I don't believe for a second that these protests have anything to do with communism. Why the communist party might back them is their business. I think the McCarthy era taught us that the communist party or any other party has the right in this country to do what it wishes within the confines of the law. I might not agree, but I will defend its right to my last breath. Socialism is the new communism in theis country. Everyone gasps and looks horrified when the word is uttered, behaving like frightened old women. I don't understand why. There's nothing wrong with a few of the aspects of socialism. Some of our great leaders have known this:
“Compassion is not weakness, and concern for the unfortunate is not socialism.”
~Hubert Humphrey
“I believe that there should be a very much heavier progressive tax on very large incomes, a tax which should increase in a very marked fashion for the gigantic incomes.”
~Theodore Roosevelt
Socialism is just the "new" thing to hate and fear, like communism was in the 50's. I am not buying.
7:46 AM Blogger: Kerra, Good morning to you.
You said,
“Compassion is not weakness, and concern for the unfortunate is not socialism.”
~Hubert Humphrey
“I believe that there should be a very much heavier progressive tax on very large incomes, a tax which should increase in a very marked fashion for the gigantic incomes.”
~Theodore Roosevelt
Try this quote on for size,
"If you build a fire for a socialist he will stay warm for a short time. But if you set a socialist on fire, he will stay warm for the rest of his life!"
We can all pull whatever rabbit out of our hats that fits our thinking. However that said, we are a Republic and there is no room for socialism or communism in America today, tomorrow or next year.
These people you are defending don't want to work for their livelihood but rather they want us to provide it for them free of charge. (socialism / communism.)
In my way of thinking. "He who will not work, neither shall he eat!"
Tom Ford
I was only refering to a few of the tennents of socialism. What I was really talking about was the need many Americans seem to have to hate and fear something. First it was the British. Justified? Yes, but a freak out nonetheless. Then American Indians. Then Black people. Then the Irish. Then communism. My point is that there is never going to be something that doesn't cause some to run around like Henny Penny, certain the sky is falling. The sky isn't falling, America isn't going to be "taken over" by socialists and pinko commie freaks, and losing one's mind over everything that even resembles it is not necessary. We are Americans, and we have many schools of thought here, which enriches our culture and binds us all together.
11:22 AM Blogger: Kerra, I believe you have hit on something that has gone unsaid for way to long.
What you say? Well, indeed we are all Americans (mutt's if you will) that have evolved from many cultures, and many backgrounds.
Working together we can (and have) accomplished great things, split along whatever lines, well were in trouble.
I believe that those of us in the Republic should drop the hyphenated American tags (Irish American, African American, ETC.)
Teddy Roosevelt in his now famous speech of 1907 said it, and I am not ashamed to agree with him here and now. What we have to get back to is the word AMERICANS and drop the hyphenated foolishness!
In the Military where it can really count there is no color distinction, no Nationality distinction, and no creed distinction! I never cared where in the heck your family came from, only that you were here to back me, and I, you.
Get back to that and we can ALL move forward, continue it, and all we will accomplish is to prop up the race baiter's, the class warfare idiots, and the socialist / communists who would destroy America.
Tom Ford
“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they’re sure trying to do so, it’s going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can’t and won’t compromise. I know, I’ve tried to deal with them.”
~Barry Goldwater
These religious fanatics scare me way more than some phantom concept of communism. Rick Perry and Michelle Bachmann are very real, very here, and really believe God talks to them and that only they know what's right. Those are some scary people. They blur the seperation of church and state, and I am ardently opposed to ever blurring that line. Religion has no place in politics.
9:53 PM Blogger: Kerra, you said:
" They blur the separation of church and state, and I am ardently opposed to ever blurring that line. Religion has no place in politics."
I agree that religion has no place in politics, but I wonder where you got the notion of "separation of Church and State?"
You see I have a copy of the Constitution right here and there is no mention of that phrase. It does state that the Government shall not mandate a religion, but there is no mandate to "separate" the two.
This is a very common misnomer that the Constitution mandates the separation, and it's used by all sorts of folks to further whatever their agenda is at the time.
I am not suggesting that you are doing this, or that you have an agenda, but rather using your statement as a teaching moment. Now as to Perry and Bachmann. Forget both of them as they are toast as we speak.I see three possible candidates on the Republican side and they are as follows: Cain, Romney, Gingrich. The rest of the "field" is a distraction if you ask me.
To me Gingrich is the smartest of the lot, but comes with more baggage than a 1930's train station. Romney is a bit of a smarmy, old country club Republican establishment type that I really don't care for. Cain is a breath of fresh air, unflappable, intelligent, articulate, and he KNOWS how to run a business.
Who will the Republic choose? I have no idea but I hope it's Herman Cain as I really believe he can do the job, and will be a far better President than Obama could, or would ever be.
Kerra if you get the time please review the Constitution and tell me where the clause on Church and State is located. If you don't have a copy please email the Heritage Foundation or Hillsdale Collage and they will send you one free of charge. It's a really neat old document that has some real genius in it, and is quite interesting to read if for no other reason than to debunk some of the "made up clauses."
Tom Ford
The phrase "separation of church and state" is actually traced to Thomas Jefferson in 1802 or 1802. He wrote a letter referring to a "wall" between church and state. Anyone with an idea of how theocracies are run would agree that there needs to be a thick line between them. The US is not a theocracy and never has been. "Under God" was added to the pledge in 1954, and according to many family members I has asked, it was with great controversy. My mother, a staunch republican, was outraged and hates it to this day. My grandfather refused to say the 2 words. Religion has no place in state and political matters, period.
8:03 AM Blogger: Kerra, He did indeed write such a letter. Unfortunately it referenced the "State" not being able to choose one religion (look it up.)
If God (by whatever name you call him) has had no standing in America then, why pray tell is it on or buildings, currency, ETC?
I applaud your zeal in wanting to be "neutral" but please don't forget who got us all here (and no it wasn't a big bang either.)
Tom Ford
please, please tell me you are not of those people who believes the earth is 5,000 years old....
Kerra, in light of your statement
"I don't believe for a second that these protests have anything to do with communism. Why the communist party might back them is their business."
I have provided the link above for you to view and respond to.
Okay, so out of thousands of people nationwide one nutjob admits he's a communist so everyone is? And further, so what if he is? I thought we all learned from Senator McCarthy...communism is allowed here, and their rights are just as protected as anyone else's. You aren't going to convince me, no matter how many clips you post, that all the people involved in these protests are protesting to swicth our government over to communism. I refuse to go on even a hypothetical witch hunt because of the "red scare".
12:39 Blogger: Well I wasn't here for the opening (one of the few things I have missed,) so I really can't say just how old the Earth is. Can you enlighten us?
I do however believe there is a "supreme being" as there have been too many things that have happened to me that should have caused my demise to believe otherwise.
As for you, well it's your right and privilege to believe or not (neat Huh,) so far be it from me to try to convert whatever line of thinking you may be pursuing.
Tom Ford
5:10 PM Blogger: Kerra, what else could you call a person who is trying to bring down "Capitalism?"
I am not answering for Mr. Trueblood, just asking. Please enlighten me if I am missing a term for that sort of behavior in my quiver.
Tom Ford
there is a fundamental difference between "bringing down" capitalism and objecting to the way it's being run. It is possible to want something managed differently and not want it abolished.
I, oddly, wasn't there for the start of things either, but I do put at least some stock in carbon dating and such which tells us that many things about the earth are substantially older than 5,000 years.
Do you hold Tea Party crowds to the same standards as you do the Occupy crowds? IE: just one nutjob. Or do you condemn the entire Tea Party to a higher standard? If one is a nut job, they must all be, but with the Occupy crowd if one is a commie, he's just a nut job.
How about conservative Christians, are you as understanding towards their views are you are conservative Muslims? Or do you have a double standard? Do you have the same guts to find fault in conservative Islam as you do in Christianity? Or are you afraid to be critical of Muslims?
BTW, if you want I can give you many more links to the Occupy crowds that will support the communists and anarchists are intertwined and supporting these crowds. All you have to do is ask.
Communism is an economic system not a form of government. The occupy crowd (and you, it seems, as well), want to bring down our economy system. I also find it interesting that you state that no amount of evidence will change your mind.. A very "liberal" way of looking at events if I do say so myself.
Or to be blunt, "don't confuse me with the facts, my mind is made up".
Oh for heaven's sake, Mr. Trueblood, you win. All occupy protesters are communists intent on taking down our government. There. Now I am done arguing with you. You are right, I am wrong, and now I'm done.
5:49 AM Blogger: Kerra, you gave in very quickly didn't you? If you really believe the things you are saying I would think you would fight for them, no?
By the way, I had to go to the VA today on 18th. st. and passed by Keener plaza and the occupy crowd. Sad to see that our community is being ruined by these wastes of human skin!
Slay is right (if he doesn't cave in,) in telling them they need to go, and right now!
Tom Ford
Mr. Trueblood is always right, Mr. Ford. No other opinion is valid. I have agreed to this, and refuse to debate someone who is never incorrect and who will not entertain that others might have an opinion. So, he can be right if that's what he needs. No skin off my nose. I like a nice debate, not a browbeating.
This is not a debate about an opinion. Facts and evidence will determine if an opinion is true or false.
I have provided you with facts and evidence to support my disagreement with your opinion.
Now if you wish to discredit what I provide, you may, but a opened minded thinking persons review all the evidence they can find and form an opinion based on that, not their feelings or wishes.
you are absolutely right.
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