Friday, December 09, 2011

C/A Eastman requests pay adjustments for the end of this year (click here for the rational.)

Interesting as I just read an article in the Post Suburban Journal in which Ms. Eastman stated that we were unable to grant these raises due to a projected budget short fall. (see next post below.)

I fear I am at a bit of a loss to understand this as she has told the news people one thing and appears to be telling the Alderman and Mayor something entirely different.

Should be a very interesting meeting on 12/13/11 at 7:00 Pm in the BOA chambers as I am almost certain somebody will ask her how this works (they better.)

Tom Ford

NO. 968


Anonymous Anonymous said...

She is very careful how she phrases this: "The pay adjustment recommended here should be characterized as a cost of living adjustment rather than a salary increase for merit."

1:30 PM, December 10, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

1:30 PM Blogger: True indeed but that still doesn't explain the original article that stated we couldn't afford to give anything.

If were broke, were broke and no matter what you call it, it won't work, now will it.

I have come out for the raises, and if we could afford it a bonus as well so please don't think I am against it, but where did the extra money come from so soon?

Semantics might be cute in a court room or a board room but our employees deal in reality, so when will she explain the difference in the two statements to them and us?

Tom Ford

1:57 PM, December 10, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


How can you transfer General and Park and Stormwater funds to a lump sum pay adjustment when we the citizens of Crestwood voted for the Stormwater improvement taxes?

Can you please verify if we the citizens of Crestwood voted for the General and Park and Stormwater funds by a tax bill?

By the way, the morale should be high because they have a job with benefits? How many people are out of work? How many people are working without benefits?

We need to focus on bringing in businesses to City of Crestwood to generate public monies for raises.

Time to be appreciative of their jobs and benefits!

Time to verify if we can legally transfer public monies out of certain funds!

Time to be grateful that our U.S. Troops are coming home!

3:34 PM, December 10, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

3;34 PM Blogger: Simple, you can't without a vote of the citizens to authorize it. (I will however look it up for you.)

Second a pay increase be it COLA or otherwise must go through the BOA and the civil service board (unless she plans to phase them out,) so the point is a best moot.

The morale of EVERY one of our most valued employees is above average (from what I have been told by THEM) if you ask me., so I am not sure where that statement originated from.

There is a great deal for ALL of us to be grateful for, not the least of which is a great place to live, work, and raise a family, heck that's been stated by a National publication, so what's the problem?

We were in trouble, were working our way out of it and by 2013 we will once again be a viable community UNLESS the spending is not controlled properly. To do that we must pay close attention to the April elections and vote for those fiscally conservative candidates that will put us back where we belong!

Tom Ford

4:12 PM, December 10, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The morale of EVERY one of our most valued employees is above average (from what I have been told by THEM) if you ask me., so I am not sure where that statement originated from."

Not to mince words here, but have you talked to every single employee? Have you even ever spoken to 25% of the staff at Crestwood? I'm just curious as to who "EVERY one of our most valued employees" actually are to you. Speaking to a handful of your "insiders" does not give a well balanced view as to how the majority of the staff feels. The fact is, the City has lost many valuable employees in the last 2 years (value meaning that the employee is working hard for the betterment of themselves, both personally and professionally, for the community, and for their colleagues). When you use that definition of "value" I think that might negate those on your list of valuables i.e. Ms. Flowers. Additionally, why would any employee risk giving you an honest opinion only to be put on blast here on this blog that you pen. Your continued ignorance (loud and rambling ignorance at that) to most things you spout about here regarding a range of items should really be put in check. I ask that you open your eyes, and your ears. Start reading things thoroughly (Ms. Eastman's memo is a good place to start) so that you have your facts straight. I urge you to actually look into the basic facts in which you report on (people actually take what you say as fact, even when it's wrong). Stop exaggerating on points that you feel to be most important. Remember always: If you add to the truth, you subtract from it.

1:57 PM, December 13, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

1:57 PM Blogger; OK,if you want to be taken seriously SIGN YOUR REAL NAME! Then we will talk, until then, well............

Tom Ford

4:12 PM, December 13, 2011  
Anonymous Sarah said...

How cowardly to use such a poor excuse to ignore reasonable requests from you. I see you use friendly tactics to garner more interest by your readers. But as you ask....

4:36 PM, December 13, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4;36 PM Blogger: Sarah, I have no intention of respond to a "detractor' who hasn't the courage of their convictions.understand?

We have been down this road before, and I said the same thing then, and I will say it again in the future if necessary.

While your noticing things, please notice that I sign my name, why can't they?

Tom Ford

5:32 PM, December 13, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

PS: I will not allow you or anyone else to be insulted on this Blog unless YOUR detractor signs their name, so why would I allow them to do it to me?

Tom Ford

5:34 PM, December 13, 2011  
Anonymous Sarah said...

Let's try this again:

"The morale of EVERY one of our most valued employees is above average (from what I have been told by THEM) if you ask me., so I am not sure where that statement originated from."

Not to mince words here, but have you talked to every single employee? Have you even ever spoken to 25% of the staff at Crestwood? I'm just curious as to who "EVERY one of our most valued employees" actually are to you. Speaking to a handful of your "insiders" does not give a well balanced view as to how the majority of the staff feels. The fact is, the City has lost many valuable employees in the last 2 years (value meaning that the employee is working hard for the betterment of themselves, both personally and professionally, for the community, and for their colleagues). When you use that definition of "value" I think that might negate those on your list of valuables i.e. Ms. Flowers. Additionally, why would any employee risk giving you an honest opinion only to be put on blast here on this blog that you pen. Your continued ignorance (loud and rambling ignorance at that) to most things you spout about here regarding a range of items should really be put in check. I ask that you open your eyes, and your ears. Start reading things thoroughly (Ms. Eastman's memo is a good place to start) so that you have your facts straight. I urge you to actually look into the basic facts in which you report on (people actually take what you say as fact, even when it's wrong). Stop exaggerating on points that you feel to be most important. Remember always: If you add to the truth, you subtract from it.


7:48 PM, December 13, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Why did you single out Ms. Flowers for your contempt?

Martha Duchild

P.S. If you're looking for facts, Ms. Eastman's memo is NOT a good place to start.

8:17 PM, December 14, 2011  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:P48 PM Blogger: Sarah, I have the memo of which you speak (and a lot of others from her,) and I apparently read her ideas in a very different light!

Nice to see that your her friend, but, please reread it.

Tom Ford

6:11 PM, December 15, 2011  

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