Members of Congress not allowed to say "Merry Christmas" in any of their mailings! (click here for the story!)
May I strongly recommend that we ALL send our representatives a letter with "MERRY CHRISTMAS" on the outside of the envelope?
Now I can't speak for any of you but I am not at all offended by anyone saying anything that reflects their religious beliefs, so why do I have to cower in the corner when I say "Merry Christmas," as that happens to be a celebration of mine?
As for me I intend to continue to say Merry Christmas, and I guarantee you that any store that will not at least acknowledge that traditional phrase will not get one cent of mine!
The P.C. police have gone way to far as it is and I for one intend to do what I can to bring back some semblance of the American way where and when I can.
Tom Ford
NO. 970
Now I can't speak for any of you but I am not at all offended by anyone saying anything that reflects their religious beliefs, so why do I have to cower in the corner when I say "Merry Christmas," as that happens to be a celebration of mine?
As for me I intend to continue to say Merry Christmas, and I guarantee you that any store that will not at least acknowledge that traditional phrase will not get one cent of mine!
The P.C. police have gone way to far as it is and I for one intend to do what I can to bring back some semblance of the American way where and when I can.
Tom Ford
NO. 970
I also say "Happy Hanukkah" with no problem to my friends and co workers who are Jewish. It does not take away from who I am or what I believe.
8:13 AM Blogger: "Kerra," So do I. In fact I send cards to my customers and friends that reflect the "greeting' that best suits their religious beliefs (except for my atheist friend's who don't celebrate the holiday "religiously." They get a generic "happy" card.)
The point is that to cut out ANY religious symbol, saying, or greeting at any time of the year is at best pathetic,and at worst communistic.
Take a day trip to Effingham, Illinois and look at the massive cross right next to highway 57. This is "up" all year long with a visitor center attached (thanks to the good people of the town who bought the property it stands on.)
No doubt the ACLU and other idiot's would love to have it removed but it isn't going to happen!
Please remember that religious freedom isn't free, it must be nurtured, and guarded less we lose it. We must insure that ALL forms of religion are free, and citizens are also free to worship as they see fit, minus the P.C. crowd attempting to stifle them for what ever reason.
Tom Ford
I agree with that. I think, if nothing else, a simple "happy holidays" greeting is quite pleasant to receive. Sending holiday greetings is a time honored tradition that I think should be employed where appropriate and should not be taken out of context.
3:50 PM Blogger; Kerra, unfortunately the "time honored tradition" seems to be going the way of the buggy whip.
Every year fewer and fewer cards (holiday and thank you) are sent in lieu of emails and electronic messages.
Couple this with the announcement by our schools that they won't be teaching cursive writing anymore and you have another rung in the downward ladder to "dumb down America."
Tom Ford
the cursive writing thing threw me. I was wondering who thought that one up. Well, I still use it, and I still send out hand written Christmas cards every year, darn it.
5:32PM Blogger: Kerra, It was in the Post Dispatch last week, and I believe it was A "WRITING SPECIALIST" who opined that it wasn't needed as "everyone" has gone to computers anyway.
As I said, just one more step towards dumbing down America, as sure as I am sitting here.
Tom Ford
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