Sears / K-Mart closing stores as sales dip. (please click here for the story.)

(Cartoon from Dales Blog)
Well by now we are all aware of the pending closure of at least 120 Sears and K-mart stores nation wide to offset the loss of sales suffered (and continuing to suffer) by this large retailer.
The Sears store in Crestwood Courts HAS NOT been confirmed as one of the stores that will close, and may not be as I, like Mayor Schlink believe that our outlet is one of, if not the most profitable stores in the St. Louis market.
We also know that we are to loose the Barnes and Nobel book store on December 31, 2011 ( the last day of business) for that store in Crestwood. Now let's take a look at where we are now and where we may be going in the future.
It has been proposed by City Administrator Eastman that we use ALL of the surplus funds available this year as a bonus for the City employees. A worthy cause no doubt, but one that for obvious reasons is now moot as we well may need those funds just to keep the employees we have now if the Sears store should be on the list.
It seems that the recession which has been highly touted by Washington as being over is in fact still in full swing in our market, ergo we must hold on to the money we have and not "bet on the come" as they say in the gambling business.
Over the past three Months that Ms. Eastman has been on the job she has time and time again tried to put forth ideas for spending (and not saving) the surplus funds we have managed to acquire. We have seen this before she arrived, and we had to borrow close to three million to crawl out of that hole, and back to where we are today.
Ms Eastman, do you really believe that history dosen't repeat itself? I wonder.
Tom Ford
NO. 973
Sorry that this is long, Tom. This is in answer to your blog message. I just have a lot to say.
Anybody that felt we were getting our economy back, must still believe in Santa Claus. As for as what the White House says about the recession being over, a million people might believe what the government says, but "I am from Missouri and you have to show me". I see nothing thus far.
If a person has a very serious illness as our economy does, doctors may say they have the cure, in this case - our Presidential candidates. However, I don't see a "savior" in any of them and I don't really believe that any of them have the answer.
Why? Because we are now at the "crossroads" and the day is here where we suffer for the mistakes our Presidents and Congress have made for more years than I can count. Little by little, we were building up to this point. Now we have arrived. Politicians are "fickle". They care more about doing their "fellowship" favors and scratching each others backs - in exchange for their support to be re-elected. They are all self-serving - period!!!
They take an oath, which means nothing. Then they take the Constitution and shred it to suit their purposes. Further nobody is watching them and they think they are all infallible and the rules don't apply to them. Makes sense I guess as they have no watchdogs.
Even when they are found guilty of wrong doings, nothing is done about it; i.e. how long has it taken for Blagovitch (spell)? to get what he deserves? Does he act sorry or does he act self-serving and entitled? How much money has gone though our judicial system/appeal system on this one issue? And it still isn't over.
Personally, what I have heard and have seen from most politicians on both sides, speaks volumes as the bottom line is always never keeping their promises and never giving a "tinker's dam" about putting us first with their decisions.
They myrtilize the constitution of this Country and put their own interpretation into its mighty words.
Also Tom, our new C.A. better understand that we, in Crestwood, have traditions and standards. Those should not be thrown aside like yesterday's garbage. We should have had a Tree in front of city hall like always. My opinion, OK?
Further, the letter which I have seen - sent to the volunteers stating there would be no Holiday Celebration this year, was terribly written. I have read excerpts from it, and I can tell you one thing - had I still been at city hall working for Pat Killoren - if a letter had to be written - it would not have been as "a matter of fact" as this one was. The words would have been expressed with a lot more emotion and a lot more humility.
Hear in Crestwood, we have always held all those who volunteer, with grateful appreciation for their "time and talent".
You put all the years volunteers have served Crestwood, and add them all up and then ask yourself if they should not be treated with kindness and consideration. Like Tom always says "NO"?
I may not know much, but I do know one thing now that I am 70 years old - there is one thing we cannot purchase at Schnucks or anywhere else! A "box of time". We should treat it with respect because it is gone in the blink of an eye and we can never get it back again. Volunteers have given Crestwood "time" that they can never get back. If volunteers were eliminated out of the equasion in Crestwood, the City would be lost. So somebody better re-think their thinking.
Anyhow, that is all I am saying and it is only my opinion so treat it as you see fit.
12:01 PM Blogger; Sandy, I really can't find fault with anything you have said in your missive.
The only thing I would add to the mix is the word 'arrogance.' Never should we believe that these are stupid people in Washington, quite the opposite, so it must be 'arrogance' that propels them to do the stupid things they have done.
We need a savior in the worst possible way. I believe that person will emerge before next November and show the leadership needed to stop the progressive / liberal Washington establishment and show them the way to the door!
This is the United States Of America, nor communist Russia, or china, or a third rate banana republic regime, no it's America, and we must never forget it!
Tom Ford
Ditto to that, Tom. But it will be a miracle if our new President can undo all the mistakes made. Heaven help us if we are stuck with what we have now. I think if that happens, I may start doing what my grandparents did during the Depression - bury my money in the backyard.
Want to know just how much the Obama's care about the 'little 99% working persons?'
Yep, you all have 4 million to spend on a 17 day jaunt, right? Well please don't forget the %2,000.00 sun dress ladies!
Tom Ford
"The Sears store in Crestwood Courts HAS NOT been confirmed as one of the stores that will close"
Au contraire mon ami.
The Crestwood Sears IS on the latest list of stores scheduled to close.
This is the preliminary, short list, but it seems that being on the first list out is a bad sign for us.
3;41 PM Blogger: John, when i posted the original thread there had been no decision as to which stores.
No if you have more information (what, where, when) please post it.
Tom Ford
There is an article at the top of the "" website.
Well it is on the list, but will the list stay as is, or will there be any changes.
Here is an article from Mr. Steve Nieder reference the closing.
Tom Ford
One more interesting thing reference the Crestwood Courts project coming up.
Our C/A Ms. P. Eastman was interviewed for a front page article in the Post Dispatch yesterday (Thursday) discussing the future of "Crestwood Courts."
That article led me to wonder why she has proposed using our cash reserves for anything other than dire emergencies, since it appears she was privileged to the information she discussed in that article?
It seems to me that the new version of the Courts will not be holding the proverbial "cash cow" retail outlets, but rather be an 'entertainment' center. Nothing wrong with that concept at all except it's not going to produce the tax revenue that retail did.
Ms. Eastman should be looking at ways to cut costs, decrease spending, and hold the line on services, not ways to reduce our coffers.
Tom Ford
Petree reminds of mayor Robinson.
All mouth and no substance.
Do you we have more of the same bad leadership?
Crestwood is doomed with the attitude of no cooperation with the mayor who was hands down elected to operate this city more efficiently.
Wake up and pay attention Petree and BOA or you will be replaced.
7:54 AM Blogger: Well I don't know about reminding me of anyone as of yet, but I will say she seems to have some difficulty understanding that we, (and not she) run the joint.
True enough that she makes the day to day decisions, but they still must pass the Board and more importantly we the great unwashed.
The City Administrator serves at the pleasure of the Board of Alderman and the Mayor and as such is one of those jobs that requires approval to remain employed.
You saw what happened with her ideas the other night at the Civil Service Board meeting. Were I in her position I would pay very close attention as that was a clear and concise message.
Tom Ford
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