City Administrator Eastman tells Department heads they aren't needed at BOA meetings.

That's right folks, if an item not pertaining to their department is not on HER (she writes it) agenda she said they do not need to attend! If you were at last nights meeting you saw all the empty seats for yourself, and no they were not "out sick."
Now the last time I paid a tax bill (last November) I saw a portion going to the City of Crestwood, and so did you I bet. That said, as a tax payer I want to have ALL the department heads at every meeting baring illness or a family issue. Why, well if I have a question for Public Works or any other department I want the responsible party to be there to answer it!
I have no interest in "third party" conversations where Ms. Eastman writes down the question, gives it to the Department head and then "gets back to me." I want to be "nose to nose" with the person I ask the question of as it's the right thing to do for ALL parties.
I know it's no doubt an "issue" for the Department heads (or you for some reason) to be there but they knew that was a responsibility when they took the job, so Ms. Eastman,you need to rescind that "executive decision, put things right and return the department heads to the Dias as has been the case since I moved here.
What do you think about this folks, just who is running the ship here, the elected BOA or the new City Administrator?
Tom Ford
NO. 978
"who is running the ship here, the elected BOA or the new City Administrator?"
From everything I have read in the charter, and by the org. chart, it is the C.A. The mayor, and BOA make policy decisions, and pass the "laws" that govern the city, but the C.A. runs things on a day to day basis.
We citizens elect the mayor, and the BOA, and they hire a C.A. to "run" the city.
In the past, if I needed to talk to a dept. head, I called, or went by their office. I have not had a problem contacting them.
I don't know if they get paid extra to attend the meetings, but there is a cost for the city cars to go home, and come back to the meeting, or out to eat.
I have been to quite a few BOA meetings, and don't remember a citizen asking a dept. head a question, unless it was a special situation that needed them to explain something, and it sounds like they would be there in that case.
I think a bigger problem is the number of citizens who attend (or don't). Often, you can count them on one hand.
I think there are many citizens who feel the board has no interest in what the residents want. They are there to further their own agenda no matter what anyone else says.
I was not a fan of the tone of Ms. Eastman's letter to residents that was in last weeks Crestwood Connection. I am not an overly sensitive person or the type that pulls the "condescending" card but I took that we the residents are "very lucky" that the employees are still being productive on the job, since the economy is bad, and they haven't had a raise. She also pushed the issue of us residents needing to thank the employees for doing a job we pay them for. I think the employees need to thank me, a resident who has had to turn to coupons and shopping at Aldi to be able to pay our taxes sine my employer hasn't given raises since 2007 either. I think that self righteous hag also needs to thank my husband who has been working side jobs in addition to his full time job to be able to afford our health ins. Costs and our taxes. She really must think we're all Rollin' in it here in Crestwood.
"I think there are many citizens who feel the board has no interest in what the residents want."
I would have to agree with that.
"10:18 PM, January 12, 2012"
Our family has been going through hard times also!
There are city employees who are 'just doing the job', but there are some I have had contact with who are doing a good job, and going above, and beyond the bare minimum. these are the ones who should be rewarded by a pay program that rewards extra effort.
10:18 So you think that the taxes we pay to Crestwood and it's employees for running the city are sooo high - that is what is forcing you to clip coupons and shop at Aldi's. What does that have to do with the new CA?
Is that what you really think? Too bad you are not living in reality sir/madame!!!! If I only had to pay tax to Crestwood, and the school district - I would be in good shape. You better listen up - Crestwood's portion of our taxes is nothing compared to every other entity jabbing at our money.
Further, I am not saying that I am crazy about our new CA, but she hasn't even gotten her feet wet yet, and you are calling her a "hag"! Is gossip what you are going by? Bet it is! Forget that! Don't go there, please!
Think for yourself - watch and listen and see things yourself.
Maybe she has started out on the wrong foot in some way, but we sure have given some our elected officials years on the board before throwing them under the bus. Not to mention some of our previous, dubious department heads.
If she doesn't work out after she is given a reasonable length of time, then fine! By she just got here! Wow!
Sorry you have to be so hateful because you have been forced to clip coupons, etc. Guess you gotta blame the economy on somebody Huh!
Well guess what we are all doing - in Crestwood, Kirkwood, Glendale, and other communities - we are clipping coupons too - so get real.
I would have to see and watch an elected official or department head or a citizen a long while before I would criticize them or would call them "a hag".
Apparently from what I heard, she was called down on a few things at the last board meeting so - let's not start throwing rocks already. Attitudes, temperaments and work ethics tend to manifest themselves - so why jump the gun?
Anyhow, it's not your call or mine - the mayor and board voted her in - not you! So let them do their job. I have faith in our mayor.
I am still watching the new mayor with a jaundiced eye..I was not in favor of him as mayor. That said, I can be fair and state that, as yet, I have seen nothing to cause me to feel he isn't doing a perfectly good job up to now.
I agree with many members of the board not caring or even knowing(in a few cases) what the residents in their ward think. I feel several members are there to push their own agendas, which bothers me greatly. This particular trait is of great concern with Mr. Nieder, as I have seen nothing flattering from him at the few board meetings I have attended where he was. I do not know Mr. Trueblood at all.
I agree also that we need to calm down and let Ms. Eastman get her feet wet. She is very new, and I for one am choosing to believe she is doing the best she can at the job and she will grow and change as she becomes accustomed.
Kerra, I agree with you. Also we will get a chance to further evaluate the CA as she proceeds with her important job. Now isn't the time to jump to conclusions. I sure wouldn't want to be judged so soon.
I want to give her a chance and do not want to take someone else's opinion at this time. It's too soon! I will be able to read the minutes, and go to meetings, listen and read the news. But I won't be a "follower" and just go along with what others necessarily say.
I will have an opinion but I will do my own observance and form my own conclusions - for myself whether others agree or disagree.
However, I will say that I am not in agreement with the new policy about the department heads not being present at the BOA meetings. I think they need to be there; even if the criteria isn't about their department.
All Department Heads -if they are in any way shape or form - absent - they are not going to learn the problems that exist in "other" departments but their own. To me, that is not "unity" and that is NOT a city where everyone is connected with one another.
Just because agendas don't involve their department, doesn't mean that department heads should not hear and be present when other departments are having problems. If you do - you "put up walls" and allow department heads to say - "not my problem - not my department". Information and communication are pivitol when running a city otherwise it crumbles.
Further what if residents want to ask questions relating to PW, or Police or Fire, etc. but the department head isn't at the meeting to answer them? You are making the resident wait with the usual "someone will get back to you on that". Those are "bad words" to give a resident who took the time to address his/her problem at a Board Meeting. After that - you will only get one thing from residents - APATHY.
When it comes to the city, Department Heads are hired by the city and need to be cognizant of "all" problems involved.
When you "divide, you fall. REMEMBER "United" we stand, divided, we fall.
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: I agree on the name calling. If you have an axe to grind please state it along with your reasons for "grinding" said axe, but leave the play ground remarks out of it.
If you want to use the play ground" type remarks you will have to sign your name so the one your "after" knows who their detractor is, otherwise I will delete your remarks!
It's a good policy that protects both sides, no?
Tom Ford
Ditto to that Tom.
You make a good point about the department heads, Sandy. They are not only serving the community, they are a part of the community. As a result, it is important for them to see and hear firsthand what residents have to say.
In response to John's point, I wholeheartedly agree that it is a shame that more people do not attend the BOA meetings, but that is not a legitimate reason for excusing the department heads from attending. Also, I don't think it's fair to say that the board members don't care what the residents want. If you happen to disagree with an alderman's position on an issue, it's illogical to conclude that the alderman doesn't care about you, it just means you have different opinions.
Just as a side note, the department heads are salaried, so there is no added cost to the city for having them attend BOA meetings.
Martha Duchild
Martha -- thanks, I appreciate it.
John --"who is running the ship here". By the City Charter - you are correct in your previous statement.
However, I feel all department heads need to be present at the board meetings. You are just assuming that because you have poor attendance from citizens that the need isn't there for the presence of the department heads.
Let me just say that, Yes, I am one of the residents that cannot always attend board of aldermen meetings.
However, the one time I do attend with something important and:
1. I tried calling a department head and did not get through to him/her; in fact, maybe I had been trying to speak to one for a whole week, but never got an answer;
2. What if, it was extremely distressing to me to not get an answer; but then.....
3. I decide to go to an BOA meeting and under "public comments" I got up to get an answer; but....
4. Only three department heads were present and therefore the mayor and aldermen didn't have the answer;
5. It would only take "that one time" - after countless calls to the department head were for naught, and I took the time to come up to a board of aldermen meeting with my serious problem for naught.... !
6. Then John, you would hear me clear across Crestwood saying those favorite words all city staffers dread to hear. You know - "I pay my taxes"; "I may as well live in the County", "I help pay your salary", and so on......
One time John, that's all it would take for me because by the time I go to city hall to find an answer at the board meeting, I am already fed up trying to get the issue solved on my own.
I express my dissatisfaction of not having all department heads present. It won't hurt anyone to have them all present and cognizant of what is going on outside of their departments.
Oh Well....that's just how I feel. Thanks for listening.
Sandy V John: As the official score keeper I am putting up the "mid-day" score.
We shall see if John can come back from that last set back.
Tom Ford
"I don't know if they get paid extra to attend the meetings, but there is a cost for the city cars to go home, and come back to the meeting, or out to eat."
Martha...thanks for answering the first part. What about the city car part?
"We shall see if John can come back from that last set back."
I am not in competition with anyone. I give my opinion, they give theirs.
6;43 PM Blogger: John, you seem to he holding on a bit too tight there. I was injecting some humor into the mix and you automatically attempt to defend your remarks.
Were all fellow citizens here, not "competitors' so post away.
Now as to the City cars, well there should be ONLY TWO (Fire and Police) anyway. Since the meetings are 2 hours after closing time they should just stay in the area until they start.
I am sure any department head can find something to do for that short span, I know I could.
Tom Ford
I really like you a lot and I am not on this blog to compete; but I am glad that you are flexible enough to agree to disagree! I think healthy discussion is a good thing. So, I do not mean to discredit you on this or anything. Also, I am sorry if I get a little upset - I don't mean too.
I just want to say a few more things on the issue of dept. heads coming to meetings. With all the things the city should be focused on, I don't feel that the dept. heads coming to board meetings should even be brought up; as I am of the opinion that "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" attitude.
Gosh, I just see so many other things that are more important. We have had some bad leaders in the past several years that have brought this city to its knees.
(Don't mean to be obnoxious) but, after 30 plus years, I just need to express history.) Those who do not take history into account may see it repeated.
At one time, we had tons of money. I was at city hall in the 70's and I know that it is true! We should have held on a little tighter to it but that is in the past and cannot be fixed.
I just feel the city needs to fix things that are a clear and present danger. To me, the dept. head issue should stay as it has been for a long time. To me it is a moot point. My rationale.....
John, Crestwood should be all about unity and everybody being on the same page. Each and every department head should be concerned with their department as well as other departments.
Had all departments heads worked together with the assistance of a good CA, Board of Aldermen, and mayor - we would still be financially solvent today.
You get one person like Greer, and other personnel, a CA who doesn't care how much money is being spent, and the budget will keep getting ripped off and you will have problems.
If you allow self-serving people who want to change all the rules and is allowed to do it, - you got problems. And most importantly, when you don't listen when the finance officer says, we don't have any money, he's ignored, and - spending isn't stopped - hence "Houston, we've gotta problem".
John I was there for over 30 years - and in that time, it did not take an 8 x 10 glossy to know who is working as a team and who had their own agenda and did not care.
This city could be financially solvent right NOW but their were barbarians at the gate and nobody was willing to open their eyes to see them cause They Didn't Care About The City As a Unit! They wanted personal satisfaction instead.
Thanks, for hearing me out John. I very much appreciate your input and I think you really care about your city.
I agree with most of what you have stated.
Mayor Schlink is attempting to help the administration and BOA look at the big picture. Unfortunately the BOA forgets what objective the vast majority of Crestwood citizens, including myself, elected Jeff to accomplish.
The objective:
Establish this city in a sustainable position to survive for the future as an independent city.
Since the election, the BOA has demonstrated they are only interested in establishing a power block.
I hope this next election of BOA memebers installs persons who are interested in joining the mayor with establishing a sustainable city the will serve the citizens into the future.
Anonymous - You got that right! We sure do not 3 more years to wait and it really scares me.
We have got to be united in our endeavors - that's the only way. Cooperation and getting everyone on the same page.
3:03 PM Blogger: Sandy, please see if you can make it to the Ways and means committee meeting Tuesday @ 3:30 PM.
The very same thing you just discussed is on the agenda.
"If you allow self-serving people who want to change all the rules and is allowed to do it, - you got problems. And most importantly, when you don't listen when the finance officer says, we don't have any money, he's ignored, and - spending isn't stopped - hence "Houston, we've gotta problem".
I am afraid we may well see this in action on Tuesday and I really believe we need citizen representation there to stop it!
Tom Ford
Thanks Tom - I honestly will try to do just that. I have had a problem with my blood sugar in the past and I have not been feeling all that good. So, I am having a few tests run hoping that I won't have to go on insulin shots! UGH!
So, I will play it by ear and see if changing my meds and keeping sugar at "bay" will help.
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