Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Ms. Eastman reverses decision by ? to allow gay couple to run in valentine race in White Cliff Park.

Please click on the header to be taken to the News channel 5 story. That's right folks once again in her short but stellar career our City Administrator has found a way to put us on front street in a dim light!

I have a copy an edict from her that basically says that she and only she can do the talking for Crestwood! Well she has been doing it, and so far I would rather have my 10 year old grandson represent me in the news.

Memo to Ms. Eastman, we live in the year of our Lord 2012 where believe it or not were not at all interested in sexual preference, race, gender, or creed when it comes to a race, consequently from now on please just have your people sign the form and stay off TV for a change!

Tom Ford

NO. 981


Anonymous Sandy Grave said...

I need a clarification Tom. Did the CA tell this couple they could not run as a couple in the race; or did Todd or someone else tell the couple "no". I am confused because I read everything and I did not think the CA was the one that made it "not OK".

5:00 PM, January 25, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:00 PM Blogger; Sandy, if you click on the header the news 5 story will come up and answer that question.

As I understand it the whole thing started at the point of sign up (I never said she was the one to deny it,) The C/A became involved when she decided to go on TV and make her comments.

Now, please be advised that this is to be a 'team' race (by the sign up sheet) and there was no reason to deny participation by anyone. Also the Civil Service rules (part of the City Charter) clearly states that discrimination by an employee to anyone is expressly forbidden, ergo no 'rules' changes were needed.

This was a 'non story' from the beginning when an employee said what they said in error that has been exacerbated by the on camera appearance that should never have happened.

Tom Ford

6:06 PM, January 25, 2012  
Anonymous Sandy Grave said...

OK thanks. The heading says "Ms. Eastman reverses decision to allow gay couple.....so I got confused. But, at the onset of this - it was the employee who told them (the couple) that -they (the couple)- could not participate. He/she also should have known that our civil service rules states clearly discrimination is forbidden. That said - initially, the employee made the error that caused the commotion in the first place. He/she should have known better. Eastman - I am not defending her - would have never gotten involved had the employee not errored! Also, I would not think Eastman was the one who called the news media. The media would not have known it if someone I assume the couple - didn't advise them of it.

I am just saying......that's the way it sounds to me.

11:22 AM, January 26, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

11:22 AM Blogger: Sandy, you missed he (?) in the header which changes everything.

Also I doubt that she called either but she did agree to an on camera interview which in this (and most) case should have never been done!

What we saw was the end result to an error compounded by the interview that made Crestwood looking bad again, and there was no reason for it.

The job of the C/A is to administrate, not to be a media darling. If we wanted a media darling we would have hired one.

Tom Ford

6:08 PM, January 26, 2012  
Anonymous Sandy Grave said...

Well, Tom - I don't know if I could be a "darling" anything - but I sure would make Crestwood shine if I were in charge of speaking to the media. We should be proud of our City. Tom, this place is still the best ever; and I would love to have had the job of Touting Crestwood.

If we could have a city administrator who is willing to work with Jeff - it would help him in his mayoral job sooo much. It would take a load off of him since he works and has a job to support his family PLUS BEING MAYOR. That is such a big heavy load to carry.

When I started working for Crestwood in the mid 1970's, I saw first hand how the city administrator keeps the city operations running smoothly. I was so impressed with the CA;s work ethic. Everybody loved him (Dale Rieth) because he knew the psychology and psychy of motivating people.

For me it was terrific because he cross-trained everyone. Therefore if one person was sick - some other employee (clerk or secretary)could fill in.

The City Clerk's office is a revolving door of Crestwood residents going in and out. Those gals and the city clerk really are doing their job at their seats and then getting up to work at the counter all day long. Up and down; up and down. They all work so hard. So with cross-training, there was never a problem to fill in for anyone, if it was needed.

The biggest perk was the knowledge I received from learning things.
Doing the minutes was a great learning experience to find out first hand what is happening. But
besides doing the minutes, I also had to do payroll at times, and man the "switchboard" too. The term floater was used as you did your job plus filled in for someone on vacation, on sick leave - etc. I was the happiest I could be. It was fun just to go to work. Further the city administrator was so grateful that we would all work as a team and he would always tell us when we did a good job. Hey - that's important in my opinion. To me it is just good psychology. The CA at that time expressed his gratitude to all of the clerks and secretaries for their assistance in times when it was necessary.. like giving out passes to use the community center. People were in and out of the city clerk's office getting park and rec. passes.

I just wish we had someone with the moxy to realize everyone should work as a team and no one person is better than any other. others. We all worked together.

Under Dale Rieth, CA and then Alan Miller, the City of Crestwood's staff worked like a well-oiled machine. Why? Because by cross-training, we became knowledgeable and could answer any questions people would ask - in person in the city clerk's office or by telephone.

That's enough going down "memory lane" Tom; I just know we must have a city administrator who can lead the city operations. I hope that this will happen because my experience tells me with the right leadership, it can be the way it used to be working for Crestwood. You would be surprised how much fun it was for me going to work every day. We have such good residents in Crestwood that you get to know on a first-name basis working in the city clerk's office. So hope springs eternal. It just takes time and dedication.

7:47 PM, January 26, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:47 PM Blogger: Sandy, AMEN, AND AMEN AGAIN!

Now how do we get that through to the new C/A? Were a small community where there is no room for jealousy, cat fighting, or worrying about your position!

Life here is (and should be) simple, our employees should, and must be able to believe they are ALL valued and appreciated, (and they are.)

Just as in the business world where if you do your job your not going to run into a problem, Crestwood City must be no different!

In my opinion there is no room for the 'cancer' of petty, small people who for what ever reason feel they are above the rest (job title or not.)

I served in the U.S. navy where the ships Captain would stand side by side with the lowest rate on the ship to save her if needed, and by the almighty that's what we need here in Crestwood!

If in fact our 'crew' here at Crestwood City hall is somehow prevented from doing that then I fear we have the wrong Captain, and we need a change of command now.

Tom Ford

9:46 PM, January 26, 2012  
Anonymous Tim Trueblood said...


Why don't you simply file a FOIA and get to the bottom of this quickly?

8:49 AM, January 27, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:49 AM Blogger: Tim, This is the first chance I had to read your email, I have been instructing a class for St. Louis County and City today in 'personal education units' (read continuing education) required to keep their mechanical license.

I did in fact file a FOIA form about 1:40 PM with the City Clerk as the Charter requires, and I expect results in three working days as mandated by Missouri RSMO's.

This may take a bit longer (not legal though) as I was told the City Clerk must now submit ALL FOIA requests to the C/A for review before they will be granted, and the C/A is out today.

By the way when did we have a 'Charter review commission' meeting and subsequent vote to change who fills the FOIA requests? Did I miss something?

Tom Ford

3:42 PM, January 27, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

According to the couple who entered the race a telephone call was placed to inform them they could not participate..

Who placed the phone call?
who authorized the phone call?
Tom, is this part of the information you have requested?

9:36 AM, January 28, 2012  
Anonymous Tim Trueblood said...

"This may take a bit longer (not legal though) as I was told the City Clerk must now submit ALL FOIA requests to the C/A for review before they will be granted, and the C/A is out today."
@Tom Ford

Now the CA has taken it upon herself the power of reviewing FOIA requests?
Is Crestwood involved in top security stuff that the NSA must clear before release? What does State Law say about this?

And CA was out today, is her absence an approved one, IE illness, vacation, off site City training or meeting?

What gives? What is the CA trying to hide?

10:07 AM, January 28, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My questions should have been more specific.

What city of Crestwood employee placed the phone call to the applicants?

What city of Crestwood employee authorized the phone call?

12:01 PM, January 28, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:07 AM Blogger: Correct Tim she has said she will review each and every FOIA form and clear them before the information is released.

I believe she was out on 'family' time for a visit.

Tom Ford

12:01 PM Blogger: I can't answer these questions YET, but my FOIA form of Friday should yield that information, so we wait.

However the RSMO's covering the time limits clearly state that it must be in my hands by Wednesday, Feb. 1, 2012, and I will expect it then, or an explanation as to why not!

Tom Ford

12:13 PM, January 28, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


FYI the Sunshine Law requires the City provide you with a response by the close of the third business day. This can be as simple as "We have recieved your request and the informtion you are seeking is not immediately available. We expect that the information will be available by...."

As far as Ms. Easman reviewing each request, she is the City Administrator, that is within her right.. The City Clerk, "The Custodian of Records of the City" works for her.... page 8 of the Charter.

11:21 AM, February 01, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

11:21 AM Blogger: "As far as Ms. Easman reviewing each request, she is the City Administrator, that is within her right.. The City Clerk, "The Custodian of Records of the City" works for her.... page 8 of the Charter."

I know that, but why do we need 'reviews' if it must be given out anyway?

Tom Tord

5:47 PM, February 01, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank you Nikki.

5:48 PM, February 01, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I know that, but why do we need 'reviews' if it must be given out anyway?"

Maybe Mrs. Eastman wants to make sure the response is accurate.

3:38 PM, February 04, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

3:38 PM Blogger: Maybe, but that is why we have an extremely competent and accurate City Clerk on staff.

Or is it possible that there is some other reason we don't know about? After all, no other C/A in the 43 years I have been here has had to 'review them.'

In any case, we have the right people doing the right job now in the City Clerks office so I say, let's all just get out of the way and let them do it!

Tom Ford

3:50 PM, February 04, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a ridiculous "article" this is. Someone in the city's office incorrectly told a couple they couldn't race, the couple got justifiably mad, took it to the web and to the local media, and the local media decided to make a story of it. Had Mrs. Eastman not responded to the report, Crestwood would have looked even worst, and I'm sure you'd be on here crying about how the C/A doesn't stand up for the city. It's clear from your hyper-partisan/biased writing that this woman can't win no matter what she's doing.

Wouldn't the correct headline be "Mrs. Eastman addresses confusion, clarifies position." Or more appropriately, shouldn't there be no story?

Just like Channel 5, you're creating a story where there clearly isn't one. What a joke.

4:08 PM, February 10, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:08 PM Blogger: Well welcome to the 'current events' in crestwood! I trust you haven't been formulating that response since the inception of my post.

" It's clear from your hyper-partisan/biased writing that this woman can't win no matter what she's doing."

Partisan post? since when does "partisanship" come into play with a City Administrator?

Clearly your interest's lie in making sure she has all the cover you can provide, and I understand that. However, she never should have been on the news to start with, but since she was, and since this entire thing was a boondoggle from the get go, I will comment, thank you very much!

Tom Ford

5:12 PM, February 10, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, because nobody at the city realized that as a lesbian couple, these women were in a legally protected class and therefore should have been allowed to compete as a couple, the situation got out of hand. City employees compounded the first mistake (the parks and rec clerk not allowing them to run as a couple) by "correcting" this error with more mistakes.

The third city offical who "clarified the rules" was Jim Eckrich. Because he did not understand the non-discrimination policy, he felt he had to clarify the definition of couples to mean "doubles." So now, instead of a Valentine's race with couples, we will have a Valentines race with no couples, just "doubles."

It clearly states in the civil service rules that city employees are to treat each other and the public in a non-discriminatory manner. Had city employees followed this rule, there would have been no story and no controversy.

To create a "doubles" category as a way of avoiding controversy is not the answer. The answer is in the civil service rules: keep the "couples" category, and don't discriminate.

Martha Duchild

3:42 PM, February 11, 2012  

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