Ways and Means committee meeting agenda for January 17, 2012 at 3:30 PM in the BOA chambers, Crestwood City Hall.
City of Crestwood
Board of Aldermen Chambers
Crestwood Government Center
One Detjen Drive
Crestwood, MO 63126
Tuesday, January 17, 2012 at 3:30 PM
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
Mayor Jeff Schlink, Alderman Paul Duchild, Alderman Darryl Wallach
2. Approval of Meeting Minutes
September 27, 2011
October 11, 2011
October 25, 2011
3. City Administrator’s Report
a. Budget Considerations – Fire Truck Grant, Various Other Issues
b. Report of Current and Future States of Staffing
c. Delinquent Taxes (Property and Utility)
4. General Topics
a. Closing of Retail Establishments/Loss of Tax Revenues (Sears and Barnes &
b. Funding of Street Lighting Program
c. State of the City Pay Plan
d. Invoice Review
5. Future Issues
6. Old Business
7. Adjournment
Posted: Friday, January 13, 2012 at 4:00 p.m.
Note: Due to ongoing City business, all meeting agendas should be considered tentative.
Ladies and Gentlemen, this is a very important meeting to attend as this is where the recommendations for utilizing our tax dollars are made. If you have never been to one of these please attend this one as we must begin to cut costs, and soon to make up for the loss of revenue that is eminent!
Tom Ford
NO. 979
Board of Aldermen Chambers
Crestwood Government Center
One Detjen Drive
Crestwood, MO 63126
Tuesday, January 17, 2012 at 3:30 PM
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
Mayor Jeff Schlink, Alderman Paul Duchild, Alderman Darryl Wallach
2. Approval of Meeting Minutes
September 27, 2011
October 11, 2011
October 25, 2011
3. City Administrator’s Report
a. Budget Considerations – Fire Truck Grant, Various Other Issues
b. Report of Current and Future States of Staffing
c. Delinquent Taxes (Property and Utility)
4. General Topics
a. Closing of Retail Establishments/Loss of Tax Revenues (Sears and Barnes &
b. Funding of Street Lighting Program
c. State of the City Pay Plan
d. Invoice Review
5. Future Issues
6. Old Business
7. Adjournment
Posted: Friday, January 13, 2012 at 4:00 p.m.
Note: Due to ongoing City business, all meeting agendas should be considered tentative.
Ladies and Gentlemen, this is a very important meeting to attend as this is where the recommendations for utilizing our tax dollars are made. If you have never been to one of these please attend this one as we must begin to cut costs, and soon to make up for the loss of revenue that is eminent!
Tom Ford
NO. 979
Well folks, I attended the meeting and it's clear to me that the C/A Ms. Eastman has no intention of cutting expenses at all.
While she agreed with me that labor is our most costly item in the budget, she continued on with the 'spend mentality' IE, Crestwood pays less that other Cities near us.
True enough but one leg of her triangle was missing and that is what's the tax revenue in thoes Cities V Crestwood?
My friends the ship is listing to the port side and she is re-aranging the deck chairs! How long do we put up with this before we Citizens have to demand that reality takes over?
Tom Ford
Change of subject: With Cain, Perry, Bachmann, etc out of the GOP race, I am hoping to get everyone's opinion on Romney. Will he get the nomination?
Interesting race. I am not certain what will happen. I am not a futurist simliar to the person who presented his predictions at the most recent economic development commission meeting.
I understand this celebrity was invited by Daniel Tenesson, the ward 4 alderman candidate.
I thought crystal ball reading was carnival entertainment .
8:48 PM Blogger: Kerra, well as for me I am a small Government Constitutionalist conservative, so that said Romney and Gingrich don't fit my bill, so it's Rick Santorum (so far.)
To me Romney is a liberal in sheep's clothing and would not be all that different than the unmitigated disaster we have now.
9;14 AM Blogger: I noticed that a "futurist" was summoned by Mr. Tenesson for the meeting and I wondered what that was. maybe Mr. Tenesson will tell us Tuesday night a have never even heard of one, much less seen one.
Well please don't forget the thinly veiled Chinese curse which says, "May you live in interesting times." We certainly do in Crestwood, and thanks to the new C/A they will get even more interesting.
Tom Ford
I don't consider what we have now as an unmitigated disaster.
Please clarify what you refer to as what we have now. What is it that we have ?
we have a country climbing out of a God-awful mess, that's what we have.
8:16 and 10:30 pm Blogger: Kerra, where to start? My goodness the current occupier of the White House has usurped the Constitution, made sure there are more people out of work and on welfare and food stamps that ever before in our Nations history (including the great depression,) and you don't consider him a disaster?
Perhaps your right, perhaps he is doing exactly what he said he would do, that being move the nation into the Communist / socialist way of life!
Never before in the history of America have we seen such wanton disregard for the Nations core values, that being person helping person! No indeed the communist way is spelled out in the Marxist doctrine he learned from his subversive Chicago friends (Ayers, Dorn, Wright,) "To each according to their means, from each according to their needs."
No kerra were not "a nation climbing out of a God awful mess," but rather a nation sinking further into the abyss of the socialist / communist way of life. We now see a Nation that demands something for nothing, and is starting to believe that hard work is for fools who don't know how to work system!
Kerra, that man and his minions should not be lauded for ANYTHING he has done, but rather drummed from office, and forever remembered for presiding over the darkest period in American history, a period where we almost lost our liberty and freedom, not to mention our spirit and pride!
Thank God for the November elections!
Tom Ford
Oops the passage "To each according to their means, from each according to their needs." is of course reversed (dyslexic moment I guess.)
It should read, "To each according to their needs, from each according to their means."
Tom Ford
Well, I disagree. As someone pretty much in the middle, but raised Republican, I have my eye open to both sides. Obama didn't "put" anyone on food stamps, nor has any other president. Under Obama, yes, there has been a rise. The economic downturn began in December of 2007, and the numbers have risen. But even with that, under him there have still been 444,500 fewer people on food stamps than under Bush's administration. I disgaree with several things he has done. He is not a socialist, and I bet he knows the constitution better than any of us. He has done many really good things for this country, and, given what the GOP clown car keeps spilling out, so far he's the only one I take seriously. Your judgements about the president and also our city administrator are very harsh and unyielding, and in many instances, I think, unfair.
8:20 AM Blogger: Kerra me harsh? Not yet!
Your President has just blocked a pipeline that would have guaranteed at least 20,000 good paying jobs, why? His environmental base, that's why.
Your President has in fact INCREASED the food stamp generation (look it up) by his policies, and blocking of jobs for his own re election.
Your President is in fact a socialist or he would not be doing the obamacare that WILL cause major economic upheaval in the medical care field. (as has Romneycare in Mass.)
Your President has told all of us exactly what his vision is for America and God help us it is socialism! The man telegraphs it to us every day, can't you see it?
Now as to OUR City Administrator, perhaps you should look into what is really going on at City Hall. If by chance you think all is Rosy, your not up to speed on the C / A's agenda for Crestwood. Better yet, ask an employee of ours what they frankly think of the ideas so far.
Unfair? I really don't think so!
Tom Ford
I'd like to cut and paste a recent post from Dr. Burt Folsom that states better than I ever could what is going wrong in our country today.
His address is http://www.burtfolsom.com/
Here is his post:
"Taxes are back in the news. This time with howls that rich people like Governor Romney, Speaker Gingrich, and many others pay too little in taxes. Let’s make some key points.
First, the Founders expected taxes to be light in the free society they set up. Free Americans would start businesses and plant crops, and that would employ most people. For a safety net, they set up charities and voluntary organizations to meet critical needs. For the tax system, Alexander Hamilton recommended small taxes on imports and on luxury items such as whiskey. Americans would, in effect, choose their own tax rate by the purchases they chose to make. You could cut your tax payments by cutting your alcohol consumption, for example.
Second, the Founders did not approve of the income tax because it shifted power away from consumers and toward politicians–who would make the decisions on what groups should pay what tax rates. In the last 100 years, politicians have embraced the progressive income tax because it allows them to levy a high tax a small number of rich people and redistribute that money to a much larger group of voters. That strategy violates the Founders’ ideal of equal protection of the law to all citizens.
Third, the practical results of using a highly progressive tax have been much worse for the American economy than using smaller rates. When the top income tax rate first went over 50% in the 1917-1921 period, unemployment jumped to 12% by 1921. Then when the rates were cut, unemployment dropped to 2.4% by 1923. Under FDR rates went up again. By the end of World War II, FDR had enacted income and corporate taxes that reached 90%. Only when those taxes were slashed after the war was over did recovery begin. Likewise, the U.S. was in sharp recession during the Carter presidency, but when income taxes were cut under President Reagan, businesses expanded–computers, fax machines, new phones, walkman radios, and many other inventions flourished and improved lives all over the world.
Fourth, those people who attack the current capital gains tax of 15% need to be reminded that when it was much higher in the 1970s under President Carter that fewer Americans made the investments that have enriched our lives so greatly today. As Steve Moore and Art Laffer remind us in The End of Prosperity, “The poorest 20 percent of Americans experienced a 6 percent gain in real income in the 1980s after suffering a 5 percent decline in the 1970s.” The poor, as well as the rich, gain when taxes are low and freedom is high."
Dr. Burt Folsom, January 19th, 2012
Tom - You and I have been friends for a long time - so I feel I can give you my thoughts without you getting all over my case OK?
There are people who research every candidate - in both parties plus the incumbent and then make up their mind who they think is best to run our Country - whether Dem. or Rep. That's what I do.
And further let me state right now that I am not fond of OBama politics - didn't vote for him -and am looking very carefully at all Rep. nominees.
You, on the other hand, are all about partisan politics and it would not matter who was the Dem. nominee - you would never vote Dem. You would always vote Rep. whether that person was a total moron or a child beater.
Sure, you will do your research but it will only be geared to discredit the Dem. candidates not the Rep. ones.
Thus, - by not researching the bad job George W. did, you are really to blame for McCain not getting in the White House. People were tired of George W. and catering to all his "special interest groups" and that is what help elect President OBama. And As Kerra said, you can be very harsh.
You don't do that with the Rep. candidates because you are a dye in the wool Rep. Both sides, Dems. and Reps. need to be researched not just one side.
In all the time I have known you and other staunch Republicans, I have never heard you take to task any President who was Republican like you do with this Dem. President.
And when you get your "meat hooks" out, you can be very cruel. But I think it is wrong to judge only the Dem. party as the Reps. don't walk on water either. I have never, ever heard you criticize any Republican. You never say one bad word about them. You need to judge candidates from both parties and be fair about it Tom.
Republicans are human too and have made mistakes. Yet I never, ever have heard you say anything awful about them?
In all the time I have known you, I have never heard you say one bad word about George W or his father. Yet had George W done a great job - we would not have OBama in office, we would have had McCain. McCain was my choice and I chose him because I examined both candidates and OBama to me did not have the background needed to run this country in my view.
Tom, I hate Partisan Politics - it is why we cannot get anything done in Congress because it has always been the Dems. versus Reps. and if the Dems. say something is "yellow" the Reps. will say it is "green". It will never change.
Let's just consider this, Tom - for instance - if we got a Rep. President everytime we voted plus an all Rep. Congress - from now until the day we die - you would not be talking about communism or socialism at all. It is only because the President is Democrat that you scream communism and socialism, etc.
I have never voted a straight ticket in my life - I vote for the person. You don't do that!
OK - that's all I have to say - because I am allowed; and you are equally allowed to chew me up now which you probably will.
Just remember - we are friends and I walked over a country mile to campaign for you as a Ward Two alderman.
well, the pipeline, as I understand it, was denied because of a Ruplican backed legislation that forced the president to make a decision within 60 days, so he erred on the side of caution due to not being able to completely explore the impact. the company, based out of Calgary, I think, is planning a new route that avoids Nebraska. Perhaps you should aim your tirade at those who forced the 60 day decision instead of allowing enough time to fully vet the proposal.
as for health care,I have read that the reform in Massachusetts is very well liked. 2 out of 3 adults like the program there, and 88% of doctors said it improved or didn't change the quality of care. Not a fiasco in my opinion.
as for food stamps/welfare, I DID look it up. here are the facts I found: The numbers have risen sharply under Obama, yes. The number under Bush rose 14.7 million while he was in office. Under Obama, 14.2 million, 444,574 FEWER than under Bush. Those are the facts I found.
I am a fan of a few things he has done, especially because i have military in my family:
-ended the Bush-era "black out" of media coverage of fallen soldiers' return
-ended Bush-era no-bid defense contracts
-in '09, improved military housing and ordered imporvements in military hospitals
-abolished DADT
-eliminated co-pays for catastrophically injured soldiers
-Got Bin Laden
Plus many other things he's done that I applaud. He isn't perfect, he isn't without fault. But he's done some positive things that I believe deserve credit, and not because he's a Democrat, but because they're good things, regardless of party affiliation.
12:55 PM Blogger: Kerra, If you can't see the things going on before you then I suggest you vote for Obama and be done with it.
I have no way of showing you (much less convincing you) any more that I have tried to, so good luck in the fall. By the way if you have an Obama sticker on your car, your going to be somewhat lonely come November.
By the way, ask the union labor force employee who is out of work out of work why Obama wouldn't sign the pipeline bill, you in for a surprise.
Tom Ford
well, then here's a question: who is the GOP offering up that can beat him? I am always very interested in true candidates who can represent my beliefs. Who does the "other side" have??
10:54 AM Blogger: Sandy, well once again I am the 'wailing wall' I guess. Still though all in all I would never "rip" you up now would I.
By the way you would be surprised at the Democrats I have voted for in the past. The key word here is PAST as there are no Democrats out there that I see who do not fit the mold of gun grabbing, socialist, PARTISAN DEMOCRAT POLITICS individuals!
When there is another Democrat like Harold Volkmer, or John F. Kennedy, I well may vote for them, sorry none of the current crop comes close.
Tom Ford
By the way, someone please tell Joe Biden that the FOOTBALL Giants are in New York and NOT San Fransisco as he said they were during a fund raiser in San Francisco!
Our boy said that the Giants would be in the Superbowl much to the dismay of the local fat cats he was holding up for donations.
What genius, and no you can't make it up now can you?
Tom Ford
well, I agree with you. But for now, right now, as the primary season moves on, and as the GOP candidates move into position for the Republican nomination, who will be able to beat Obama? That's what I'm asking. You said I'd be very lonely in November. Okay, I can live with that, but who is being offered up who can actually beat him? Someone will run against him, certainly, but there's no one on the field at this time who can beat him. That's what I'm asking.(And,are you opposed to all those items to help the military families? That would shock me.)
and for the record, I dislike Biden as well. I have never liked him.
1:11 PM Blogger: Kerra, well we both know that it's going to be one of two men, that being Gingrich or Romney.
Why, well the GOP blue blood country club establishment wants Romney (it's his turn you know,) but Gingrich wont give up, so.
In either case both of them can beat Obama, and one of them will in November, why? Well the Nation is failing, were in serious debt, there is no work, and the great unwashed is sick of it, that's why.
Now when did I ever say I was against military families? No in fact it's quite the opposite. I believe our military families should be put ahead of the illegals and the welfare queens who suck the last drop of cash from us.
If an illegal wanted to join the military as a path to full citizenship, I am good with that as well. Now, Obama has cut the defence budget to a dangerously low level there by placing our Men and Women in grave danger, so who is anti military here, me or Obama?
Way to go on Biden, he is a class A buffoon who isn't good for even a laugh anymore In fact he is an embarrassment to the Nation and needs to stay in the basement until next January when he will be out.
Tom Ford
Kerra: What say you about this?
Tom Ford
I say that I am not all that suprised. I don't think most conservatives like Romney. He's not really a conservative, for one, and for two, as distasteful as it might be, many are afraid of him being Mormon. I think it will be an uphill battle for him to secure the nomination when he goes on tv and radio and contradicts himself, and admits the economy is getting better. He's made some tactical mistakes lately and it cost him in SC. Remember though,in 2008, he was beaten there by Fred Thompson even.
8:02 AM Blogger: Kerra, I agree on Romney being a 'wolf in conservative clothing,' but the religion part I hope were all better than that.If Fred was in this race I believe he would beat them both hands down.
Now as to the economy getting better, better than what,where and how? In my business (HVAC) there is nothing worth bidding in the Illinois area (contractors are ranging up to 200 miles to find work,) and there are very few plans on the boards for the near future that I have seen. In spite of the weather residential furnace sales are way off last years mark (which was bad) with no hope of catching up.
The contractor who was not well financed or has no 'war chest' to fall back on is now (or soon will be) out of business. When I visit the union shops in Illinois I see fewer and fewer workers as contractors lay off the excess labor force.
It's not only my view either as I have spoken to people in the metal business as well as electrical and plumbing contractors and all are very concerned for the spring season.
Residential new construction (large part of the Southern Illinois economy) is off to the point of ridiculous with no hope of any improvement until the unemployment rate (up to 19% in real numbers) is back to where it should be. Take away Cook County and the rest of Illinois is loosing jobs on a day to day basis, so no improvement in the economy there.
Kerra, when you watch the employment numbers please look at the number of new hires at the Government level Vs the number going to the private sector, you will be amazed. While your looking, please remember that Government produces nothing, it only takes from the economy ergo, were still in a recession and I believe possibly in a depression!
My Dad always told me that "Figures don't lie, but liars can figure," so when you see the numbers, remember that.
Tom Ford
I was actually quoting what Romney told an interviewer...that the economy was getting better, which puzzled me. He has been running on a platform of "I can fix the economy, Obama can't." So, if that's his platform,why would he say that? That is shooting himself in the foot. That's what I meant by that statement. As for his religion, I agree with you. That's why I said it was distasteful. But the reality is that many view Mormonism as little more than a cult and will hold it against him at the polls. I hate that part of American mind set..the intolerance, the refusal to see anything but your own view. But that's a fact...the masses trend away from things they find "weird" or unusal. I truly believe Newt's past moral...um...issues will hurt him in the long run too. People aren't very forgiving and they never forget a scandal. He's been labeled a "serial adulterer", and that will stick with him, no matter how much he blusters at the media for asking about it. Should it? That's anyone's guess, but it will stick to him like glue. It's even still on Clinton after all these years. It doesn't help Newt either that while he was screaming about Clinton's affairs, he was having his own. It's a tawdry, paperback novel feeling that generally the population doesn't like to vote for. Just my thoughts.
Hey Kerra you are correct!!!
Unfortunately nobody is sqeeky clean. But it is true - we have learned to be untrustworthy of those whose flaws are made public or just even subtle differences.
Further who really knows if things heard are true or untrue. I am having a hard time telling the truth from lies.
Newt's X-wife who is saying things. True or false? She may have her own personal vendetta with him. However, because she stated some unsavory things about Gingrich to --- God and everybody, I actually think less of her than him. I just cannot imagine anyone saying that - true or not. However, some of the most intelligent people make bad choices. That's life.
Suffice to say -in politics - nothing is sacred. If opponents look hard enough they will find something negative and will use it.
But all I want is for the candidates to stick to the facts. But none of them do! They sucker punch each other. So it is hard when people plant the "seed of doubt" regarding others, especially a candidate for President of the United States.
The worst part is...... once those bad things are brought forth - true or not - you can't help remembering them.
I was told a story when I was young about people that lie. When you lie about another person, it is like taking a feather pillow and going outside with it - cutting a hole in it - letting all the feathers out of it and then trying to pick up every single solatary feather - leaving none esposed. It is impossible!
Thanks for listening.
9:38 AM Blogger: Kerra; I know you were quoting Romney's words on air but I thought I would just expand on how silly a thing that was to say.
Let's face it, some of us are odd rarity's in the modern era, for instance being married for 46 years to the same person like my wife and I are not the norm by a long shot today.
Time was when the resume of ALL the people running for National office would have been a disgrace to their entire family. Now it seems that the more "indiscretions" and trips to the Betty Ford clinic you have, the better you look.
As Sandy said were now treated to ex wives and husbands who tell tall tails of their ex mates doing God knows what, no one ever vet's it, so it must be true, right?
In my extremely humble opinion I believe we all should watch what they have done and what the do, not what they say as that is the only sure method of lie detection we have access to.
In other words, when you see a politicians lips moving, you know their lying!
So far I am happy to report that is not the case here in Crestwood anymore as I do believe our Board and Mayor believe what they are telling us.
In the case of a couple of Board members I will have to say though I am reminded of Ronald Wilson Reagan's remark (paraphrased.) "It's not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so."
Tom Ford
my biggest problem with Newt is not his marital indiscretions, but rather his ethics violations, fine, and being reprimanded by the House. I have problems with the 1.6 million dollars he took from Freddie Mac, and I have problems with him stating that he is the voice of the American people. Really? Well, anyone with a half a million tab at Tiffany's isn't my voice and has no clue what my life and struggles are about. I don't like him and I don't trust him. I really don't care what his ex wives have to say. His documented actions are what anger me.
Kerra - now you got me feeling like a stooge! I have to say that you and Tom both know so much more than I do about the candidates; I really feel stupid.
Please elaborate on the Freddie Mac issue because I need to know this. Doesn't Freddie Mac/Fannie Mae have something to do with the banks and also "reverse mortgages".
I am probably over my head - more than I thought. I'm embarrassed for sure! I have been trying so hard to read, research, etc. how did I miss this?
I am really upset if Newt is involved with this issue - because if true - he won't get my vote. And the heck with his x-wife true or not true.
Is there any candidate who cares at all about us?
Kerra - please elaborate as I need to know.
Please don't feel silly. There's so much information out there, who is to know what is true? I have heard many figures about the money Ginrich took from Freddie Mac. I am pretty certain he got a $300,000 fee for being a "historian", whatever that means, but I have read figures as high as 1.6 million. His association with them goes back to 1995, and goes all the way up to 2006 as far as I am aware. He was formally disciplined by the largely Republican House and fined 300,000, that is a fact. I do not really know what the specific charges were, but it was summed up like this: "engaged in conduct that did not reflect creditably on the House of Representatives." He became the first speaker to be sanctioned like that.
What a crock of XX####
I just cannot understand how these guys get away with this manure! If you and I were to do this stuff, they'd hang us "at dawn" in front of a maddening crowd and our relatives would be imprisoned.
They all belong to the "boys club" and nobody says one word about the really big issues - like that one!
But OMG - they want to see his income tax return????? Yep sounds like the good old boys club to me.
How come being President is suppose to be for the good of the American people and to uphold the constitution when really all these candidates do is care about themselves?
I hate to make a prediction but if this stuff doesn't stop, OBama will be President again. They better come up with somebody who has their feet planted firmly on the ground - or - I won't vote period!!!!!
And so let's make Crestwood the place where people are treated fair and equal and still the best place to raise a family. Amen
6:55 Pm Blogger: Sandy, these guys and gals get away with it because of a virus called 'voter apathy!'
Remember the words of yore,"All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing!" (Alex D.)
Now, what are we prepared to do? I do it by writing this blog and digging for the facts as presented to me. Kerra by voicing her opinions based on the knowledge gained through her knowledge of the candidates.
How you wish to do it is up to you, but please for the sake of the Republic. Please remember that "All politics is Local" (Tip O'Neill (D)) so a good place to start is right at City Hall.
Tom Ford
"1.6 million dollars (Newt)he took from Freddie Mac"
He didn't take the money, he was PAID the money for what ever services he rendered to the leaders of Freddie Mac.
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