Abbott and Costello explain the Bureau of labor statics 'job report's' (please click here to read it from the FreeRepublic.
So as I understand this, it is quite possible for any Washington denizen, be they democrat or Republican to cook the books in their favor. Well I knew that anyway, but it does give the best explanation of this so called economic indicator that I have seen to date.
This is posted for your edification and entertainment only, so please read it that way and forget the snide remarks about either party as I will just delete them anyway when I see them.
Tom Ford
NO. 986
This is posted for your edification and entertainment only, so please read it that way and forget the snide remarks about either party as I will just delete them anyway when I see them.
Tom Ford
NO. 986
I think that sort of thing is common in any economy, under any president. I remember when unemployment was 10.8 under Reagan, and the Republicans said it was all still Carter's fault, and the Democrats said he'd been in office long enough that it was all on him. Sound familiar? It is happening right now in reverse. I refuse to look at figures from anyone with an R behind their names or a D. I want non-partisan facts and figures, written by people who care only for numbers, not party affiliation. Every figure I have been able to get my hands on says things are slowly improving. It will be a slow process, but there isn't any thinking person alive who didn't know that, is there? I do not care who is responsible anymore, I do not care who is or isn't fixing it. I want to see the climb up continue, and I will vote my heart.
10:26 AM Blogger: Kerra, the numbers out by the CBO (Congressional budget office) are the ones to watch as they are completely non-partisan!
If every figure you read says things are improving you should spend a day with me in Illinois talking to real life business owners.
Things are not improving and I can (and will) prove it to you if you wish to ride along.
On the subject of voting, vote whatever makes you the happiest, but please do vote!
Tom Ford
I always vote. I was raised that it was somewhat of a sin not to!
I think national numbers show improvement, but it will take a while, maybe a long while, to seep into every corner and nook of the nation. Think of it backwards: when the economy began its decline in 2006/2007, it didn't effect every single place in the country for a few years. Now, in the opposite way, it will take a while for the improvements to get there. I have faith in this country, and I honestly believe we are creeping back from the abyss, and I know we will stand tall again. I have never lost faith in the American people. I think the auto workers in Detroit should be a beacon of light to everyone. They were not only down, but pretty much out, The stimulus money gave them the injection they needed, and look what they've accomplished! My hat is off to those hard working, industrious workers up there who pulled together and helped save an entire American industry.
12:21 PM Blogger: Kerra, Detroit? Have you personally looked into the problems there, or is this just from the National news?
Detroit is so broke they can't pay attention, and the Government Motors company is way off the mark of being a successful company. They still owe Billions to US on the loan and they have tried to sell out to Ford Motor Co. (the only company not taking the stimulus money.)
Chrysler is a joke what with the plants closing and their so called super vehicles they can't give away.
Detroit, really, REALLY?
FDR made the exact same mistake of Federal subsidies in the Great Depression and it lasted seven years longer that it would have thanks to his stewardship (look it up please.)
A company must be allowed to fail if their management makes all the wrong decisions, period. If we continue to 'Nationalize' firms we will be a subsidiary of Hugo Chavez in his Banana republic dictatorship only with a different face at the helm. Maybe that's what the regime wants?
Tom Ford
And now this from a good friend in Houston, Texas.
Couldn’t have said it better myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I knew someone would find a name for
our election process this coming year!
ELECTILE DYSFUNCTION: the inability to become
aroused over any of the choices for President put
forth by either party in the 2012 election year.
Tom Ford
I am not referring to the city of Detroit, but the auto makers. I realize there are still problems, but in 2010 GM earned 1.3 billion, and Ford posted operating profits of 183 million. That is a turn around. Are the "there"? Probably not, but those are profits being turned for the first time in a long time. I believe in letting businesses take their lumps in some cases, but not here. The American auto industry could not be allowed to fail. I'm now ready for you to tell me I'm a communist, or the new catch-phrase panic, a "socialist", or whatever, but I will never waver on my respect for all those auto workers.
4:18 PM Blogger: Kerra, having a bad day are we? Your perfectly OK with your beliefs with me, the readers, I am not so sure.
Nothing is too big to fail, read nothing at all. Had the GM people been allowed to fail they would have emerged from bankruptcy with new contracts that would have placed them in the running, but no.
You see there is something far more important in the works here that being VOTES for the party courtesy of the labor bosses.
Tom Ford
I tend to not see conspiracies everywhere I look. Perhaps I am niave. You have no idea how they would have emerged from bankruptcy, and you have no idea how many more thousands would have lost their jobs. None of us know, because it didn't happen. I quite frankly am tired of hearing about the big bad government and all the terrible, awful things they do. I am sick of hearing about how socialism is taking over and how we all need to cower from the big red scare. It's 1950's mind set all over again, with the silly bomb shelters dug into people's back yards, as if those would have done anything against nuclear fallout. I'm tired of knowing all the people out there who would revert to McCarthyism in a heartbeat if allowed to. Michelle Bachmann put a voice to it when she said she thought there should be hearing on those in Congress who weren't "American enough". Crickets, where will this madness end? The fact is, I choose not to run around like henny penny, sure the sky is falling, dreading the terrible end that never comes. I do not look for conspiracies and evil ulterior motives, and I am still proud of everyone in the nation who has continued to work and do their best through this mess.
Kerra, I am going to close this thread before you have a stroke! My goodness, how do you know what I have any idea of?
Do not continue to post on this thread as it WILL be deleted!
Tom Ford
Tom, It is not fair that you do not give Kerra's words one ounce of credibility! She is sharing her thoughts and maybe they are not the same as your thoughts, but that doesn't mean they are completely wrong. That is the part I cannot understand.
Tom, you are so very, very Partisan Politics it's incredible. And that is where we disagree - because I hate partisan politics. And I apologize but I side with Kerra on this. She says things are improving - you say no. But you would only see the negative side because you vote "party".
Tom - To put it bluntly - you would no more say one good thing about any person who is a Democratic President or any persons of the Democratic persuasion if they could bring us "the manna from heaven", and the cure for cancer" PERIOD. This is where we differ. You vote "party" and I vote "candidate"!
Albeit that OBama shows me very little - however, you are mutilating him in every word you say. You give all of us bloggers "doom and gloom" if one good thing is said, but only if said in conjunction with this present administration. PERIOD!
Kerra, has some perfectly knowledgeable opinions she wants to share with the bloggers regarding the state of our Country in the upcoming years.
You and I both know that you are the consumate "dye in the wool" Republican at all costs. You scream out your hatred for the communist party, socialism and yet - you are the one who seems to want to "shoot" anybody that says anything even the slightest bit favorable about our economy - which of course is NOW - under this DEMOCRATIC administration.
Yet I will bet you a dollar to a donut - if a Republican CAN AND DOES DEFEAT OBAMA - it may take take 5 years to straighten this country out - BUT YOU WILL BE MORE THAN HAPPY TO WAIT NO MATTER HOW LONG IT TAKES TO GET THINGS DONE,- AND WILL DEFEND HIS ABILITY TO DO IT.
FURTHER, YOU WILL NOT SAY ONE THING TO CAST DISPURSIONS ON HIM IN ANY WAY - WHILE THE SUFFERING OF THIS COUNTRY CANNOT SEE ANYTHING POSITIVE HAPPENING....AS LONG AS THE PRESIDENT IS "REPUBLICAN". People get tired of waiting for a break - you know? And short of a miracle and a savior coming down from heaven - this Country is going to be suffering - now listen - NO MATTER DEM. OR REP.
As a Country, we have come to the crossroads.....and a mix of both parties got us HERE!!!!!!!!!!!
I am just trying to illustrate the difference between wanting a Republican President in this next election - not because he is Republican - but because I have total FAITH in what he has done, where he has been and that is it.
I have not accepted many of the things OBama has done and continues to do and it has nothing to do with party affiliation. Conversely, however, if I felt he was a good President and did a good job, being DEMOCRAT AS HE IS - WOULD NOT STOP ME FROM VOTING FOR HIM.
I think Kerra is showing and demonstrating by her words that she is a clear thinker, she is well read and I feel she should be thanked for writing and sharing her thoughts on this blog. If everyone has to agree with you to get you to throw us a bone every once in awhile, what you are really saying is that we bloggers can say what we want, but you don't really care what we think because you are the only one who counts. That is wrong.
6:25 PM Blogger: Sandy. please show me ONE time that she has answered any of my questions, or statements on this thread!
I am sick and tired of giving her the band width to post the bravo sierra that she spouts with no back up at all.
Ergo, the ban stands on this thread!
Tom ford
History repeats itself.
This is the third time in thr history of the united states the Feds (taxpayers) have bailed out GM.
Ford has played the same game without tax payers money each time. Ford has always taken significant market share from GM during those times as is experienced this time.
I guess we never learn but the businesses, especially big auto , know to lobby the politicians to insure the management mistakes are corrected by we the tax payers.
This thread is closed---------!
Tom Ford
You are right Tom and I apologize for allowing myself to get caught up in the mess in America. So I had best leave this thread alone as well. You know history better than anyone. I will stick only to what I know for sure - my 30 plus years working for Crestwood.
Hey Tom, I am going to leave this thread also; but I just have to say one thing.
I just read Kerra's words and your words under comments. I have to at least give her credit for debating the facts with you. She absolutely "cracks me up" and I think she is darling; I am sorry but I have to say - from her words - I just cannot help liking her. She tries so hard to say things correctly and she is such an honest person (to at least give her name and tell us her feelings and beliefs). That sometimes take guts to do on this blog. And you know that!
At least throw her a bone - she deserves it trying to keep things going. She is trying so hard to get her point across - and you just keep giving her grief. I am laughing because she said in her comment that "you probably think she is communist". How funny! It's just her trying to get her point across so much and trying to show you that she reads what you say.
Kerra, I adore your words - please keep on blogging - Tom is really a great guy but I like how you stand up to him.
Funny Tom - I get a kick out of it really. Stay Happy!
Saw your wife in church Saturday - she is so cute and again everybody loves her - after church they all congregate around her - she is really sweet.
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