Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Economic Development Board: Please click here to review the Economic Development Board meetings, and their results.

There have been recent comments below reference the great work of our vaunted Economic Development Board, and the stunning results of same. Now I am not the most intelligent person on the planet but I fail to see ANY results of the efforts put forth by this commission.

If you pull up the meeting dates and notes (just click on the header, go to the part where it allows you to choose and click on Economic Development Commission, ) you will see that most of the meetings have been cancelled, or not scheduled at all, so how could there be?

I am thinking that we need a change of personnel on this Board from the City representative on down since it would appear that no one attached to it seems to be concerned enough about the for sale, for lease, for rent signs that continue to appear in our business communities windows to Even hold a meeting every Month.

Can anyone out there show me a positive thing (forget the "reports," show me the "brick and mortar" results,) that can be directly attributed to the commission? By the way, the Crestwood Courts is out of the discussion as WE have no say in what happens there, it's totally up to the Chicago group that owns it.

Tom Ford

NO. 995


Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Take a glance at the Village of Mt. Morris, Illinois and their web site. Please pay particular attention to the 'Economic Development' section as well as the business section.


Now take a look at ours (we have three times the population!) Go figure!

Tom Ford

3:29 PM, February 25, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As far as this board, I think we should just start over.

7:50 PM, February 26, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:50 PM Blogger; I agree except for the fact that it looks as though they have pretty much disbanded on their own.

Tom Ford

4:02 PM, February 27, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crestwood business owners should take note that when the Mayor and City Administrator were both questioned by a member of the public at last night’s (28th February) aldermanic meeting as to why they had not taken the time to approach any local businesses to see if they would be able to supply the necessary services for a IT supplemental service ,
( REJIS was awarded the $15,000 contract again last night) and the $10,000 Police department laptop LLEBG/JAG purchase ( to be purchased from a company in Peoria Illinois. ) They both said they had not.
Perhaps they should coordinate more with the Chamber of Commerce and at least do local businesses the common courtesy of consideration .

2:10 PM, February 29, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


It is REJIS... Regional Justice Information Service not REGIS. They are the provider for law enforcement information and IT support in St. Louis. They are "owned" and operated by their customers... police departments and cities. Contracting out IT to the "GEEK SQUAD" at Best Buy for computers that have sensitive law enformcement data on them isn't wise.

4:54 PM, March 01, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Origonal memo.

On January 1, 2012 we were to enter into a contract for Facilities Management of our
network and computer needs. This is to assist myself when requiring help and
maintaining our network when I am on vacation or off work. They will help with
computer problems as well as any other software needs and will run cabling and help me
moving equipment when necessary. They also help with our antivirus, web content
filtering and Microsoft updates.

Geek squad would be a bad fit.

However Computer St.Louis (in Crestwood ) would be a good fit.

Computer St. Louis
9282 Watson Road
St. Louis, MO 63126.

6:38 AM, March 02, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6;38 AM Blogger: Excellent, I agree completely. For a change let's keep the work in Crestwood where it belongs!

Tom Ford

7:09 AM, March 02, 2012  

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