Thursday, February 23, 2012

We seem to have an issue with incompatibility between the Mayor, the Board of Alderman and the new City Administrator for some reason.

As stated in a previous thread the new City Administrator for what ever reason is not at all happy with the legitimate requests of our elected officials. The latest flap was over the check register of all things. I would have guessed that she would know that the elected officials are certainly entitled to see the books (as are we,) and in fact that's why we elected them in the first place.

At the ways and means committee meeting she produced the check register, but only for $2,000.00 and above, and not the entire register that had been requested by the committee when the request was placed.

I am a firm believer in full and open disclosure of public records which leads me to believe we should be requesting the credit card statements for each Crestwood credit card issued to employees and they should be reviewed monthly by the ways and means committee in open session.

This will no doubt cause a further rift in the already cool relationship between the C/A and our leadership which leads me to a suggestion.

Ms. Eastman, if your not happy in your position or with the way things are done in Crestwood, it's perfectly alright to resign and move on to another location that may be more compatible with your views of how things should be done.

I looked on the computer to find Government positions that are now available to assist you in your search should you decide that resigning is the proper thing for you to do. I found 756 Government openings in and around Missouri, and here is the web site should you choose to look them up. City&r=1&CID=484&SID=5462451&OID=341&return_url=

Whatever your decision I trust that a new spirit of working together to better Crestwood will prevail at City Hall and we can move forward as a team to improve our beloved community.

Tom Ford

NO. 994


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You cannot possibly think that the CA is going to read this blog and really care one way or another what you say? You say you have found other jobs in Missouri she could apply to! You really don't believe she is going to call you to get the names of these places and send her resume immediately, do you?

Plus, have you heard the full story from the beginning, middle and end of this particular issue? There has to be more to this story than what you have said. What is the other side of the coin's input on this. Was it settled or not? What was the outcome, was it straightened out or not.

Does she understand how things work in Crestwood, and did she explain why she is not giving out all of the info?

All I keep hearing is that the CA is being unreasonable according to your remarks. But I have to say, you can complain on the blog forever, and that isn't going to be the end of it. It is going to take the powers that be getting on the same page as to whether or not they are satisfied with her ability.

It also has to do with what type of agreement she signed when she was hired. You can bark all you want about the CA but unless those she is accountable to, feel the same way, you are just whistling in the wind.

5:23 PM, February 23, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:23PM Blogger: I really don't care what she does or dosen't read my friend.

I mearly made a suggestion and apparently your assigned a 'top cover' position for her so you "barked."

Glad you had your say, and thanks for your post.

Tom Ford

5:31 PM, February 23, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was that you Beeze ?

5:33 PM, February 23, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"whistling in the wind"? No as a taxpaying resident of voting age WE ARE the "powers that be". This is not a communist goverment...yet. Tom I agree with you 100% and have been very concerned about Ms. Eastman's actions for awhile now. What can I do as a citizen to let the BOA and the mayor know I'm concerned about Ms. Eastman's actions affecting Crestwood in a negative way?

6:27 PM, February 23, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ms. Eastman should be terminated alone for the way she handled the termination of Officer Kuhn. As Director of Personnel she had a responsibility to insure the proper process was followed. Clearly this did not happen. As a result, she has created a public relations nightmare for the city. Why is the board so terrified to address this issue?? People that have nothing to hide, hide nothing.

10:52 PM, February 23, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think its awfully strange that Tom has not addressed Officer Kuhn's termination. That issue ain't over yet. Its not like he got drunk at Malone's after a board meeting and drove his take home police car home then "hit a deer" destroying the car.

6:16 AM, February 24, 2012  
Anonymous John said...

10:52 PM, February 23, 2012

6:16 AM, February 24, 2012

"People that have nothing to hide, hide nothing."

That sounds a bit silly from a post by "anonymous".

What is the public relations nightmare, and drunk at Malones mean, or have to do with anything?

"...Officer Kuhn's termination."

I live in Crestwood, and I have not read, or heard anything informative about this. I read all the papers, and online news, and have not seen anything except the same statement you posted. Why do you think people will be outraged, if no one knows anything about it?

6:53 AM, February 24, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

John, Officer Kuhn's termination has been brought up at every board meeting since his termination in December. Perhaps Mr. Ford is remaining silent on the issue because he has recieved threats too. Here is the article from the times. There have been several letters to the editor published regarding the issue too.

9:19 AM, February 24, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hundred of emails, letters and calls have been sent to the board and Mayor. People are outraged and the city needs to address the issue, it is long from over.

9:37 AM, February 24, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:27 PM Blogger: WRITE your Alderman and tell them how you feel. There has been more than enough time to assimilate into our 'family' at City Hall but alas, no joy yet.

Tom Ford

3:45 PM, February 24, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:19 AM Blogger: I do not take kindly to threats from anyone, so that said, NO I HAVE NOT RECEIVED ANY THREATS, RECOMMENDATIONS OR INFORMATION ON THIS FROM ANYONE!

At the start I was asked to publicize this and refused as I know nothing about the case, nor do any of you, ergo, no remarks will be forthcoming from me!

To those who believe it should all be over by now, I ask you to remember that there is a process in place to adjudicate things of his nature and as soon as they can get the Civil Service Board president back into town (or replaced) it will start.

At that time you may be able to see if this was or was not justified, until then, I suggest we remain out of the so called loop, and quiet as well.

3:56 PM, February 24, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's clear this up now.

At the last BOA meeting the status of the civil service board hearing scheduled for early February was delayed because the attorney representing the officer declined to continue .

As far as I am concerned, the officer is attempting to use due process but cannot find representation.

Nothing can be concluded until due process is completed.

I have faith that the fellow citizens of Crestwood who compose the civil service board will render a fair decision after the evidence is presented.

This the legal procedure used for grievances. The BOA cannot legally take any actions at this time.

The burden now rests with the officer.

7:16 PM, February 24, 2012  
Anonymous John said...

I read the newspaper article quoted, but didn't learn anything except that he was terminated for cause, and that the case is going through all the legally required steps, and nothing can be announced until those are completed.

This sounds perfectly legal, and reasonable to me.

It sounds to me like a whole bunch of people are all worked up in a frenzy about something they know nothing about.

Tom, I think it is interesting that everybody except you and me is "anonymous".

8:31 PM, February 24, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8;31 PM Blogger: John, these are the 'sheeple' who think they may really believe in something but are too cowardly to attach their name to their beliefs.

I, like you have a very difficult time taking anything they say to heart as I believe that if you can't or won't sign your name your statements are not credible, or admissible.

Tom Ford

6:17 AM, February 25, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:16 PM Blogger: As long as were clearing the air it should be noted that said attorney declined to continue the hearing due to the fact that the Civil Service Board chairman was in Florida on a phone.

I would have done the very same thing, and so would any competent attorney who wished to represent their client.

Tom Ford

6:21 AM, February 25, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carl Wagner, chairman of the civil service board, was the person in a bar on a telephone while scheduling a time to begin a hearing.

I do not not understand why the attorney would be concerned about scheduling a date for the hearing via the telephone.

Please fill in the blanks.

10:02 AM, February 25, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:02 AM Blogger: I think you just answered your own question, read your first paragraph.

Tom Ford

3:32 PM, February 25, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am glad you see the laughter about the performance of the civil service board chairman. Perhaps we should change the structure of the committee?

4:29 PM, February 25, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4;29 PM Blogger: Well the term of the chairman is up and has been for some time now so if a change is in the wind, so be it.

That however is the sole responsibility of the Mayor, and as such I am out of it completely.

Tom Ford

5:02 PM, February 25, 2012  
Anonymous Tim Trueblood said...

Do you think the current BOA would vote to approve Mayor Schlink's nominee for civil service board chairman?

10:15 AM, February 26, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:15 AM Blogger: Tim, in a word, NO!

Tom Ford

5:43 PM, February 26, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crestwood business owners should take note that when the Mayor and City Administrator were questioned by a member of the public at last night’s (28th February) aldermanic meeting as to why they had not taken the time to approach any local businesses to see if they would be able to supply the necessary services for a IT supplemental service ,
( REJIS was awarded the $15,000 contract again last night) and the $10,000 Police department laptop LLEBG/JAG purchase ( to be purchased from a company in Peoria Illinois. ) They both said they had not.
Perhaps they should coordinate more with the Chamber of Commerce and at least do local businesses the common courtesy of consideration .

Concerning Officer Chris Kuhn’s dismissal an aldermanic enquiry was again requested by a long time resident…… and was met by the same indifference it always has.

2:03 PM, February 29, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

2:03 PM Blogger:
"Concerning Officer Chris Kuhn’s dismissal an aldermanic enquiry was again requested by a long time resident…… and was met by the same indifference it always has."

I guess you fail to remember that the process is in place to move this forward, right?

First there is the Civil Service Board review, then the a review by the full Board.

You really need to allow the process to work before you call "indifference," my friend!

Tom Ford

4:18 PM, February 29, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


The aldermanic board was requested to investigate the methods used to fire officer Kuhn for transgresions of civil service and state and federal laws ... Not the reasons for his firing . They are two entirely different circumstances and are irrelavent to the findings of the Civil service review board.

4:43 PM, February 29, 2012  
Anonymous John said...

4:43 PM, February 29, 201

"...methods used to fire officer Kuhn.."

"Not the reasons for his firing."

So the reasons were correct and proper, but the way it was done was not?

"..transgresions of civil service.."

"..irrelavent to the findings of the Civil service review board."

Perhaps you can explain how these two statements make any sense?

And you keep saying that the BOA should investigate this, and they keep telling you that they cannot by law. The City seems to be following the proper procedures. They are just not the procedures YOU want.

3:22 AM, March 01, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Upon approval by three-quarters (3/4) of its authorized membership, the Board of
Aldermen may make investigations into the affairs of the city and the conduct of any city
department, office or
agency. For such purpose the Board may subpoena witnesses, administer oaths, take
testimony and require the production of evidence. Any person who fails or refuses to
obey a subpoena issued in the exercise of these powers by the Board of Aldermen shall
be subject to such penalties as provided by ordinance.

6:31 AM, March 01, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 4:43 PM February 29th

As a former member of the civil service board, I believe my experience not only on the board, but also as the chair during a grievance appeal, will be of some help.

True, the BOA does have the authority to investigate; HOWEVER, until someone brings them documented evidence of wrongdoing that merits investigation, there is no reason for them to undertake an investigation (and the attendant expenses of hiring an independent investigator) unless there is sufficient evidence of wrongdoing.

If the officer's termination was the result of some impropriety in the application of the rules, then that transgression would likely be discovered in the course of a civil service board investigation. During my experience hearing an employee appeal, the civil service board members did a thorough investigation, and delivered a balanced finding of fact. The importance of going through the appeal process cannot be emphasized enough. If there is doubt as to the validity of the termination, the best recourse is through an appeal to the civil service board.

There are necessary steps that need to be followed, and if the desire is to have the BOA investigate, the aldermen will need to be assured that the employee has first availed himself of his right to appeal to the civil service board.

Martha Duchild

9:33 AM, March 01, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was surprised to learn that new hires are not supplied with a copy of the civil service board rules. In fact it takes a written application under the freedom of information act.. submitted to the city administrator to get a document that should be freely available to all.

9:50 AM, March 01, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:50 AM March 1st

Unless the policy has changed (which I doubt), all new hires for the city are given a copy of the city's Civil Service Rules & Regulations with their orientation packet. They are also asked to sign a document attesting to the fact that they have received and have been instructed to read the rules & regulations. There is also a statement on the document advising the employee to consult the Administration if they have any questions or need clarification on the rules. The employee then signs and dates the document.

This document helps demonstrate that the employee is aware of his rights and responsibilities under the civil service rules and is as beneficial to the city as it is to the employee.

Martha Duchild

3:39 PM, March 01, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the. C A. Must be on vacation she missed the aldermanic meeting...tonite..

8:32 PM, March 13, 2012  

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