Monday, March 12, 2012

Do you believe in the Christian, Judeo principals our Republic was founded upon? Well if so, please tell me how you feel about these facts.

From a friend and decorated marine Aviator during the Viet Nam war.

Subject: Acts of hostility toward people of Biblical faith:

1. Acts of hostility toward people of Biblical faith:

· April 2008 – Obama speaks disrespectfully of Christians, saying they “cling to guns or religion” and have an “antipathy to people who aren't like them.”

· February 2009 – Obama announces plans to revoke conscience protection for health workers who refuse to participate in medical activities that go against their beliefs, and fully implements the plan in February 2011.

· April 2009 – When speaking at Georgetown University, Obama orders that a monogram symbolizing Jesus’ name be covered when he is making his speech.

· May 2009 – Obama declines to host services for the National Prayer Day (a day established by federal law) at the White House.

· April 2009 – In a deliberate act of disrespect, Obama nominated three pro-abortion ambassadors to the Vatican; of course, the pro-life Vatican rejected all three.

· October 19, 2010 – Obama begins deliberately omitting the phrase about “the Creator” when quoting the Declaration of Independence – an omission he has made on no less than seven occasions.

· November 2010 – Obama misquotes the National Motto, saying it is “E pluribus unum” rather than “In God We Trust” as established by federal law.

· January 2011 – After a federal law was passed to transfer a WWI Memorial in the Mojave Desert to private ownership, the U. S. Supreme Court ruled that the cross in the memorial could continue to stand, but the Obama administration refused to allow the land to be transferred as required by law, and refused to allow the cross to be re-erected as ordered by the Court.

· February 2011 – Although he filled posts in the State Department, for more than two years Obama did not fill the post of religious freedom ambassador, an official that works against religious persecution across the world; he filled it only after heavy pressure from the public and from Congress.

· April 2011 – For the first time in American history, Obama urges passage of a non-discrimination law that does not contain hiring protections for religious groups, forcing religious organizations to hire according to federal mandates without regard to the dictates of their own faith, thus eliminating conscience protection in hiring.

· August 2011 – The Obama administration releases its new health care rules that override religious conscience protections for medical workers in the areas of abortion and contraception.

· November 2011 – Obama opposes inclusion of President Franklin Roosevelt’s famous D-Day Prayer in the WWII Memorial.

· November 2011 – Unlike previous presidents, Obama studiously avoids any religious references in his Thanksgiving speech.

· December 2011 – The Obama administration denigrates other countries’ religious beliefs as an obstacle to radical homosexual rights.

· January 2012 – The Obama administration argues that the First Amendment provides no protection for churches and synagogues in hiring their pastors and rabbis.

· February 2012 – The Obama administration forgives student loans in exchange for public service, but announces it will no longer forgive student loans if the public service is related to religion.

2. Acts of hostility from the Obama-led military toward people of Biblical faith:

· June 2011 – The Department of Veterans Affairs forbids references to God and Jesus during burial ceremonies at Houston National Cemetery.

· August 2011 – The Air Force stops teaching the Just War theory to officers in California because the course is taught by chaplains and is based on a philosophy introduced by St. Augustine in the third century AD – a theory long taught by civilized nations across the world (except America).

· September 2011 – Air Force Chief of Staff prohibits commanders from notifying airmen of programs and services available to them from chaplains.

· September 2011 – The Army issues guidelines for Walter Reed Medical Center stipulating that “No religious items (i.e. Bibles, reading materials and/or facts) are allowed to be given away or used during a visit.”

· November 2011 – The Air Force Academy rescinds support for Operation Christmas Child, a program to send holiday gifts to impoverished children across the world, because the program is run by a Christian charity.

· November 2011 – The Air Force Academy pays $80,000 to add a Stonehenge-like worship center for pagans, druids, witches and Wiccans.

· February 2012 – The U. S. Military Academy at West Point dis invites three star Army general and decorated war hero Lieutenant General William G. (“Jerry”) Boykin (retired) from speaking at an event because he is an outspoken Christian.

· February 2012 – The Air Force removes “God” from the patch of Rapid Capabilities Office (the word on the patch was in Latin: Dei).

· February 2012 – The Army orders Catholic chaplains not to read a letter to parishioners that their archbishop asked them to read.

Folks given all of this I believe were in serious trouble, and we must reverse this course very soon, say November, or else!

Tom Ford

NO. 1002


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel the opposite way. Religion has no place in government or politics. Santorum and those like him scream and yell about "shaiara law" and how countries run by religion, theocracies, are evil. Rick Santorum is an inch from that now and he's not even president. He wants to outlaw birth control, abortion, and just about everything else involving women. Why? Because it is against Catholic law. Yet, oddly, I see no movement to outlaw condoms viagra, which makes sex easier on a whim? So, we need to run this country based on catholic law and double standards??? No, thanks. We need a total seperation of religion from politics.

6:40 PM, March 12, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:40 PM Blogger: Interesting take my friend, reminds me of when John F. Kennedy (D) was running for president.I believe the rhetoric then was darn near word for word.

I am not Catholic, nor have I ever been, but I doubt that "Catholic cannon law" is in play no matter who the candidate is.

By the way, I have a full and concise copy of the Constitution and nowhere in there is the phrase, "Church and State," much less the "separation" of same, (just an FYI.)

Tom Ford

5:49 AM, March 13, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am aware of that, and I did not state that it is in the Constitution.There was a major difference between now and when JFK ran. Then people were scared of him being Catholic. They feared he'd run the country according to Catholic law and not the way he was supposed to run it. Now it appears to be the opposite...everyone seems to fear a president WON'T run the country according to religious law. We are not a theocracy. Religion and politics have their places, but not together.

6:00 AM, March 13, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Religion has become a tool of politics...on both sides.
don't believe me ? watch and read the news...
The presidential candidate that declares himself an atheist is 'toast'.

7:14 AM, March 13, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I actually agree with Obama on religion, It is a wonderful, galvanizing force in our lives, but it has no place in our government. I don't think any religion should ever be used in politics, anywhere. I also disagree with "In God We Trust" on our money and "Under God" in the Pledge. I am, in fact, a pretty religious person. But it doesn't belong in my government, or a very fast slide to the Taliban is just ahead. Don't believe me? Look closely at the things Mr. Religion, Santorum, wants to institute: bans on birth control, forced ultrasounds for those wanting an abortion, etc. For someone who claims to want smaller government, he sure wants an awful lot of laws and rules that seem to get into your doctor's office and the bedroom. How big a step is it from all these laws and rules to religious rule like in Saudi Arabia or Iran?

7:27 AM, March 13, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:27 AM Blogger: I have no lost love for Santorum either, and I can pretty much guarantee you he will not be the standard bearer in August unless something horrible happens.

But back to our religious heritage as set forth by the founding fathers. Why do you suppose the founders invoked God in he first place? And are you really happy that obama has disrespected the American tradition that is religion?

I am just curious as to why yo would feel that way.

Tom Ford

4:36 PM, March 13, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well,my understanding is that the original "motto" set forth by our founding fathers was "E Pluribus Unum", Latin for "out of many, one". That was set up in the 1780's when the official seal was created. "In God We Trust" was taken from an alternate section of the Star Spangled banner, and adopted onto coins around the time of the Civil War. Religious fervor around that time had reached a fever pitch, so they put the phrase on money. It wasn't until the 1950's that it was put on the paper money, and that God was referenced in the Pledge, and it was adopted as the official motto. Our original motto had nothing to do with God. I do not ever recall seeing or hearing the president disrespect any religion or its practices. I have seen him hold religious practice where it belongs: in our private lives and churches. Not in government.

5:28 PM, March 13, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:28 PM Blogger: How do you square that with the fact that most of our Government buildings in Washington, DC have religious sayings on them?

Tom Ford

6:42 PM, March 13, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't "square" anything. I already said I disagree with that. And look at when many of those buildings were built. They were not erected in 1780 as our government was being formed. Look around the globe at governments run by religious bodies. There's nothing in those forms of rule I want to see here.

7:39 PM, March 13, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

out of curiosity, what buildings are you referring to?

8:36 PM, March 13, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:39 PM Blogger: OK, thank you, I believe we know where your coming from now.

8:36 PM Blogger: For starters, the Supreme Court Building,and the Halls of Congress, and look up the others on Yahoo, you will be surprised.

Tom Ford

5:17 AM, March 14, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

most of the religious symbols in the supreme court building have been debunked. They are not actually religious symbols. I will be inteested in the others.

5:44 AM, March 14, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Agree completely with Anonymous. Religion and politics should be separate. This country was founded on the principle that you can practice any faith you wish, and not be persecuted because you don't practice a particular faith (or no faith at all!)... Tom seems to want to push his religion on the rest of us, and make his beliefs those that dominate our country. So Obama left some things out... so what? He goes to church once a week (far more often than Bush ever went...).

I praise President Obama and can't wait for his reelection.

8:52 AM, March 14, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:44 PM Blogger: Here you go my friend, enjoy.

Tom Ford

2:05 PM, March 14, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:52 AM Blogger; Factually incorrect and you know it. I have not mentioned my faith other than to say I am not Catholic.

Now as for obama going every Sunday, well that's just plain wrong, but you know that too.

Tom Ford

2:08 PM, March 14, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I praise President Obama"

for what?

3:38 PM, March 14, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are presenting these as a set of FACTS!!!????to prove WHAT????!!!
No wonder no one wants to attend your debate ...

9:16 AM, March 20, 2012  

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