Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Please click here for the endorsements for Alderman in today's Call newspapers.

As they have in all elections the Call has come out with their endorsements for Alderman in Ward Two an Ward Four. (Click on the header to read them.)

Please note that For Alderman in Ward two, Mr. Tim Trueblood is their choice to serve for the three year term, and in Ward Four, Mr. Steve Nieder is once again the choice to serve.

I know both Gentlemen,and I agree wholeheartedly with the reasoning behind the choices made by the Call. At this juncture in Crestwood's history we must have people at the helm with the experience to navigate through the possible pitfalls of the TIF, TDD, CID world (Crestwood Courts,) not to mention the changing landscape of the retail world.

I too commend all that have chosen to run, and I thank them for doing it, but that said we cannot take the time for on the job training or working a learning curve, we need experienced representation, and we need it now!

I am reminded of a slogan that I have always thought was appropriate at election time, and I would like to share it with you now. "For those of us who fought for it, freedom has a taste the protected will never know." I know that to be true, so all I ask of you is for you to go to the polling place on Tuesday, April 3, 2012 and vote for the candidate of your choice. We owe that much to the men and women who didn't come home, but gave that Right to us as their legacy!

Tom Ford

NO. 1008


Anonymous Anonymous said...

is there really anyone out there suprised by these endorsements? Mr. Anthony is nothing if not predictable.

5:37 PM, March 28, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will tell you what surprises me. Three of the Trueblood signs are missing and the home owners did not remove them, the city did not remove them, so who did, and WHY?

5:48 PM, March 28, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why are we paying $98,000 a year for an inexperienced City Administrator?

7:44 AM, March 29, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can we update our requirements for a City Administrator? How stating that we need someone with 10 or more years of experience?

7:45 AM, March 29, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our former administrator had only 3 years of experience in a city? How about raising the bar for our city to stop this turnover and embarrassment to our city? It takes 7 years in other fields before you are even a team lead. Why do we need a lawyer as a City Administrator? How about requiring a degree in Finance or Accounting to understand processes?

8:03 AM, March 29, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about requiring a MPA degree for our City Administrator's position? We need a "Tiger" Team to qualify and validate our city employees.

Ceases and Desist all hiring until we get a handle on our own requirements for our positions!

How about writing an ordinance on the required job skills for all of our City Positions like we do for other government positions?

8:05 AM, March 29, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Five bucks says Crestwood's Best Buy is on the chopping block.

3:34 PM, March 29, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's not a very viable idea. Crestwood already makes it harder than it needs to be for businesses to come in, then to make it impossible to meet hiring standards? Just shut the city down. Having been at a job for 3 years does not automatically make you bad at it.

4:13 PM, March 29, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Best Buy has been unsuccessful with identifying new markets for growth. Three new business models have failed within the last two years.

It wiil be interesting to monitor.

5:57 PM, March 29, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any person interested in applying for the City Administrator position should be shown this website and made to sign a statement saying they had done so.

6:42 PM, March 29, 2012  
Anonymous Sandy G said...

6:42 PM Sure, just keep the negativity going. Crestwood's growth in becoming a city in the first place had nothing to do with the likes of people like you.... A DEVOTE Cowards who hasn't got the courage of their convictions to sign their name. Brutus! Further if you were at all smart, you should get out of Crestwood and stay out. If you don't live here, I suggest you should refrain from this blog. That is.....if you were smart which you obviously are NOT!

9:29 AM, March 30, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

To All: Do we really need a full time City Administrator? It seems to me that the job is pretty well filled by the Department heads now on staff.

I know the Charter calls for the position, however it dosen't say it must be full time to my knowledge.

A part time financially adept person to compile all the department reports and present them to the Mayor and the Board would work just fine if you ask me.

Tom Ford

3:04 PM, March 30, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That would only work in a strong mayor form of government.

3:56 PM, March 30, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

3;56 PM Blogger: Correct, however we do have a mayor in Mr. Schlink that can pull it off, so why not try it?

Tom Ford

4:13 PM, March 30, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The C/A is also the "director of personnel". Someone would have to fill the position.

8:12 PM, March 30, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

businessman, husband, father, mayor, now city administrator? Teh man is a mere mortal, you know.

10:26 PM, March 30, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:12 PM Blogger: That's simple, we give that responsibility to the Department Head's. Each "D/H" knows what they are looking for and what they expect anyway, so it makes perfect sense.

Tom Ford

10:26 PM Blogger: Well it's called "multi-tasking and many of us do it every day in the real business world.

In my case I am the salesman, service supervisor, delivery man, training supervisor, St. Louis County instructor, and at night the secretary for the Illinois area.

We must do what is necessary to get the job done (minus the extra personnel) in today's business environment or fail, plain and simple. That goes for a City as well, so let's start by pruning the excess costs before it's too late.

Tom Ford

6:08 AM, March 31, 2012  
Anonymous Sandy G. said...

I agree with Tom. When we had our first city administrator, Dale Rieth, the first thing he did when hired was to cross-train all secretaries/clerk/typists in the administrative offices.

Therefore, when we had vacations, sick leaves, vacancies, etc., there was always someone available to fill in. It proved to be one of the most helpful training lessons for everyone.

First of all, it gives you so much more flexibility, and the knowledge gained is the best tool anyone can utilize in a working environment.

Multi-tasking was one of the first things and one of the best things.

In my view the Kiosk was just a waste of money as the girls in Tina's office have always been trained to take care of those who come into city hall. The Kiosk was no more than a duplication of efforts and was a very costly idea.

The city clerk and staff always took care of business long before the Kiosk was built and did a superb job. The Kiosk just cost money to build and money to have someone sit there to employ.

Just my opinion....I'm just saying.....

10:32 AM, March 31, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The part time CA seems a good (cost saving) idea least until we have payed off the Eastman settlement.

8:08 AM, April 02, 2012  
Anonymous Sandy G. said...

That would be great! However, we are a city adm. form of government so how do we get someone who is qualified and who would work part-time ? Karl would be great, but he would probably have to retire from the Fire Department first. What a break for the city, if he could do that. However, I don't know if by law it would be allowed and further, what a headache job it would be.

11:00 AM, April 02, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The city needs someone that is not in any department to make tough unbiased decisions.. and not show even the illusion of favoratism...Hence the need for a CA.

12:35 PM, April 02, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

12:35 PM Blogger: When have we ever had such a person in that job? Please note that ALL I have seen play games to protect their buddies while we get ......d.

What we need are fair minded Department Heads that will do their job minus the cronyism that seem to creep into that building.

I believe we have such people (with the exception of one) who fill the bill, and thus were almost good to go.

Tom Ford

4:49 PM, April 02, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you are 'thinking' in the wrong direction. Crestwood needs a professional City Administrator who will flatten out the city departments organizational structure. Get rid of the department heads (salaries and perks) and let the true managers manage. Get the leadership from the top, i.e., the CA.

1:40 PM, April 05, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

1:40 PM Blogger: Neat idea but besides you and me who do we get for the job?

In 43 years I have never seen a C/A that would fit that profile, and I really don't think were going to find one now.

If were going to do as you suggest we need someone from completely outside the "Government circle" with the business sense to understand and do it!

Tom Ford

5:35 PM, April 05, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how about Mitt Romney? He has business experience.

5:42 AM, April 06, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:35. They are out there. I believe that's what the Mayor was looking for; just missed the mark. Let's give him the chance to conduct another search and see who he comes up with.

8:18 AM, April 06, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dan Tennesson would be perfect for the job: business experience and financial expertise plus he doesnt mess around with partisan politics.

3:13 PM, April 06, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

3:13 PM Blogger; If he did take the job, how long could we expect him to stay in it?

I believe he has changed positions more often than I would like to see.

By the way, that's not a slam, it's simply a question.

Now if he wanted the position he could have put his hat in that ring when the job came open.

In any case why don't you ask him if he would be interested, and if so, tell the mayor for us.

Tom Ford

4:29 PM, April 06, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That would never happen. You can't be on the BOA and then be approved to serve as an employee; or is it the other way around.

5:40 PM, April 07, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:40 PM Blogger: True enough but you can have him not take the oath of office and then apply for the job.

Failing that he can take the oath, resign and then apply for the position.

If he wants it let him take the route all prospective employees are required to take, apply, be vetted, and either selected or rejected, simple, no?

Tom Ford

4:42 AM, April 08, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dan has had difficulty holding a job for more than three years. A few terms have been even shorter.

Go to LinkedIn and look up his resume.

Hope he can last as an alderman.

7:47 PM, April 08, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So does the Mayor....

7:48 AM, April 19, 2012  

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