Friday, April 13, 2012

$205,075.00 to "trans locate" ONE BUSH from highway project! (click here for the story.)

Well this is how the so called "stimulus" money is being spent in San Francisco! Now as you read this you may see a correlation between this vote insuring project and our community.

Flash back if you will to a Ward Four Alderman waving paperwork behind the Dias in support of a "bridge to nowhere" project that we had to have to save us all from the dreaded "canopy fires that MAY plague Crestwood (we have never had one in 43 years that I know of.)

Now as to what this correlation might be, we see that a tax and spend person pushed for this, and a Botanist was needed to identify the bush before it was deemed necessary to move it.

Wonderful. we now have the needed personnel in place (two Ward Four Alderman, one tax and spend the other a Botanist) who fit the bill completely, so all we need is another useless project for them to champion, and were off to the trough!

Tom Ford

NO. 1013


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's about what the Eastman settlement is going to be....except she's been relocated to Univercity City.

9:24 AM, April 13, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom, you forget to mention the feral cats!

11:47 PM, April 13, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

11:47 PM Blogger: Indeed I did but neither Ward Four Alderman is (or was) involved in that fiasco, so I am saving that for he "tax increase" they are sure to propose.

The ground work for the tax increase was laid at the last meeting, apologies and all, so it won't be long folks.

Tom Ford

5:59 AM, April 14, 2012  

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