Knowing the business climate in the Nation today, what sort of business are we looking for here in Crestwood?
There have been viable businesses turned down here for reasons that I believe we can no longer accept.
The business climate is not good in the least folks, and yet we feel we must throw road blocks in the path of anyone not meeting "Crestwood's standards."
Now I am the first to agree that there a certain types of businesses (adult oriented) we would never want to see in our or any other family type community but what of "sports bars," and the like?
Please give us your thoughts on this as i am of the opinion that unless we change our thoughts reference what we will and will not allow, were going to have a serious problem in the not to distant future.
Tom Ford
NO. 1017
There should absolute be sports bars. We have Malone's, but that's about it. Other than a seedy adult establishment, I can't think of a business I wouldn't welcome, assuming it fell within existing zoning (i.e. no factories next to subdivisions).
Does Crestwood actively pursue businesses to come here ? or is it 'I'll sit here and wait for them to call?'
I'd be more interested in a dymanic chamber of commerce chasing me than me having to beg my way in to make a dollar..
Perception is everything.
very family friendly places that will bring couples with the kids, such as an ice cream place, a nice theatre, outdoor dining. The outdoor dining will also appeal to twenty and thirty somethings, who then in turn spend money at the new shops.
9:07 AM Blogger: i do believe it's the latter, we wait for them to come to us!
I am of the opinion (as you are) that we should be seeking them out, and doing what we can to attract them.
For this we will need an entirely new economic development board who will not only meet once a month, but attend C of C meetings in other communities as well as ours and talk up our town.
I am proposing that we have a bunch of Crestwood retirees who have the time get involved and do this right for a change!
Tom Ford
"The Bingo, Matlock, and Mercury Grand Marquis crowd is the anti-business crowd. It would be nice if they realized we will need all the business we can to support them during their golden years."
"very family friendly places that will bring couples with the kids, such as an ice cream place, a nice theatre, outdoor dining. The outdoor dining will also appeal to twenty and thirty somethings, who then in turn spend money at the new shops."
Obviously, this or these "anonymous" people believe Crestwood should be a 'forty and out' city. No houses for sale, or businesses open to anyone over forty, including their kids(?) Will the police run them out of town??? The fire dept. burn the house to clear the lot for sale to a "younger" person???
Sounds like a NEW WORLD ORDER to me. Check points on all the roads into town....signs no geezers allowed.
Sounds like a real nice place to live and raise kids!
John, I am completely confused by your post. I merely stated that some businesses that would bring the young families out would help the city financially. They live here, but their money is being spent elsewhere because there's little left in Crestwood to spend money on. But I guess that's true of everyone. I said nothing about older people.
citizen Q
Funny the 'Culver guy' at the BOA meeting said his real estate agent found the spot for his restauraunt...not any Crestwood board.
Is Kentucky fried chicken closing? I heard they lost their lease.
Yes Kentucky Fried Chicken is closing next Sunday. They said they didn't renew their lease.
3:03 PM Blogger: Not funny or for that matter surprising at all. What Board Board would take the initiative to do it anyway?
Certainly not the vaunted Economic Development types.
Tom Ford
I guess I will give my two cents - like it or not!
The Plaza is gone. And Crestwood knows they lost a gold mine. For years, we had it good if not great. People came from everywhere and at Christmas Time Highway 66 (Watson Road) cars were bumper to bumper getting to the Plaza.
So now we take the Plaza out of the equasion and it is a big empty hole we need to fill in. I believe we can but it just takes time.
First we need to recruit more young people to serve on boards and commissions. I walk my dog every day and I see so many wonderful Crestwood residents. They are so nice and so friendly and they all look very happy to me. Why can't we get some of them???? We need to create and stimulate!!!
Also, why can't we do some advertising? Yes spend a little dough, ray, me, and advertise. There seems to be a lot of apathy going around in Crestwood and it is contagious and spreads like wildfire.
Advertising is everywhere for everything - radio, TV, and now before you watch a short video on your computer, opps. we see a one min. ad from somebody advertising something.
We need to spread the word that Crestwood is a great place to live, work and play. Do a short video of all the people at our community center, and find some smart knowledgeable people - young college people or those of us more "seasoned" who can film it.
Ask our restaurant owners, if they want to be part of a video; showing people at different places eating and having a great time.
Get some quality time on television showing that we have a great community - showing people that we welcome them to come to Crestwood. We need solid good ideas to bring to the table. We are not a young community but we have good and intelligent people that live here. Some times I think this blog sells this city "short". There are complaints and naysayers. It's time to wake up and smell the roses or coffee (which ever you prefer).
I just can't give up on Crestwood - I love it here and we have the best people I have ever seen living here. Let's give each other a pat on the back for a change!!!!
There is no reason we can't learn that for once in this city, we are going to have to pull up our sleeves and work to generate revenue. It isn't going to come to us - we need to advertise and find it.
First thing you learn is that things never stay the same. Sooner or later Crestwood Plaza would take its last breath, just like everything else.
Also, years ago we really gave merchants a hard time when coming before the P&Z, BOA, Sign Commission, etc. It should have never been that hard, but we made merchants jump through hoops to get a nod from some boards and commissions. I wrote the minutes and I know what was done.
Many persons I have spoken to over the years say that Crestwood has a bad reputation of being too nit picky giving businesses permits to establish and many businesses went elsewhere. And I believe it.
By the way, I know I am not in the "loop" but where is our Crestwood-Sunset Hills Chamber of Commerce these days??? Are they addressing any of our problems or at least talking about what to do?
There still is a Chamber isn't there? Or did it die a horrible death? Surely, there is something they can do to advertise business
in Crestwood.
Sorry I forgot to put that in my previous comments.
I know the actions of certain members of the current regime has caused quite a few people to vote with their pocket book.
While I appreciate Sandy g’s commitment and dying devotion to the city, a city is not CITY HALL. Why do we continue to believe we need to increase revenue via sales tax or taxes in general? The best place I ever lived was what would be called a “one horse town”. Just a couple stores, library and a few real good restaurants and NO city government or services. My taxes went to the county for a single source of services, not redundant services of a city. It makes no sense to me at all.
We had very good fire and police service and it didn’t take hours to get help (an argument that does not float). Trees, parks and good housing stock, throw in a good school system and you have a great community. Ah, that’s what we need is a community not a city. How about we return to being just Sappington?
8:57 AM Blogger: Well why not is simple to me. First we loose our identity our sense of "home" if you will.
Second, we will have NO SAY in what happens in our new magical "community" because the politicians will listen to the big voting block areas and we will be "nothing to them."
Third, and not related, why did you leave that place you so dearly loved in the past?
Tom Ford
Tom, I am sorry to inform you that we are already "nothing" to our elected officials. I have been trying to reach the Mayor and the Police Chief for months. I have also sent emails to the board and recieved no response . I am not the only one who has recieved this lack of response. I hope the newly elected board members are more in touch with the residents.
8:57 I am not professing "Dying Devotion" to the city as you so stated. I am saying I love my city and it's really a pity party you seem to desire.
I see no affirmative action by people such as yourself, who only see all the negatives in this city, Trouble is, it travels to others and becomes an epidemic.
And to the good employees we do have, I take my hat off to them for sticking with Crestwood in this troubled time. I applaud them for staying around with all this apathy and fusing going on. There is a lot of tension at city hall. It is so divided it is disgusting.
You wanna go backwards to just Sappington? There is no way we can turn the clock back, sir.
You take what is given and work with what you have - or you can moan and turn your back. Your choice!
If Crestwood wants to move forward, we can no longer be so divided as we are now. We no longer play the blame game about what others did or did not do.
And maybe as you say - you cannot get responses from anyone at city hall. The reason could be that you do nothing but complain and are not a very happy person; especially if you want to go back to the past. Why should they waste their time if all you are is a chronic complainer? Seems that way to me anyway.
Suggestion - How about you committing your dying devotion to Crestwood? I doubt it!
4:21 PM Blogger: I am truly sorry to hear that as I get a response from the Chief, the Mayor, and NONE of my Ward Two Alderman whenever i email them.
Luckily the election remedied the Ward Two problem, but have you made an appointment to see them in person with Helen?
All of my experiences with the Mayor and the Chief have been positive, they may not grant my request, but they certainly do listen to me.
What Ward are you in (other than Two) that you get treated so shabbily?
Tom Ford
You can see them at the Boa meeting
not the Chief though ..he lives way out in Jefferson county . It's too far too drive I guess.
He does??? what if there is an emergency like the last Tornado or a bad winter storm?.He's too far away to get here for an hour! ..
Seems to me Department heads should live in the City.(look at the Eastman fiasco). Applicants should be given a relocation allowance if need be.It's all about commitment.
8:57 Mr. Ford. I will answer your questions in reverse. My family left because our community was annexed by the city. Secondly, from what I read on this blog we receive little to no representation as it is and lastly, a sense of home; what would you loose? You live on the same street, same subdivision. The area would still be Crestwood to most, albet some if not most just say Saint Louis. You have not convienced me that redundant government and services are a good investment of my tax dollars.
2:14 PM Blogger: i don't get it, your family left because it was annexed by the City. What City, where, and if you didn't like being "annexed" by a City why would you move to another City?
I am not out to convince you one way or the other, just to tell you that I for one am very happy here, else why would I stay for 43 years?
Do we need some changes? You bet we do, but we do not need to just give up and walk away.
Tom Ford
4:21 PM April 26th
What is your concern? If you need to speak to the mayor and police chief and have thus far (according to you) been rebuffed, the best course of action would be to show up at a board meeting and voice your concerns during the public comment section of the agenda.
Martha Duchild
Martha, department heads no longer attend the board meetings unless on the agenda.
The expectations of the departments heads living in the city has been demanded. Exceptions have been made over the last 10years and now has become the norm. Pro and cons exist for either preference.
The city administrator has to live in the city per the charter. The BOA can make exceptions and has the last few times. Good or bad. I am not certain what to conclude.
6:49 PM April 27
Former city administrator Eastman instituted the policy of not having department heads attend BOA meetings unless there was an agenda item which required their presence. This does not preclude the current administration from reverting back to the old practice of having department heads attend BOA meetings regardless.
I'm not sure what this person's situation is, and I find it hard to believe that the person has not received a response from either Mayor Schlink or Chief Paillou, but as I've pointed out, there are options to pursue.
Martha Duchild
The chief of Police will not respond because he knows not what to say. He needs his staff to talk for him. Remember he is just Roy's boy who was not qualified to start with. A vote of no conficence is around the corner.
I think the Chiefs should live in the city....First as a vote of confidence.. second as to be a 'boot on the ground' in case of emergency situations..."I'll be there in 45 minutes" cr*p just doesn't cut it. Leaders should be there to lead in times of crisis. Don't like it? then quit....
10:28 PM Blogger: Chief Mike WILL respond to any legitimate request providing it's not a personnel issue, (He does to me.)
Please let's get it right. most of this criticism has come from the termination of one person which WE know nothing about!
When the City attorney says it's OK to do so, (and the complete process has run it's course) the City will tell us what happened (if that's important to you,) not before, so forget about it till then.
"No confidence?" It seems to me he has held the line on a lot of things in the Police Department. He is the Chief of Police, and as such not in a popularity contest.
A good leader will delegate authority, manage the budget, and work the field if and when needed. He is not expected to kiss baby's, schmooze voters and fawn over Lord knows what, he is a POLICE CHIEF!
I have all the confidence I need in Chief Mike, he knows what he is doing, and for what it's worth I do know a bit about being a Police officer and watch commander.
Tom Ford
7:04 AM Blogger: Please refer to the fact that under the former Mayor Department Heads were permitted to live elsewhere. Good idea? I doubt it, but it's legitimate.
I guess you know our Public Works Director lives in St. Louis, and that was OK with most when it happened, so why the controversy?
As along as we have a Deputy Chief and watch commanders ready at a moments notice were good to go.
As a for instance, what if The police and Fire Chief were both out of the Country on vacation? Do we then expect the worst just because they Are not there to "supervise?"
Think about it for a while.
Tom Ford
You lead from the front....not the outer regions of Jefferson county.
If he doesn't want to live in Crestwood then there are plenty of opportunities in Jefferson county.
There's a reason for the residency requirement.
Is it ok if the Aldermen live in Jefferson county?
Is there a reason the Mayor lives in Crestwood?
Why not abandon all residency requirements?
Voters of crestwood live in
Crestwood.Why is that?
Just a small idea, but why not open a seasonal ice-cream stand at the Sappington House restaurant/tea-room (whatever it is) location.
It already has a good location, plenty of parking, and borders no residential neighborhood. It could become a Sappington Road version of "Ted Drewes"
8:46 AM Blogger: Why the sudden interest in where our Department Heads live?
Me thinks your trying to drive a wedge here, but for what reason, and to what end?
Tom Ford
9:01 AM Blogger: A young lady did a snow cone stand in front of the restaurant last summer (photo on the blog) and it worked perfectly for her.
It's a very good idea, now who to open and run it?
Tom Ford
10:28 4/27 Well hear we go again with the "roy" boy manure!
Guess "Roy" was not to your liking so everybody that was a freaking city official at that time - was a "roy boy. Had "roy" been someone you liked, however, it would have been OK for anyone to have the Police Chief's seat whether living here or not!
So that's what I call a great administration. You punish department heads when they are kept, hired or promoted under a mayor you can't stand!!! Sounds fair to me!
You and yours make me sick! You and other political bufoons always have to to throw in this xzxzxz manure.
For all these years, under special circumstances, you could be a city official and not have to live in the city. If you want to change this or if the city fathers want to do this - you think it would be OK to throw out any dept. head that did not live here or force them to uproot their whole family? Oh sorry, I guess you are just talking about the police chief right? Oh sorry that's right he was a "roy" boy.
Suggestion - Don't put too much starch in your underwear - maybe it will help your brain think straight!!!!
Slow down Sandy. You are going to blow a valve. Every time you respond validity is extended. They find your hot spot and then you are controlled.
Silence is golden and the most powerful weapon.
Take a chill pill and sleep on it before spending valuable energy.
10:23 Thanks for your advise. I appreciate your opinion and you are exactly correct. Never thought that some people are deliberately out to make others react or "pull my chain" but I believe you. I have always felt that this blog should be used with credibility and honesty. But I think you are right on the money with this and I appreciate your kindness in giving me a different slant on things.
There was a very wise lawyer that my family knew, now deceased. He was nice to everybody and when he spoke, he had a knack for putting things in prospective. No matter what issue arose, he always gave you an honest answer. His license plate said - "what evr's fair" - however configured legally on a car - can't remember. I just remember what it said. That is how I feel about Crestwood City Gov. and our Country. I just want whatever is fair for everyone.
Sandy, the officers don't respect Mike Paillou. he operates his department on fear. He went from a Sgt. to Chief because he was friends with Roy. Since he has been chief there has been a Mass exodus of officers. The board will say it is about money, but if you look into it many officers are taking lesser paying jobs. The morale of the Police Department stinks because of the poor leadership. The board will continue to look the other way and our officers and city will suffer. Tom is a Paillou supporter because his son has to work for the man. I wont hold that against him.
Classic case of the Peter principle...Rising to your level of incompetence.
The BOA refuses to face facts.
Adverse publicity will ultimately Hurt the city of Crestwood financially and of course us the inhabitants..I see it already happening.
The Eastman fiasco has yet to be resolved.. which means lots of money will leave Crestwood.
6:55 PM I am really sorry that you and others feel that way about Mike. I assume you are also in our police department.
It is not good when morale is low. But you have no idea how from the beginning day that I started workikng in Crestwood to now - I have heard the same thing about every Chief we have had. Years ago, Joe Vitalis became mayor and demoted the police chief to asst. chief and asst. chief to police chief. Then Carl Buettner became mayor and changed it back. Same thing happened in the fire department.
There were "Bill's Boys" and "Mel's Boys". Everytime we got a new mayor, everybody held their breath. Now you are saying that Mike was a "Roy Boy". Good heavens! It gets crazy after awhile. I don't get around much to keep abreast of things. But if Mayor Jeff feels that Mike should stay, I guess there sure is a difference of opinion on this.
Mike and I have been good friends and he has always been kind to me. That is my opinion and I have no reason to feel any different.
Mel Loyd was my good friend and Mel and Mike were friends. But there are people who to this day "hated" Mel. However, when Mel stepped down and the CA hired Greer, Mel told me we were making a mistake because Mel had Greer checked out. But the CA hired him anyway and the rest is history. That said, I will bet that there were employees in the police dept. that loved Greer. But Mel was right! Greer should have never been hired and had he been checked out the CA would have known his background.
I really hate hearing about all this mess because it is hard to hire good police officers. But there have been so many things said for over 30 plus years in my life pro and con - you have to wonder where lies the truth (not saying you are making this up). I truly feel bad but the truth always manages to manifest itself sooner or later. So - I am not a half-baked friend and I appreciate your words but I would never turn my back on Mike. If you are my friend, I will stay a friend unless I see otherwise.
Thank you for your comments.
The only thing the BOA seems interested in Manifesting is a nice quiet exit stratagy..
Given the choice between 'right and noisey' and 'wrong and quiet' they will always chose quiet...
are there no good people left?
Well, Gosh - I guess you are the only good person left, so maybe you should run for Alderman - maybe even run for Mayor.
Your right I shall!!...And following your other advice I will not turn my back on Mike...<>
Oh Good - I am so happy!!!!!
You sound like a very nice person and I hope you don't "turn your back" on anyone. I am just trying to give you some advise about working for city government, and I assume you work for Crestwood.
It's very hard to hang in and not listen to people. But don't listen to everyone. Lots of times, when you do that, it will come back to haunt you.
I adore all of our police and fire people. They put their life on the line every day. It takes special people to walk into a burning house, give someone CPR, stop a car when you have no idea if the driver has a gun! That takes a far better person than myself.
And I tip my hat to all of them. No, none of them are perfect, but who is! Oh that's right - you are! HA!
You do sound like you are a good person. You can feel bad for those persons who have left Crestwood Police Dept. but just leave things alone. Their choice OK?
This issue you talk about, isn't new, will not go away, and it is what it is. There will always be those personalities that would be better off working somewhere else.
If you just do your job and stay focused on it, nothing bad will happen to you. You cannot save everybody else or change things. You save yourself. You either work with what you have or leave!
Further, please do not cast dispersions on Mike. To me, he
has been nothing but nice especially when many of our city fathers turned their backs on me. I could count on one hand who was there for me. And I will never forget that Mike was one of them. So to me, he is a good person.
Please know I am done with this topic.
To 6:55 PM April 29th:
You cannot accuse the BOA of "looking the other way." To my knowledge, no information has been brought to the board, in public, that would cause them have concerns about employee turnover in the police department.
The BOA cannot be expected to conduct an investigation without first having cause to inititate an investigation. In other words, if there is no evidence presented to them in public, they have no cause to investigate.
Additionally, if there is any concern regarding unfair treatment, it should be brought to the attention of the civil service board. The civil service rules and the civil service board exist so that employees have a means of redress if they feel they have been mistreated, but it is incumbent on the employees (not the BOA) to avail themselves of these outlets.
Martha Duchild
The civil service board lacks the ability to supeana you think Ms. Eastmann will appear?..or do you think she's going to sign a gag order ?..and get a nice contract buyout payment.
The civil service board is a paper tiger...and its raining hard in Crestwood.
6:43 AM May 1st
The civil service board is not a paper tiger; that may have been the impression in the past, but that certainly was not the case when I was a member of that board.
As I said before, if there is/was an issue that needs to be investigated, then information needs to be brought to either the attention of the civil service board (in the form of a grievance or request to investigate suspected violations of the civil service rules) or to the BOA.
If there is an issue that someone feels the BOA needs to investigate, then that person needs to provide the BOA with information and ask the BOA to conduct an investigation.
Per the section 3.11 of the Charter "Upon approval by 3/4 of its authorized membership, the Board of Aldermen may make investigations into the affairs of the city and the conduct of any city department, office, or agency. For such purposes the Board may subpoena witnesses, administer oaths, take testimony and require the production of evidence. Any person who fails or refuses to obey a subpoena issued in the exercise of these powers by the Board of Aldermen shall be subject to such penalties as provided by ordinance."
As I said before, options exist. It's up to whomever has the issue to avail themselves of one or more of these options.
Martha Duchild
Bravo Martha
I agree with you. Thanks for spelling it out. Great Job!
I heard somebody tried that once... you could hear a pin drop in the BOA room...The comments in the 'Call' gave everybody a laugh at Crestwood's expense.
2:52 PM May 1st
Somebody tried what once? Can you provide a little bit more detail with respect to your comment?
Martha Duchild
Actually twice....within the last 6 months.
On both occasions the request was met with a wall of silence. I suggest you should talk to the Mayor...for more details.I dont think he will discuss it with you unless you take him to Malones for Lunch.
To 6:41 AM May 2:
Neither request to the BOA was accompanied by any evidence of wrongdoing. The BOA cannot unilaterally decide to initiate an investiigation based on what amounts to hearsay. If a person wants the BOA to consider voting on an investigation, the person making the request needs to present them with a credible case, which means that any accusation should be accompanied by documentary evidence and clear proof of wrongdoing.
Words alone do not make a good enough case. Any accusation made against city employees/depatments needs to be substantiated. One cannot expect the BOA to spend time and taxpayer dollars investigating a case that lacks substantive evidence.
I have no idea why you made the remark about taking the mayor to Malone's for lunch. The mayor, to my knowledge, does not patronize that establishment.
Martha Duchild
Whatever happened on the Eastman case? anyone hear anything?
Whatever happened on the Eastman case? anyone hear anything?
How is one supposed to make a case if the board and mayor refuse to respond? Would it be best to air the city's dirty laundry during a board meeting? Surely, there has to be a better way.
I don't think a laundrymat would get past the sign Commision...
Martha - 8:45 am I think you are again 100% right on this. I just don't know how more clearly anyone can be. If heresay isn't enough in the Supreme Court, how can it be used by the mayor and board of aldermen? Further, someone had to name drop "Malone's", which then casts doubt on credibility and the idea that the mayor is discussing city issues in a bar! "Try again fool".
Glad it is you giving them answers - because they intimidate the heck out of me versus you that stays calm and cool.
For anyone who has any common sense, your statements seem to be clear and concise. But someone always has to put their own slant on issues. Motive being their own personal issues with city hall.
I think if anybody has an legal issue with City hall then they should pursue their grievance at both the State and Federal Level.
They have mechanisms in place that will give you a result favorable or otherwise.
After all local government is not equiped to investigate such matters.
To 10:17 AM May 2:
The BOA is not refusing to respond.
I'm assuming your comments are in reference to former Crestwood police officer Kuhn's case (and if they are not, please clarify).
According to the newspaper reports, Mr. Kuhn filed a grievance appeal with the civil service board, which, at the time the comments were made to the BOA, had not yet been resolved. Therefore, the BOA was absolutely correct in not taking any action.
One cannot ask the BOA to initiate an investigation into a subject matter while that same issue is still pending with the civil service board. Put another way, it makes no sense to have two city entities (the BOA and the civil service board) conducting concurrent investigations on the same issue.
If this case is to be handled appropriately, the grievance appeal needs to be heard by the civil service board so that the findings of fact can be determined and the case concluded, or the grievance appeal needs to be withdrawn so that a case (substantiated with credible evidence - i.e. documentary and eyewitness) can be presented to the BOA and a request to investigate made.
It would be up to the city attorney to provide legal guidance as to whether a case presented to the BOA should be heard in open or closed session.
Martha Duchild
6:41 AM Blogger: Wrong Mayor my friend, that was the old one.
Tom Ford
Ultimately the biggest losers are the Crestwood businesses.Crestwood has left a bad taste in a lot of peoples mouths.. and they will take their dollars somewere else.
Dear Anonymous. Not cutting in line. Can't you see its Sandy's turn to comment.
No it isn't Sandy's turn. Martha said everything that should be said. So if you understand English, you should re-read Martha's comments. Nobody could have said it better.
Ultimitly I bet there will be a 'gag order'.. and this will just be anotherone of Crestwood's dirty little the city Administrator fiasco. Crestwood will never change... sad isn't it?. Deeper pockets always triumph.
7:11 AM Blogger: Well "Doctor" I see you have the patient dead and buried already!
Is there any chance you might be interested in letting this thing play out before you call the operation a failure?
In the immortal words of Ms. Sandy, "I'm just saying'"
Tom Ford
Tom, how much time would you suggest? It has been well over 4 months. I find it sad that the city is more intersted in keeping people quiet instead of seeking the truth.
1:02 PM Blogger: How much time? Till were supposed to know and not before. By the way, who said were supposed to know anyway?
If your life depends on knowing anything about this (and I woulden' know why,) please run for office or take up the law.
Failing that, sit still and if your in the loop, you will be told with the rest of us, or not.
Tom Ford
The 'Crestwood loop' seems to resemble a noose sometimes.. given the leadership or lack thereof shown ..
Eastmann just got awarded $70,000
not a bad haul....Oh and there is a gag order place...(laughing really hard)
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