Sunday, April 29, 2012

The "old saw" is "retail follows rooftops," so here is why Crestwood Courts will be a while in coming back. Less home ownership means more apartment buildings and "rental" homes on the market. Now here in Crestwood were experiencing the same trend as more and more homes are going up for rent or lease every day. Reversal of this trend is not easy, and it will take some time before it happens here (if ever.) What to do? Well we must first gain confidence in the economy, and put people back to work. This is not likely to happen until the "obamacare" bill is declared Unconstitutional, as business owners are not going to hire under a cloud of expense, possible fines, and uncertainty that is the "obamacare" package. (Don't believe me? Read it!) The old thinly veiled Chinese curse seems to be in effect here, "be glad you live in interesting times," no? Well what are your thoughts on this matter? We are going to need input (not complaints) to forward to our elected officials so they gain a direction to move in. Tom Ford NO. 1018


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I pray that the health care changes remain. If they do not I know 3 people personally that will be dropped immediately from coverage for pre-existing conditions. One of my children is one of them. You can hate Obama all you like, but the changes he fought for are currently allowing coverage for someone I love very much, and he had already been told that his coverage was gone when the changes went into effect. Partisan hatred should not include those simply trying to maintain health insurance.

11:05 AM, April 29, 2012  
Anonymous Sandy G. said...

11:05 4/29 I sure understand how you feel and I agree with what you say about "partisan hatred". I have a friend of mine whose son has been waiting forever to get on disability from a tragic accident that left him dibilitated. He is in his 50's. He has waited for over 5 years and has had an attorney and done every single solatary thing they asked for along with documents from hospitals and doctors. He still has not started receiving benefits yet but finally he did get a medicare card which means he can at least see some good doctors instead of going to a clinic.

It is not for me to say which way things will go in the next election, but I have no use for partisan politics. If I vote Rep. or Dem. will be after doing my own research on both candidates and not on heresay one way or the other.

Further, when allowing coverage or not hits the old homstead, it can change your perspective on how you think and how you vote.

Many on this blog do not share your views, so look out for comments that are very partisan and I, for one, would never get in the middle of it. I am still on the fence and I still have time to make up my mind. But never would I listen to partisan people - my uncle was sooo partisan that you could never talk to him about anything else and it split our family apart.

Thank you for sharing.

2:25 PM, April 29, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

11:05 AM Blogger; Nice story. I guess you know that the taxes for obamacare kick in 2013, and the act takes place (unless blocked by the SCOTUS) in 2014, right?

Just how did this effect your position in 2012 when it's not enacted yet?

Tom Ford

4:33 PM, April 29, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

2:25 PM Blogger: Sandy, you just don't walk in and tell them you want medicare, or benefits, it takes time.

I am on disability at the VA that took from the 60's (Viet Nam) to a year ago to adjudicate,process, and grant. I had to have affidavits from everyone who ever treated my condition, and then some to qualify.

You know, I am actually happy that it isn't handed out like candy on Halloween, If you really deserve it, no sweat, it will happen, if not, well.....

PS: By the way, where in my post is anything close to "partisan hatred" mentioned? I can show you "partisan hatred," and believe me my post is not it!

Tom Ford

4:45 PM, April 29, 2012  
Anonymous Sandy G. said...

Oh Heaven's No, I know you can't walk in and tell the gov. that you want medicare. Further, neither do I ever want to see the partisan hatred side of you. And we agree to disagree on things now and then but I still consider you a great friend. At least I can step up to the plate, sign my name on your blog, and not be a hypocrite. I am honest with my comments and people can take them at face value or not.

There are lots of things about government that have taken me a lifetime to learn; and I am still learning new things every day.

Your last question - how did it effect my position in 2012, when it's not enacted yet - it hasn't effected me. I only know one thing for sure - the reason O'Bama is our President today is because George Bush did a lousey job. George W is not like his dad. Far from it! And Tom it really doesn't matter whether you agree with that or not. But to tell you the truth, I am not too happy with either one of our presidential candidates. John McCain was my favorite last time.

However, anyway - thanks for always allowing me to have my say. I know you don't always agree with me Tom - but at least you let me express myself.

5:17 PM, April 29, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:17 PM Blogger: Sandy, I didn't ask you how it effected YOUR position, that was for the Blogger at 11:05 AM.

Obama is president today because a lot of folks voted for him because they wanted to show diversity and not be thought of as a racist for stopping the first African American President, George Bush not withstanding.

I wonder what happened to all those Obama bumper stickers? You hardly ever see one now do you.(No, this is not partisan hatred, just facts.)
Tom Ford

5:37 PM, April 29, 2012  
Anonymous Sandy G. said...

Thomas (the name of one of the Lord's favorite followers) - I wasn't one of those who voted for OBama but not because of his political affiliation.

Others may have voted for him for reasons you indicate, but I didn't think OBama had a good enough background to run our country and that was my reason. Further McCain although Rep. like George W. was much better suited. He has stood the test of time and I liked his demeanor, I liked his simplicity when speaking, I liked his foreign policy, I like people who speak slow and articulate their explanations - contrary to Romney who talks so fast you can't grasp it all.

This time, I wanted someone who is a real conservative like Rick Santorum.

So.....Bill got angry with me when I said, "well I just won't vote". But I am not happy with Romney at all.

So, in closing, I do not fault you or anyone for how or who they want for President. I am not fluent in remembering and loving History, as you, etc. Maybe we all should be like you but we are not.

My family was very Democrat and just about everyone from my old neighborhood where I grew up were Democrat including my mom and dad. Even then, I had a hard time understanding why they always voted only Democrat. Especially since - after some Dems. were voted in, they cused them out.

Unfortunately, I did not follow suit. I want to make my own decision which I will. And just like you, I like facts too.

Most important to me at this very moment, is Crestwood and keeping it alive and well.

7:37 PM, April 29, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

some changes have taken effect from the health care reform. Look it up. Those changes are what has made all the difference.

Sandy, I agree with you. an R or a D by a name doesn't necessarily mean they have my vote. I voted for Obama because I simply couldn't stand Mccain and Palin is a very scarily ignorant person. Having her one heart attack from the presidency was terrifying to me. That woman in negotiations with any foreign head of state nearly sent me round the bend. I feel the same way about Santorum. I am very relieved that he is out of the running. His insisting we should all be governed by religious law is a VERY bad idea in my opinion. If he wants to live somewhere where religion runs the country, I suggest he look into Iran or someplace similar. We are not a theocracy here.
I have no particular issue with Romney, except that I don't like him in a general sort of way. His years at Bain Capital bothers me too.

8:25 PM, April 29, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:25 PM Blogger: I did "look it up," and I see no change to the private health care system at all!

Give me the chapter and verse please as I don't believe the private insurance system has yet bowed to this new insanity!

Oh, one change has been made alright, and that goes to taxes.

Tom Ford

5:31 AM, April 30, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:37PM Blogger: Sandy, I don't blame Bill for being mad! Voting is a sacred right and a privilege bought and paid for by the blood of our youth for over 200 years! Not to do it is nothing more than to sully their names.

I will never tell you or anyone else who to vote for, but I will will you to vote! If a person does not vote they have no business complaining about the outcome.

Sadly all too many don't, (just look at our own voter turn out,) yet they seem to be the most vociferous when it comes to telling us how to run the railroad!

Tom Ford

5:40 AM, April 30, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

alright. here is an article outling changes that started in 2010. The article is dates 5/2010.

5:46 AM, April 30, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:46 AM Blogger: The Huffington Post? Now there is a bi-partisan info group if ever I saw one.

I will get back to you once their "facts" have been checked.

Back to the original thread, read this:

5:51 AM, April 30, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:46 AM Blogger: That link you provided seems to be DOA. I tried it and got nothing close to what your saying.

Try this one and then please show us exactly what your talking about.

Tom Ford

6:10 AM, April 30, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

here is a timeline CNN did of the changes year by year.

7:19 AM, April 30, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

but if you feel you need to see it on the dot gov website, here you go:

7:22 AM, April 30, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and, fyi, partisan or not partisan, it was merely an article on when different aspects take effect. what is partisan about that?

7:24 AM, April 30, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dont know what your malfunction was, Tom, I cut and pasted the Huffington Post link and it took me right to the article.

7:26 AM, April 30, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7;26 AM Blogger: So did I and nothing. I guess my SPAM filter kicked in when it saw Huffington Post!

Well done filter!

Tom Ford

To the remainder: I give you Dame Margret Thatcher who said, "The problem with liberals is that sooner or later they run out of other peoples money!"

How long are you expecting the rest of us to pay for your plight? I did it the old fashioned way, I PAID FOR IT MYSELF!

Not to worry though this will be struck down by the SCOTS as even the liberal judges in oral arguments were stunned at the vast over reach of this socialist law.

Tom Ford

5:14 PM, April 30, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Here is a liberal who seems to be a religious hate monger, what do we do? Nothing, why, because he is a liberal!

Tom Ford

5:25 PM, April 30, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

his explanation was this:
“I was not attacking the faith in which I was raised," Savage wrote. "I was attacking the argument that gay people must be discriminated against — and anti-bullying programs that address anti-gay bullying should be blocked (or exceptions should be made for bullying 'motivated by faith') — because it says right there in the Bible that being gay is wrong.”
I disagree with what he said. I think it was reckless, stupid, and uncouth. I do not disagree with his quote here. Anyone who defends bullying in the name of religion or because the Bible says it's okay is not okay in my book. This man needs to shut up, no doubt, but do those who justify discrimination and bullying as religious perogative. Jesus would NOT have been okay with that mind set, no matter what branch of Christianity you are.

6:32 PM, April 30, 2012  

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