QB Tim Tebow to speak at Georgetown Easter service (click here for the story.)

The old saying that "The Lord work's in mysterious ways" certainly does apply here, no?
I really believe that this will bring more into the flock than the Church has seen in some time. Now once there it's the Church's job to keep them in the fold.
Say what you will about Mr. Tebow, be it his athletic skills or his faith in the Lord, but as for me, I would have him on my team even if for no other reason than his ability to motivate those around him! He is a winner,plain and simple.
Now if we here in Crestwood could only find a "Tebow type," or in other words a LEADER for the job of C/A, who will earn the respect of ALL our valued employees, we would be home free.
Please join me in asking the Good Lord to grant our Mayor and Board of Alderman the wisdom, the courage and the strength to find such a person soon.
HAPPY EASTER to all, and may you and your family have a blessed day.
Tom Ford
NO. 1011
I agree 100% on this one Tom. I too hope that the Lord shines upon our good city as He is the only one in the Miracle business.
Also people can also say what they want about Tebow, I give him Kudos for being a motivator as well as a great football player. Everyone has their own way of expressing gratitude, and he apparently gives gratitude to the Lord.
I liked Reagan and voted for him every time. I know now that there were huge problems in his administration, but I would have still voted for him knowing that. I am saddened and depressed at the knowledge that now Reagan wouldn't even place in the primaries because the party has moved so far to the right. Way too far. It is very upsetting. Reagan would now be considered way too moderate. Such a shame what has happened to my polical party.
Gee Anonymous, I feel the same way today about JFK.
I am saddened and depressed at the knowledge that now JFK wouldn't even place in the primaries because the Democrat party has moved so far to the LEFT. Way too far. It is very upsetting. JFK would now be considered way too moderate. Such a shame what has happened to my political party.
Good for you. I did not say I was voting democrat, did I? Your need to be a smart aleck is also depressing. JFK and were a few years apart in their administrations, also.
"Your need to be a smart aleck is also depressing" just quoting you.
"JFK and were a few years apart in their administrations,"
AHH, Who's their?When did they serve?
"who's their"? makes no sense to me. Please clarify.
You were being a smart a** and you know it. Saying you weren't doesn't alter that. I was simply waxing nostalgic because of the picture of Reagan on the thread, that's all. No smart aleck comments were called for.
And, since you asked, though I can't believe there's someone who doesn't know this, I will answer: JFK served as president from Jan 1961 until his assassination in November of 1963. Reagan served as president from 1981 to 1989.
I don't know how we went from Tebow speaking at Georgetown to Dems. versus Reps. No matter what subject may or may not continue in this world - seems that the battle of partisan politics will always prevail. It makes or breaks friendships, marriages, may even cause divorces, and will be debated but never to its death or demise. I just marvel at those that can keep this feud going and going and going. People will grade you or degrade you by which "party" you choose. It fuels the fire in the bellys of many - so much so that families have split apart because of it as well as it has been blamed for a meriad of catastrophies. Voting for the person rather than the party is unthinkable and unforgivable. It just never ceases to amaze me how everything is quantified by politics especially on this blog. Just my take - nothing personal.
I agree with you. I was simply remembering different days. I will not comment again.
Now children, please play nice!
Tom ford
Six months of Tebow then firing him.. then paying him off would bankrupt Crestwood.
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