Answers come to those who are patient enough to wait.
Please cut and paste the editorial by Mr. Mike Anthony of the Call for the answer to what some of you have been "dying" to know, that being the City Administrator's release and settlement.
I can believe the fact that the mentioned EX (thank God) Alderman voted to give up the ship's store, and I am not At all surprised that Mr. Robert Golterman (of Lewis, Rice, and Fingersh) had not the will for a court fight, but I am sad that this was at all necessary.
Come down on whoevers side you choose, I am but giving you the story as written by Mr. Anthony (and a good one it is.)
Tom Ford NO. 1022
I'm sure its a lot cheaper to fire a cop with four kids...(he should have gone to law school)
$70,000 is a lota money.... we could buy a dog catcher or a city car...for someone.
Wait a minute... The mayor makes poor choice in choosing a CA and now it is the city attorney's a fault? Clearly he is just trying to clean up the mess they created. I would still like to know WHY she was fired,,,err "resigned". Why was her contract was so long? why no review period? Obviously, the city needs to review HOW they are doing business. I wonder if Ms. Eastmann wanted to be fired given her blatant disregard for the rules.
I wonder if maybe she was "pushed" out because she wanted to actually use good sense and really run the city. Mayeb she wasn't pandering to the enormous egos at city hall and paid for it with her job. Just an idea.
I told you I would bring you the story when i got it, so there it is.
I have no idea what or why, however this will give all of you the chance for some really wild conjecture!
Forget the fact that you will no doubt be wrong, but opine away!
Tom Ford
5:53 blogger
Please be more specific about what good sense was used.
What enormous egos?
I am new to this subject and want to learn more.
Did she go through the civil service board first?."...or is she ...special?
Ms. Eastman is "special" as an appointed position she does not answer to the CSB.
If all the anonymous people were to read the Call newspaper article Tom referenced, most of the questions would be answered.
Except of course for the comments that were unrelated to this subject, and were answered by Martha on a different thread.
The position should be eliminated as is being done in other cities.
Blame your alderman for waiving the residency requirement. Once you buy a house and move to the community you help run, you have more "skin" in the game. You are making a commitment. That should have been the first red flag.
10:34 PM BLOGGER: I agree with the fact the the residency requirement should have not been waved to accommodate Mr. Eckrich (who then gave up the job.)
My problem is with two vital things that would have saved us from the beginning, Totally improper (or lack of any) vetting, and a contract that had a clause giving 18 months severance!
If a person is good at what they do a guaranteed severance package is not needed, if not, well that's where the vetting process should have weeded them out prior to the contract even being written.
As the article stated "there is plenty of blame to go around," fine but NOW if and when we find more candidates will we do it right this time?
Tom Ford
I wonder if she is requested at a civil service board meeting will she attend? Or if a Aldermanic commitee issues a subpoena ..will she give evidence in an other that may shed light on her removal?
6:52 AM Blogger: She was not removed by the Board.
Tom Ford
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Think different. The position does NOT need to be filled.
I disagree 9:27 pm May 13th.
I am probably sticking my neck out to be chopped off but....
The position of City Administrator DOES need to be filled. (I do not know anything about Ms. Eastman's case for leaving Crestwood, nor do I know anything regarding any present employee issue that is being discussed).
However, I do not agree that because Eastman did not work out, we do not need a city administrator.
First of all, Crestwood, is by definition, a city administrator form of government.
The day to day operations of the city need a management person to oversee city business on a daily basis.
The mayor and board, most of the time, cannot be at city hall every day. That is why the CA position is crucial. Otherwise, anytime a politician decides that there is a problem or controversy, or they are confronted by a constituent about a problem or employee, the city administrator can search the details and give the city officials, all of the information on that particular issue. If he/she is not in place, chaos will be high and people will be all over the place with speculation. That creates animosity and a tense atmosphere at city hall. Very Bad! Not Good! I can testify to it. Officials have in previous years made wrong decisions based only on heresay when by law they are not suppose to get involved in employee issues. But to satisfy their constituents, over the years they have forced the hand of department heads or the CA.
Hence, Civil Service Rules and Regulations were adopted. But.... Unfortunately, many times these rules and regulations were not followed. The CA should be the watch dog to make sure these rules are followed. (Again, I am not speaking of any present employee issue).
It has also been known in past years that the mayor and board have been pressured by constituents to hire or fire an employee. One of the duties of the CA is to stand his/her ground, play detective, find out details, and "put out fires".
I was told back in 1973 that I would be hired as the "mayor's secretary", even though at that time someone else had that job. Dale Rieth stood up to the mayor and said - "no, she will start in the city clerk's office doing the BOA minutes". I applaud the CA for standing his ground. That mayor was wrong.
No politics in the Civil Service Board which is only as good as those who are in it. But without a good city administrator, there is no one to guide them and employees will always loose; Only will Civil Service be strong if they can stand up to the disease of politicians - no offense intended.
We have not had a good CA since Alan Miller and Dale Rieth.
Whether you like it or not, you need the right city administrator for Crestwood who should be in charge - who cooperates with the mayor and board and who watches the department heads and keeps their eye on the Finances and makes sure no department is overstepping their budget needs. The city administrator works closely with the mayor and department heads but also takes care of the employees and the lay of the land. This job is a "must" and has to be almost as important as the mayor.
Lastly, I do not believe that one person can wear two hats. If you are a CA - that is what he/she should concentrate on. If you serve as a dept. head as well, for a short term that is great, otherwise it is wrong in my opinion.
I am just saying....
Well said Sandy although I cannot testify about the city administrators you mentioned.
Can we afford it if a good one only comes around every 30 years or so? Who are you going to trust to do the hiring?
In the mean time we'll watch taxpayer money being stolen on a technicality in a poorly written contract?
I am surprised at the naiveté of everyone. A City Administrator is a terminal position in municipal government, there is no higher position to aspire. One generally possesses at a minimum a Masters in Public Administration or Jurist Doctor and the skill to negotiate a substantial employment contract. Whose best interest should be at the heart of an employment contract? Think hard – no, not the employer but yourself. You negotiate to what you can get; a golden parachute, car, extra vacation.
And I would say as a city, you would NOT want a professional CA that would NOT negotiate the same. A corporate CEO is no different.
I'd say a $70,000 settlement would be indicative of a city administrator that has the necessary negotiating skills ...required for the position.. at least to clean the City of Crestwoods clock any way,,
7:47 am Naivete' of everyone?
No one, thus far, has expressed qualifications necessary to become a city administrator but you. It doesn't mean, nobody knows what the qualifications are.
I guess you feel we don't know that it is a terminal position? I guess you feel we don't know what type of education the person needs?
Naivete' - just because nothing was mentioned about the qualifications? Like we didn't know a contract is and should be negotiated with details regarding a car, etc? Who do you want for this position, a martyr???? Of course, anyone in this position would want to cover themselves - you know why? Because of plain old, dye in the wool - politics.
The CA is in charge of day to day operations. If he/she feels that in order to make city operations flow better, certain changes needed to be made. OMG - don't change anything! First, several dept. heads may not like it because they feel interference with their management style! They tell the mayor or others dept. heads or supervisors, then all of a sudden, pressure mounts and unless the CA can back up his plan, and explain the changes - they can be out on the street, along with their book of changes.
Who in this city or any other city feels that the person applying for CA would NOT want an employment contract under the circumstances? You for one would cover yourself but would chastise others if they do?
So instead of hiring a CA you would NOT want a professional CA and NOT negotiate same. So who is in charge all day long when the mayor and board are at their regular jobs?
If that is the case, I can tell you that you would have department heads, supervisors, and employees screaming and in a turmoil! You want to hire some milk-toast, or force all the department heads and supervisors to "wing" decisions if they cannot get the mayor and board??????
Politics always gets in the way and you will find it in every city at one time or another. Politics and working under pressure of being fired if you don't comply with what they want and heaven help you if you try to change anything!!!!!
So I guess - then - let the city run itself. Let every department head and supervisor run amuck making decisions by telephone call to the board of aldermen and mayor who have jobs during the day. If you cannot get them by phone - wing it on your own?
Take a chill 11:05. You need to go back a re-read my post and the post that followed.
7:47 OK Duh! I get it. Now you're talking. I chilled! Sorry!
Please Forgive!
I thought the department heads were running amok,,,,,,,,and still are.
For what it's worth we currently have the best mayor and Board that I have seen in quite some time in place.
Before you second guess them, why not give them some time to gel and make things happen?
You may have noted that County just laid off some folks, then found some money and bought new dump trucks!
We don't do that sort of thing here, nor will we ever as long as the Board is staffed with people who understand finance, and are not spending all their time forming idiotic factions!
The new Alderman were just sworn in a few days ago, sit back and watch the "new attitude" that will finally prevail up there.
Tom Ford
What flavor is the Kool-Aid Tom?
9:58 PM Blogger: I don't know but it's very refreshing! The old (buffoonery, senseless clicks, and idiot bridges to nowhere is now pass`e,) so bring it on!
Tom Ford
we shall see if the tail still wags the dog...
apparently It does..
I think you are being a little ..woof..on the BOA..
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