Thursday, May 03, 2012

Crestwood resident admonishes we "anti-tax zelots," how dare we not want to give, and give, needed or not!

Crestwood resident, Mr. Michael Nolan backs EX Alderman Beezley's push for a tax increase (Keep Prop S:) In fact he goes so far as to advise the great unwashed, "And, we need to beware of the anti-tax zealots who will try to crush that spirit by appealing to our selfish nature." Now that's an interesting comment to make when your out trying to gin up support for your idea, no? The appeal is, if nothing else impeccably timed to coincide with the Call front page story "Overall balances increase in Crestwood during first quarter." Well done Mr. Nolan, and please let us know when (and why) were supposed to send in our checks, minus any and all check's and balances of course! Tom Ford NO 1020


Anonymous Anonymous said...

John Foote requests tax increases constantly. I believe he has convinced Jerry Miguel of the need.

Who cares what Beezley thinks. Beezley is not trustworthy.
She ran on the platform to end prop S early. Her actions spoke otherwise.

Perhaps Nolan should run for alderman since he knows so much. Or does he?

Has anyone examined the pension liability the city is underfunding? The retirement fund has been problematic
since 2008.

8:59 PM, May 03, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Crestwood is in Missouri LAGERS….. the State chartered Local Area Government Retirement System. LAGERS investments took a hit with the stock market. Not making as much as it did before. LAGERS was sound before the recession and is recovering nicely. LAGERS is one best run local government pension plans in the country. Crestwood's employer contribution increases are capped at 1% per state law…. That is why it is showing as underfunded the last couple of years. Stock markets are up significantly, LAGERS investment earnings will quickly recover. Many pension plans are in trouble because they were poorly managed and were underfunded long before the recession, LAGERS was not.

12:14 PM, May 06, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On another note, Crestwood needs to focus on the fact that it is trying to provide too many costly services with Crestwood residents not paying near enough for them. Want a police department, fire department, park system, great snow removal? It costs $$$. Crestwood was, blessed for many years by having other people who shopped at the mall etc.; pay the bulk of the cost of these services. If you look at the budget, they still do. (How many cities of Crestwood size have Sam’s Club, Kohl’s, two + grocery stores, a Best Buy to help pay the bills? Time for the residents to decide if they are willing to step up to the plate and start to pay a little more of the bill for these services.

12:22 PM, May 06, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

12:14 PM Blogger: Correct on the LAGERS program, it's not perfect but it is the retirement program of choice for most Cities in Missouri, if not all.

Tom Ford

4:13 PM, May 06, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

12:22 PM Blogger: Come on! Did you just spend the afternoon at Alderman Foot's drinking the cool aid?

Crestwood is, and has since I have been here (43 years) provided said services, and I suspect they will do so long after you and I are gone.

If in light of the fact that were looking better by the day bothers you, then please give us your name so ALL of us can discuss this in full daylight.

Your remarks are so typical of those (yes, tax and spend liberals) who would have us believe were doomed unless we keep a dog catcher, the Sappington House, and DUPLICTE personnel in the office, I say, "Bravo Sierra!"

If you really believe that stack of horse feathers you spouted then come back with concrete reason, PLUS YOUR NAME, or give it up as were all stocked up with "woe is us" now.

Tom Ford

4:27 PM, May 06, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I happen to be conservative. However, I do my research and know what it realistically costs to provide the type and level of services that Crestwood has historically enjoyed vs. the tax load that the City asks its residents to pay. We need to establish a stable level of services utilizing a stable revenue stream. We have had neither since around 2004. Please Tom, do a little research of your own and look at other cities in St. Louis County and what their residents get in services for what they pay instead simply labeling me as a “tax and spend liberal” for suggesting that that the free ride on the sales tax gravy train is over.
If that means cutting to achieve balance rather than rasing taxes then that should be the choice of the community as a whole.

6:51 PM, May 06, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If a tax increase is to be presented, the city must tell the voters how the additional funds will be used. From various statements expressed, it appears that salary increases are the main objective.

Yes, we have been very fortunate and have a low property tax rate.

But those advocating a tax increase NEVER mention our utility taxes nor our sales taxes (Crestwood residents shop in Crestwood too). Not sure why ... maybe it is because our utility tax rate and sales tax rates are some of the highest in the county.

If the property tax rates are increased (...and depending on the increase), Crestwood may change its reputation from being a bargain to being expensive.

I disagree with the previous blogger. I don't think we've ever had a "free ride". I've lived in several municipalities and out-state. I've been fortunate - wherever I have lived, Crestwood included, I have had good services. I've paid more and I've paid less. But when I look at the various tax increase proposals and spending projects (parks, aquatic center, police station), and the fact that residents had to fight city hall, I don't regard this is a free ride.

9:56 PM, May 06, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crestwood needs to live within it's harvest....they tried annexing more trees and that left us with an ever increasing fire department bill.
I'd like to see an independant audit of all departments before any tax increase is touted.
Sadly I don't trust our leadership anymore...( or any less)

6:36 AM, May 07, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:51 PM Blogger; I really don't care what other Cities in St. Louis county pay! I moved here for the school district (which I handsomely support) and the safe neighborhoods.

Now the one thing I do agree on is that WE ALL should vote on this, or any increase in taxes before anything is done.

Forget the emotion, cut he fat and hen come to us if more is needed. I believe you would be shocked at the waste, the excessive salaries, the "free ride" take home cars, and the "executive assistants" on the payroll for some department heads.

Come back to living within our means for once, and let's see then what happens before we call for a tax increase.

You champion that and I will no longer see you as a "tax and spend liberal."

Tom Ford

10:03 AM, May 07, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not to mention the multiple detectives who work days and do not cover any shifts when the sun goes down...Oh and stray animals can only be caught during "business hours..

12:41 PM, May 07, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

12:41 PM Blogger: Detectives work assorted shifts so that there is always one or two on duty from 0600 to 10-1100. (on call after that.)

Weekends they share the responsibility of being on call, thus it's not as easy as you think it is, in fact if you have small kids it's a lousy way to make a living.

As far as the duplicate service AKA animal control (read pet adoption club,) you are 100% correct!

Tom Ford

3:06 PM, May 07, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why, Mr. Ford, do you continually degrade Crestwood's animal shelter? I have done some checking, some askign around, and it's very highly regarded around the county. Please explain. Do you dislike animals? What do you have against adopting Crestwood's homeless animals into homes? Your stance baffles me and I would like to understand it.

4:20 PM, May 07, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:20 PM Blogger: I dislike wasteful spending when it comes to my tax money! Crestwood' homeless animals would not be that way if their owners showed any regard for them.

I have two kennels in my back yard that were once occupied by hunting companions that I cherished more that some of my fellow man. They have past now, and I am no longer able to hunt, so they (the kennels) are empty.

It should be noted that while I was responsible for them, I was RESPONSIBLE, and not one to have Crestwood or the County take care of them.

Consider the FACT that Crestwood can no longer afford the luxury of amenities such as our own Animal control. We pay for this on our County tax payments, ergo no need or reason (other than emotional) to continue it.

I am constantly bombarded with people who say were doomed unless we have a tax increase, and yet when they have this staring them in the face they say it's some sort of sacred cow.

One would get the impression that you or your spouse are expendable (get rid of police and fire) but "fluffy" must be protected at all costs!

Now do you understand my line of thinking?

Tom Ford

4:59 PM, May 07, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not really. The city is doing fine, with a million dollar surplus, so I don't see the need to fire anyone at this point. I just was wondering why you always degrade the establishment as a "club". I asked around, the APA, Humaine Society, and was told they are a very good shelter. I cannot understand why you're so bent on such degrading terms.

And are you planning to go door to door to force people to take care of their animals? The problem exists, whether you contibuted to it or not. It exists everywhere, not just here. I agree people should be responsible, but many are not. Calling the animal shelter a "club" and sneering at their efforts solves this issue how?

7:13 PM, May 07, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom was not attacking the Crstwood animal shelter-club of volunteers. Responsible people going above the call of duty. They are supplied with city property.
I believe Tom is actually speaking about the animal control officer position.

Is that correct Tom?

Two different topics. I am all for the volunteers although it seems they only have cats available most of the time.

I am all for eliminating the animal control officer position.

9:08 PM, May 07, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:13 PM Blogger: You are a club of sorts. You (the club) exist for the ad hock purpose of saving animals which is a very noble thing to do.

Now that said, see the post of 9:08 PM and enlighten your self on why I say what I do.

The Public Works Director (Mr. Jim Eckrich) when he was the City Administrator has called for the removal of the animal control officer, as have others in the administration in the past.

Your a volunteer which is to say an amature doing the work for the love of it, not the pay, and for that we all salute you.

Now even if and when the animal control position is eliminated you will still be there, won't you?

Go door to door? No, that's your job as well as the remaining volunteers if you so choose to to it.

To sum it up, I like many others see no responsible reason to duplicate the service extended by St. Louis County (we use them at night and on the weekends anyway don't we?) However I, again like many others have no quarrel with a volunteer group working for nothing and PAYING THEIR OWN WAY in any segment of the community.

Once you learn to separate the two it becomes crystal clear as sooner or later we must make some reductions, and like it or not that is a prime place to start, along with the inflated salaries and take home vehicles.

Tom Ford

5:57 AM, May 08, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

an acquaintence in my neighborhood volunteers there, that's why I know a little bit about it. I am told there are many, many cats there, because, though it is made fun of here, there really is an awful stray/feral cat problem in Crestwood and Sunset Hills. But there are dogs there as well. I was told there is one there now. I still see no reason to fire any employee with a million dollar surplus.

7:35 AM, May 08, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing will change...move along here...nothing to see....

2:31 PM, May 08, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:35 AM Blogger: Fire an employee? I didn't say we MUST fire anyone, I said it will come a time that it will be necessary, period.

I also said that BEFORE any tax increase put to the voters we need to cut duplicate positions and the remaining fat from City Hall.

If your advocating firing someone please say so.

Tom Ford

4:54 PM, May 08, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

clearly I am advocating for not firing anyone. Your insistance that we remove animal control would, in fact, result in firing the animal control officer, would it not?

6:24 PM, May 08, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, I had no idea Crestwood's feral cat problem was this bad...

1:33 PM, May 10, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:24 PM Blogger: Not necessarily, the officer can fill in elsewhere as openings through attrician occur.

Or we could transfer animal control to County, officer and shelter included which would then be a higher paid job.

Tom Ford

4:36 PM, May 10, 2012  
Anonymous Sandy G. said...

I am just saying......

A lady in my neighborhood has a sign out in her front yard asking that pet owners pick up after their pets.

As I walk my dog daily, I cannot believe how many dog owners are negligent. Even when you put the waste receptacles in the parks to dispose of it, (I walk my dog through Rayburn Park), dog owners will still not pick up their dog waste. This is not only unsanitary but can pose health problems to your pet.

Further, I see it in front of sidewalks of homes as well as by mailboxes. Why should homeowners have to suffer for the laziness of pet owners? My point being:

A resident who lives on Rayburn told me that she called city hall about pet waste in front of her home, and the person she spoke with did nothing; True or Not True - I can't say! If true, their supervisor should have been called or better yet go to city hall personally and complain until they do something about it.

But I feel we need it and going to County would be a disaster.

Neglectful pet owners are obvious because they leave their "mark" on every street in every neighborhood and in our parks. It is not up to the animal it is up to the owner! But the animal is the one who gets the bad rap.

Lastly, I want to say to people who are ready, willing and able to get rid of our Animal Control and give it to the County. When and if the County comes to Crestwood, the response time will allow them to do nothing other than fill out a report. The dog or cat will be gone - and the owner as well.

When County takes over Animal Control......handwriting on the wall!!! People who put their garbage out the night before pickup, will have what we had years ago. Dogs and cats hungary from running at large - getting into our garbage. Worse - homeowners opening their garage doors in the AM - all dressed up for work - will be picking up their garbage - which will "now" be out in the street because a stray dog or animal got into his trash the night before!

It has happened before and it will happen again.

When animal control is dead and gone - walk very carefully when getting your mail and when you do your daily jog down our sidewalks and through our parks - be careful where you step. UGH!

10:21 AM, May 15, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have had positive experiences when I called the animal control officer directly for a complaint. She sends letters about non-compliance and in the instance I called, she followed up with personal checks on the complaince issue. I could not have been more pleased because it solved the problem. I have also asked to visit the shelter in Whitecliff and was pelasantly suprised with what I saw.

4:14 PM, May 15, 2012  
Anonymous Sandy G. said...

4:14 pm May 15th

I am happy that you had a positive experience with animal control. She really went above and beyond the call, which I applaud. I hope that there are more positives because people need to know that they are being disrespectful to the property of others when they don't take responsibility for their pets.

We need this animal control person position to stay, but I know that Tom and many others have no interest in keeping animal control in Crestwood and would like the position dropped because of budget reasons.

I have walked my dog through Rayburn Park, up to Fox Creek and back to Rayburn and I have spoken to two residents who are really tired of pet owners who do not pick up after their dogs. If we go with the County, I am not sure we would save any money plus the response time would be longer to come and take care of a problem in Crestwood.

Further, there are dog messes in the park (I see at least 4 every day) and at least 4 or 5 more on Fox Creek and Rayburn in front of people's mailboxes or on their property.

It bugs me and is unsanitary and I have to walk around the messes with my dog as if they were land mines; but it isn't only me. There are lots of other dog walkers too.

If we are lucky enough to keep the animal control officer, I sure do hope that she keeps a watchful eye out and sites those residents who are not in compliance with the ordinances on the books regarding pet ownership.


7:46 PM, May 15, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why not laterally transfer the animal control officer to the City adminstators position?. It's a win win.

12:57 PM, May 17, 2012  

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