Memorial Day 2012 and our men and women are still on the battlefield!
Ladies and Gentlemen, this Monday when you're visiting friends and family for BBQ and fun I ask that you please take a moment to remember those who have sacrificed so much so that we can enjoy those outings.
Before you leave the family gathering please take one last look back for those who are no longer here to do so, and thank them for preserving your God given right to do so in the face of those who would remove that right.
One last thing if I may, when you see a service person in uniform please stop and thank them for their sacrifice on the alter of freedom, and thank those who have gone before them as "All GAVE SOME, SOME GAVE ALL.
Tom Ford
NO. 1025
I am not a gentleman, but I shall honor the fallen as well, if you don't mind.
6:21 PM Blogger: I guess you didn't see the "LADIES AND" part of my missive that is lodged next to the first cartoon.
You may indeed honor them, and I thank you!
Tom Ford
you are right. I did not see the upper part. I beg your pardon. My flag will be flying high Monday and I will honor the moment of silence at 12:01.
8:44 PM Blogger: No need to apologize, the "ladies and" part did not come out where I planned it to be and it won't change, (Go figure.)
Alas computers and old goats get along to a point, and then.......
That said, thank you for flying the flag, and thank you for honoring those who didn't come back, it means a lot to me.
Jackie Stock has put together a great display honoring our Crestwood military vet's at the Oak Bend branch library, (Holmes and Big Bend, behind Quick Trip.)
It will be there until May 31, 2012 in the lobby display case so if you have the chance please go and see it.
Tom Ford
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