Friday, May 18, 2012

What to do with the Sappington House now that the RFP has no takers?

Well the RFP for the Sappington House Barn drew no takers as far as the restaurant folks in this area goes, so why not start looking at alternative uses other than a restaurant?

We have a National landmark in the middle of Crestwood that for the most part sits there with little to no recognition from us or the good folks in our area. Has anyone even considered what we could do to promote this place?

As you know the John Sappington House was built in 1808 by slaves for the Sappington family, and they resided there for some time after the completion. Let's look for a minute at the history of the area, and what it means to Crestwood as well as America.

As you may know the Sappington Cemetery has revolutionary war veterans as well as veterans from other wars this Nation has been engaged in resting there. The Sappington House has for all intent and purpose witnessed the coming and going of one of the most prolific times in American history, and yet it sits there virtually unnoticed to all but local history buffs.

I have been given some ideas on how to promote this landmark to our advantage as well as giving our area residents the chance to see "living history," and I think they are good ones, so here is a short list.

1. Have a "living history" club (The Sappington Militia Company?) do a period "show and
tell" during certain hours on Saturdays.

2. Have a "story Lady" dressed in period attire there for a children's story hour to be
held every Saturday during the summer vacation season.

3. Have a shop that is dedicated to early Americana selling antiques, and items for the
the home, and hearth.

4. Set up a seasonal stand to take advantage of the "traffic" on the trail behind the

5. YOUR TURN! Please give me some ideas I can present to the Board so we can get this off the ground as were paying to have it, so let's use it!

Tom Ford

NO. 1024


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sappington house is not national landmark.

The house that was moved to make way for sappington square is not a history maker either. It sits vacant and decaying.

Perhaps you should use tax money to save it also.

7:59 PM, May 18, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about 'Ye Olde Kentucky Fried Chicken' restauraunt?

6:45 AM, May 19, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:59 PM Blogger: Just wait, tax money will be used in the form of a TIF,TDD,CID as it was to move it in the first place!

I am thinking a black powder gun shop dedicated to antique firearms and accouterments would do well there.

Tom Ford

7:18 AM, May 19, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:45 AM Blogger: There is no restaurant on the planet that could make a go of no space, no location, and the heavy restrictions placed on it.

Back to the old gun shop, at least the theme fit's.

Tom Ford

7:21 AM, May 19, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To me that restaurant/tea-room (what ever it is) always had absolutely zero "come on in" appeal.

It's almost as if it existed solely as a private spot for folks who would rather not have folks like me around.......I hope termites eat it.

7:52 AM, May 19, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous,
what are you proud about Crestwood?

11:12 AM, May 19, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:52 AM Blogger: I am a believer in the old Groucho Marx saw, "I would never be a member of any club that would have me as a member!"

Now you know why I never darkened their door. I do think though that we could have prospered from a country and western song written about the place, "Old F##T's and cold rolls." (suggested by an reader who shall remain anonymous!

Tom Ford

5:05 PM, May 19, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom, you are only as old as you feel!

11:50 PM, May 19, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

11:50 PM Blogger: Well yes, but this morning after a day of fishing and running a 16' Jon boat I feel like ?

Haven't used those parts of the body for a while, and I feel like I just built the Sappington House Barn by myself this morning.

Tom Ford

6:51 AM, May 20, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:59 PM Blogger: Your wrong of course, here look it up!

Be advised that the Thomas Sappington House is on the

Tom Ford

5:04 PM, May 20, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did an online search for Sappington House and places in st. Louis county at the national Register of historic places and found nothing. Perhaps I used the wrong search criteria.


5:26 AM, May 21, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:26 AM Blogger: The book name is "The past in our presence"

St. Louis County Dept. of Parks and recreation, 1996.

See page 20 for the photo and write up.

For further contact Ms. Jackie Stock who has the book and all the information on same.

Tom Ford

9:04 AM, May 21, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

AMC Theater closed for good on last Thursday.

Not much left other than an eyeglass place to shop for!

Memo to owners: Time to fish or cut bait, what say you do something even if it's wrong.

Tom Ford

5:59 PM, May 21, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree. They need to put up or shut up. Stop dangling the rehab of the mall in front of us and sell it. They clearly aren't going to do anything.

9:34 PM, May 21, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if the owners are talking rehab but really looking to sell?

11:02 PM, May 21, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Probably both...If they can turn a profit by selling as is then sell.
If the Economy perks and they have a plan to make money rehabbing it...then rehab.However I dont think they have a plan..and I don't think they have any one interested in buying..and so it sits......Eyeglasses in less than an hour..!

7:29 AM, May 22, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:29 AM I was told it was the previous mayor's fault that nothing was being done at the mall. I was told that he was the reason why the mall owners were not moving or giving us any answers. This mayor was going to put pressure on them and everything would be different as soon as he got elected. Why was it an issue before but not it isn't? I don't see any difference.

8:15 AM, May 22, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would be curious as to how many businesses in Crestwood have ever had the Mayor or an Alderman stop by to just ask.. if they need anything?

9:16 AM, May 22, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:16 AM I don't know the answer to that question. I just know that in this town it is all about politics. No different than on the state and federal level. There are things good and bad that all presidents, mayors, senators, reps., etc. have done. But when you play politics, you only hear bad things said about opponents which may or may not be true. If you want somebody voted out of office, say what you want to say and if you say it long enough, whether it is true or false, you will get people to vote your way.

9:44 AM, May 22, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:15 poster, I remember seeing a statement from Mr. Schlink when he was running for mayor that indicated that he would simply get on the phone and get the mall thing rolling. It was not Roy's fault, and it is not Jeff's fault. They have nothing to do with what the owners of the mall decide to do. The reason you see no difference is because the city doesn't own the mall.

9:46 AM, May 22, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The business would answer we need more revenue.

How would you propose to provide more revenue?

Give them our tax money?

10:32 AM, May 22, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:46 5/22 - I agree with you 100% but while the mudslinging was going on to get Mayor Jeff to defeat Roy, everything negative was used as a tool against Roy. The Mall was one of them. So as you said "it wasn't Roy's or Jeff's that the Mall is vacant. But when did that ever stop people from getting mayors or aldermen defeated and others elected. That Mall Issue was not the truth and should have never been pinned on anybody, but it was. Water under the bridge but voters loved blaming somebody for the Mall not getting rebuilt. And the Roy Haters used it and it was very effective. So now you say it is no one's fault which is true; but at that time nobody made that statement. It's called politics and people buy into it. I like Mayor Jeff but never for one minute did I think he was going to be a cataylist to get the Mall up and running. You don't have to be too smart to know that investors are not going to do anything when a financial crisis is going on. But people who campaigned against Roy that used it, can now ask the same question to Mayor Jeff but I don't hear a peep out of them. Same old, same old! Politics is the name of the game and it is alive and well in Crestwood. If you are one of those half-baked residents who plays the blame game, you made a feast out of Mayor Roy with just this one Mall issue.

2:32 PM, May 22, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You lead from the front not a dias twice a month.
I see none of that in Crestwood..It has the feel of decay and indifferance .. and businesses sense that.

2:32 PM, May 22, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only differance I can tell between the Old Mayor and the New Mayor is the New one flutters his eyes more when he is under pressure..and he's costing the taxpayers $70,000..per pay off.
Apart from that...same ole same ole..

4:12 PM, May 22, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

5:51 PM, May 22, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:51 poster, that was mean spirited and uncalled for. You don't need to be a jerk.

6:11 PM, May 22, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree. for the new mayor he is at least not..plain

7:50 PM, May 22, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:51 Plain Stupid. Got rid of Greer. I call that brilliant. Nobody else had the rocks to do it.

10:04 PM, May 22, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I see none of that in Crestwood..It has the feel of decay and indifferance .. and businesses sense that."

WHAT WOULD YOU do to change this feel?

11:38 AM, May 23, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Annex the city to Kirkwood.

12:30 PM, May 23, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5;51 PM Blogger: NO personal insults unless you sign your name, remember?

Tom Ford

3:59 PM, May 23, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

12:30 PM Blogger: You wish to pay really high water and electric bills I see. Now do you also want the indifference that Kirkwood would bring with it?

Tom Ford

4:01 PM, May 23, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I consider that money well spent for a vibrant growing community.don,t you?

7:23 PM, May 23, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about the sky high property tax rate of 0.6030/$100 in Kirkwood? Crestwood is a bargin at 0.4410/$100. Prop S. accounts for $.20/$100 of this rate. We will be at $.2410/$100 when Prop S. expires. Serously folks, take a look at expenses, get rid of few more "ADMIN" people, Animal Control etc. and we will still be faced with the fact that we are trying to provide Cadillac services on Chevy budget. Time to have REAL discussion on this fact.

11:40 AM, May 24, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There you have the crux of the problem...Kirkwood expectations with Crestwood taxes...

3:18 PM, May 24, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The sales tax on your Cadillac is higher if you bought it in Crestwood too....(as is the Chevy)

4:59 PM, May 24, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sales tax is 8.425% in Crestwood. Kirkwood it is 8.175%. A wopping $.25% higher. On a $50,000 Cadillac that's $125 one-time higher payment vs. $.40/$100 higher personal property tax levy on same Cadillac on Kirkwood. Equates to $66.6 per year on the Caddy alone. Throw in a house worth $175,000 add another $133 per year in property tax for Kirkwood vs. Crestwood. Not even close to paying the same taxes, but getting the same services... fire, police, public works, parks.

8:25 PM, May 24, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How on earth is Northwest Plaza getting redeveloped and Crestwood Court isn't?

8:28 PM, May 24, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:28 poster- it's all based on who owns the mall. The owners of our mall clearly have no intention of doing anything with it, whereas the owners of NW Plaza obviously do.

9:51 PM, May 24, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:40 AM, May 24, 2012

Crestwood is a bargain ... as far as real estate taxes. Other taxes (sales, utilities, fees) are on par or even higher than other municipalities.

Now, as an anti-tax zealot (as I was referred to by a letter to the editor writer), I would go along with making Prop S permanent. Make your case to the people. They are already paying it and it may be easier to "sell" than a conventional tax increase.

I guess I'm not the zealot that people think I am.

10:35 PM, May 24, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Mall is an investment for them..they are waiting for it to apreciate in value so they can sell at a profit. The money for redevelopment isn;t there unless the Mayor and Co. give them some.
Crestwood is a bargain because for years the mall payed all the bills...Well I got news for you...those days are gone.

6:23 AM, May 25, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:23 am Blogger: Correct in your assessment of the issues the Mall owners are facing. You are also correct about the heyday coming to a close, but now what to do?

I feel we must hold Prop "S" on the books, in fact I would say, keep it as were all used to paying it anyway.

That would be a start, next we must cut the labor force through attrician, early retirement, and culling the heard down to the size we REALLY need.

Following that the inflated salaries, take home cars, duplicate services and the use of City vehicles (non essential) as "personal cars" must be stopped.

Once we have become "lean an mean" we should have an audit of exactly what we need completed and then FOLLOW IT'S RECOMMENDATIONS FOR A CHANGE!

If at that point it becomes obvious that we need more funding then I say put it to the tax payers for a vote. To do so prior to doing the above would be ridiculous if you ask me.

Tom Ford

7:14 AM, May 25, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I support your statements.

I understand we do not have an accounting system in place that tracks the assets of the city.

What do you think we should do?

9:31 AM, May 25, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think an independant audit is the perception of real or imaginary favoritism is avoided.Plus the BOA could use it as leverage.

9:31 AM, May 25, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:31 AM Blogger: What to do? Well for starters we MUST have an accurate accounting system in place even if it's a green eye shade and a quill pen!

We should be able to tell everyone in real time what account's receivable shows, what we are paying out, and to whom, and what the current balance is.

If we don't know what the City assets are how do we know if we need a new widget? We could have a whole shelf full and not know it.

I am in full favor of a running "cycle count" inventory of ALL City assets and if something is missing a receipt must be available for it.

Dollars in the check book WAS a fine idea in it's time but to run the City in today's environment we have to be a bit more sophisticated. I know the first cost is high but I believe it will pay for itself very soon in lost asset tracking.

If the City takes a DSD on an item we should sell it on the open market at auction and use the funds for current needed items.

In other words, let's take control of this balance sheet, find out where the hemorrhaging is and stop it before it's too late!

I think the Board of Alderman should meet with the finance officer ASAP (if they already haven't) and demand that a full register be made available to them (and we the tax payers) so we know where to start.

Tom Ford

11:54 AM, May 25, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having seen Crestwood leadership in action over several crisises and basing my opinions on those actions...I don't think anything of substance will materialise..
The Mayor is basically the cowardly lion with no Dorothy and no Wizard to come to his aid.

3:34 PM, May 25, 2012  
Anonymous Sandy G. said...

I would like to comment please!

A history lesson: When building the Crestwood Community Center, a bond issue was not accepted by the mayor and board. Instead the city fathers at that time voted to "pay as we go" on building a community center.

At every meeting, the board would approve whatever needed to be paid as the construction progressed.

At the end of the minutes of every meeting, those cash disbursements were delineated. There was no bonded indebtedness, and that was mentioned over and over as something to be proud of. (sorta like the guy who only has 75,000 dollars in the bank, and decides to buy himself a new cadillac and pay cash for it). Bank Account now says balance $0.00.

We were financially solvent, and wow that was suppose to be soooo great!

But.... Think of it -all that money we had at that time and paying cash for every single solatary brick, and tons of concrete, wallboard, footings, roofing, (gosh! think about what goes into building materials for a community center), and labor costs - and the list goes on and on. Think - of the money we paid out "c.o.d."

And Now .......everybody doesn't understand why we are short on cash flow. Now everybody wants to blame recent city officials; until you factor in what was done back in the late 1970's, early 1980's! A community center, ballfield, sidewalk replacement programs, etc. etc. Try going back and reading the minutes if you want to see what happened to our money - up close and personal! Add it all up and see how much money it cost us.

If you do, you will not play the blame game regarding recent mayors and board members. For what I have seen, those people who were suppose to be watching the store years ago, flubbed their dub".

That money could have been invested, if a bond issue would have been done and today the bonds would have be paid for. But everybody thought Mayor Vitalis was crazy! Yes it is all water under the bridge now. But darn.... we sure could have been in a different position now had we been frugal.

Good Lord! It's a wonder we lasted this long.

So please don't call Mayor Jeff the cowardly lion 3:34 PM. That isn't fair. I feel sorry for those who now have to make decisions based on a very delicate budget.

Anyhow....I am just saying. Thank you for your indulgence!

5:19 PM, May 25, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:19 PM Blogger: Sandy, the one thing that I am struck by is the total lack of participation at BOA meetings by those who complain here.

Look at the attendance (or lack there of) and you will see that most of the whiners seem to barely know where City Hall is!

The phone numbers of ALL the Alderman and the Mayor are posted on the City web site, and if someone wishes to complain, praise, suggest, or recommend they may come to the meeting or call them.

Tom Ford

7:07 AM, May 26, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

As a PS if you will, one thing I would say about Mayor Schlink is the fact that HE IS the Mayor, the detractors are not!

I they want to run the railroad, well file, campaign, get elected and then we shall see who low rates them.

Tom Ford

7:12 AM, May 26, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have never seen you at a boa meeting Tom.
There is one old gentleman who stands up and gives them hell.
I salute his civic duty.

8:28 PM, May 27, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:28 PM Blogger: That would no doubt be true as I have lost the sight in one eye, and the other dosen't work very well for night driving.

I get my info from the recordings that Tina Flowers makes available to all of us on the web site, and if I feel that I should say something at the next meeting I will be there.

The gentleman you spoke of is no doubt Dr. Brophy who attends mot all of the meetings, and knows what of he speaks.

I ran for Alderman in 06 and lost, but I did run, which I believe entitles me to a voice from the cheap seats, ergo the Blog.

Tom Ford

7:02 AM, May 28, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I believe they speak about another gentlemen not Dr. Brophy. He rarely attends?

8:46 PM, May 28, 2012  

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