Tuesday, May 08, 2012

White House requires registration of UN-born children for tours!

I knew they were pro choice but to require the parents of an unborn child to register? I tell you folks, you just can't make this up! What next, do we have "people" then come to your residence and "suggest" that you really don't want or need this child? Nuff said, please click on the link and form your own conclusion. And before anyone goes nuts here saying this is "not Crestwood," nor is it relevant, I beg to differ, it is relevant, and it goes to our leadership now in office. Tom Ford NO. 1021


Anonymous Anonymous said...

okay, I'll bite. How do you get from registering a pregnant woman's condition to evil being showing up in the dark of night to take the baby? Please explain.

6:26 PM, May 08, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:26 PM Blogger: Not condition at all, THEY WANT THE INFORMATION, ALL OF IT. that's just not normal!

Tom Ford

6:39 PM, May 08, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, I did a search for every souce to that story I could find, and the only place it appeared was far-right religious and/or pro-life blog sites. That makes, in my view, the story completely unreliable and without merit. I would be more likely to give it weight if I read it even on Fox News, which didn't have it either. No legitimate news source had it, so I have filed it under the great socialism scare and the sky is falling and birthers all that idiocy. I refuse to create crises where there aren't any.

7:01 PM, May 08, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Michelle Bachmann apparently tweeted about it. Well NOW it's a legitimate story.....not.

Also, Tom, can you please explain how your cover story on this thread says that this is relevant to Crestwood in reference to our current leadership? Are you indicating that our current mayor will come to a pregnant woman's door and "suggest"(as you put it)she doesn't need that child? This whole thread is very odd and doesn't make much sense. So I am asking: what exactly are you saying?

9:43 AM, May 09, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:01 PM Blogger: Well the article was published by the Washington Free Beacon, a recognized newspaper in Washington, DC, and carried by the Drudge report.

Tom Ford

3:10 PM, May 09, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:43 AM Blogger: I am saying that asking for this as a "matter of National security" is quite a bit more than strange.

As far as our local leadership is concerned they will have nothing to do with it! I was referring to your president and his party, but you knew that.

Your right it dosen't make any sense why all of a sudden after all these years the White House visitors must now identify an unborn child, no does it.

There you go, take it from there and form your own conclusion which is what I intended for you to do when I posted it!

You can do that, can't you?

Tom Ford

3:16 PM, May 09, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Newspaper file and address for above:


Read it!

Tom Ford

3:31 PM, May 09, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

read it. You're right. The sky is in fact falling.

4:21 PM, May 09, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4;21 PM Blogger: Well you can think what you will, but let's see what happens.

Tom Ford

6:08 PM, May 09, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We should enact a requirement at the BOA meetings that all aldermen and alderwomen have a pulse present.

12:54 PM, May 17, 2012  
Anonymous Sandy G. said...

12:54 PM 5/17

You can always move somewhere else!

OR you can start your own city!

OR if you are so dissatisfied with those pulseless people on the dais, you can run for office yourself and make a difference. But OMG - it's probably more fun to watch from the sidelines and ridicule - especially since you can still hide anonymously!

10:08 AM, May 20, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonimity has its advantages.
The police don't know which house to park out side of.

10:52 AM, May 22, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10.52 poster...I heard that story too....
and the Mayor did nothing..A disgrace for the city odf Crestwood.

2:36 PM, May 22, 2012  

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