Saturday, June 23, 2012

Announcing the first annual BBQ cook off contest at The Sappington House!

Ladies and gentlemen, please mark your calender's to attend the first annual BBQ cook off to be held at The Sappington House Barn on Saturday, August 25, 2012 from 11:00 AM till 6:00 PM.

Participants from all four wards are invited to compete (sign up forms will be at City Hall,) and the judges will be invited from the following City offices:

The mayor.

Public Works (Roseann has accepted.)

The Police Department.

The Fire Department.

A "traveling trophy" will be inscribed with the winners name and displayed at City Hall, with "smaller" trophy's being awarded to the second and third place winners. The decision of the judges (honest to a fault) will be final.

As of this writing we will have members of the Trappers of Starved Rock, reenactors group in attendance dressed in period clothing to explain life in the late 1700- early 1800 period to all interested parties.

This will be a great family fun day for all, and we know it will be a great way to showcase our fair City as well as the Thomas Sappington House. Our City was voted the best place to raise children in Missouri, and this is but one way to show the area why.

Tom Ford

NO. 1031


Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Notice you're ALL gone? If you have something to say that is conducive to the idea as proposed by Mr. Chris Miller, please say so.

Failing that, please play somewhere else as were all stocked up here.

Tom Ford

3:41 PM, June 23, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for your work in putting this together. Will all 4 wards complete or how does this work?

5:12 PM, June 23, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5;12 PM Blogger: It's going to be pretty straight forward as were going to register the participants by Ward (1-2-3-or 4) when they sign up.

The day of the contest we will have "sections" for each Ward to set up in, and then the official judges will stop at each table, sample the bill of fare, and vote accordingly.

The ward with the most individual votes by the judges will then be declared the winner, the Ward number will be inscribed on the "traveling trophy" and then placed in City hall.

Tom Ford

5:32 PM, June 23, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how is the word getting out? In the paper?

5:36 PM, June 23, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Addendum to the above: It should be noted that there will be no cost to the City for the trophy's (first, second, third place) as I will be more than happy to donate them for the event.

If you would like to donate your time and talents for this (or any other) event, please contact the committee members listed below.

Jackie Stock

Tim Trueblood

Chris Miller

Tom Ford (314-341-2307)

You can call or leave a message here on the Blog and we will get back to you.

Tom Ford

5:39 PM, June 23, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:36 PM Blogger: I will be contacting the news papers as well as a 'friendly' TV station to spread the word.

We are also working with City Hall to get it in the next news letter as well.

If you have any contacts that would be of help in spreading the word please tell us, or better yet, join the group as the 'media manager.'

Tom Ford

5:44 PM, June 23, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about an aldermaic/ mayoral dunking booth with all proceeds going to Charity?,,,
Are there t,v stations that are not friendly to Crestwood? if so name them.

6:40 AM, June 24, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:40 AM Blogger I believe I can find the 'dunking booth' if they would volunteer to be the 'dunkies.'

I know of NO TV stations that are unfriendly to Crestwood, I do know a couple of people that have been employed by a local TV station however, hence the reference to 'friendly.'

Tom Ford

6:55 AM, June 24, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry Tom, I am recovering from having the bottom 9 inches of my spine fused and have 6 screws 3 inches along with metal plates holding the fused area together.

I will not volunteer to be the a 'dunkies.'

Tim Trueblood

5:24 PM, June 24, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tim, you can go in head first....!
Department heads could volunteer too...!
It's all for a good cause..!

7:12 PM, June 24, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:24 PM Blogger: That's OK Tim, just let Mr. Eckrich pull your shift.

One thing though, please don't let him drive the City take home car until he is bone dry!

Tom Ford

8:12 PM, June 24, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

The sign up sheets will be available both here and at City Hall next week. Please contact me with any ideas you may have or to join the committee.

Tom Ford


6:57 AM, June 29, 2012  

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