BBQ AND CHILI COOK OFF ANYONE? We have an idea for a fun day courtesy of Mr. Chris Miller. Ward 4.

Ladies and Gentlemen this plan to have a cookoff in Crestwood is in the infency stage as we do not have a venue or a date set yet, but we do have the idea courtesy of Mr. Chris Miller, Ward Four resident smd hopefully committee member.
If you read the last part of the thread below you will see how Mr. Miller brought the idea to the table so to speak, and Ward Two Alderman Tim Trueblood adopted it as a way to showcase Crestwood this summer.
Ms. jackie Stock and I will be visiting the Westlake Ace Hardward store today to visit with the management and get a handle on their feelings referenc holding it on the parking lot there.
Stay tuned, and please make any suggestions to run or improve here as we will be forming a committee soon and they will be passed on. By the way, would YOU like to serve on that commettee? If so please contact Jackie Stock. Alderman Trueblood, or me for further.
Tom Ford
I spoke to the Mayor, and the Police and Fire chief (also acting City Administrator Kessler today and all are aboard as of this writing.
We have a possible venue for the event pending approval by the property owner, and we will see them this week.
Now we need a crew to make this happen so please contact Alderman trueblood, Jackie Stock, or me (314-341-2307) to step up and volunteer.
Please remember what Mark Twain said a few years ago, "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than the ones you did"
Please come aboard and help our Town become we can be.
Tom Ford
I tried calling. Your answering machine says don't leave a message. Do you want me to leave a message or not?
Chris Miller
No need to as the phone saves your number for me as you found out when I called back.
Tom Ford
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