Is it me or is the Government out of control?
This latest ban on soft drinks over 16 oz's in New York is a classic example of the "nose of he camel in the tent." What we have here is a out of control do gooder in the form of a politician who is telling Americans what the can, and can't eat, drink, and yes, season their daily intake of food.
I know that some will say it's for the right reasons, but a usual it turns out to be for all the wrong results. Does this clown really think that the American people are so stupid as to not order TWO if they want 32 oz's? Or is it that the real idea all along is to TAX the soda twice thus making more for the "tax and spend" crowd to squander?
What to do? Well for openers I will NEVER visit New York City as long as that fool is in office, nor will I EVER buy anything on line that comes from there. As the old saying goes, hit em in the wallet and maybe the light will be seen.
For once before I die I would just like to see democrats and Republicans keep out of our lives and leave us to our own devices, please!
Tom Ford
NO. 1027
Obesity is the latest manufactured crisis that giovernment has decided to be a savior.
First. SUVs
Then cigarettes, hamburgers and fries, alcohol, butter, eggs, red meat, soda etc. etc.
In my line of work we refer to this phenomenon as white noise. Useless effort with no return.
Perhaps someday the priorities (politics) will be refocused.
I feel the same way about Crestwood that Tom does about New York except my boycott is working a lot better than his,,,,and my friends do the same.,,,,,
7:58 poster- what boycott are you referring to?
Good Morning,
A boycott is not the answer to getting our Country back.
We need to be citizens of USA by asking questions of our politicians to make them accountable and honest.
We need to unite by questioning our Local, State, and Federal spending.
Is it true that our State is pulling public monies from our Local Governments to pay their bills?
It is time to educate the masses that we need to spend a "minimize" amount not "maintain or sustain" our spending. It is our fidiciary responsibility as a citizen of USA to ask questions to turn our country around.
If everyone cuts 30% of their budgets by maximizing their expenditures verus minimizing, we will have our Country back in the green.
It is easier to maintain and sustain our costs then to really make hard core decisions in cutting what is not necessary.
Tom, How about coming up with ideas on what we as citizens can send our Politicians and to our Newspapers?
We are all guilty of this mess and now we need to stand up and have a cup of coffee to figure where we want to question our spending and expenditures. We can not continue to live they way we are living if we want Our Country back to our Citizens.
Do you want our parks and public properties sold to any country?
We stopped the spending and expenditures in the City of Crestwood, now we need to continue our efforts in the State and Federal issues ASAP.
We can do it because we love Our Country and our citizens!!!
We need to learn from Our Founding Fathers on how they educated the citizens. One issue at a time!
'We stopped the spending and expenditures in the City of Crestwood, now we need to continue our efforts in the State and Federal issues ASAP.'
A $100,000 snow plow...A $76,000 expenditure for copiers,,
$70,000 gift of hush money to a former city administrator...
What spending has Crestwood cut?
Free AMC theater tickets for the Mall cimema??
"$70,000 gift of hush money to a former city administrator.." back up your claim or admit it is a lie.
2:18 5/5/12 Hey Mr.know it all.... instead of bitching about everything, why don't you run for office and show them how to make a miracle!
"Hush money" to a former C.A. - where are you getting your info from? She had a contract - give me a break!
Snow plow! Yes cause we need one and it was duly noted at a board of aldermen meeting. You make me laugh because you would be the first one to bitch if your street doesn't get plowed this winter because the equipment was being repaired. So, yes, I don't see a problem with that and you shouldn't either.
Get real and wake up and smell the coffee. Either get up there, run for office and show us all how you can cut everything to the bare bones and still run a city. If you can do that - you will pack the usually empty board of aldermen chambers with all Crestwood citizens.
I am just saying.....
Have you reviewed the fleet of dump trucks.
Perhaps I should send you a picture where they are parked doing nothing most of the time.
I would rather have spent the money on a new roof(badly needed) on Whiteclliff center. Update the lighting in the city buildings and lower the energy costs. Replace the worn out HVAC at Whitecliff with an energy efficient that would reduce energy costs. These pay back the money spent. Snow plows do not.
The possibility of removing snow once a year with adepreciating assets is not my idea for expenditure.
The board did not perform its due diligence .
5:58 poster: I applaud your involvement in the city and its running. More residents need to get involved. I assume the next board meeting I attend I will see you, and I will definitely vote for you when you run for alderman! I like your ideas and I like that you feel residents need to be involved and vocal. I agree and look forward to supporting you in your efforts!
The poster has a point,,,first was she fired for cause? If so doesn,t that constitute the voiding of her contract?If that is so why was she given a large sum of money and obliged to sign an agreement to say nothing concerning her sad demise,? ,, probably to avoid a large ammount of embarrassment in public for all involved. .I'm. Sure there was nothing inappropriate that she did.... May we all have the opportunity to be fired by and fired ..often...! By Crestwood!
I will see you Tuesday June 26th.
5:58 poster. Like I said before, run for office if you feel things are not being taken care of with due diligence. Apparently you already have someone at 6:25 PM that will be your campaign manager.
7:31 PM May I ask, what point did the poster make? You don't even know if the CA was fired for cause and as you are asking the question, I guess you don't know. Further, you ask another question regarding the voiding of her contract. So you really don't know that answer either.
All you know is what you hear.
I take it that you also nix a contract or agreement with a prospective city administrator. Well most city managers and city administrators have contracts to protect themselves. Ms. Eastman isn't alone in that respect. Why? Because so many of them get fired or let go due to politics that seems to interfere and polute their positions. ( I am not eluding that it was the case with Ms. Eastman but that is why contracts are set up. Yes politics can bring about an unsavory demise of a city administrator. It happens everywhere. It's called small town BS which exists in many cities - just as much as it does with the big guns at the State and Federal level. It is not an easy job.
No one really knows why or what constituted Ms. Eastman's departure because it is not for public discussion; therefore, all anybody says and tells you is pure "heresay" and nothing more.
Even you, who thinks the previous poster has a point, has asked three questions. If you have to ask - you don't know!
I do agree, however, that if you have something to say, the 6:25 poster is correct. You should get involved and attend the board meetings.
There are lots of younger residents who are smart, and need to keep Crestwood alive and well. But the naysayers always have to bitch and moan. That would put anybody's fire out!
I am just saying.....
To All, reference the departure of the C/A. NONE of us are or will be "in the loop" on this, so may I suggest we chalk it up to an unavoidable circumstance and let it go.
There Are much bigger fish to fry here in town so let's move on to where were going to find new businesses to come to Crestwood.
Tom Ford
I agree with you.
We need to unite and cease all blame.
We all to blame for our debt.
We need to ask questions and help our politicians be honest.
The WW II folks spoke up and wrote letters and helped out to keep things on track.
We as citizens can get Our Country back.
I have hope in each of you to help in some way.
The blame game is over.
We need to read Our Constitution and act like citizens by being involved.
Our relatives fought for Our Country. We need to stand up and be proud and figure out a way as a team to fix our economy quick!
Here is one solution:
Have Congress give $1 million dollars to each citizen to buy a house, a car, and whatever!
Will this fix our problems of living high on the hog?
What are your ideas of fixing our economy to get Our Country back?
I love my Country and want it debt free so I can sleep at night knowing that I will have a Country on the next day!
How about starting a plan of action on coming up with solutions to our debt?
We can do it.
Our relatives and friends made it through the Depression.
6:23 And 6:26 Bloggers: I will start a new thread on the subject tomorrow AM.
Good idea as Alderman Foote and i discussed this after the Veterans committee meeting today.
Tom Ford
Tom, does this mean that Alderman Foote is feeling better? I recall that he had been ill.
8:51 PM Blogger: Sadly I will tell you that while he was there I did not get the impression that he was at all well.
Tom Ford
I am very sorry to hear that. I know you have disliked him over the years, but I have always found him to be a very nice gentleman. I wish him well.
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