Thursday, July 05, 2012

It's going to be another hot one today (106) folks, stay cool!

(Photo From a friend via email.)

Please do everything you can to stay cool today and until this heat wave breaks. If you have elderly neighbors please check on them often, and make sure your outdoor pet's have plenty of water and shade.

Tom Ford

NO. 1033


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please do not EVER leave an animal out in heat like this. They cannot cool themselves like people can, and it is cruel and sometimes fatal not to get them to a cooler place.

2:36 PM, July 05, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually the unfortunate pup was the victim of a hail storm....

3:36 PM, July 05, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A very "localized" hail storm at that!

4:04 PM, July 05, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:04 PM, Blogger: The "localized" hail storm looks more like a cooler dump, and the Boxer being no dummy took full advantage of it.

To the 2:36 PM Blogger who is concerned about pets being left out in this heat, I share your concern, and I have asked (nicely) four people to remove their dogs from a parked vehicle in the past week.

Tom Ford

5:37 AM, July 06, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am glad to hear that. I can't understand why anyone would leave an animal in a car in this crazy heat. What is wrong with people?

1:44 PM, July 06, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

1:44 PM Blogger: "What's wrong with people?" Well good question as a little 7 year old girl was shot dead in Chicago yesterday, and all they can say is "how do we stop the violence?"


Tom Ford

6:51 PM, July 06, 2012  
Anonymous Sandy G. said...

Yeah Tom - I agree. I have been on line to the german shorthair pointer rescue looking for another dog and you cannot believe what people do and how they treat their so-called pets. Mo. Ark. Kansas gsp rescue group can tell you stories that would make the hairs on your arms stand up.

We have so many different organizations helping people with their lives - there are more organizations than you can count. But the animals are the ones thrown out of cars, left on the street to die, and neglected so bad it makes you sick.

I say what is wrong with people who think shooting, violence and neglect to others or animals - should be caught and prosecuted to the full extent of the law - Texas Style - Hung At Dawn with no possibility of jail time. (our prisons are full enough the way they are).

Our pets would never turn on us - but people HA - turn on us every day.

12:03 PM, July 09, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

12:03 PM Blogger: Now that's vintage Sandy! Welcome back and glad you are looking for another German Short Hair.

My friend gave away the one i told you about, and that was a shame as it would have been perfect for you.

Tom ford

4:52 PM, July 09, 2012  
Anonymous Sandy G. said...

Tom, I hae been pretty much in a deep black hole without my GSP Jesse. There is an empty space here in our house. I intend to fill it with "fur" again with another GSP (my 4th). What I cannot believe is how these dedicated rescue people find so many dogs who have been abandoned and some terribly mistreated. I am sorry I wasn't able to see your friend's GSP. A man from the rescue group came to our house after I filled out some priliminary paper work to make sure we had a yard and place that suits the dog that I finally adopt; it use to be the other way around in that we want to know about the dog's history. Yes they checked us out with questions to make sure we were good enough for the dog!!!!

Yep - it is my experience that 90% of the mail we get are solicitation letters for contributions to people who are in a bad position - with no money, bad health, cancer, asking for money for their food pantries, etc. So, I feel that man's best friend is put by the wayside.

Further, with people, do we really know where our contributions go? HA that's people for you.....but your dog would never, ever turn their back on you and would never do anything but try to make you happy. So, dear Tom - what's wrong with this picture?????

Stay cool everyone!

7:04 PM, July 09, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sandy, so glad to know you're using a rescue group to find your next dog! Those poor animals need homes and care. Often when I go walking I see the volunteers at our little shelter here in crestwood walking the dogs. I hope they find homes soon too. I am an animal lover like you.

7:24 AM, July 10, 2012  
Anonymous Sandy G. said...

Thanks so very much for your comment. Jesse and I went walking every day and I met some of the most gracious and wonderful Crestwood residents I never knew before. Note: I always carried a plastic bag for accidents along the way, in case some people need to know this.

But I am glad that someone else shares my views. I am very much an animal lover and proud of it.
Jesse died 3 days before his 8th birthday three weeks ago and I have a big black hole where my heart use to be.

You have no idea how happy it makes me feel knowing that I am not alone on this blog. Some of the nicest people are animal lovers as I know Tom is.

Hope you are having a good summer; and hopefully these great unsung heros who go out and rescue these poor and neglected animals will some day get the plaudits they deserve.

9:47 AM, July 10, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank you for your kind comments. A lady who volunteers at the Crestwood shelter lives in my neighborhood, and she has told me the most heart-wrenching stories! Those volunteers really go above and beyond...she told me of traps specially built to rescue a litter of kitten from someone's soffits, day-in, day-out checking on traps for wildlife and cats....I am impressed by those stories and hope they keep up the good work. Makes me feel like I should sign up to help! After all, I don't think caring for animals should stop at pets...sick and injured wildlife need help too sometimes.

12:41 PM, July 10, 2012  
Anonymous Sandy G. said...

Dear Anonymous:

Well it seems that one thing leads to another on this blog so I promise I won't intrude any longer giving my views on this subject.

The laws of conservation are suppose to protect our wildlife but we always end up coming to the crossroads where people invade the land that wildlife inhabits for our own uses, and wildlife meets urban renewal. Animals that are not domestic become injured, displaced or die. And once again, it is humans that cause the problems.

Urban sprawl is to blame for that since we keep going further out to build homes. Of course right now the builders have slowed up a bit due to the national economy. But builders have used and purchased acres upon acres of farmland or unused land for new building projects, invading the habitate of many wildlife animal. When this land is ultimately excavated for home builders, the wildlife scatters, has go find a new home, is killed or ends up causing problems with the new property owners; invading their food, the lives of their domestic animals, horses or live stock, and the list goes on.

What has happened in our society is that we have destroyed the balance in nature; thus we suffer the consequences. I.E. People who hunt sometimes do not hunt by what is allowed according to the conservation regulations. Some kill wild game at the wrong time of year which impedes on the sustenance of a particular breed of animal such as deer, or rabbit hunting and many others. Shooting too many of the same breed of animal at the wrong time of year can also spread disease as well as destroying the flora and fauna and the "balance" that nature intended.

So here we go again - the culprets are the humans and not the animals - just as they say with domestic animals - there are no bad ones, just bad owners!!!!

I am just saying and now I have had my say. Thanks.

2:46 PM, July 10, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more.

10:27 PM, July 10, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will the volunteers at the Crestwood shelter be entering the Crestwood Grill Contest? Great way to spread the word about your efforts!

10:51 PM, July 10, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i do not know. I will ask my neighbor

8:48 AM, July 11, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:48 AM Blogger: What a great idea! Get a banner, a couple of grills and cooks and join us for a fun day.

We will make sure that the Crestwood animal shelter team has a front and center spot, and while your at it you can raise a few bucks for the program.

Tom Ford

9:38 PM, July 12, 2012  
Anonymous Sandy G. said...

You make sure the Crestwood animal shelter team is front and center and I will be there with bells on!

That is the best idea yet, Tom.

11:37 AM, July 14, 2012  

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