Park Board meeting 8/21/12 in Spellman park at 6:30 PM (See below.)
Ladies and Gentlemen, if you live near, use, or have any interest in how Spellman Park is used, and the plans for same please see the above meeting date and times. You may attend and voice your opinion as to whether the new ideas meet with your approval, or not.
This is a good way to meet your Park Board members and tell them what you would like to see now and in the future.
Tom Ford
NO. 1043
Ladies and Gentlemen, if you live near, use, or have any interest in how Spellman Park is used, and the plans for same please see the above meeting date and times. You may attend and voice your opinion as to whether the new ideas meet with your approval, or not.
This is a good way to meet your Park Board members and tell them what you would like to see now and in the future.
Tom Ford
NO. 1043
Good place for a barbeque...
if anyones intersted.
10:00 AM Blogger:Good idea except the people are too lazy to bring their own pit, so no go!
Tom Ford
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