The Crestwood BBQ cook off contest on 8/25/12 has been cancelled!
I regret to inform you that as of this date no one (outside of the committee) in Crestwood has shown the slightest bit of interest in a fun day at the Sappington House, ERGO the contest is officially cancelled.
I had planned an article in case this sort of thing happened, but why waste the band width, so I shall instead issue the regrets of the committee that it had to be cancelled.
Tom Ford
NO. 1042
I would like to thank the committee for all their hard work. I know they have spend quite a bit of time and effort on this.
I hope it won't stop them from trying to be a part of the solution in the future..
1:18 M Blogger: The committee thanks you for your kind comments.
Rest assured we will continue to TRY to get the Creestwoodians to come out for something in the future.
Tom Ford
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